Nauki Techniczne

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences


Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences | 2014 | 62 | No 1


Abstract This paper deals with the application of the Radial Basis Function (RBF) networks for the induction motor fault detection. The rotor faults are analysed and fault symptoms are described. Next the main stages of the design methodology of the RBF-based neural detectors are described. These networks are trained and tested using measurement data of the stator current (MCSA). The efficiency of developed RBF-NN detectors is evaluated. Furthermore, influence of neural networks complexity and parameters of the RBF activation function on the quality of data classification is shown. The presented neural detectors are tested with measurement data obtained in the laboratory setup containing the converter-fed induction motor (IM) and changeable rotors with a different degree of damages
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Kamiński
C.T. Kowalski

Instrukcja dla autorów

Guide for Authors

As of January 1st, 2025, there are changes in the fees for open access publications in Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences: 2000 PLN (approx. 500 EUR) - up to 8 pages of the journal format and mandatory over-length charges of 250 PLN (approx. 60 EUR) per page (see the above link with instructions for Authors for details)

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Articles submitted by December 31st, 2024: existing fee: 1500 PLN (and mandatory over-length charges of 230 PLN per page)
Articles submitted from January 1st, 2025: new fee: 2000 PLN (approx. 500 EUR- depending on the exchange rate) - a flat fee per paper up to 8 pages of the journal format (each additional page will be charged an additional 250 PLN).

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