Archives of Materials Science and Engineering


Archives of Materials Science and Engineering | 2011 | Vol. 47 | (1) January

Instructions for authors

Paper submission
Papers are submitted by the use of on-line system after the previous registration and achieving of own login ID and password. The publisher requires the submission of papers in an electronic form thus saving time and avoiding making errors. Each submitted paper must have one introductory review worked out by a professor from the country from which at least one of authors comes from or by one of members of the international Editorial Board worked out according to the template given at the journal’s webside and sent in the way given there.
Papers may also be forwarded to the Editor via members of the Editorial Board and on the basis of the separate agreements by the chairmen of the Organising or Programme Committees of International Scientific Conferences especially sponsored by the Polish Academy of Sciences. An author should also enclose the transfer of copyright agreement sent according to requirements given at the journal webside
Materials which are not worked out according to the given rules will not be accepted.

Submission Language

Types of contributions
The Journal welcomes:
research papers,
technical papers,
short papers (only in special issues),  
conceptual papers (invited),  
literature review (invited),  
general review (invited),  
case studies (invited),  
viewpoints (invited).  

It is also proposed to maintain book reviews and reports of recent events and developments and an international diary of forthcoming events.

Author's registration fee
The Publisher may bring in the obligation of paying the authors' registration  fee which will be necessary for the publication of a paper.

Corresponding author
Clearly indicate who is willing to handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post publication. Ensure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the email address and the complete postal address. Full postal addresses must be given to all co-authors. Please consult a recent journal paper for style if possible.

Original materials
Submission of a paper implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis) that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that is publication is approved by all authors and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English without the written consent of the Publisher. Papers which texts are at least in a part used in the other one of the same author published earlier or submitted for print cannot be published in the Journal. It is not accepted to submit materials which in any violate copyrights of third persons or law rights. An author is fully responsible ethically and legally for breaking given conditions or misleading the Editor or the Publisher.

Editor's rights
The Editor reserves the right to return papers that do not conform to the instructions for paper preparation and template as well as papers that do not fit the scope of the journal, prior to refereeing. The Editor reserves the right not to accept the paper for print in the case of a negative review made by reviewers and also in the case of not paying the required fees if such will be fixed and in the case time of waiting for the publication of the paper would extend the period fixed by the Editor as a result of too big number of papers waiting for print. The decision of the Editor in that matter is irrevocable and their aim is care about the high content-related level of that journal.


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