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We can either pursue sustainable economic development or face the prospect of no development at all – warns Prof. Boguslaw Fiedor of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, chairman of the PAS Committee on Economic Sciences.
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Bogusław Fiedor

  1. PAS Committee on Economic Sciences
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Housing Stock and Its Public Dimension in the Role of Infrastructure of Durable Development. Only the reciprocal composition and location of buildings and their inhabitants in relation to the location of settlement infrastructure and other spatial development components can give housing stock a public dimension. The importance of the public impact of the housing stock on civilization development results mainly from the multifaceted role of the standards of its settlement in the shaping of inhabited space. Appreciating this impact can help build a necessary community of people living in common social and settlement structures. The importance of housing policy in balancing the development of living space is highlighted by the current structural crisis of the capitalist economy. The underestimated field of overcoming this crisis is the public dimension of housing stock. The presented reasoning subordinated to such thinking is part of a wider narrative combining architectural, urban, planning and sociological issues.
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Maciej Cesarski
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Ecological Awareness and Social Capital and Implementation of Sustainable Development. The importance of social commitment to sustainable development and the need of forming of the homo cooperativus attitude are underlined in the principles of sustainable economics. Environmental awareness and social capital are two key factors that influence the implementation of sustainable development. The main aim of the article is to analyze of both concepts definitions and to indicate the relationship between them. It also classifies social attitudes resulting from the level of social capital and ecological awareness.
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Paulina Legutko-Kobus
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Objective of the work is to assess quantity and importance of foreign financial aids, focused on environment protection, which Poland obtained in years 1990-1998. Additional goal of this study is to show how Poland should spend in the most effective way funds obtained in the future. In the paper the analysis of the main important direction of the foreign assistance on environmental programs is done. The author reviews how funds from foreign assistance programs have been spent and if the investments were in accordance with Polish National Ecological Policy and with principles of sustainable development Based on the effect of this work main results and recommendations are presented. In the presented paper the author focused on the funds obtained by Poland from: bilateral cooperation, Phare programs and from the eco-conversion of Polish debt
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Zbigniew M. Karaczun
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Efforts were made to demonstrate that in biorefineries it is possible to manufacture all the commodities required for maintaining human civilisation on the current level. Biorefineries are based on processing biomass resulting from photosynthesis. From sugars, oils and proteins, a variety of food, feed, nutrients, pharmaceuticals, polymers, chemicals and fuels can further be produced. Production in biorefineries must be based on a few rules to fulfil sustainable development: all raw materials are derived from biomass, all products are biodegradable and production methods are in accordance with the principles of Green Chemistry and Clean Technology. The paper presents a summary of state-of-the-art concerning biorefineries, production methods and product range of leading companies in the world that are already implemented. Potential risks caused by the development of biorefineries, such as: insecurities of food and feed production, uncontrolled changes in global production profiles, monocultures, eutrophication, etc., were also highlighted in this paper. It was stressed that the sustainable development is not only an alternative point of view but is our condition to survive.

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Andrzej B. Kołtuniewicz
Katarzyna Dąbkowska
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The specificity of tool provisioning is conditioned using tooling, the quantity of which

exceeds the nomenclature of the manufactured goods considerably. Therefore, for modern

enterprises, first-priority issues are harmonizing the processes of tool provisioning systems,

increasing the level of the reaction of this system to changes, obtaining operational control

over the production system, and, thus, improving the efficiency of the production process.

In this paper, a mathematical model of decision-making based on determining the optimal

strategy for the process flow was proposed to improve the efficiency of the information

system for quality management of tool provisioning. It is suggested to use the sustainable

development factor of information system for quality management of tool provisioning to

make decisions about the path of the tooling process, which considers the requirements of

international standards for management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 45001, etc.). This model

is based on the application of graph optimization theory, fuzzy logic, and Markov chains.

The use of this model is universal and will increase the validity of operational management

decisions, increase productivity, reduce resource dependency, and, therefore, reduce the

costs of tool provisioning, which directly affects the cost of production and competitiveness

of the enterprise as a whole.

