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This essay deals with, or rather attempts to explore, the problem of irony and humour (sensu largo) in the Bible. On the whole Polish theology, homiletics and academic biblical studies have hardly anything to say about it, and when they do mention it, it is done in a rather perfunctory and unsatisfactory manner. This article asks what may be reasons for this ‘exegetical retouch’ (tabooing?), i.e. why has the question of biblical irony, which is a staple of international scholarship, received so little attention in Poland? Why do contemporary Polish biblical and homiletic studies cultivate a staid and solemn tone, and steer clear of a direct and plain exposition laced with subtle irony and a touch of asteism, a sure sign of a wise sense of humour that characterizes ancient Judaism? For Gary Webster, Terri Bednarz and Yehuda Radday the recognition level of biblical humour, sophisticated wordplay or irony depends on the reader’s competence, his linguistic and cultural sensitivity, his ability to detect cognitive presuppositions, and his knowledge of relevant contexts. Yet even a thorough understanding of the biblical text and its cultural conditioning cannot rule out doubts, moot points and interpretative dilemmas that bedevil the work of every translator and hermeneutic analyst and stoke up unending debates.

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Albert Gorzkowski
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Encryption is one of the most effective methods of securing data confidentiality, whether stored on hard drives or transferred (e.g. by e-mail or phone call). In this paper a new state recovery attack with tabu search is introduced. Based on research and theoretical approximation it is shown that the internal state can be recovered after checking 252 internal states for RC4 and 2180 for VMPC.
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Iwona Polak
Marcin Boryczka
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A classical algorithm Tabu Search was compared with Q Learning (named learning) with regards to the scheduling problems in the Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) manufacturing process. The first part comprised of a review of the literature concerning scheduling problems, machine learning and the ADI manufacturing process. Based on this, a simplified scheme of ADI production line was created, which a scheduling problem was described for. Moreover, a classic and training algorithm that is best suited to solve this scheduling problem was selected. In the second part, was made an implementation of chosen algorithms in Python programming language and the results were discussed. The most optimal algorithm to solve this problem was identified. In the end, all tests and their results for this project were presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

D. Wilk-Kołodziejczyk
1 2
K. Chrzan
K. Jaśkowiec
Z. Pirowski
R. Żuczek
A. Bitka
D. Machulec

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Krakow Institute of Technology, 73 Zakopiańska Str., 30-418 Kraków, Poland
  3. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
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The paper deals with the issue of production scheduling for various types of employees in a large manufacturing company where the decision-making process was based on a human factor and the foreman’s know-how, which was error-prone. Modern production processes are getting more and more complex. A company that wants to be competitive on the market must consider many factors. Relying only on human factors is not efficient at all. The presented work has the objective of developing a new employee scheduling system that might be considered a particular case of the job shop problem from the set of the employee scheduling problems. The Neuro-Tabu Search algorithm and the data gathered by manufacturing sensors and process controls are used to remotely inspect machine condition and sustainability as well as for preventive maintenance. They were used to build production schedules. The construction of the Neuro-Tabu Search algorithm combines the Tabu Search algorithm, one of the most effective methods of constructing heuristic algorithms for scheduling problems, and a self-organizing neural network that further improves the prohibition mechanism of the Tabu Search algorithm. Additionally, in the paper, sustainability with the use of Industry 4.0 is considered. That would make it possible to minimize the costs of employees’ work and the cost of the overall production process. Solving the optimization problem offered by Neuro-Tabu Search algorithm and real-time data shows a new way of production management.
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Anna Burduk
Kamil Musiał
Artem Balashov
Andre Batako
Andrii Safonyk

  1. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
  2. Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology,70 Mount Pleasant Liverpool L3 3AF, UK
  3. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Department of Automation, Electrical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Rivne 33000, Ukraine
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This issue is a typical NP-hard problem for an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with makespan minimization as the goal and no sequence-related preparation time. Based on the idea of tabu search (TS), this paper improves the iterative greedy algorithm (IG) and proposes an IG-TS algorithm with deconstruction, reconstruction, and neighborhood search operations as the main optimization process. This algorithm has the characteristics of the strong capability of global search and fast speed of convergence. The warp knitting workshop scheduling problem in the textile industry, which has the complex characteristics of a large scale, nonlinearity, uncertainty, and strong coupling, is a typical unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem. The IG-TS algorithm is applied to solve it, and three commonly used scheduling algorithms are set as a comparison, namely the GA-TS algorithm, ABC-TS algorithm, and PSO-TS algorithm. The outcome shows that the scheduling results of the IG-TS algorithm have the shortest manufacturing time and good robustness. In addition, the production comparison between the IG-TS algorithm scheduling scheme and the artificial experience scheduling scheme for the small-scale example problem shows that the IG-TS algorithm scheduling is slightly superior to the artificial experience scheduling in both planning and actual production. Experiments show that the IG-TS algorithm is feasible in warp knitting workshop scheduling problems, effectively realizing the reduction of energy and the increase in efficiency of a digital workshop in the textile industry.
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Xinfu Chi
Shijing Liu
Ce Li

