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The aim of this study was to examine the changes in the chemical composition of shallow groundwater and its quality that have occurred in the last decade in an agriculturally used, heavily populated and characterized by a complex geological structure, catchment of the Stara Rzeka river, located in the flysch part of the Outer Carpathians. Water samples were collected during 2013 from 19 still operating wells. Analyses of pH, electrolytic conductivity and chemical composition by ion chromatography were conducted. The obtained results were compared with the results of studies conducted in 2003 for the same wells. The quality of groundwater and its suitability for consumption was assessed based on the regulations currently existing in Poland. 21% of the wells still do not meet the requirements for drinking water in terms of at least one component. However, there was a decrease in the concentration of mineral forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in most of the wells and their mean concentration as compared to 2003 was reduced. In terms of physical and chemical characteristics groundwater of this region is typical of the hypergenic zone of the temperate climate. The highest concentrations were observed for Ca2+ and HCO3- ions, while K+ and Cl- were characterized by the largest variability. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) demonstrated that the factors determining the quality and chemical composition of the analyzed waters include the composition of bedrock (mineralogy of the rock environment) and human economic activity, and that they have not been significantly changed over the past decade.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Bojarczuk
Ewelina Jelonkiewicz
Łukasz Jelonkiewicz
Anna Lenart-Boroń
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The aim of the paper is to compare nitrate concentrations in samples of supply water as well as

water from deep and dug wells located in the eastern region of Poland. Additionally, samples of bottled water

(spring and natural mineral), certifi ed by the Institute of Mother and Child and the Children’s Memorial Health

Institute, were subjected to analyses. On the basis of the obtained results, health risks related to the occurrence

of methemoglobinemia in neonates and infants were evaluated. The risk analysis was performed according to

the procedure recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Nitrate concentrations in

the examined samples ranged from: 0.153–161.1 mg/l. The lowest concentration of nitrates was determined in

the samples of bottled water, the highest being detected in the water from dug wells. It was found that nitrate

concentration in samples of bottled and supply water did not pose any risk to the health of neonates and infants.

The highest health risk related to methemoglobinemia occurs for neonates consuming water originating from

dug wells. The risk decreases along with the age of an infant.

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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Królak
Jolanta Raczuk
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The compositional graded quaternary barriers (GQBs) instead of ternary/conventional quantum barriers (QBs) have been used to numerically enhance the efficiency of AlGaN-based ultraviolet light-emitting diode (LED). The performance of LED with GQBs is examined through carrier concentrations, energy band diagrams, radiative recombination, electron and hole flux, internal quantum efficiency (IQE), and emission spectrum. As a function of the operating current density, a considerable reduction in efficiency droop is observed in the device with composition-graded quaternary barriers as compared to the conventional structure. The efficiency droop in case of a conventional LED is ~77% which decreased to ~33% in case of the proposed structure. Moreover, the concentration of electrons and holes across the active region in case of the proposed structure is increased to ~156% and ~44%, respectively.
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  1. Würtele, M. et al. Application of GaN-based ultraviolet-C light emitting diodes–UV LEDs–for water disinfection. Water Res. 45, 1481–1489 (2011),
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Authors and Affiliations

Shahzeb Malik
Muhammad Usman
Masroor Hussain
Munaza Munsif
Sibghatullah Khan
Saad Rasheed
Shazma Ali

  1. Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, 23460, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
  2. Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, 23460, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
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The paper presents the approach for optimization of preventive/technological measures increasing the safety of tailings pond dams. It is based on the combined use of monitoring results as well as advanced 3D finite element (FE) modeling. Under consideration was the eastern dam of Zelazny Most Tailings Storage Facility (TSF). As part of the work, four numerical models of the dam and the subsoil, differing in the spatial arrangement of the soil layers, were created. For this purpose, the kriging technique was used. The numerical models were calibrated against the measurements from the monitoring system. In particular the readings acquired from benchmarks, piezometers and inclinometers were used. The optimization of preventive measures was performed for the model that showed the best general fit to the monitoring data. The spatial distribution and installation time of relief wells were both optimized. It was shown that the optimized system of relief wells provides the required safety margin.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Łydżba
Adrian Różański
Maciej Sobótka
Paweł Stefanek