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Yuliia Denysenko
Vitalii Ivanov
Slawomir Luscinski
Viliam Zaloga
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Sustainable development refers to the development of a business in such a way that future

generations will be able to satisfy the same needs. This article describes how sustainable

development can be measured by economic performance and a positive impact on the natural

environment. A general indicator of a company’s environmental impact is presented in the

article. It can be determined, on the one hand, by a company’s environmental impact, and on

the other hand, by savings in the use of natural resources, which is associated with savings

in a financial sense. Therefore, it can be used to analyze the progress of sustainability in

terms of environmental and economic performance. The case study provides an example of

how emissions and energy factors can be analyzed to form a synthetic indicator and create

a general indicator.

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Błażej Góralski
Marta Grabowska
Adam Studziński
Matjaz Maletic
Damjan Maletic
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The article presents a structured approach to the attractiveness and competitiveness of Polish regions in the context of selected international experiences.

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Andrzej Klasik
Krzysztof Wrana
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Poland is now faced with the task of developing a long-term energy policy for decades to come, a strategy capable of reconciling the security of power supplies as well as effective economic processes, ensuring adequate standards of environmental protection. The process in which fossil fuels are converted into energy carriers of choice is accompanied by the emission of various gas substances which escape into the environment. Later on, those substances accumulate in the atmosphere as greenhouse gases affecting the Earth’s radiation balance – the greenhouse effect. Upsetting the balance between emission levels of those gases and the capacity to convert them in the atmosphere is the reason for climate changes. Sustainable development indices constitute a monitoring tool which makes it possible to create a statistical image of a country from the perspective of a new development paradigm. The most important feature of this index is the capability of comparing values, enabling to determine the position of a given object with reference to other objects. The article analyses 8 indexes of sustainable development in terms of using biomass for power generation purposes. The analysis was performed to include three social order indices, two economic indices and one environmental order index. It was concluded that the use of biomass in power generation can reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses significantly at several stages: the emission can be eliminated from the biological process of biomass conversion, storage and it can also be reduced during transportation.

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Wiktoria Sobczyk
Paulina Gałka
Martyna Nawrocka
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The article shows the need to take into account the principles of sustainable development in the field of the revitalization of space, and point out green roofs as a tool in this process. It is presented in the light of the green city concept, and the criteria of the European Green City Index. The article shows the ecological, social and economic benefits of green roofs (starting from the retrieval of green areas in the urbanized space, the reduction of heat island effects, up to the integration function of green roofs), which is illustrated by a few case studies of applying green roofs within revitalization projects. The article indicates also legal incentives, as well as programs directed to the development of green roofs around the world, pointing out a range of factors to consider also for Polish cities.

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Karolina Życzkowska
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This article aims to present the issues related to the legal framework for conducting economic activity in the form of marine aquaculture, consisting of farming marine organisms. The work analyses mainly selected the regulations of international law because it is these regulations that shape the rights and obligations of states, producers, farmers and society in the field of ocean farming, as well as in the context of marine resources, which are undoubtedly a common good for all mankind. The author also discusses the legal status of maritime areas in which aquaculture is cultivated.

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Jakub Puszkarski
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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted in 2015. The United Nations framework does not directly include raw materials in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The mining industry has a great impact not only for the environment but also for its stakeholders, both from the nearest and the most remote surrounding. As such, the mining industry has the opportunity and potential to both positively and negatively impact on all seventeen SDGs. The introduction of the EU directive on the disclosure of non-financial data has a great impact on the reporting of sustainable development reporting. Additionally, in March 2020, the European Commission published the EU Taxonomy. With regard to the current geopolitical situation, some European Union members, such as Germany, France and the Netherlands, have taken the decision to open or re-open of their coal-fired plants. Admittedly, these countries underline that the inclusion of coal in their power industry is only temporary and limited to a well-defined period of time. The implementation of the SDGs should be partially important in the case of mining, the activities of which involve the extraction of various types of mineral resources, especially non-renewable resources. This raises two fundamental research questions; what is the actual level of the reporting of SDGs in the polish mining industry, and if the EU Taxonomy Regulations will increase the reporting of SDGs in Polish mining?
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Olga Julita Janikowska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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Contemporary societies are strongly dependent existentially and economically on the supply of electricity, both in terms of supplying devices from the power grid, as well as the use of energy storage and constant voltage sources. Electrochemical batteries are commonly used as static energy storage. According to forecasts provided by the Environmental Protection Agency at the global and EU level, in 2025 lead-acid technologies will continue to dominate, with the simultaneous expansion of the lithium-ion battery market. The production, use and handling of used batteries are associated with a number of environmental and social challenges. The way batteries influence the environment is becoming more and more significant, not only in the phase of their use but also in the production phase. The article presents how to effectively reduce the environmental impact of the battery production process by stabilizing it. In the presented example, the proposed changes in the battery assembly process facilitated the minimization of material losses from 0.33% to 0.05%, contributing to the reduction of the negative impact on the environment.
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Agnieszka Kujawinska
Adam Hamrol
Krzysztof Brzozowski

