Landscape transformation under the Gåsbreen glacier recession since 1899, southwestern SpitsbergenJournal title
Polish Polar ResearchYearbook
vol. 37Issue
No 2Authors
Arctic ; climate warming ; Glacier recession ; Landscape transformation ; SvalbardDivisions of PAS
Nauki o ZiemiCoverage
Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee on Polar ResearchDate
Artykuły / ArticlesIdentifier
DOI: 10.1515/popore-2016-0010 ; ISSN 0138-0338 ; eISSN 2081-8262Source
Polish Polar Research; 2016; vol. 37; No 2; 155-172References
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Editorial Advisory Board
Robert BIALIK (Warszawa, Poland)
Magda BŁAŻEWICZ (Łódź, Poland)
Alistair CRAME (Cambridge, UK)
Josef ELSTER (České Budějovice, Czechia)
Jacek JANIA (Sosnowiec, Poland)
Cezary KABAŁA (Wrocław, Poland)
Jerónimo LÓPEZ-MARTINEZ (Madrid, Spain)
Krzysztof MIGAŁA (Wrocław, Poland)
Jerzy NAWROCKI (Warszawa, Poland)
Maria OLECH (Kraków, Poland)
Sergej OLENIN (Klaipeda, Litva)
Sandra PASSCHIER (Montclair, USA)
Jan PAWŁOWSKI (Sopot, Poland)
Żaneta POLKOWSKA (Gdańsk, Poland)
Gerhard SCHMIEDL (Hamburg, Germany)
Peter SCHWEITZER (Vienna, Austria)
Janne SOREIDE (UNIS, Svalbard)
Lech STEMPNIEWICZ (Gdańsk, Poland)
Mateusz STRZELECKI (Wrocław, Poland)
Witold SZCZUCIŃSKI (Poznań, Poland)
Slawek TULACZYK (Santa Cruz, USA)
Jan Marcin WĘSŁAWSKI (Sopot, Poland) - President
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