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The present paper concerns a problem of decisive criteria and their order in formwork selection problem. As the factors affecting the choice of exact form work system have been often discussed in literature, their importance has not been distinctly formulated yet, what hampers aiding formwork selection with MCDA methods that require criteria weights (eg.: SAW, TOPS IS etc.). Therefore, author ran a survey - the decisive criteria were recognized and verified within polls send to various contractors. An analysis of survey results including criteria ordering is a subject of the present elaboration.

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A. Krawczyńska Piechna
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Investigations showing the possibility of BTX biodegradation present in the water environment under aerobic conditions have been presented. The effects of transformation of benzene, toluene, o-xylene and p-xylene by indigenous to sewage microorganisms as well as by isolated species of bacteria like Aeronwnas sobria, Bacillus steareothermophilus, Enterobacter sakazaki, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Staphylococcus lentus and the mixture of these species varied distinctively. The results and calculated degradation rates have been compared to some results given by other authors. In aerobic conditions all investigated aromates have shown to be biodegradable. The highest rate of degradation was found for indigenous to municipal sewage microorganisms.
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Alicja Machnicka
Jan Suschka
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This paper presents a model of scheduling of multi unit construction project based on an NP-hard permutation flow shop problem, in which the considered criterion is the sum of the costs of the works' execution of the project considering the time of the project as a constraint. It is also assumed that each job in the units constituting the project may be realized in up to three different ways with specific time and cost of execution. The optimization task relies on solving the problem with two different decision variables: the order of execution of units (permutation) and a set of ways to carry out the works in units. The task presented in the paper is performed with the use of a created algorithm which searches the space of solutions in which metaheuristic simulated annealing algorithm is used. The paper presents a calculation example showing the applicability of the model in the optimization of sub-contractors' work in the construction project.

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M. Podolski
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In the authors’ opinion, the issue of incorrectly functioning water insulation of foundation walls in the existing buildings in Poland is currently rather common. The paper includes a multicriteria analysis aimed at arranging the selected options of the foundation wall vertical water insulation technology in an existing model historic building using the weighted sum, entropy and AHP methods. Each of the studied solutions was evaluated in terms of the following criteria: costs of construction works, time of execution of construction works, popularity of using particular insulation options by other contractors, durability of the executed insulation and the degree of nuisance of the executed works

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J. Rosłon
M. Seroka
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Article deals with the problem of technology selection for construction project. Three criteria were proposed: cost, time and technological complexity. To solve the problem, fuzzy preference relations were used. Authors present an algorithm supporting multi-criteria decision-making process. The algorithm creates fuzzy preference relations on the basis of the fuzzy comparison: “xᵢ is better than xj”.Then, with the use of criteria weights it creates general fuzzy preference relation, finds all non-dominated (admissible) alternatives and the best one among them. The algorithm consists of 7 steps. Authors show application of the proposed algorithm – example calculations.

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N. Ibadov
J. Rosłon
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Investigations showing the possibility of BTX biodegradation present in the water environment under anoxic conditions have been presented. The effects of transformation of benzene, toluene, o-xylene and p-xylene by indigenous to sewage microorganisms as well as by isolated species of bacteria like Aeromonas sobria, Enterobacter sakazaki, Pseudomonas aeruqinosa, Staphylococcus lentus and the mixture of these species varied distinctively. The results and calculated degradation rates have been compared to some results given by other authors. In anoxic conditions all investigated aromates have shown to be biodegradable. The highest rate of degradation was found for isolated species of bacteria from municipal sewage.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alicja Machnicka
Jan Suschka
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MIMO technology has become very popular in a wireless communication system because of the many advantages of multiple antennas at the transmitting end and receiving end. The main advantages of MIMO systems are higher data rate and higher reliability without the need of extra power and bandwidth. The MIMO system provides higher data rate by using spatial multiplexing technique and higher reliability by using diversity technique. The MIMO systems have not only advantages, but also have disadvantages. The main disadvantage of MIMO system is that the multiple antennas required extra high cost RF modules. The extra RF modules increase the cost of wireless communication systems. In this research, the antenna selection techniques are proposed to minimize the cost of MIMO systems. Furthermore, this research also presents techniques for antenna selection to enhance the capacity of channel in MIMO systems.