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Plac Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 5, 60-965 Poznań, Poland
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Architecture changes the environment. This process generates permanent, long-term effects and limits future development. The paper presents the impact of model methodology on the ability to predict the consequences of architectural designs and realizations. The categories of threats and model simulation strategies were ordered. The significance of the digital breakthrough in modeling is outlined in historical perspective and opportunities the paradigm shift creates are characterized.
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Jan Słyk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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An analysis of sustainable development goals made it possible to distinguish three key aspects of shaping pedestrian-friendly streets: the functional, social, and environmental ones. Focusing on these selected aspects, the main threats to this group of users in the Polish streets were presented. Based on the analysis of the standards and good practices in street design from the recent years for selected Polish cites, the main directions of activities and solutions aimed at eliminating threats making up the contemporary trends in shaping urban streets were identified.
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Michelle Mbazuigwe
Kinga Kimic

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences — SGGW, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Department of Landscape Architecture
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Digital twin (DT) is a solution for presenting reality in a virtual world. DTs have been discussed in the literature only recently. The aim of this work is to review and analyse literature connected to DTs. Under a systematic literature review the authors searched databases for the information how DTs can support organization operations and how they can support sustainability of companies. A literature review was performed according to a developed research methodology, which covers research questions and keywords identification, selection criteria and results analysis. Databases, such as Web of Science, Scopus and Science Direct, were searched. The titles, abstracts and keywords were searched for works related to digital twins, sustainable development and manufacturing processes. Moreover, the search was focused on real-time monitoring, data, decision-making etc. The keywords used in the searching process are specified in the methodology. Afterwards, quantitate and qualitative analysis were performed taking into account number of publication, year of publications, type of publication, based on keywords and available information concerning the papers. Deeper analysis was performed on available full texts of the papers. The main goal of this paper was to assess how much the specified problem is discussed in literature in the context of production organizations and real-time and what kind of topics are present in publications to indicate future research needs.
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Jerzy Pater
Dorota Stadnicka
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The world prefers to increase energy efficiency and use energy from renewable and alternative sources. Ukraine has chosen the same path. To form recommendations for improving state support schemes for the sustainable development of renewable energy, the authors conducted a thorough analysis of the state of renewable energy in Ukraine and its legislative support. The advantage of the study is the visual presentation of data. Thus, the authors presented and analyzed which energy sources Ukraine uses for its own needs, the essence of the Ukrainian energy balance and its state in 2019. The authors found that the development of renewable energy is one of the “Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine”, which are based on the world. The authors noted the objectives and indicators of the goal, assessed the value of the indicators and found that, even though the goal is one of the most important goals because it is in third place in the number of amendments to existing regulations, there is a lag in plans and more lag on some additional tasks. The authors systematized the legal basis for the functioning of renewable energy and revealed this process’ subject-object relations. The analysis showed that the improvement of state support schemes for the sustainable development of renewable energy should be based on European norms and standards but consider national specifics. The authors proposed and described the principles of improving state support for the sustainable development of renewable energy, which should be based on ensuring the balance of interests of the three main stakeholders of the renewable energy market: the state, energy consumers and investors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Olha Prokopenko
Anna Chechel
Iryna Sotnyk
Vitaliy Omelyanenko
4 3
Tetiana Kurbatova
Tetiana Nych

  1. International Humanitarian University, Odessa, Ukraine
  2. Donetsk State University of Management, Mariupol, Ukraine
  3. Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
  4. Institute of Industrial Economics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  5. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
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This paper presents the situation of coal mining in Slovakia, focusing on the social-political aspects and environmental aspects of its sustainable development. In recent years, the mining of lignite and brown coal in Slovakia has been closely linked to the production of electricity and heat in the Novaky power plant. Domestic brown coal production covered more than three quarters of demand in the Slovak Republic in the last few years. The sustainability of coal mining in the coming years in Slovakia is closely associated with raw materials reserves, new mining technologies, the development of the Novaky power plant, and the government's commitments to national economic interests through securing the energy supply or state aid. Of course, of these factors must be considered in the context of international obligations, such as those related to climate and environment, particularly air protection.

