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The paper presents an induction generator connected to the power grid using the AC/DC/AC converter and LCL coupling filter. In the converter, both from the generator and the power grid side, three-level inverters were used. The algorithm realizing pulse width modulation (PWM) in inverters has been simplified to the maximum. Control of the induction generator was based on the indirect field oriented control (IFOC) method. At the same time, voltage control has been used for this solution. The MPPT algorithm has been extended to the variable pitch range of the wind turbine blades. The active voltage balancing circuit has been used in the inverter DC voltage circuit. Synchronization of control from the power grid side is ensured by the use of a PLL loop with the system of preliminary suppression of undesired harmonics (CDSC).

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A. Kasprowicz
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The neutral point clamped (NPC) three-level inverter is widely used in highvoltage and high-power applications. However, neutral point voltage oscillation (NPVO) and common-mode voltage (CMV) problems exist in the NPC three-level inverter. In this paper, an improved virtual space vector modulation (VSVM) is proposed based on the reconstruction of a virtual small vector and a virtual medium vector. Compared with the traditional VSVM, an improved VSVM can effectively reduce the CMV. On this basis, a vector conversion method is proposed to further reduce the NPVO in the whole range. Simulation results verify the effectiveness and superiority of the improved VSVM.
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Authors and Affiliations

Junlong Fang
Guangya Wang
Ran Li
Siyuan Liu
Shuyu Wang

  1. School of Electricity and Information, Northeast Agricultural University, China
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Multilevel inverters have been widely used in various occasions due to their advantages such as lowharmonic content of the outputwaveform. However, because multilevel inverters use a large number of devices, the possibility of circuit failure is also higher than that of traditional inverters. A T-type three-level inverter is taken as the research object, and a diagnostic study is performed on the open-circuit fault of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) devices in the inverter. Firstly, the change of the current path in the inverter when an open-circuit fault of the device occurred, and the effect on the circuit switching states and the bridge voltages were analyzed. Then comprehensively considered the bridge voltages, and proposed a fault diagnosis method for a T-type three-level inverter based on specific fault diagnosis signals. Finally, the simulation verification was performed. The simulation results prove that the proposed method can accurately locate the open-circuit fault of the inverter device, and has the advantage of being easy to implement.
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Authors and Affiliations

Danjiang Chen
Yutian Liu
Shaozhong Zhang

  1. College of Information and Intelligence Engineering, Zhejiang Wanli University, China
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Due to recent developments in the field of high-power and medium-voltage, the multilevel inverter has raised to such an extent owing to some of its amazing facts regarding harmonic spectrum, ease in control, reduced electromagnetic interference (EMI), filterless circuit, stress on power switches, common-mode voltage. This paper well describes a novel architecture of a single-phase multilevel inverter using a lesser number of overall components, especially the power switches. The proposed topology is generalized in the structure that can generate any number of voltage steps. A 7-level structure of the proposed topology is explained and is elaborately discussed. Simulation is carried out in MATLAB and corresponding experimental results verify the existence of the proposed multilevel inverter. The real-time experimental results were presented and are well verified by the simulation results for 7-level as well for 13-level across RL-Load. The nature of load current is also indicated as per the nature of load voltage. Nevertheless, the topology is further compared with some of the recent literature and found superior in each respect.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bidyut Mahato
Mrinal Ranjan
Pradipta Kumar Pal
Santosh Kumar Gupta
Kailash Kumar Mahto

  1. ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, UP – 201009, India
  2. Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya, Bihar – 823003, India
  3. Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad – 826004, India
  4. Government Engineering College, Siwan, Bihar – 841226, India

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