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Dalveer Kaur
Neeraj Kumar
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In the paper a research on cost-effective optimum design boiling temperature for Organic Rankine Cycle utilizing low-temperature heat sources is presented. The ratio of the heat exchanger area of the boiler to the power output is used as the objective function. Analytical relations for heat transfer area as well power of the cycle are formulated. Evaporation temperature and inlet temperature of the heat source medium as well its mass flow rate are varied in the optimization method. The optimization is carried out for three working fluids, i.e. R 134a, water and ethanol. The objective function (economics profitability, thermodynamic efficiency) leads to different optimal working conditions in terms of evaporating temperature. Maximum power generation in the near-critical conditions of subcritical ORC is the highest. The choice of the working fluid can greatly affect the objective function which is a measure of power plant cost. Ethanol exhibits a minimum objective function but not necessarily the maximum cycle efficiency.
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Dariusz Mikielewicz
Jarosław Mikielewicz
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When mineral processing separation results, for either constant or varying quality of the feed, can be approximated on the so-called Fuerstenau upgrading plots with the same one-fitting parameter a, then this parameter can be used as a selectivity indicator. If the equation has a form [...], where [...] stands for recovery of non-useful component in tailing while\ksi is the recovery of useful component in the concentrate, then at the same selectivity of upgrading (constant a) the increase of the useful component in the feed \alfa results in an increased amount of this component in both concentrate \beta and tailing [...] while the ratio of [...] to \beta is linearly dependent on \alfa when \epsilon is constant. Thus, at a constant selectivity a and constant \epsilon an increase in \alfa leads to a greater increase of the considered component in the tailing \theta than in the concentrate \beta.

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Magdalena Duchnowska
Jan Drzymała
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The present study was aimed to evaluate the growth performance and immune response of three genetic lines of Japanese quails. These lines i.e., selected for 4-week body-weight group (WBS), selected for egg number (EBS), and random-bred control (RBC), were selected for three consecutive generations from a base population of 1125 quails. In total, 2700 four-week-old quails from three selected groups were slaughtered in total of four generations (G0 to G3). Effects of selection and generations as well as their interactions were assessed for growth performance and immune response by applying a two-way analysis of variance. Significant means were compared with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The statistical analysis showed a significant effect of selection and generations on most of the growth and immune response parameters. WBS in G3 presented significantly higher values of body weight, weight gain, and FCR than RBC and EBS. FCR was better in WBS during G3 than those of EBS and RBC. However, Livability% was highest in RBC while the lowest was noted in G3 of WBS line. Thymus% and spleen% were higher in EBS as compared to RBC and WBS. RBC presented a better B/S ratio and ND titer than those of EBS and WBS. The decreasing trend of ND titer in both lines of WBS and EBS as compared to RBC suggested a decrease in New Castle disease resistance in progressive generations of selection. It was concluded that selection for body weight and egg number has a positive impact on respective traits but negatively affects the immunity in later generations.
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Ahmad S, Mehmood S, Javed K, Mahmud A, Usman M, Rehman A, Ishaq HM, Hussain J, Ghayas A (2018) Different selection strategies for the improvement of the growth performance and carcass traits of Japanese quails. Braz J Poult Sci 20: 497-506.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Rehman
J. Hussain
A. Mahmud
K. Javed
A. Ghayas
S. Ahmad