The three most important Slovak brown coal deposits are located in the Upper Nitra Basin. This territory includes areas in the 5th and 4th degrees of environmental quality, signifying a disturbed and very disturbed environment. Since coal is expected to remain the dominant fuel for electricity generation araund the world, and in particular for many of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, it is necessary to create conditions for the environmental sustainability of coal mining in the coming years within the context of international obligations. Both the security and the stability of the electricity network in Slovakia and maintaining employment levels in the Upper Nitra region play important roles in this discussion.

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a newmining technology and a technology for gas recovery in situ.

A comprehensive evaluation of the impacts of underground coal gasification was carried out in addition to summarization of the expected impacts in terms of the significance and distribution of the time period.

Based on a comprehensive assessment of the proposed action, it can be stated that it could bring a socially unacceptable risk to the area, specifically the significant impairment of health or the environment (groundwater and nearby hot springs in Bojnice). The implementation of operations could affect the opulation's health, since the partition is placed in close proximity to residential areas.

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Authors and Affiliations

Erika Skvarekova
Lubica Kozakova
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During studying and mathematical description of the trends of urbanized territories development as ecological and town-planning systems there were several vague similarities founded between its major parameters change periodicity and other physical values, having undulatory nature. Obtained counterparts had predetermined interest for search of fundamental basics of urbanization. It turned out that all laws of Nature has the same basis – power permanence rule. This law is known in philosophy as principle of «change of unchangeable», in ecology – as a law of ecosystem self-regulation, in accordance to which at conditions of insufficient occupancy of the territory the population amount growths, and at conditions of over-occupancy it decreases. According to research, also development attributable to the dynamics of urbanized territories is noticeable, in which all the four types of physical interactions are expressed to a certain degree. These and other results of research have allowed to articulate the main principles of ecological space «urban physics» content, which have proven to be coordinated with the postulates of new single field physics (Bishkek version). The above-mentioned have allowed to lay down the theoretical foundation for an occurrence of a new branch in the science of townplanning i.e. wave urbanistics, as a science of management by unduly processes of territories development in order to provide a conditions of their sustainable development.
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Iryna Ustinova
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The paper presents the concept of vital cities in the context of mechanisms of sustainable development, networking and creativity. The vital city was presented as:

- a city belonging to the inhabitants – a city managed and developed with advanced processes of participation,

- a city of reasonable management – a city that uses and at the same time protects its key potentials,

- a city of creation – a city of creating and implementing new ideas,

- a city of opportunities – a city that creates the conditions for the use of energy and creativity residents,

- a city in the surround – a city with a strong position in the environment.

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Krzysztof Wrana
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This paper presents the use of multi-criteria analysis as a tool that helps choosing an adequate technology for a household wastewater treatment plant. In the process of selection the criteria of sustainable development were taken into account. Five municipal mechanical-biological treatment plants were chosen for the comparative multi-criteria analysis. Different treatment technologies, such as sand filter, activated sludge, trickling filter, a hybrid system - activated sludge/trickling filter and a hybrid constructed wetland system VF-HF type (vertical and horizontal fl ow) were taken into account. The plants’ capacities were 1 m3∙d-1 (PE=8) and they all meet the environmental regulations. Additionally, a solution with a drainage system was included into the analysis. On the basis of multi-criteria analysis it was found that the preferred wastewater treatment technologies, consistent with the principles of sustainable development, were a sand filter and a hybrid constructed wetland type VF-HF. A drainage system was chosen as the best solution due to the economic criteria, however, taking into consideration the primary (ecological) criterion, employment of such systems on a larger scale disagree with the principles of sustainable development. It was found that activated sludge is the least favourable technology. The analysis showed that this technology is not compatible with the principles of sustainable development, due to a lack of proper technological stability and low reliability.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Jóźwiakowski
Zbigniew Mucha
Agnieszka Generowicz
Stanisław Baran
Jolanta Bielińska
Włodzimierz Wójcik
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The sustainable development of human activities is directly related to the protection of the environment by lowering the anthropogenic stress. Pharmaceuticals – due to their growing consumption (use in medicine, veterinary, animal production, cosmetics) and their incomplete removal in wastewater treatment plants – are classified as a group of new and rapidly emerging pollutants which have been proven to have a negative impact onto water organisms. In order to ensure the proper protection of human health and the environment there is an urgent necessity of determining pharmaceuticals in clinical, cosmetic, food and environmental samples. Gas (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) are valuable techniques for such determination, especially when they are coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS; LC-MS) or tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS; LC-MS/MS). The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of sustainability features of analytical techniques in the light of necessity to determine trace amounts of pharmaceuticals in the aforementioned different matrices. Using the Delphi method we performed an analysis of the key sources of the competitive advantages of the application of GC and GC-MS techniques for determining the pharmaceutical residue in clinical, cosmetic, food and environmental samples – compared to techniques based on HPLC or LC-MS. The analysis covered the following areas: (i) the features of the technique, (ii) the price, and (iii) the applicability in various sectors of economy.

