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Kvitka‑Osnovyanenko was the first prose writer of the new Ukrainian literature, the conventional starting point for which is dated as 1798, when Ivan Kotlyarevsky’s Aeneid was published. In 1833‑1834, Hryhoriy Kvitka‑Osnovyanenko began to publish his stories and short novels in Ukrainian. They served as a starting point for all subsequent prose in the Ukrainian language. A structural analysis of Kvitka’s prose has shown that his method of text construction still had much in common with folk tales: texts are constructed on the basis of elemental repetitions or binary oppositions. However, the author has already started to make important semantic shifts, introducing types of characters and collisions alien to folklore text per se. Thus the effect of deautomatization of the folklore perception is reached. The meaning of some texts, which were previously considered “humorous”, in the light of what has been said, acquires a meta‑narrative meaning: A Soldier’s Portrait and The Konotop Witch, have episodes that expose their main compositional technique (‘priyom’) and demonstrate the author’s conscious play with the narrative patterns of folklore.
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Nazarii Nazarov

  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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Interpretative strategies are explored as a type of textual strategies alongside narrative and receptive ones. We illustrate modern, prose‑bound interpretative strategies targeting various types of perception and aesthetic delight. The interpretative strategies of modern Ukrainian and Polish prose are affected by the author’s choice of the convention lines implemented in the story, and the types of perception the story is targeting. These parameters help implement the story’s semantic structure, which determines the way it is interpreted by the reader. The reader’s own life, emotional, and receptive experience builds a criterion for the story’s maturity. The reader’s interpretative effort is seen in the text as a game which is divided into separate milestones and requires a shift in the interpretative vector at each of them or implies the reader’s ability to perceive the virtual worlds of the rhizomatic plot that maps a modern person’s mental processes. The ability to notice in one text various interpretative strategies constitutes one of the ways for the reader to take aesthetic delight as well as building within them man‑world interaction skills, the ability to accept the world’s uncertainty, someone else’s different attitude.
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Andrukhovych S., Amadoka, Lʹviv 2020.
Andrukhovych Yu., Chuvyrla i chudovys'ko, [v:] 100 tysyach sliv pro lyubov, vklyuchayuchy vyhuky, Kharkiv 2008.
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Bieńczyk M., Fragmenty posłowia miłosnego, Warszawa 2011.
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Czapliński P., Poruszona mapa, Kraków 2016.
Dibrova V., Perekazky, Kyyiv 2013.
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Dnistrovyy A., Fioletovyy krolyk, [v:] A. Dnistrovyy, Snidanok na snihu, Kharkiv 2014.
Domańska I., Antropologia literatury – projekt interdyscyplinarny czy transdyscyplinarny?, „Przegląd Kulturoznawczy” 2011, nr 1 (9).
Dorofeev D.Yu., Estetika obraza Lyudviga Vitgenshtejna, «Vіsnik Unіversytetu іmenі Alfreda Nobelya. Serіya: Fіlolohіchnі nauky / Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series: Philology» 2017, № 1 (13).
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Iryna Kropyvko

  1. Дніпро, Дніпровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара
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Japanese literature has been known in Poland at least since the end of the 19th century, when first translations were made of Japanese prose and poetry (although via English or other languages). I consider the first translation made directly from Japanese into Polish language a short story by Kikuchi Kan, entitled Tusz ('Ink'), published in April of 1939, in a monthly magazine "Echoes from Far East." In the same magazine we can find also many examples of stories and poetry written not by Japanese, but by Polish authors, fascinated with Japan and its culture. Works by the same authors: Maria Juszkiewiczowa, Aleksander Janowski, Antoni Kora, Leon Rygier, Remigjusz Kwiatkowski and others were published also in other newspapers and magazines, and as separate novel books. While some short mentions about the earliest translations may be found in books on Japanese literature and contacts between Poland and Japan, novels, stories and poems written originally by Polish authors inspired by Japan are now all but forgotten. Hardly any of them were published again after World War II and they are not to be found in regular libraries. In the present paper I concentrate on the forgotten jewels of Polish prose (and to some extent poetry and drama) based on Japanese themes, published before World War II.