  1. Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Animal Production and Technology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, 54000
  2. Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Animal Production and Technology,University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, 54000
  3. Department of Livestock Production, Faculty of Animal Production and Technology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, 54000
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Eyespot is one of the most important fungal diseases of the stem base of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The presented study clearly demonstrated that the Pch1 gene was the main effective source for reducing the eyespot disease score in the analyzed winter wheat lines. Nevertheless, Pch1 was present only in 8−9% of the investigated lines. Using an isoenzymatic marker and molecular markers, the presence of the Pch1 gene and lack of the Pch2 gene was identified in six lines. Two lines, SMH 9409 and DL 358/13/4, were polymorphic in an isoenzymatic marker study. In the remaining three lines, C 3373/11-1, KBH 15.15 and KBP 1416, the Pch1 gene was identified only with the use of an isoenzymatic marker. Both genes Pch1 and Pch2, as well as the resistant variety Rendezvous, were found in three lines: DD 248/12, KBP 15.2 and STH 4431. In line DD 708/13, the presence of the Pch1 and Pch2 genes was identified, where the association between the Pch1 and the locus of the Xorw5 marker was broken. It was shown that the presence or absence of Pch1 and Pch2 genes did not significantly affect the grain yield (from the plot), although the yield was highest in the presence of both genes. A significant effect of the presence of the Pch1 gene on thousand kernel weight (TKW) was observed. Lines with the Pch1 gene showed significantly higher TKW values than lines without both genes or with the Pch2 gene only.

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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Majka
Michał Kwiatek
Marek Korbas
Jakub Danielewicz
Magdalena Gawłowska
Tomasz Góral
Halina Wiśniewska
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Barley scald, caused by Rhynchosporium commune is one of the most prevalent diseases in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) worldwide. The primary loss from scald is reduced yield, which can exceed 25% in dry areas. In our earlier studies, we developed a low-resolution linkage map for recombinant inbred lines of the cross Tadmor/WI2291. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for scald were localized on chromosomes 2H and 3H flanked by Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers HVM54 and Bmac0093b on 2H and HVLTPP8, HVM62 and Bmag0006 on 3H. These chromosome 3H markers were found to be located close to the Rrs1 − R. commune resistance gene(s) on chromosome 3H. In this study, 10 homozygous resistant and 10 homozygous susceptible plants each from the F7 population of Tadmor/ Sel160, a panel of 23 barley varieties used routinely in the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) breeding program and three populations were used for scald resistance screening using 25 DNA markers that are located very close to scald resistance gene(s) on barley chromosomes. Only five of those markers clearly discriminated co-dominantly between resistant and susceptible plants. These markers, Ebmac0871- SSR, HVS3-SCAR, Bmag0006-SSR, reside on different arms of barley chromosome 3H. Ebmac871 is localized on the short arm of 3H and HVS3 and Bmag0006 are localized on the long arm of 3H. This result indicates that the scald resistance genes which they tag are probably close to the centromeric region of this chromosome. Scald resistance from several sources map to the proximal region of the long arm of chromosome 3H, forming the complex Rrs1 locus. The availability of highly polymorphic markers for the discrimination of breeding material would be extremely useful for barley breeders to select for the trait at the DNA level rather than relying on phenotypic expression and infection reaction.

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Haitham Sayed
Michael Baum
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Some eutectic stripes have been generated in a hexagonal (Zn) - single crystal. The stripes are situated periodically with the constant interstripes

spacing. The eutectic structure in the stripes consists of strengthening inter-metallic compound, Zn16Ti, and (Zn) – solid solution.