  1. Dong Hua University, College of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai 201620, China
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Improving production processes includes not only activities concerning manufacturing itself, but also all the activities that are necessary to achieve the main objectives. One such activity is transport, which, although a source of waste in terms of adding value to the product, is essential to the realization of the production process. Over the years, many methods have been developed to help manage supply and transport in such a way as to reduce it to the necessary minimum. In the paper, the problem of delivering components to a production area using trains and appropriately laid-out carriages was described. It is a milk run stop locations problem (MRSLP), whose proposed solution is based on the use of heuristic algorithms. Intelligent solutions are getting more and more popular in the industry because of the possible advantages they offer, especially those that include the possibility of finding an optimum local solution in a relatively short time and the prevention of human errors. In this paper, the applicability of three algorithms – tabu search, genetic algorithm, and simulated annealing – was explored.
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Joanna Kochańska
Anna Burduk
Dagmara Łapczyńska
Kamil Musiał

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
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We consider the real-life problem of planning tasks for teams in a corporation, in conditions of some restrictions. The problem takes into account various constraints, such as for instance flexible working hours, common meeting periods, time set aside for self-learning, lunchtimes and periodic performance of tasks. Additionally, only a part of the team may participate in meetings, and each team member may have their own periodic tasks such as self-development. We propose an algorithm that is an extension of the algorithm dedicated for scheduling on parallel unrelated processors with the makespan criterion. Our approach assumes that each task can be defined by a subset of employees or an entire team. However, each worker is of a different efficiency, so task completion times may differ. Moreover, the tasks are prioritized. The problem is NP-hard. Numerical experiments cover benchmarks with 10 instances of 100 tasks assigned to a 5-person team. For all instances, various algorithms such as branch-and-bound, genetic and tabu search have been tested.
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Marek Bazan
1 2
Czesław Smutnicki
Maciej E. Marchwiany

  1. Wroclaw University of Scienceand Technology, Department of Computer Engineering, Wrocław, Poland
  2. JT Weston sp. z o.o. Warszawa, Poland
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In this paper, triangular lattice index-guiding photonic crystal fibres (PCFs) are synthesized to compensate the chromatic dispersion of a single mode fibre (SMF-28) for an 80 km optical link operating at 1.55 μm, by using a directed tabu search algorithm. Hole-to-hole distance, circular air-hole diameter, solid-core diameter, ring number and PCF length parameters are optimized for this purpose. Three synthesized PCFs with different physical parameters are compared in terms of their objective functions values, residual dispersions, compensation ratios and confinement losses.

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Fethallah Karim
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Stanowisko Feuerbacha nazywam antropomorfizmem co do pojęcia Boga, krócej – antropomorfizmem teologicznym. Uznaję je za teorię, i akceptuję. Teza główna tej teorii głosi (w sformułowaniu semantycznym): w każdej deskrypcji „Bóg” (takiej, że jej skrótem jest nazwa „Bóg”) występują wyłącznie wyrażenia dotyczące człowieka. W języku mentalistycznym natomiast (endemicznym Feuerbachowi): nie ma w pojęciu Boga niczego, co wykraczałoby treściowo poza pojęcia dotyczące człowieka. Antropomorfizm Feuerbacha ma wersję słabą oraz wersję mocną. Słaba – pojęcie Boga ma faktycznie feuerbachowską charakterystykę. Mocna – feuerbachowska charakterystyka pojęcia Boga jest konieczna na sposób konieczności przyrodniczej. Wersje te można zespolić, korzystając z dictum znalezionego dla opisu analogicznej sytuacji – ignoramus et ignorabimus. Antropomorfizm Feuerbacha konfrontuję z najmocniejszym argumentem, jaki potrafię sobie wyobrazić – z argumentem wymierzonym w naturalizm, rezerwuar przesłanek Feuerbacha. Argument ten dozbrajam obiecującą ontologią pojęć, zaczerpniętą od Bernarda Bolzano. Pokazuję na koniec, że maszyneria ta nie pracuje, a (niefeuerbachowskie) absolutne pojęcie Boga jest (uwaga: zależność o kontrintuicyjnym przebiegu!) niekonstruowalne, bo nieskonstruowane. W tym położeniu, mając antropomorfizm teologiczny za hipotezę przyrodniczą, czekam cierpliwie (zgodnie skądinąd z postulatem Stratona) na jej obalenie.
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Bohdan Chwedeńczuk

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