
Tytuł artykułu

Numerical analysis of a small-size vertical-axis wind turbine performance and averaged flow parameters around the rotor

Tytuł czasopisma

Archive of Mechanical Engineering




vol. 64


No 2



Rogowski, Krzysztof : Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. ; Maroński, Ryszard : Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. ; Piechna, Janusz : Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.

Słowa kluczowe

vertical-axis wind turbines ; aerodynamics ; computational fluid dynamics

Wydział PAN

Nauki Techniczne




Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building


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Artykuły / Articles


DOI: 10.1515/meceng-2017-0013 ; ISSN 0004-0738, e-ISSN 2300-1895


Archive of Mechanical Engineering; 2017; vol. 64; No 2; 205-218


Tjiu (2015), Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine for power generation II : Challenges in HAWT and the opportunity of multi - megawatt Darrieus VAWT development, Renewable Energy, 75, 560. ; Shen (2009), The actuator surface model : a new Navier - Stokes based model for rotor computations of, Journal Solar Energy Engineering, 131, ; Ferreira (2014), Comparison of aerodynamic models for vertical axis wind turbines of Physics :, Journal Conference Series, 524, ; Schuerich (2011), Effect of dynamic stall on the aerodynamics of vertical - axis wind turbines, AIAA journal, 49, 2511, ; Paraschivoiu (2009), Saeed Darrieus wind turbine with blade pitch control of Rotating Machinery ID, International Journal, 505343, ; Scheurich (2011), Simulating the aerodynamic performance and wake dynamics of a vertical - axis wind turbine, Wind Energy, 14, 159, ; Menter (1994), Two - equation eddy - viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications, AIAA Journal, 32, 1598, ; Amet (2009), numerical simulations of blade - vortex interaction in a Darrieus turbine of, Journal Fluids Engineering, 11, 131, ; Blackwell (1974), The vertical - axis wind turbine How it works Report Sandia Laboratories, Energy, 74, 0160. ; Islam (2013), Progress and recent trends of wind energy technology Renewable and Sustainable, Energy Reviews, 21, 456, ; Laneville (1986), Dynamic stall : the case of the vertical axis wind turbine of, Journal Solar Energy Engineering, 108, 140, ; Ferreira (2007), van Bussel van Kuik Simulating dynamic stall in a modeling strategy , verification and validation with particle image velocimetry data of Physics :, Journal Conference Series, 75, 012023, ; Islam (2008), Aerodynamic models for Darrieus - type straight - bladed vertical axis wind turbines Renewable and Sustainable, Energy Reviews, 12, 1087, ; Rogowski (2015), CFD computation of the Savonius rotor of Theoretical and, Journal Applied Mechanics, 53, 37, ; Madsen (2013), Implementation of the actuator cylinder flow model in the HAWC code for aeroelastic simulations on vertical axis wind turbines InProceedings of st AIAA Aerospace Meeting including the New and Jan, Sciences Horizons Forum Aerospace Exposition USA, 7, ; Allet (1999), Numerical simulation of dynamic stall around an airfoil in Darrieus motion of, Journal Solar Energy Engineering, 10, 121. ; Marsh (2012), Three dimensional numerical simulations of a straight - bladed vertical axis tidal turbine In th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Australia, 3. ; Scheurich (2010), The influence of blade curvature and helical blade twist on the performance of a vertical - axis wind turbine In th AIAA Aerospace Meeting Including the New and Jan, Sciences Horizons Forum Aerospace Exposition USA, 4, ; Abdul Akbar (2016), A new approach for optimization of vertical axis wind turbines of Wind Engineering and, Journal Industrial Aerodynamics, 153, ; Guerri (2007), Simulations of the fluid flow around a rotating vertical axis wind turbine Wind, Engineering, 31, 149,