Humanities and Social Sciences



Nauka | 2024 | No 4

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According to the author of the article, two documents created at the University of Bologna (the oldest university in Europe – founded in 1088): Magna Charta Universitatum (1988) and Magna Charta Universitatum 2020 describe obligations of states towards universities. Currently, we can observe governments' departures from respecting the provisions included in the Charts. In the article, the author discusses the consequences of adopting, by the Polish state, the dysfunctional Law on Higher Education and Science.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Marian Brzeziński

  1. Wydział Psychologii i Kognitywistyki, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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There are landmark events in the history of the University, such as the founding of the University of Bologna or, in the Polish context, the Jagiellonian University. The modern university, whose origins can be found in ancient Greece, has gone through various vicissitudes until it became an iconic institution of the post-modern society. The university is a place for the formation and multiplication of capital and archiving of knowledge. This article is an attempt to reconstruct the dynamics of university life from the Greek Academy to the university of the 21st century with a particular focus on the Polish higher education system, which is undergoing a visible crisis. Polish universities face key challenges in joining the discussion about solving the problems of the present. A special place in the discussion about the present society and the directions of its change is assigned to the research and teaching of sociology.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek S. Szczepański
Anna Śliz

  1. Szkoła Wyższa Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
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We conducted an analysis of the contribution of the most productive Polish scientists to national publication output from a temporal (1992!2021) and disciplinary (15 STEMM disciplines) perspectives. The top 1% of scientists accounted on average for 10% of national publication output (the 1/10 rule), and the top 10% of scientists accounted for almost 50% of this output (the 10/50 rule). The results of our econometric models show that the odds of membership in the top performers classes are significantly higher for men, scientists with a long publication history, and extensively involved in international research collaboration. Men are overrepresented in all three classes of most productive scientists (1%, 5%, and 10%) examined. The dataset included N = 152 043 Polish scientists and their Nart = 587 558 research articles from 1992!2021 indexed in Scopus.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Kwiek
Wojciech Roszka

  1. Institute for Advanced Studies inSocial Sciences and Humanities (IAS), Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu;
  2. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu,Centrum Studiów nad Polityką Publiczną UAM w Poznaniu
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With the massification of education and the growing demand for psychological services, we are witnessing an increase in the number of psychology programs and students. However, concerns regarding the quality of education are also rising, particularly in the context of insufficient legal regulations governing the profession. Quantitative analyses of trends in psychology education at higher education institutions in Poland from 2018–2023 are presented (appendix presents data that appeared after the preparation of the first version of the text). The data were sourced from publicly available databases including RAD-on, Eurostat, and PKA. The number of psychology programs offered increases each year, driven mainly by non-public universities. In 2019, approximately 34,000 individuals were studying psychology, and by 2022, this number rose to around 56,000 (at the same time, the number of individuals pursuing doctoral studies in this discipline has decreased, which may lead to a paucity of future academic staff). The largest growth in student numbers and program offerings was observed in long-cycle master's programs with a practical profile, offered by professional universities, as well as in part-time formats. Up to 40% of students are enrolled in institutions that do not participate in the scientific evaluation in the discipline of psychology. Psychology programs are offered under various names, with the coverage of learning outcomes assigned to this discipline ranging from 37% to 100%. Considering such diverse educational models, ensuring the quality of psychology education at higher education institutions and establishing regulations regarding the qualifications required to practice as a psychologist will be key challenges in the near future.
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Authors and Affiliations

Julita Koszur
Aleksandra Gruszka
Anna M. Ziółkowska
Anna Czerniak

  1. Wydział Psychologiiwe, Uniwersytetu SWPS Wrocławiu
  2. Instytut Psychologii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  3. Wydział Psychologiii Prawa, Uniwersytetu SWPS w Poznaniu
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After 1974, three research teams emerged from the Poznań school of methodology, each developing distinct areas of inquiry: (1) the idealizational theory of science and non-Marxist historical materialism, (2) historical epistemology, cultural theory, and cultural studies, and (3) the methodology of historical research. Team (1), led by L. Nowak, conducted epistemological and methodological analyses in the field of Marxist categorical dialectics, adaptive interpretations of historical materialism, and non-Marxist social theory. The group centered around J. Kmita (2) focused on issues of scientific development within historical epistemology and the theoretical history of science, as well as studies on culture and science as a cultural domain, approached from the cognitive-social regulatory theory of culture, which shaped the “Poznań school of cultural studies”. Team (3), led by J. Topolski, reconstructed the research practices of historians and historiographers, investigating “how history is written and understood” by considering various theoretical-methodological positions in historical research, alongside modern and postmodern cultural trends and philosophical orientations that influence the “writing of history”.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Grad