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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Sadkowska
Magda Caban
Mariusz Chmielewski
Piotr Stepnowski
Jolanta Kumirska
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The smart-city concept refers to a city that uses information and communication technologies to increase the interactivity and efficiency of urban infrastructure and its components, as well as raising awareness among residents of, for example, such socially important issues as energy efficiency and decarbonization. The current priorities and strategic goals of cities and metropolitan areas include climate protection, the reduction of pollution caused by the use of means of transport and heat or energy sources. The development of technology and the evolving smart-city concept are in line with the more efficient use of resources, global demographic trends, and ongoing urbanization processes. This results from the evolving potential of cities that the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) have set in motion. A change in the way cities function is a part of the concept of sustainable development, which involves the thoughtful use of resources in such a way that they are sufficient to not only ensure the well-being of the present generation but to also meet the needs of the future. Particularly important is the principle of sustainable development, which involves the greatest possible synergy between people and the world around them. Therefore, the essence of the idea of sustainable development is the pursuit of the well-being of society while maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem. Studies carried out among inhabitants of cities show that according to their understanding of the smart-city concept, the technological element is as important as the fact that the city is resident-friendly, smartly managed, and well organized, and the entities needed are always in the right place and at the right time. The purpose of this study is to analyze the innovation potential of selected cities of a large metropolis in terms of the smart city concept and 4T capitals. The subject is related to the search by city authorities for new models and tools to shape sustainable development in order to improve their residents’ access to municipal services and amenities, as well as to increase their influence on the future of their cities in such difficult ongoing processes as decarbonization. The main objective of the study was to identify how the authorities of the selected cities incorporate smart-city and 4T-capital topics into local policies to achieve decarbonization goals. The study was based on surveys of residents and municipal employees and on an analysis of local documents and environmental data of pollutions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Kinelski

  1. Management, WSB University, Poland
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Ukraine’s commitments under the international framework agreements to reduce CO 2 emissions and the Global Climate Change Initiative provide the basis for the implementation of bioeconomy mechanisms in the country’s Energy Development Strategy until 2035. One of the goals of this strategy is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and switch to alternative fuels. The agriculture of Ukraine is assigned the leading role in ensuring the replacement of fossil fuels with biomass of plant origin. The bioenergy potential of the agro-industrial sector of the economy requires extensive research in order to determine and integrate it into the country’s energy sector. The essential characteristics of energy efficiency in the context of the cluster model of organizing the activities of enterprises for the production of biofuel as stable interactions of geographically concentrated economic entities are investigated in this article. Peculiarities of introduction of bioenergy clusters as stable interactions of geographically concentrated business entities (enterprises, suppliers and organizations, including scientific institutions, etc.) have been determined according to a pre-defined and agreed development strategy for all participants without exception at the stage of formation of which the competitive environment is supported taking into account the energy, ecological and socio-economic parameters of the sustainable development of territories. A model of a territorial bioenergy cluster for the production of biofuels from crops and waste was formed and the advantages of creating bioenergy clusters were analyzed. Furthermore, a matrix of a PEST analysis of the formation of bioenergy clusters in Ukraine was formed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Pryshliak
Valerii Bondarenko
Serhii Sokoliuk
Oleksandr Brovarets

  1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  2. Department of Marketing and International Trade, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  3. Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine
  4. Kyiv Institute of Business and Law, Kyiv, Ukraine

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