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Anna Zalewska
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The book The Secondhand Time completes the artistic-documentary cycle of works The Voices of Utopia by S. Aleksievich, a Russian-speaking Belarusian author. Like her other books, it actualizes, in her own words, “the genre of human voices, confessions, testimonies and documents of a human soul”. Unlike Western documentary writers whose works oppose the artistic world by undressing and desacralizing it, S. Aleksievich, by following the traditions of the Russian literature, strives to preserve the sacred in her material, oftentimes introducing the artistic and esthetic elements. The article analyzes the tools that the author uses in her book, such as selecning facts and documents, alternating “voices”, editing them, including other sources in the text, moving from location to locatoin, explicit and implicit depiction of conscience, psychology of interlocutors, accentuating basic elements in monologues and remarks, allusions, reminiscences, etc. The conclusion evaluates artistic value of this work.
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Ludmiła Szewczenko
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The article directly and indirectly refers to anthropological and philosophical texts which strive to discover and present the gender factor as important in the light of the humanities. The author refers to “Literackie nie-nazywanie. Onomastykon polskiej prozy współczesnej” (Literary Not-naming. Onomasticon of the modern Polish prose) by Magdalena Graf and indicates the femininity factor as a relevant one also in onomastics.

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Katarzyna Skowronek
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The article presents an analysis of the thread of Yelena Katishonok’s novel Jack Who Built the House (2021), related to the theme of the Katyn massacre. In exploring the context and method of incorporating historical material into a literary text, we proceed from the basic concepts of the “New Historicism”. In the narrative about the fates of modern heroes, the writer weaves a thread related to the history of Poland, namel the arrests of Polish officers in 1939, the Katyn massacre, the formation of the Polish Anders’ Army on the territory of the USSR and the commemoration of the victims in Katyn after the war. The fate of the character associated with this thread, Stanislaw Warzynski, is in many ways the biography of a Polish artist who survived in Katyn, Józef Czapski. Katishonok depicts not only memories of historical events, but above all the efforts of several generations to commemorate the victims.
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Elżbieta Tyszkowska-Kasprzak

  1. Wrocław, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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Since the end of the 2010s, there has been an autofiction boom in Russian prose. The heroes of this literary cross‑genre are artistic projections of the authors, similar while at the same time not similar to their creators. This article presents the female protagonists of two of the most notable autofiction novels of recent years – There Was No Adderall in the Soviet Union (2017) by Olga Breininger and Wound (2021) by Oksana Vasyakina. In addition, the article describes the different life path trajectories of the young heroines. If the journey of Breininger’s artistic projection leads to self‑destruction, then the wanderings of Vasyakina’s artistic projection lead her home.
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Michael Kuhn

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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: The article takes up the problem of autobiographical threads in the prose of Elena Dolgopyat. Although her work lacks a classic autobiography, most of her works are clearly connected with the writer’s biography. In this work I juxtapose two short, unpublished autobiographies of Dolgopiat, which are in my possession, with the writer’s prose works, trying to show the influence of the events in her life on her work. The theoretical basis for my considerations are the works of Małgorzata Czermińska, Katarzyna Citko, Georges Gusdorf as well as numerous reviews and critical texts by Russian literary scholars. In analyzing Dolgopyat’s stories, I also try to prove the thesis that her hometown – Murom – can be considered an autobiographical place.
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Urszula Trojanowska

  1. Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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In the article an attempt is made to analyze the aspects of non-dogmatic spirituality of characters in the prose works of Ukrainian postm odernists (including Yuriy Andrukhovych, Oksana Zabuzhko, Yuriy Izdryk, Natalia Sniadanko). The theoretical aspects of problem are considered in the context of analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung. The following concepts play an important role in the study: religious position, father complex, conflict and some others.

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Irena Betko
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This article analyses the disorder in functioning of will by the example of characters from a few texts of French symbolism. On the basis of experimental psychology research described in Les Maladies de la volonté of Th. Ribot, there are discussed the example of people which unfulfilled or obsessive desires point to weakening of will due to the lack or excess of impulse. So next to the characters of aboulic individuals created by T. de Wyzewa i J. de Tinan, in the texts of Villiers de L’Isle-Adam and M. Schwob we can see people pursuing at any cost the achievement of power, or the confirmation of oneself uniqueness.