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
  2. KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. Hydrotechnical Unit, ul. Polkowicka 52, 59-305 Rudna, Poland
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The subject of the research is one of the largest World’s mine tailings disposal sites, i.e. Żelazny Most in the Legnica-Głogów Copper Mining District (south-western Poland), where flotation tailings are poured out after copper ore treatment. The protective hydraulic barrier made of 46 vertical drainage wells was characterized and evaluated in view of reduction of major contaminants (Cl, Na, SO4, Ca) migrating from the facility to its foreground. The efficiency of groundwater protection was determined on the basis of a new approach. In applied method the loads of characteristic and commonly recognizable compounds, i.e. salt (NaCl) and gypsum (CaSO4) were calculated, instead their chemical components. The temporal and spatial variability of captured main contaminants loads as well as its causes are discussed. The paper ends with the results of efficiency analyses of the barrier and with respect to the predicted increase in contaminant concentrations in the pulp poured out to the tailings site.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Duda
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In Poland, the economic use of methane from coal seams has been recognized as one of the objectives of the „Energy Policy of Poland until 2030“. In Poland at the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, reconnaissance operations were initiated to collect methane from coal seams using drilling wells and hydraulic fracturing operations.

During these operations, noise emission can have a significant impact on the environment. In order to limit the negative impact of noise, well pads are usually located in undeveloped areas. However, in the European Union, the majority of hard coal deposits from which methane can be extracted are located in areas with a high population density.

This article presents the results of noise measurements carried out during hydraulic fracturing operations of coal seams and the results of calculations of the equivalent sound level during the daytime. Based on the analysis of noise emission, some recommendations are given regarding the location of planned new well pads in highly urbanized areas in order to meet the applicable standards of noise protection.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Siemek
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Bacterial infections that are due to consumption of poor quality water are still an important threat to human health and life. The aim of the article was to investigate the bacteriological threat of water from home wells. The results of water testing from individual wells constituted research material. On their basis, the health risk of fecal streptococci, coliforms and Escherichia coli was assessed and an attempt was made to assess the impact of pollution on the health of residents. The results of water testing in private wells showed unacceptable values for bacteriological pollution. A signifi cant health risk was found for fecal streptococci, coliforms and Escherichia coli. The authors pointed out the need to take extensive actions aimed at raising environmental and health awareness of the inhabitants in terms of water quality used for living purposes, in particular for consumption.

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Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Wysowska
1 2
Kazimierz Kudlik
Alicja Kicińska

  1. Sądeckie Wodociągi” Sp. z o.o. Nowy Sącz, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Protection, Krakow, Poland
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This work aimed to verify forecasts of temperature and mineralization of the Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous waters in the Polish Lowlands, based on new geological information. In the first part of the articles series, entitled Verification of geothermal conditions in the Polish Lowlands based on data from new drilling performed in the years 2000–2022, an analysis of geothermal conditions is presented, while this work focuses on hydrogeochemical parameters, such as temperature in the top of formations and water mineralization. For this purpose, data from the Central Geological Database (CBDG), the Central Bank of Hydrogeological Data – HY DRO Bank, and from previously published scientific and research works were used. In the years 2000–2023, twenty-four exploration wells with a depth exceeding 1000 m below ground level were drilled and documented in the Polish Lowlands, providing information on the temperature and mineralization of waters taken from the Lower Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous formations. The assessment of spatial changes, as in the first part of the work, was performed with the use of QGIS Desktop 3.24.1 software, which is geoinformation software (GIS ) that allows viewing, editing, and analyzing spatial data and the creation of maps. The presented analysis made it possible to make a spot, local correction of the projected course of the isoline in relation to the maps published earlier in the Atlas of geothermal resources in the Polish Lowlands. Mesozoic Formations developed in 2006, edited by Wojciech Górecki.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wiesław Bujakowski
Piotr Zacharski
Barbara Tomaszewska
Magdalena Tyszer
Karol Pierzchała
Bogusław Bielec
Leszek Pająk
Beata Kępińska
Krystian Szczepański

