Details Details PDF BIBTEX RIS Title Implementation of Polish speech synthesis for the BOSS system Journal title Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Yearbook 2010 Volume 58 Issue No 3 Authors Demenko, G. ; Möbius, B. ; Klessa, K. Divisions of PAS Nauki Techniczne Coverage 371-376 Date 2010 Identifier DOI: 10.2478/v10175-010-0035-1 ; ISSN 2300-1917 Source Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2010; 58; No 3; 371-376 References Hunt A. (1996), Unit selection in a concatenative speech synthesis system using a large speech database, null, 1, 373. ; Black A. (1997), Automatically clustering similar units for unit selection in speech synthesis, null, 2, 601. ; Breen A. (1998), Non-uniform unit selection and the similarity metric within BT's Laureate TTS system, null, 1, 373. ; Beutnagel M. (1999), Rapid unit selection from a large speech corpus for concatenative speech synthesis, null, 2, 607. ; Conkie A. (1999), Robust unit selection system for speech synthesis, null, 1. ; Balestri M. (1999), Choose the best to modify the least: a new generation concatenative synthesis system, null, 5, 2291. ; Iwahashi N. (1995), Speech segment network approach for an optimal synthesis unit set, Computer Speech and Language, 9, 335. ; Möbius B. (2003), Rare events and closed domains: two delicate concepts in speech synthesis, Int. J. Speech Technology, 6, 1, 57. ; Santen J. (1997), Methods for optimal text selection, null, 2, 553. ; <i>ECESS: European Center of Excellence on Speech Synthesis</i> <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; <i>SYNSIG: Speech Synthesis Special Interest Group of ISCA</i> <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; <i>BOSS: The Bonn Open Synthesis System</i> <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; S. Breuer, "Multifunktionale und multilinguale Unit-Selection-Sprachsynthese - Designprinzipien fur Architektur und Sprachbausteine", <i>Phd Thesis</i>, Universitat Bonn, Bonn, 2008. ; Klabbers E. (2001), Speech synthesis development made easy, The Bonn Open Synthesis System, 1, 521. ; Stöber K. (1999), Synthesis by word concatenation, null, 2, 619. ; <i>SAMPA for Polish Homepage</i> <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; Jassem W. (2003), Illustrations of the IPA, Polish J. Int. Phonetic Association, 33, 1, 103. ; Demenko G. (2003), Implementation of grapheme-to-phoneme rules and extended SAMPA alphabet in Polish text-to-speech synthesis, Speech and Language Technology, 7, 79. ; Szymański M. (2005), Semi-automatic segmentation of speech: manual segmentation strategy. Problem space analysis, Advances in Soft Computing, Computer Recognition Systems, 1, 747. ; K. Sjölander and J. Beskow, <i>Wavesurfer</i> <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; Klessa K. (2007), Optimization of Polish segmental duration prediction with CART, null, 1. ; Demenko G. (2008), Development and evaluation of Polish speech corpus for unit selection speech synthesis systems, null, 1. ; Breuer S. (2006), Analysis of Polish segmental duration with CART, null, 1. ; Breuer S. (2003), Unit selection speech synthesis for a directory enquiries service, null, 1. ; Gibbon D. (2008), An automatic close copy speech synthesis tool for large-scale speech corpus evaluation, null, 1. ; <i>ELDA: Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency</i> <a target="_blank" href=''></a>