  1. Wydział Antropologii i Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The aim of the research described in this article is to find an answer to the question – what image of cancel culture is created on the Internet by people professionally associated with universities – researchers and academic teachers. The literature on the subject lacks not only systematic reviews of the state of cancel culture research, but also analyses of the images of this phenomenon created on the Internet by researchers. Therefore, research was conducted, which consisted of selecting researchers whose publications on cancel culture are indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, or in the Google Scholar search engine, and who have spoken on this topic in the media and websites. Then, those publications were selected in which the authors revealed their attitude to the cancel culture phenomenon, positive or critical. It was determined how this attitude was revealed and what procedures were used by individual scientists to disseminate their views on the Internet. The author concluded that a reader interested in the phenomenon of cancel culture and focused on gaining knowledge from scientists will relatively often come across completely different perceptions of the phenomenon, as well as different descriptions and assessments of it. They may come across both scientific works and journalistic statements by a specific person that will present the phenomenon unequivocally positively or unequivocally negatively. There is basically no such thing as scientific consensus in the case of cancel culture.
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Zbigniew Osiński

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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The paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Zbigniew Kwieciński, who passed away in Toruń on August 25, 2024. Professor Zbigniew Kwieciński was an outstanding pedagogue and sociologist of education, a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The article presents the facts of the life and scientific road of Professor Zbigniew Kwieciński – a scientist committed to serving the eternal ideals of searching for scientific truths.
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Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska

  1. Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza
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On October 31, 2024, we lost Professor Wiesław Łukaszewski, a distinguished psychologist and a remarkable figure in Polish psychology. Throughout his career, he served as chairman of the Committee of Psychological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for two terms, and directed the Institutes of Psychology at the University of Wrocław and Opole. A mentor to many, he supervised 22 doctoral theses, authored numerous articles and books, and was an outstanding popularizer of psychology. This short article honors him not only as an esteemed scholar and educator but also as a mentor, collaborator, and friend. We bid farewell to one of the most influential figures in the field of Polish psychology.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Doliński
Tomasz Grzyb

  1. Uniwersytet SWPS
  2. Uniwersytet SWPS, Wydział Psychologii we Wrocławiu

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NAUKA jest czasopismem Polskiej Akademii Nauk wydawanym kwartalnie w języku polskim lub angielskim. Czasopismo publikuje recenzowane prace naukowe, artykuły przeglądowe, polemiczne, wspomnieniowe, recenzje oraz listy do redakcji.

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Wraz z plikiem zawierającym artykuł i plikami z ilustracjami należy przesłać:

a) pismo, w którym pierwszy autor zwraca się do redakcji o wydrukowanie pracy w czasopiśmie (formalne zgłoszenie materiału do publikacji w kwartalniku NAUKA), podaje swój adres, afiliacje, adres e-mailowy oraz podpis wraz z podaniem tytułu naukowego;

b) pisemne oświadczenie, że praca nie była dotąd ogłoszona drukiem i nie została złożona w innej redakcji. W przypadku wykorzystywania rycin (lub innych elementów) uprzednio publikowanych lub pochodzących od innych autorów należy dołączyć pisemną zgodę autorów i wydawnictwa na ich wykorzystanie;

Literatura przedmiotu powinna być umieszczona na końcu pracy w układzie sekwencyjnym (odwołanie w tekście, np. [1]) lub alfabetycznym typu „autor-rok” (odwołanie w tekście, np. (Ziman J., 1978)).


Watson J.D., Crick F.H.C., Molecular structure of nucleic acids. Nature 1953, nr 171,

s. 737–738.


Ziman J., Reliable knowledge. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1978, s. 124–157.

Rozdział w książce:

Klemensiewicz Z., Przekład jako zagadnienie językoznawstwa, [w:] O sztuce tłumaczenia, pod redakcją M. Rusinka, Wrocław 1955, Zakład im. Ossolińskich, s. 85–97.

Tytuły artykułów w literaturze przedmiotu powinny być podane w oryginalnym brzmieniu, a skróty tytułów czasopism według Web of Science: Standard journal abbreviations oraz wykazów narodowych i branżowych. Spis piśmiennictwa nie powinien zawierać niepublikowanych danych, informacji prywatnych lub prac w przygotowaniu. Odwoływanie się do takich źródeł może występować jedynie w tekście.

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