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute, Warszawa, Poland
  3. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland; AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  4. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland; AGH Universityof Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
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Mining is an important economic activity in Kosovo. Artana and Kishnica mines are a part of the Trepça industrial complex and the increased exploitation of deposits has resulted in undesirable impact on the environment around the min-ing sites. More specifically, the mining activity caused water pollution. The aim of the study was to assess the physico- -chemical parameters and presence of heavy metals (Ni, Zn, As, Cd, Pb, Cr, Mn, Fe) in water samples of the Graçanka Riv-er and household wells in the area. The Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used to determine metal concentrations. Samples were collected from five sites along the Graçanka River and from four private water wells during a period from September to November 2019. Concentrations of heavy metals in the Graçanka River were as follows Mn (24–1203 μg∙dm–3), Fe (11–785 μg∙dm–3), Ni (4–299 μg∙dm–3), Pb (2–22 μg∙dm–3), As (1–5 μg∙dm–3), Zn (344–1646 μg∙dm–3), Cr (1–2 μg∙dm–3) and Cd (<1 μg∙dm–3). The well waters were polluted by multiple metals (Mn > Fe > Ni > Pb) with concentrations of Mn 1834–36089 μg∙dm–3, Fe 158–3535 μg∙dm–3, Ni 82–1882 μg∙dm–3, Pb 5–45 μg∙dm–3, As 2–19 μg∙dm–3, Cd 1–12 μg∙dm–3, Zn 979–23474 μg∙dm–3 and Cr 1–2 μg∙dm–3. The pollution has been caused by industrial (min-ing-related) and urban discharges. The contamination originates from the release of flotation process waste and from the leaching of the tailings dam. Most probably, rainwater has washed contaminants into the aquifers and the Graçanka River. River water is not suitable for irrigation and well water is not suitable for consumption or irrigation. Wastewater should be treated before discharge and the tailings area should be remediated in order to stop the pollution.
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Administrative Instruction No. 16/2012 on the Water quality for Human Consumption, was approved on 108 meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo with the decision No. 05/2012, date 14.12.2012.
Administrative Instruction MESP-NO. 16/2017 on Classification of Surface Water Bodies, was approve in the Government of the Republic of Kosovo with the decision No. 6526/17, date 08.12.2017.
BERISHA F., GOESSLER W. 2013. Investigation of drinking water quality in Kosovo. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. Vol. 2013, 374954. DOI 10.1155/2013/374954.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sadija Kadriu
Milaim Sadiku
Mensur Kelmendi
Mehush Aliu
Ismet Mulliqi
Arbër Hyseni

  1. University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini”, Faculty of Food Technology, Mitrovica, Kosovo
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The central question of the article is should Stanisław Lem be read as a futurologist? The main thesis is that more than in predicting the future Lem always has been more interested in exploration the conceptual limits of science and its technological offshoots.
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Authors and Affiliations

Peter Swirski

  1. Canadian scholar and novelist
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Noise is unwanted sound judged to be unpleasant, loud or disruptive to hearing. Like air pollution, noise pollution is one of the serious matters of concern in urban areas. Noise pollution occurs when noise level exceeds certain limit and has deleterious effects on human health and wellness. The major sources of noise pollution are industries, road traffic, railways, airplane traffic and social celebrations. The traffic noise is notably high in cities due to higher density of population, frequent movement of people, good transport system coupled with increasing numbers of vehicles (on road). In this work, the assessments of traffic noise in Sambalpur city is presented. Twelve important locations were chosen for the assessment. Noise contours were drawn to visualize the spreading of traffic noise into its surroundings. At the same time, the effect of noise pollution on wellness of the exposed people was studied. The study shows that the traffic noise level and its effects, are both in an alarming stage in the city.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alekh Kumar Sahu
Satish Kumar Nayak
Chitta Ranjan Mohanty
Prasant Kumar Pradhan

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, India
  2. Department of Civil Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, India
  3. Department of Civil Engineering, Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Berhampur, India
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Magnetoabsorption in far and mid IR ranges in double HgTe/CdHgTe quantum wells with inverted band structure has been studied in high magnetic fields up to 30 T. Numerous intraband and interband transitions have been revealed in the spectra and interpreted within axial 8 × 8 k·p model. Splitting of dominant magnetoabsorption lines resulting from optical transitions from hole-like zero-mode Landau level has been discovered and discussed in terms of a built-in electric field and collective phenomena.