The rod-like irregular eutectic structure (with branches) appears at low growth rates. The regular lamellar eutectic structure is observed at

middle growth rates. The regular rod-like eutectic structure exists exclusively in the stripes at some elevated growth rates. A new

thermodynamic criterion is recommended. It suggests that this eutectic regular structure is the winner in a morphological competition for

which the minimum entropy production is lower. A competition between the regular rod-like and the regular lamellar eutectic growth is

described by means of the proposed criterion. The formation of branches within irregular eutectic structure is referred to the state of

marginal stability. A continuous transitions from the marginal stability to the stationary state are confirmed by the continuous

transformations of the irregular eutectic structure into the regular one.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Szajnar
W. Wołczyński
S. Kjelstrup
D. Bedeaux
B. Billia
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Optimization of encoding process in video compression is an important research problem, especially in the case of modern, sophisticated compression technologies. In this paper, we consider HEVC, for which a novel method for selection of the encoding modes is proposed. By the encoding modes we mean e.g. coding block structure, prediction types and motion vectors. The proposed selection is done basing on noise-reduced version of the input sequence, while the information about the video itself, e.g. transform coefficients, is coded basing on the unaltered input. The proposed method involves encoding of two versions of the input sequence. Further, we show realization proving that the complexity is only negligibly higher than complexity of a single encoding. The proposal has been implemented in HEVC reference software from MPEG and tested experimentally. The results show that the proposal provides up to 1.5% bitrate reduction while preserving the same quality of a decoded video.
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Olgierd Stankiewicz
Krzysztof Wegner
Damian Karwowski
Jakub Stankowski
Krzysztof Klimaszewski
Tomasz Grajek
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One of the contract awarding systems in public sector in Poland is the Design & Build system. In this system, a client concludes a contract agreement with only one company, a contractor, in order to carry out both design and construction of works. While deciding on this form of delivery of a public project, the client is obliged to conduct a single proceeding aiming to select the contractor. In this paper, public works contracts awarded in the D&B system in Poland are analysed, whilst attention was put on the contracting modes and assessment criteria. The results are assessed against the experience of other countries and recommended methods for selection of the Design and Build contractor.

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A. Leśniak
E. Plebankiewicz
K. Zima
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The efficient, stable and reliable operation of the blast furnace secures the proper quality of coke, which is one of the basic components of the blast furnace charge. In modern blast-furnace technology, when using substitute fuels, i.e. coal dust, the role of coke is extremely important. For this reason, the demands placed on its quality increase. Domestic coking plants have a limited base of Polish high quality coking coals at their disposal, therefore the full use of their coking properties is extremely important. The grain composition of the coal blend is one of the basic factors affecting the quality of the produced coke. This influence depends on the quantity and quality of coal components that make up the blend. In the conducted research, 21 coking coals, differing significantly in the degree of rank and origin (Polish and overseas coals), it was shown that the separated grain classes differ in properties, both coking properties and the degree of devolatalization during heating. In analyzing the obtained results, it was observed that the grain volume growth occurs essentially in the temperature range between the beginning and the maximum of fluidity. It has been shown that there is a linear correlation between the temperature corresponding to maximum fluidity and the temperature at which the maximum rate of evolution of volatiles enters. The presented phenomena accompany the emergence of coal expansion pressure during the coking process and they are its primary causes. The presented results can be an important guide for preparing the milling of coal for the coking process.

