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Solar cell performance decreases with increasing temperature, heat can reduce output efficiency by 10–25%. The operating temperature plays a key role in the photovoltaic conversion process. Increase in electrical efficiency depends on cooling techniques, in particular photovoltaic modules installed in the high temperature regions. A cooling process using a single nozzle of photovoltaic panel operating under different configurations was simulated. The simulation contains two parts: the first is a thermodynamic investigation of fluid impingement upon the sensor front face. The second is a performance comparison between two types of glass cover. The major result that emerges from this simulation is the effect of a single nozzle arrangement to enhance the cooling process, under a low cadence of impinging droplets in the range 0.1–1.7 m/s.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hocine Mzad
Abdessalam Otmani

  1. Mechanical Engineering Department, Badji Mokhtar University of Annaba, P.O. Box 12, DZ-23000, Algeria

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