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Anna Opiela-Mrozik
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In his research on the Polish Chronicle by Gallus Anonymous, the author used several versions of a computer programme for the analysis of Latin rhythms. These programs proved beyond any doubt that Gall Anonymous’ Polish Chronicle and the History of the Translation of St. Nicholas, by the anonymous Monk of the Lido, are the work of one and the same person. The prose of both works has proved to be unique; some elements of it have been detected by the programme in the constitutions of Constantine the Great, in Donatist works and in papal bulls from the sixth to the eleventh century inclusive. The description of Slavdom in the Polish Chronicle and many phrases from this chronicle, as well as from the History of the Translation of St Nicholas, prove that Gallus Anonymous/Monk of the Lido sympathised with the pro-Hungarian political party, centred around the Croatian Queen Helena the Beautiful. Some indications suggest that Gallus Anonymous/ Monk of Lido was a monk at the Benedictine monastery of St Bartholomew in the Croatian capital, Knin.
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Tomasz Jasiński

  1. Wydział Historii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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In the last phase of Franciszek Karpiński's life as a writer (the first quarter of the 19th century), he practically gave up poetry and concentrated instead on writing memoirs. This article tries to find out to what extent his autobiographical work, especially his Historia mego wieku i ludzi, z którymi żyłem [A History of My Century and the People with Whom I Lived], is influenced by an attitude characteristic of the sentimentalism of the previous century. As this analysis shows Karpiński's narrative exhibits both a sensitivity much indebted to Rousseau's autobiographical method and skilful shifts of tone, from satire and irony to various shades of melancholy. For sentimentalist aesthetic and poetics the continual manipulation of tone is a means of alerting the reader to the world's complexity. As in the novels of Lawrence Sterne, that complexity is experienced by way of careful observation of fragments of reality, defined by the subjectivity of the observer and the truth of his emotions.

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Grzegorz Zając
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The article examines the role of ‘Abd Allāh Ibn Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭā’ī in the development of modern literature and culture in Oman and Gulf Countries. His life was devoted to build bridges of understanding between people. He was not only poet and writer but also Author of critical studies on literary life in the Gulf Countries. ‘Abd Allāh aṭ-Ṭā’ī paved the way for the next generation of men of letters and became a symbol of the revival of the Gulf Literature. All works by ‘Abd Allāh aṭ-Ṭā’ī were collected and published in 2016 in Dār Faḍā’āt in Amman.
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Barbara Michalak-Pikulska

  1. Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
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Death is one of the key concepts present in the traditional image of the world. It means an end and is related to the process of wearing out and losing original properties. In folk anthropology, death is understood in terms of the transition from the earth world to the land of the dead, as the beginning of eternal existence. Death is one of the rites of passage and as such is correlated with other crucial moments of human existence, mainly with birth and marriage. Death is a common motif present in various genres of folklore. Researchers are interested in death predominantly because of its belief- and ritual-related image. The aim of the article is to analyse depictions of death in folk fablesand other kinds of prose works. Special emphasis is placed on the personifi cation of death as well as on its genesis and ontological status. The article also deals with the idea of death understood as both an event and a process, and it addresses death seen as a transcendental and unmaterialised force which determines a person’s life against his or her will.

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Iwona Rzepnikowska
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The article focuses on the term “train situation” created by Vyacheslav Kuricin, which is considered a metaphor of the work of the contemporary Russian writer Elena Dolgopyat. The proper analysis of Dolgopyat’s works is preceded by an introduction in which the definition of magical realism and its history in Russia is briefl y presented. The attitude of the Russian literary scholars to this phenomenon is presented as well. Next, the meanings of the figure of train in the writer’s stories are discussed. It is noteworthy that the features of magical realism (specific space-time construction, polyphonic narrative, fantastic elements perceived as something natural) are realized in her texts often through the image of a train. In works in which this picture does not exist, we deal with the „train situation”, which boils down to the combination in the presented world of various aspects of reality, unlimited by matter. The heroes live between different dimensions of reality, and combining into one cohesive whole of various space-times, ways of existence, realistic and fantastic elements allows to see the term of Kuricin also as a metaphor of all magical realism.

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Urszula Trojanowska
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From its beginnings – in Poland it was the second half of the 18th century – the novel, a genre that eluded the distinctions of traditional normative poetics, had to face all kinds of strictures, not only in the sphere of aesthetics. At the same time, due to its innovatory representation of reality and its effectiveness as a tool of persuasion, it aroused a genuine interest among the enlightened elites. This positive attitude appears to have been shared by Ignacy Krasicki, whose work (not excepting novels) was generally regarded as a model of unparalleled literary excellence. This article re-examines his achievement as a novelist and discusses at greater length his first novel Mikołaja Doświadczyńskiego przypadki. Published in 1776, it was the first Polish novel and the most interesting example of early realistic fiction until the appearance in 1815 of Dwaj panowie Sieciechowie by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz.
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Grzegorz Zając

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków

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