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Bartosz Mertas
Marek Ściążko
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Lateritic nickel ore is used for producing of ferronickel. Nickel grade in ferronickel ranged from 20–40%. Ferronickel is commonly used to manufacture stainless steel. A new method that can increase the levels of nickel grade is selective reduction, which is a process to reduce the metal oxide to the metallic phase with the addition of additives. In this work, the selective reduction of limonitic nickel ore was carried out by add the 5 wt%, 10 wt%, and 15 wt% of reductant and the 10 wt% of sulfur as additive. The process of selective reduction is performed at temperatures of 950, 1050, and 1150°C with the duration of processs of 60, 90, and 120 minutes, followed by magnetic separation to separate between the concentrate and tailings. The characterization used AAS, XRD, and SEM-EDS for grade and recovery; phases transformation; and the microstructure analysis. The optimum of the grade and recovery of nickel was obtained at a temperature of 1050°C with the duration of process of 60 minutes and 5 wt% of reductant and 10 wt% of additive, which obtain 3.72 wt% and 95.67%. The metal grade and recovery was increase with the increasing of temperature reduction. Nevertheless, too long of the duration of process and too many reductant addition resulted in negative effect on selective reduction of lateritic nickel ore. Highest recovery could get more nickel in the process. And sulfur has the important rules when the selective reduction has been done on the increasing nickel content, the forming of FeS, and decreasing the grain size of ferronickel according to the microstructure in the SEM images around ~30 μm.
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Cao et al. 2010 – Cao, Z.C., Sun, T.C., Yang, H.F., Wang, J.J. and Wu, X.D. 2010. Recovery of iron and nickel from nickel laterite ore by direct reduction roasting and magnetic separation. Chinese Journal of Engineering 32(6), pp. 708–712, DOI: 10.13374/j.issn1001-053x.2010.06.004.
Dalvi et al. 2004 – Dalvi, A.D., Bacon, W.G. and Osborne R.C. 2004. The Past and The Future of Nickel Laterites. PDAC 2004 International Conference Trade Show and Investors Exchange, Toronto, Canada.
Elliot et al. 2015 – Elliot, R., Rodrigues, F., Pickles, C.A. and Peace, J. 2015. A two-stage process for upgrading thermal nickeliferous limonitic laterite ores. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 54(4), pp. 235–252, DOI: 10.1179/1879139515Y.0000000009.
Elliot et al. 2017 – Elliot, R., Pickles, C.A. and Peace, J. 2017. Ferronickel particle formation during the carbothermic reduction of a limonitic laterite ore. Minerals Engineering 100, pp. 166–176, DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2016.10.020.
Foster et al. 2016 – Foster, J., Pickles, C.A. and Elliot, R. 2016. Microwave carbhotematic reduction roasting of low-grade ore nickeliferous silicate laterite. Minerals Engineering 88, pp. 18–27, DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.09.005.
Jiang et al. 2013 – Jiang, M., Sun, T., Liu, Z., Kou, J., Liu, N. and Zhang, S. 2013. Mechanism of sodium sulfate in promoting the selective reduction of nickel laterite ore during reduction roasting process. International Journal of Mineral Processing 123, pp. 32–38, DOI: 10.1016/j.minpro.2013.04.005.
Li et al. 2012 – Li, G., Shi, T., Rao, M., Jiang, T. and Zhang, Y. 2012. Beneficiation of nickeliferous laterite by reduction roasting in the presence of sodium sulfate. Minerals Engineering 32, pp. 19–26, DOI: 10.1016/J.MINENG.2012.03.012.
Prasetyo, A.B. and Puguh. 2011. Increased levels of nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe) from laterite ore saprolite type low levels for raw materials containing nickel pig iron (NCPII/NPI). Met. Mag. 26, pp. 123–130.
Prasetyo, A.B. and Firdiyono, F.E. 2014. Reduction process optimization laterite ore limonite as raw materials type NPI (Nickel Pig Iron). Majalah Metalurgi 29(1), pp. 9–16.
Valix and Cheung. 2002. Effect of sulfur on the mineral phases of laterite ores at a high-temperature reduction. Minerals Engineering 15, pp. 523–530.
Wang et al. 2017 – Wang, Chu, Z., Liu, M., Wang, H., Zhao, W. and Gao, L. 2017. Preparing ferronickel alloy from low-grade laterite nickel ore reduction based on metallized-magnetic separation. Metals 7(8), pp. 313, DOI: 10.3390/met7080313.
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Authors and Affiliations

Fathan Bahfie
Achmad Shofi
Ulin Herlina
Anton S. Handoko
Nanda A. Septiana
Syafriadi Syafriadi
Suharto Suharto
Sudibyo Sudibyo
Suhartono Suhartono
Fajar Nurjaman

