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In order to provide sufficient cooling capacity for working and heading faces of the coal mine, chilled water is often transported a long distance along pipelines in deep mine, which inevitably results in its temperature rising owing to heat transfer through pipe wall and the friction heat for flow resistance. Through theoretical models for temperature increasing of the chilled water were built. It is pointed out that the temperature rising of the chilled water should be considered as a result of the synergy effects of the heat transfer and the friction heat, but theoretical analysis shows that within engineering permitting error range, the temperature increasing can be regarded as the sum caused by heat transfer and fraction heat respectively, and the calculation is simplified. The calculation analysis of the above two methods was made by taking two type of pipe whose diameters are De273 × 7 mm and De377 × 10 mm, with 15 km length in coal mine as an example, which shows that the error between the two methods is not over 0.04°C within the allowable error range. Aims at the commonly used chilled water diameter pipe, it is proposed that if the specific frictional head loss is limited between 100 Pa/m and 400 Pa/m, the proportion of the frictional temperature rising is about 24%~81% of the total, and it will increase with high flow velocity and the thin of the pipe. As a result, the friction temperature rising must not be ignored and should be paid enough attention in calculation of the chilled water temperature rising along pipe.

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Qi Yudong
Cheng Weimin
Xin Song
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Vibrational stress relief (VSR) treatment as a method of stress relief is currently performed on different alloys and sizes as an appropriate alternative for thermal stress relief (TSR) method. Although many studies have been performed to extend the knowledge about this process, analytical studies in the field of VSR process seems to require wider efforts to introduce the concept more clearly and extensively. In this study, a theoretical model is proposed based on an analytical equation. The proposed equation was modified in terms of required variables including frequency, amplitude, and vibration duration to encompass more practical parameters compared to the previous models. Thus, essential VSR parameters including the number of cycles as a representative of treatment duration, strain rate as a representative of frequency, and the amplitude were embedded in the model to make it comprehensively practical. Experimental tests were also performed and residual stress distribution was measured by X-ray diffractometry (XRD) method for certain points to compare the experimental results with the theoretical output. An acceptable range of conformation was observed between theoretical and experimental results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mehdi Jafari Vardanjani
Jacek Senkara

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran.
  2. Department of Welding Engineering,Warsaw University of Technology,Warsaw, Poland.
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To solve the problem of large deformation soft rock roadway with complicated stress condition in Baluba copper mine, the characteristics of roadway deformation and failure modes are analyzed deeply on the basis of geological survey. Combined with the theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, the new reinforcement technology with floor mudsill and grouting anchor cable is proposed. Moreover, the three dimension numerical simulation model is established by the software FLAC-3D, the support parameter is optimized by it. The results show that the optical array pitch of the U-steel shelf arch is 0.8 m, and the optical array pitch of the grouting anchor cable is 2.4 m. At last, the field experiments are done all over the soft rock roadway. Engineering practice shows that the deformation of soft rock roadway in Baluba copper mine is effectively controlled by adopting the new reinforcement technology, which can provide certain references for similar engineering.
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Aixiang Wu
Shunman Chen
Yiming Wang
Xun Chen
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The paper is dedicated to the robustness analysis of scalar multi-agent dynamical systems. The open problem we aim to address is the one related to the impact of additive disturbances. Set-theoretic methods are used to achieve the main results in terms of positive invariance and admissible bounds on the disturbances.
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Katarzyna Topolewicz
Sorin Olaru
Ewa Girejko
Carlos E.T. Dórea

  1. Faculty of Computer Science, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
  2. Laboratory of Signals and Systems Centrale-Supelec, University Paris-Saclay, France
  3. Department of Computer Engineering and Automation, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN-CT-DCA, 59078-900 Natal, RN, Brazil
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The main purpose of the study is to investigate the mechanical properties around an underground gas storage cavern in bedded salt rock. Firstly, considering the characteristics of the salt rock formation in China, the mechanical model was simplified into a hollow cylinder, which containing non-salt interlayer. In terms of elastic theory, Love displacement function was developed, and the elastic general solution of stress and deformation components were obtained after determining the undetermined coefficients. Under the same condition, numerical simulation was carried out. The validity of the elastic general solution is verified by comparing to numerical simulation results. Furthermore, Based on the feasible general elastic solution, viscoelastic solution was obtained through Laplace transformation and inverse Laplace transform, which could provide reference for the study on the stability and tightness of underground gas storage carven during operation to some extent.

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P. Xie
H.J. Wen
G.J. Wang
J. Hu
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In this work, the instability damage modes of yield state of a steel tube at the tension side of a rectangular steel tube-confined concrete (RCFST) column under eccentric compression were classified into two types based on the coupling effect of slenderness ratio (λ) and eccentricity ratio (γ). The two types include the unilateral compression yield failure mode with a smaller value of γ and tensile and compressive yield failure modes on both column sides with a larger value of γ. Further, the parametric analyses were performed by employing the finite element (FE) method and the analytical analysis to test 16 groups of RCFST columns by varying the γ value with different λ values. It was observed that the results of the analysis for the mechanical properties like the responses of load-strain ( P-ε) and RCFST column instability modes correlated well with the results obtained in the experiments. Furthermore, the proposed theoretical method could be used to investigate the roles of γ as a controller against the instability in RCFST columns when compared with λ.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhengran Lu
Chao Guo

  1. School of Civil Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China

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