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Znaczenie w architekturze, a w szczególności zagadnienia związane ze strukturami symbolicznymi, należą niewątpliwie do najtrudniejszych tematów w teorii architektury. Problematyka ta wychodzi znacznie poza zakres zagadnień techniczno-użytkowych, stąd wymaga zastosowania specyficznych podejść badawczych, zbliżonych do tych, jakie stosowane są w naukach humanistycznych i społecznych. W ostatnich dekadach daje się zaobserwować wyraźne przesunięcie punktu ciężkości zainteresowań projektantów architektury z zagadnień techniczno-użytkowych ku problemom związanym z ekspresją artystyczną, a w związku z tym także ku symbolizmowi. Być może jest to rodzaj ucieczki od sfery nie dającej już projektantom tak rozległych możliwości samorealizacji, jaką oferuje sfera ekspresji symbolicznej. Zjawisko takie jest znamienne dla schyłkowych okresów w historii architektury i sztuki takich, jak np. manieryzm czy secesja, a wiele przesłanek wskazuje na to, że w podobnym okresie żyjemy.
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Andrzej Niezabitowski
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Arata Isozaki, winner of the Pritzker Prize in 2019, stated in his acceptance speech that “Change” is his artistic credo. This article discusses the architect’s artistic attitudes in a career that is characterized by a consistent desire to challenge the world with his sophisticated architecture, artistic spirit and wit.
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Krzysztof Ingarden

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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The subject of the research of this article is the vision of the identity of the person in the light of postmodernism in confrontation with the Christian personalist vision of the person. The person in the perspective of postmodernism is deprived of nature and transcendent sense of existence. The identity of the person is understood as relative, fluid. It is not conceived as something permanent, stable, immanent and universal. The identity of a person in the personalist perspective is the resultant of unquestionable certainty regarding his subjectivity. It is an objective, permanent, universal characteristic, constitutive of the person, existing regardless of circumstances. The personalistic, Christian perspective allows one to see the fullness of a person’s existence, the richness of his spiritual dimensions, which is not guaranteed by identity understood postmodernistically. Only in the ontological perspective can the foundation of the uniqueness, distinctiveness and ultimate constitution of the person be found.
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Antoni Jucewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
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The article examines the rise of the postmodern Holocaust narrative in Polish literature taking as a case in point Leopold Buczkowski’s novel Pierwsza świetność (First Glory), published 1966, in the context of the musings of Edmond Jabés and the testimonial writings of Halina Birenbaum. In this study the postmodernization of the Holocaust is treated as an alternative to the traditional genre of the Holocaust testimonial. Contrary to the broadly-held view that the postmodern Holocaust narrative is a fairly recent phenomenon, the article claims that it made its appearance some time after the war, in the mid-1960s. Its emergence can be seen as an attempt to voice the aporias and doubts that resulted from the pressure to draw a line on the wartime experiences and move on. Many writers, including Leopold Buczkowski, were convinced that it was necessary to keep alive the memory of the Holocaust by encrusting the historic record with other plots, problems and metaphors. This article is the fi rst in a series of studies of this problem in the 1970s and the following decades of the 20th and the 21st century.
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Marta Tomczok
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This article analyzes the key characteristics of Olga Tokarczuk's fiction, whose structure appears to embody the epistemological metaphor of a network of fungal threads (mycelium). The article attempts to demonstrate that throughout her fictional world this non-binary principle integrates the whole and the fragment, identity politics and the politics of becoming, life and death, the personal and the impersonal, words and actions. The roots of the approach must be sought in the posthuman(ist) imagination, the influence of which in Tokarczuk's writing can be traced back to the 1990s, rather than her indebtedness to the aesthetic theories of postmodernism.
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Monika Świerkosz

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The study aims to contribute to research on the onomastic-stylistic diversity of Polish prose in the late 20th century. In focus are those onomastic properties of literature that reveal connections between names and language in the process of creating non-mimetic, literary-style fiction. These properties also point to the nature of proper names as they function in a literary work of art — that work being a post-modern intellectual-literary game. The names used in the novel (anthroponyms, toponyms, chrematonyms, also zoonyms) mainly derive from the author’s linguistic creativity: they contribute to the world-view projected through the text. That world-view is “purposefully and totally unusual”, different from the real world.