  1. Research Unit for Mineral Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia, Jalan Ir. Sutami Km 15 South Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia
  2. Agency for Rembang Regional Planning and Development, Rembang Local Government, Indonesia
  3. Department of Physic-University of Lampung,Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Gedong Meneng, Kec. Rajabasa, Kota Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
  4. Chemical Engineering Department, University of Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jalan Terusan Jend. Sudirman, Cibeber, Kec. Cimahi Sel., Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
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According to the literature, the importance of executive functions in everyday life, in the acquisition of motor skills, and in distinguishing cognitive performance of athletes and non-athletes is indisputable. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) on inhibitory and interference control in athletes and non-athletes. Methods: Athletes and non-athletes were conveniently selected (N=48, age range: 18-30 years). Then, each group (athletes/non-athletes) was randomly divided into two groups: real and Sham stimulation. Real stimulation group was involved in sessions of stimulation with an intensity of 2 mA electric current applied for 20 minutes in three sessions. But Sham group was received stimulation only at the first 30 second in each session. The inhibition score in “Go/No Go” task and average response time in the Stroop's task were evaluated before and after three sessions of stimulation for real and Sham groups. Results: The results on inhibitory control variable showed that the difference between the two groups (real and Sham groups) was significant in the post-test (p ≤ .05). The results on interference control variable showed that real stimulation compared to other group had a better performance. Conclusion: The present findings showed that tDCS improves performance in inhibitory and interference control tasks in athletes compared with non-athletes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Asieh Shabahang
Rasool Abedanzadeh
Hesam Ramezanzadeh

  1. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
  2. Damghan University, Damghan, Iran
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The high sensitivity of beans to herbicides is one of the limiting factors regarding the management of dicot weeds in bean crops. Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibition is an important mechanism of action that has unregistered molecules with potential use in bean crops. The objectives of this study were to investigate the tolerance of Brazilian bean cultivars to distinct PPO inhibitors and to determine the existence of cross-tolerance in cultivars to the different PPO inhibitor chemical groups. In the first and second experiments, the BRSMG Talismã, Jalo Precoce, BRS Esplendor, and IPR 81 cultivars were subjected to saflufenacil doses pre- (0, 9.6, 14.1, 20.5, 30.0, and 43.8 g a.i. ‧ ha–1) and post-emergence (0, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.1, and 3.1 g a.i. ‧ ha–1). In the third experiment, the tolerance of 28 bean genotypes to saflufenacil (20.5 g a.i. ‧ ha–1) in pre-emergence was determined. In the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh experiments, we investigated the cross-tolerance of bean to the fomesafen, flumioxazin, sulfentrazone, and saflufenacil herbicides, respectively. Even very low saflufenacil doses in post-emergence caused plants of all cultivars to die rapidly; therefore, the tolerance was much lower at this application time than in pre-emergence. There was high tolerance variability to saflufenacil among the 28 cultivars. The bean tolerance to fomesafen, flumioxazin, sulfentrazone, and saflufenacil applied pre-emergence depended on the cultivar and dose. Fomesafen was highlighted owing to its higher selectivity in relation to the different cultivars. No cross-tolerance pattern to the PPO inhibitor chemical groups applied in pre-emergence was observed among the evaluated bean cultivars. The results of this study could be of significance to farmers and technical assistance personnel, as well as for future research on cultivar breeding and the elucidation of biochemical and genetic mechanisms involved in herbicide tolerance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Antonio Pedro Brusamarello
Michelangelo Muzell Trezzi
Fortunato de Bortoli Pagnoncelli Júnior
Paulo Henrique de Oliveira
Taciane Finatto
Marcos Vinícius Jaeger Barancelli
Bruno Alcides Hammes Schmalz
Patrícia Bortolanza Pereira

