Applied sciences

Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology


Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology | 2013 | No 3

Instructions for authors

General information

1. Original articles to the quarterly Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology, AMST, are invited. They should be sent to Redakcja Kwartalnika "Postępy Technologii Maszyn", Politechnika Rzeszowska, 35-959 Rzeszów, ul. W. Pola 2, budynek C, pok. 202
2. Articles are restricted to 12 manuscript pages. Longer articles will be subjected to a delay in publication.
3. The language of the journal is English. The Polish authors should also include the manuscript of the text and the abstract in Polish.
4. Articles must be submitted exclusively to AMST on the understanding that they have not been and will not be published elsewhere. Articles accepted for publication become the copyright of the AMST. The Editors retain the right to modify the style and length of a contribution (major changes being agreed with the main author).
5. It should be indicated who is the main (corresponding) author with full name and mailing address. The main author is responsible for ensuring that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors. The covering letter accompanying the manuscript should be signed by all the other authors to this effect.
6. Written permission from the copyright holder must be obtained to reproduce material from other sources.

Presentation of the manuscript

1. Authors are requested to submit the accepted version on disk together with hardcopy.
2. These should be rtf files output from Microsoft Word 5 (or higher). Details of software used and file included should be attached. Authors should ensure new disks are used and confirm that they have been scanned for viruses.
3. Type the manuscript on one side only of A4 (297x210 mm) paper with margins of at least 3 cm all round. Use double spacing throughout. It is not required to leave empty space for figures and tables.
4. Use the subheadings to divide the text into sections and, where necessary, subsections.
5. The title page should carry: the title, the authors names, their affiliation and address of each of them, up to six key words to assist cross-indexing.
6. An abstract of no more than 150 words should state the purposes of the study, procedures, findings and conclusions.

Mathematical formulae and units

1. Notation should be kept as simple as possible for the ease of typesetting. Clarify where necessary: subscripts and superscripts, vectors and special fonts. Explain all symbols used. A full list of symbols with adequate units (SI) should be supplied on a separate sheet. Equations should be numbered consecutively and the number given in parentheses at the right hand margin.
2. Use the SI system of units throughout. If necessary a unit can be followed by its non-SI equivalent in brackets.
3. Abbreviations should be used sparingly and given in full at first mention (e.g. "computer aided design (CAD)").

Illustrations and tables

1. Number all illustrations (including computer printouts and listings) in one sequence. Attach a label to the back of each giving its number, the authors name. Where possible, illustrations should fit within the print area of 125x190 mm.
2. Line drawings and graphs should be professionally prepared; freehand or typewritten labeling is not acceptable. Submit them as glossy black and white prints. All lines and labels should be clear and of sufficient size to be legible when reduced for publication.
3. Photographs should be supplied as top quality glossy prints.
4. Computer printouts will be reproduced photographically. To give good quality reproduction they need to be original printouts on plain white paper, printed in near letter quality (NLQ) or when possible with a laser printer. Always print programs unjustified, in a typeface with a fixed character width.
5. If artwork is

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