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Adam Siwiec
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The publication of Dialectics of Enlightenment by M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno in 1947 provoked a fundamental shift in social philosophy of that time. It forced post-war philosophy to look for a new theory that could be used to analyze ‘the society of late
capitalism’. According to the common view, Dialectics of Enlightenment did not propose any new theory that could fulfill the expected role. Because of that, Horkheimer and Adorno allowed post-war ‘anti-enlightenment’, postmodern philosophical currents to deliver a solution to this problem, which ‘cut this Gordian knot’ by getting rid of the idea of determinate negation from philosophy – which had been one of the most fundamental assumptions of modern philosophy from Hegel to Lukács. According to this popular interpretation, works of critical deconstructors of the discourse of modernity, such as e.g. G. Bataille, J. Lacan, M. Foucault, J. Derrida, F. Jameson, N. Land, G. Deleuze, J.F. Lyotard or J. Baudrillard, were a necessary implication of Dialectics of Enlightenment and its inability to form a new theory. My main aim in this work is to undermine such misinterpretations of Dialectics of Enlightenment and to show errors underlying such views about the ‘counterenlightenment’ as its necessary, long-term effect. My goal is to show that Horkheimer and Adorno in fact considered their book to be a beginning of a new, still ‘proenlightenment’ method of critical social philosophy. They also inserted in the book a real solution to the post-war crisis of social philosophy. The ongoing work of contemporary Frankfurt School representatives is a proof that Dialectics of Enlightenment and the critical theory are still alive and actual nowadays.
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1. Adorno T. (1939), On Kierkegaard’s Doctrine of Love, „Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung” / „Studies in Philosophy and Social Science” 8 (3), s. 413–429.
2. Adorno T. (2009), Minima moralia, przeł. M. Łukasiewicz, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
3. Adorno T. (2012a), Świadomość negatywna, przeł. P. Graczyk, „Kronos” 3, s. 9–15.
4. Adorno T. (2012b), Umieranie dzisiaj, przeł. P. Graczyk, „Kronos” 3, s. 16–21.
5. Adorno T. (2017), Introduction to dialectics, przeł. C. Ziermann, Cambridge: Polity.
6. Benjamin W. (2006), Paralipomena to „On the Concept of History”, w: tenże, Selected Writings, t. 4, przeł. E. Jephcott, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, s. 401–411.
7. Deleuze G. (2012a), Nietzsche, przeł. B. Banasiak, Łódź: Officyna.
8. Deleuze G. (2012b), Nietzsche i filozofia, przeł. B. Banasiak, Łódź: Officyna.
9. Geuss R. (2005), On the Usefulness and Uselessness of Religious Illusions, w: R. Geuss, M. Kohlenbach (red.), The Early Frankfurt School and Religion, przeł. L. Löb, New York: Palgrave, s. 29–44.
10. Habermas J. (2005), Filozoficzny dyskurs nowoczesności, przeł. M. Łukasiewicz, Kraków: Universitas.
11. Hegel G.W.F. (2002), Fenomenologia ducha, przeł. A. Landman, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
12. Honneth A. (2007), Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory, Cambridge: Polity.
13. Honneth A. (2009), Pathologies of Reason, przeł. J. Ingram, New York: Columbia University Press.
14. Horkheimer M. (2011), Odpowiedzialność i studia, przeł. H. Walentowicz, „Kronos” 2, s. 237–248.
15. Horkheimer M., Adorno T.W. (1994), Dialektyka oświecenia, przeł. M. Łukasiewicz, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
16. Jameson F. (1990), Late Marxism, London: Routledge.
17. Jameson F. (1991), Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Capitalism, New York: Duke University Press.
18. Jameson F. (1994), The Seeds of Time, New York: Columbia University Press.
19. Jarvis S. (1998), Adorno: A Critical Introduction, New York: Routledge.
20. Kierkegaard S. (2011), Nienaukowe zamykające postscriptum do „Okruchów filozoficznych”, przeł. K. Toeplitz, Kęty: Marek Derewiecki.
21. Kloc-Konkołowicz J. (2018), Czy Odyseusz dopłynie do Itaki? Od Hegla, przez Marksa, do Frankfurtu, „Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria” 4, s. 331–341.
22. Kołakowski L. (2012), Dialektyka negatywna, „Kronos” 3, s. 226–234.
23. Land N. (1992), Georges Bataille and virulent nihilism, London: Routledge.
24. Leder A. (2018), Był kiedyś postmodernizm... Sześć esejów o schyłku XX stulecia, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
25. Markowski M.P. (2001), Nietzsche. Filozofia interpretacji, Kraków: Universitas.
26. Momro J. (2012), Teoria estetyczna jako protodekonstrukcja, „Kronos” 3, s. 98–112.
27. Mörchen H. (1999), Władza i panowanie u Heideggera i Adorna, przeł. M. Herer, R. Marszałek, Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa.
28. Olesik M. (2012), Krytyka i utopia – kręte drogi dialektyki jako idei mesjańskiej w filozofii T.W. Adorna, „Kronos” 3, s. 113–126.
29. Rorty R. (2009), Przygodność, ironia i solidarność, przeł. J.W. Popowski, Warszawa: W.A.B.
30. Schnädelbach H. (2001), Próba rehabilitacji „animal rationale”, przeł. K. Krzemieniowa, Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa.
31. Siemek M. (1994), Posłowie do wydania polskiego. Rozum między światłem i cieniem oświecenia, w: M. Horkheimer, T.W. Adorno, Dialektyka oświecenia, przeł. M. Łukasiewicz, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
32. Siemek M. (2018), W kręgu filozofów, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
33. Sloterdijk P. (2008), Krytyka cynicznego rozumu, przeł. P. Dehnel, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej.
34. Sloterdijk P. (2012), Teoria krytyczna umarła, „Kronos” 3, s. 59–65.
35. Walentowicz H. (2008), Utopia i antyutopia w Szkole Frankfurckiej, „Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria” 3, s. 179–208.
36. Žižek S. (2008), W obronie przegranych spraw, przeł. J. Kutyła, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej.