  1. Department of Agronomy, Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil
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The paper considers the problem of increasing the generalization ability of classification systems by creating an ensemble of classifiers based on the CNN architecture. Different structures of the ensemble will be considered and compared. Deep learning fulfills an important role in the developed system. The numerical descriptors created in the last locally connected convolution layer of CNN flattened to the form of a vector, are subjected to a few different selection mechanisms. Each of them chooses the independent set of features, selected according to the applied assessment techniques. Their results are combined with three classifiers: softmax, support vector machine, and random forest of the decision tree. All of them do simultaneously the same classification task. Their results are integrated into the final verdict of the ensemble. Different forms of arrangement of the ensemble are considered and tested on the recognition of facial images. Two different databases are used in experiments. One was composed of 68 classes of greyscale images and the second of 276 classes of color images. The results of experiments have shown high improvement of class recognition resulting from the application of the properly designed ensemble.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Szmurło
Stanislaw Osowski

  1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Military University of Technology, gen. S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warszawa, Poland
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The paper presents the fusion approach of different feature selection methods in pattern recognition problems. The following methods are examined: nearest component analysis, Fisher discriminant criterion, refiefF method, stepwise fit, Kolmogorov-Smirnov criteria, T2-test, Kruskall-Wallis test, feature correlation with class, and SVM recursive feature elimination. The sensitivity to the noisy data as well as the repeatability of the most important features are studied. Based on this study, the best selection methods are chosen and applied in the process of selection of the most important genes and gene sequences in a dataset of gene expression microarray in prostate and ovarian cancers. The results of their fusion are presented and discussed. The small selected set of such genes can be treated as biomarkers of cancer.
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Authors and Affiliations

Fabian Gil
Stanislaw Osowski
1 2

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Military University of Technology, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
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Similarly to many towns in Galicia, Rzeszów has gained street planting at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the period after World War II, little attention was paid to them. It is only from the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century, that we have seen a clear breakthrough. “Modernized” forms of planting are returning to historical places, and new communication arteries are planted with numerous specimens of tree, perennial and seasonal plants, well selected in terms of habitat requirements.

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Zbigniew W. Czerniakowski
Marta Gargała-Polar
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Materials play an important role in determining the quality and cost of a building, especially in the context of Vietnam’s rapid urbanization today. This study aims to analyze the status quo for supplier selection for construction projects in a developing country, Vietnam. Questionnaires are designed to conduct a survey among several contractors to assess the current situation of how Vietnamese construction enterprises select their material suppliers. Senior managers, project managers, site commanders, site engineers, foreman, office staff of contractors were interviewed. Based on result analysis of 117 valid responses, the most important criteria to consider when selecting material suppliers have been identified, with the most influential ones being price, delivery time, and material quality. However, the supply of materials still reveals some constraints that must be overcome. Vietnamese construction firms should pay more attention to supplier selection to optimize material delivery efficiency. This research contributes to the understanding of the status quo for supplier selection for construction projects in a developing country. This means contractors can adopt suitable measures to select material suppliers for construction projects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nguyen Quoc Toan
Hanh Nguyen Thi My
Nguyen Van Tam
Pham Xuan Anh
Dinh Tuan Hai
Nguyen Thi Thuy

  1. Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Construction Economics and Management, No. 55 Giai Phong Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam
  2. Hanoi Architectural University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Km 10, Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
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This study provides a simple and effective decision-making method to choose the best phase-change material for different energy storage applications. Three case studies are provided to demonstrate the proposed decision-making method. The first case study addresses the problem of best phase-change material selection for a domestic water heating latent heat storage system by considering 15 different phase-change materials and 8 selection attributes; the second case study addresses the problem of selecting the best phase-change material for a triple tube heat exchanger unit by considering 12 different phase-change materials and 5 selection attributes; the third case study addresses the problem of best phase-change material selection for latent heat thermal energy storage within the walls of Trombe to enhance performance considering 11 phase-change materials and 4 selection attributes. The results of the proposed decision-making method are compared with those of other well-known multi-attribute decision-making methods. The proposed method is shown to be simple to implement, providing a logical way for allocating weights to the selection attributes and adaptable to phase-change material selection problems in different energy storage contexts.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ravipudi Venkata Rao

  1. Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Ichchanath, Surat-395007, India

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