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The increasing demand for high-speed rotor-bearing systems results in the application of complex materials, which allow for a better control of the vibrational characteristics. This paper presents a model of a rotor including viscoelastic materials and valid up to high spin speeds. Regarding the destabilization of rotor-bearing systems, two main effects have to be investigated, which are strongly related to the associated internal and external damping of the rotor. For this reason, the internal material damping is modeled using fractional time derivatives, which can represent a large class of viscoelastic materials over a wide frequency range. In this paper, the Numerical Assembly Technique (NAT) is extended for the rotating viscoelastic Timoshenko beam with fractional derivative damping. An efficient and accurate simulation of the proposed rotor-bearing model is achieved. Several numerical examples are presented and the influence of internal damping on the rotor-bearing system is investigated and compared to classical damping models.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gregor Überwimmer
Georg Quinz
Michael Klanner
Katrin Ellermann

  1. Graz University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics, Kopernikusgasse 24/IV, 8010 Graz, Austria
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Vibration in rotating machinery leads to a series of undesired effects, e.g. noise, reduced service life or even machine failure. Even though there are many sources of vibrations in a rotating machine, the most common one is mass unbalance. Therefore, a detailed knowledge of the system behavior due to mass unbalance is crucial in the design phase of a rotor-bearing system. The modelling of the rotor and mass unbalance as a lumped system is a widely used approach to calculate the whirling motion of a rotor-bearing system. A more accurate representation of the real system can be found by a continuous model, especially if the mass unbalance is not constant and arbitrarily oriented in space. Therefore, a quasi-analytical method called Numerical Assembly Technique is extended in this paper, which allows for an efficient and accurate simulation of the unbalance response of a rotor-bearing system. The rotor shaft is modelled by the Rayleigh beam theory including rotatory inertia and gyroscopic effects. Rigid discs can be mounted onto the rotor and the bearings are modeled by linear translational/rotational springs/dampers, including cross-coupling effects. The effect of a constant axial force or torque on the system response is also examined in the simulation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michael Klanner
Marcel S. Prem
Katrin Ellermann

  1. Graz University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics, Kopernikusgasse 24/IV, 8010 Graz, Austria

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