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Authors and Affiliations

L.S. Bovkun
A.V. Ikonnikov
V.Ya. Aleshkin
K.V. Maremyanin
N.N. Mikhailov
S.A. Dvoretskii
S.S. Krishtopenko
F. Teppe
B.A. Piot
M. Potemski
M. Orlita
V.I. Gavrilenko
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Terahertz (THz) transmission, photoresistance, and electrical conductivity experiments were carried out at 4.2 K on a sample with modulation-doped CdTe/Cd 1-xMg xTe multiple quantum wells. The measurements were carried out as a function of a magnetic field B up to 9 T and a radiation frequency between 0.1 and 0.66 THz. A broad minimum in the transmission curve was observed at magnetic fields corresponding to the cyclotron resonance at given THz frequency which was followed at larger fields by an oscillatory signal, periodic in B −1. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations were observed in magnetoconductivity and in photoresistance. Each of these experimental signals revealed the same electron concentration equal to (1.01 ± 0.03) ∙1012 cm −2. THz spectroscopy results are compared with data obtained on a single quantum well and are discussed from the point of view of using such multiple quantum wells as THz optical elements.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Łusakowski
1 2
Andrzej Frączak
Mikołaj Grymuza
Eryk Imos
Adam Siemaszko
Wiktoria Solarska
Aniela Woyciechowska
Maciej Zaremba
Rafał Zdunek
Krzysztof Karpierz
Zbigniew Adamus
3 4
Tomasz Słupiński
3 4
Tomasz Wojtowicz

  1. Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
  2. CENTERA Laboratories, Institute of High-Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sokołowska 29, 01-142 Warsaw, Poland
  3. International Research Centre Mag Top, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleja Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
  4. Institute of Physics,Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleja Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
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Transport, photoluminescence, THz transmission, and optically detected cyclotron resonance studies were carried out on samples with a single modulation-doped CdTe/Cd 1-xMg xTe quantum well. THz experiments were performed at liquid helium temperatures for photon energies between about 0.5 meV and 3.5 meV. An effective mass of electron was determined to be (0.1020±0.0003)m 0. Observed photoluminescence and optically detected cyclotron resonance spectra cannot be explained within the simple model of Landau quantization of parabolic bands.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Łusakowski
Maciej Zaremba
Adam Siemaszko
Krzysztof Karpierz
Zbigniew Adamus
2 3
Tomasz Wojtowicz

  1. Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleja Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
  3. International Research Centre Mag Top, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleja Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
  4. International Research Centre Mag Top, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleja Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
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The objective of the research is to find low cost alternative for conventional recreational lagoons that consume water and energy used for desalination which is the only alternative for water treatment in most touristic villages all over the world. The study uses low cost recreational lagoon with new technology that use brackish water from deep wells and purify this water before entering the lagoon by controlled pulses and energy-efficient ultrasound filtration. This allows to maintain the water within pre-defined parameters, guaranteeing standardized water quality in all lagoons. The research introduces the lagoon new technology and its low cost design including feeding and drainage wells, second, the hydrographic survey-ing for the coastline in the study area, third water quality modelling for the production and injection wells, fourth, use SOBEK 1-2 Mathematical Model for determine the water depth and perspective water volume for the designed lagoon. The aim of this model: Determine the relation between the water depth and the water volume for the canal and the lakes. Sec-ond, calculate the evaporation rate from the surface, Determine the number and capacity of the water wells needed to fill the canal and the lakes, and Find out the relationship between the discharge and the time needed to circulate the water in the canal and the lakes to keep their water quality.

The results of the measurements from the observation well prove that the optimal discharge per each well is 0.022 m3·s–1. The construction of suggested new green technology lagoon are very low cost, completely environmentally friendly, in addition fulfils the highest standards of environmental safety.

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Authors and Affiliations

Rasha I. M. El Gohary
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This work aimed to evaluate groundwater potability for the population through geochemical assessment methods on the example of aquifers in Krasnodar city. In 2016 and 2019, on the territory of Krasnodar city (Krasnodar region, Russian Federation), a detailed geochemical analysis of groundwater quality was performed based on a total of 6000 samples, 3000 samples per each year. Samples were taken from 30 wells located at depths of up to 450 m in the layers of Anthropogen and Neogene stages. Quantitative analysis of wells according to the average water quality parameters showed that in 15 wells, the water condition met the MAC (maximum allowable concentration) standards in all layers. Water abundance between the layers of the Quaternary and Cimmerian stages is seven times as different (p ≤ 0.001) towards the latter, the hardness between the same horizons is ten times as different (p ≤ 0.001) towards the Quaternary stage and three times as different (p ≤ 0.05) in terms of solid residue. Thus, the water hardness and water abundance index vary significantly between the vertical layers. A strong positive correlation between the solid residue and the hardness values (Pearson correlation 0.93, p ≤ 0.05), and a negative correlation between water abundance and solid residue values (Pearson correlation –0.83, p ≤ 0.05), as well as between the hardness and water abundance values (Pearson correlation –0.81, p ≤ 0.05) was recorded. These findings can be used for regions with similar deposits of rocks and aquifers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Abdugani Azimov
Larisa Nekrasova
Dmitry Gura
3 4

