

Hot Dipping of Chromium Low-alloyed Steel in Al and Al-Si Eutectic Molten Baths

Journal title

Archives of Foundry Engineering




vo. 21


No 1



Attia, G.M. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering Suez University, Egypt ; Afify, W.M.A. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering Suez University, Egypt ; Ammar, M.I. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering Suez University, Egypt


Coating ; Hot dipping ; Aluminizing ; Chromium low alloyed steel

Divisions of PAS

Nauki Techniczne




The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences


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DOI: 10.24425/afe.2021.136076


Archives of Foundry Engineering; 2021; vo. 21; No 1; 37-50