Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne

Organization and Management


Organization and Management | 2011 | No 145

Instrukcja dla autorów

We kindly ask to send articles for publishing directly to Editor-in-Chief prof. Lukasz Sulkowski on email address:

Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word document format, Times New Roman font 11 points (without hyperlinks) and should not exceed:

  • 15 pages of standard typescript (30 lines of 60 characters per page) in cases of articles and research reports;
  • 8 pages of standard typescript in case of book reviews.

Bibliography items should be provided in a following manner: author's surname, first name's initial , middle name's initial, item's title (italic), journal title in quotation marks (in case of articles), publisher, place of publishing and publication date.

References should be cited in the text by providing in brackets a number of referred bibliography item with a pages number if required (i.e. in case of quotations).

Manuscripts should also include:

  • in case of article in English – an abstract and key words in English
  • in case of articles in Polish – abstracts and key words both in English and in Polish, and a title in English
  • in both cases – abstracts and key words should not exceed 200 words.

We kindly ask authors to enclose on a separate page information about: degree, current employment, phone numbers, personal address.

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