  1. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Research Laboratory: Adsorption and Filtration Purification of Gases and Liquids, 5 Tauke khan Avenue, 160012 Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  2. Federal State Budgetary Institution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks” of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia
  3. Kuban State Technological University, Department of Cadastre and Geoengineering, Kuban, Russia
  4. Kuban State Agrarian University, Department of Geodesy, Kuban, Russia
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At present, stormwater management is one of the key issues in urban policy. This is due to the increasing urbanisation, climate change, the growing threat of extreme (weather) events and the need to protect water resources. Legislation plays an essential role in the process of project planning and implementation. The recognition of opportunities and barriers contained in these regulations forms the basis for action by the central government, local authorities and investors. The article aims to analyse legal provisions, administrative decisions and factual circumstances that provide the foundation of administrative court rulings in Poland and regard the legal possibilities of rainwater management in urban areas. The adopted research method allows for/includes the author’s interpretation and formulation of de lege ferenda conclusions. The results of analyses of both European and national legislation and case law indicate that there is a problem with the interpretation of existing legislation and the lack of legal definitions of basic equipment and solutions in the field of water law, for instance. Such legal circumstances make it difficult to make the required legal decisions, and have a negative impact on the timing of implementation and number of these muchneeded projects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Sobota
Ewa Burszta-Adamiak
Tomasz Kowalczyk

  1. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, Grunwaldzka St. 55, 50-357 Wrocław, Poland
  2. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Environmental Engineering and Geodesy,Grunwaldzka St. 55, 50-357 Wrocław, Poland
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The aim of the presented work was an attempt to verify the geothermal conditions in the Polish Lowlands (Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous reservoir) based on new geological information. The paper presents geothermal conditions in the Polish Lowlands according to the state of recognition at the end of 2022 in order to update the hydrogeothermal conditions in selected regions. Based on the scientific and research works published so far as well as numerous geothermal investments, and geological information from twenty-three new exploratory drilling events performed in the years 2000–2022 (nineteen of which were performed/documented after 2006), the authors undertook to update forecasts of the top surface of Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous formations, the total thickness of these formations and the potential discharge of wells. The analysis was performed using the QGIS Desktop 3.24.1 software, a cross-platform and free open-source geoinformation software application (GIS ) that enables the viewing, editing and analyzing of spatial data and the creation of maps. The correction covered the course of the isolines on all six analyzed maps. The presented analysis made it possible to make a spot correction of the forecasted course of the isoline in relation to the maps published earlier in the Atlas of geothermal resources in the Polish Lowlands. Mesozoic formations developed in 2006, edited by Wojciech Górecki. Information obtained from newly drilled geothermal boreholes enabled the local correction of the forecasted values of individual parameters while maintaining the general trend.
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Wiesław Bujakowski
Piotr Zacharski
Bogusław Bielec
Magdalena Tyszer
Karol Pierzchała
Barbara Tomaszewska
3 1
Leszek Pająk
3 1
Beata Kępińska
Krystian Szczepański

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute, Warszawa, Poland
  3. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
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Access to clean and sufficient drinking water is difficult in much of Ethiopia’s Afar Region. It is observed that many schemes in the region are non-functional. The study was conducted to overcome the observed problem in seven selected districts of the region. The study regarded hand-dug wells and roof water collection systems, which are the two most common features in the research areas. Eight hand-dug wells and sixteen roof water harvestings are purposively included in the study. All the water points are constructed by Kelem Ethiopia which is a non-governmental organisation and the foremost local organisation for the communities. As per the research survey, the average functional status of the hand-dug well schemes is 65.75% and the roof water harvesting schemes is 22.94%. The research was based on the qualitative data collected on site. The hand-dug well sites were evaluated using 10 parameters, and the roof water harvesting schemes were analysed using 12 parameters. The main non-functional aspects of the scheme are lack of community ownership, drying up of water sources, lack of maintenance and rehabilitation, poor coordination of beneficiaries and school roofs blowing off. Most schemes still require minor to major maintenance and rehabilitation. According to the research, the solutions for water supply are identified in relation to the desired objective.
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Authors and Affiliations

Melese C. Shumie

  1. Debre Berhan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Debre Berhan, PO Box 445, Ethiopia

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