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Karol Staśkiewicz
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This article presented some critical remarks relating to the understanding of the panen-theism as a postmodern revelation, proposed by David Ray Griffin in his book Panentheism and Scientific Naturalism. Rethinking Evil, Morality, Religious Experience, Religious Pluralism, and the Academic Study of Religion. The main objection relates to the question that the American philosopher and theologian presents the philosophical, not theological conception of revelation. In addition he used the assumptions taken from process philosophy of A.N. Whitehead to construct this conception. The result of these assumptions is a new and original understanding of postmodernism. According to these assumptions panentheism is a conception that reflects properly the God-world relationship. Moreover, panentheism, as Griffin said, avoids mistakes of classical theism and extremes of early and late modernity. This panentheism is an integral part of naturalismppp. Griffin’s attempt to equate panentheism and revelation is based on the interaction recognized by him between God and the world. It manifests in the religious experiences and in the human drive to discover truth, which is, as Griffin said, a divinely-instilled drive. Process panentheism is the attempt to reconcile this revelation with the revelation that comes to us through the Abrahamic and other the-istic traditions. But it is difficult to accept that the revelation that comes to us from these religions, especially the revelation realized in Jesus Christ, gave rise to the recognition of the God-world relationship in terms of panentheism proposed by process theology

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Paweł Sokołowski
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The article is devoted to a well known book of Miłorad Pavić Khazar Dictionary. The discussed work is. unusual, as it merges literature with historical writing. As such, it presents an interesting alternative to traditionally understood historiography.
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Andrzej Radomski
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Interpreting the Gospel parable of the Prodigal Son and the Loving Father (Luke 15:11–32), J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI shows the essence of the biggest problems of modern (particularly Western) society. The younger son’s journey to remote places, far from his father, symbolizes the fundamental gap between the present and God, which - although promising a happy and independent life – turns out to debase him. Blind questioning of the existing order (including the order of Creation!), an apotheosis of variability and a priori assumption of the new-over-the-old superiority, inevitably lead to confusion, with relativism becoming a “moral” reference and criterion for every action. Finally: bitterness and a protest generating violence, emptiness looking for satisfaction in drug-induced ecstasy, men seen as destroyers and enemies of nature. The only solution is a spiritual battle and metanoia – a return to the Father.

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Ks. Jerzy Szymik
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In this article the Author Irys to show in what ways popular computer games influence the historical awareness in modem culture.
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Radosław Bomba
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The Strange Adventures of Don Quixote Retold by Wiktor Woroszylski is a book that has been consistently mislabelled since its publication in 1983. It is described as an abbreviated version of Don Quixote for young readers, probably because of its publisher Nasza Księgarnia specializes in children's books. In fact, however, Woroszylski's the book plays a sophisticated literary game with the original using a whole bag of postmodernist tricks. Like Foucault, Woroszylski does not believe in Quixote's deathbed renunciation of chivalry and conversion to common sense. Nor does he go with the narrator's account of the knight errant's death. In this and many other instances he blames the original author for ignorance. As a result, he takes over and retells the story from a diametrically opposite point of view. Woroszylski's text is thus a supplement and a corrective of the original. The article examines the techniques used to by him to achieve his goals. It also tries to shed more light on his decision to stand up to Cervantes and to position this novel in Woroszylski's oeuvre. Finally, the article considers the effect the reassessment of this novel would have for the history of contemporary Polish fiction.
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Marta Skwara

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński

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