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In the summer of 2021 deliberate actions by the Belarusian state authorities led to a huge increase of people irregularly crossing the border from Belarus to Poland. Instead of addressing this humanitarian crisis, the Polish government responded with actions that were in violation of its international obligations and domestic law. Among these measures was carrying out “pushbacks” and grounding them in Polish domestic law. “Pushbacks” are the practice of returning people to the border without assessing their individual situation. The formalization of those practices in 2021 was done within two legal frameworks; one interim and one permanent. They continue to function in parallel while containing different provisions. This article assesses the two frameworks’ compatibility with domestic and international law and concludes that they both violate domestic and international rules. In the context of EU law, the article demonstrates the incompatibility of the two frameworks with the so-called Asylum Procedures Directive and Return Directive. The article further argues that the pushbacks violate the European Convention of Human Rights and would not fall within the exceptions to the prohibition of collective expulsions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Grażyna Baranowska
1 2

  1. Assistant professor (dr.), Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
  2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Hertie School
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In this paper we study the relationship between foreign firm ownership and innovation activities in a wide group of West European and Central and East European countries. Based on a dataset including more than 100,000 firms covered by the 2014 edition of the Community Innovation Survey, we examine the role of home- and host country effects in firms’ decisions to introduce various forms of innovation. In addition, we identify a group of foreign-owned firms that specialize in exporting and interpret them as participants of hierarchic global value chains organized by multinational enterprises. We show that while foreign direct investment, especially from Germany, is positively associated with innovation, the opposite effect is observed in the case of hierarchic global value chains’ participants. The negative impact of within-multinationals global value chains on innovation is more pronounced in the affiliates located in the Central and East European countries.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Cieślik
Jan Jakub Michałek
Krzysztof Szczygielski
Jacek Lewkowicz
Jerzy Mycielski

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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The paper formulates and formalises a method for selecting parameters of the tuned mass damper (TMD) for primary systems with many degrees of freedom. The method presented uses the properties of positive rational functions, in particular their decomposition, into simple fractions and continued fractions, which is used in the mixed method of synthesis of vibrating mechanical systems. In order to formulate a method of tuning a TMD, the paper discusses the basic properties of positive rational functions. The main assumptions of the mixed synthesis method is presented, based on which the general method of determining TMD parameters in the case of systems with many degrees of freedom was formulated. It has been shown that a tuned mass damper suppresses the desired resonance zone regardless of where the excitation force is applied. The advantages of the formulated method include the fact of reducing several forms of the object’s free vibration by attaching an additional system with the number of degrees of freedom corresponding to the number of resonant frequencies reduced. In addition, the tuned mass damper determined in the case of excitation force applied at a single point can be attached to any element of the inertial primary system without affecting the reduction conditions in this way. It results directly from the methodology formalised in the paper. As part of the paper, numerical calculations were performed regarding the tuning of the TMD to the first form of free vibration of a system with 3 degrees of freedom. The parameters determined were subjected to analysis and verification of the correctness of the calculations carried out. For the considered case of a system with 3 degrees of freedom together with a TMD, time responses of displacement, from each floor, were generated to excitation induced by a harmonic force equal to the first form of vibration of the basic system. In addition, in the case of the parameters obtained, the response of the inertial element system to which the TMD was attached to random white noise excitation was determined.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Dymarek
Tomasz Dzitkowski

  1. Departament of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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Personality types are currently understood as basic configurations of personality traits from the Big Five model. However, to date, research has provided inconsistent results as to the number and content of personality types. The broadest support was found for the three-type RUO (Resilient-Undercontrolled-Overcontrolled) typology, but many studies indicate the existence of four or five basic personality types. The prevalence of an exploratory orientation in research on personality types was identified as the main cause of these inconsistencies, and the need for a well-justified theoretical basis for the personality typology was observed. The current study examines the predictions resulting from the four-type RUNO (Resilient-Undercontrolled-Nonresilient-Overcontrolled) typology – a proposal built on the Two Factor Model of personality and its extension: the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits. We used various measurement instruments (11 questionnaires to measure Big Five traits), samples (five samples with a total of 4430 respondents) and statistical procedures (cluster analyses on row and standardized data) testing the three-type, four-type and five-type solutions. We expected that although the robustness of the empirically derived type-solutions across different research conditions will be limited (in accordance with the previous studies), the configurations of each type found in the Big Five data will be in a concordance with the RUNO typology. Obtained results roughly confirmed our expectations. We conclude that a renewed focus on the theoretical basis of personality typology seems to be necessary to further advance this field of research and the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits enables the essential turn from an exploratory approach (usually used in the previous studies) to a theoretically driven approach (proposed by us in the current study) to personality typology.
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Authors and Affiliations

Włodzimierz Strus
Natalia Cybis
Jan Cieciuch
Tomasz Rowiński

  1. Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
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The issue of math attitude and math anxiety in STEM students has been till now overlooked. However, the issue occurring in many countries is students’ falling out of the STEM education system during their studies. One of the reasons for this problem may be high math anxiety and a negative math attitude among students. The present study fills a gap in knowledge about this phenomenon among STEM students. 371 Polish STEM students filled questionnaires of math attitude (MASA) and math anxiety (MAQA, SIMA, AMAS). The results are as follow: The mean results show that STEM students have a very positive math attitude in affective and cognitive dimensions and a rather positive math attitude in the behavioral area; On average, STEM students feel very weak anxiety related to math problem solving, weak general math anxiety and math learning anxiety, and a moderate level of math testing anxiety; Among STEM students there are those who present a very negative/negative math attitude and very strong/strong math anxiety; Women feel more intense anxiety related to math problem solving, but there is no gender gap in general math anxiety, math learning and math testing anxiety, and in math attitude. The results suggest that math attitude and math anxiety of STEM students should be monitored. Indeed, not all STEM students have a positive math attitude and feel no math anxiety. Moreover, proper interventions are recommended to decrease math anxiety and improve positive math attitude that in turn may prevent the students’ dropping out from STEM studies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Szczygieł

  1. Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland
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In the study we have focused on the distribution of several metals (Cr, As, Pb) and anions (Cr, NO3-) and their partition between pore (interstitial) waters and sediments sampled at three stations at the Dobczyce Reservoir which supplies the drinking water to inhabitants from the city of Kraków and its agglomeration. The results show considerable increase in concentrations of Pb and As in pore water samples, when compared to the bottom waters. Meaningful alternations in concentration were observed in case of pore water samples (Pb, As) and sediments (Cr, Pb, As), coming from three stations and their lateral sections. The possible relations between this phenomenon and the sediment characteristic as well as the Fe and Ca content, has been studied. Some comments on the seasonal variations of anion contents in water and pore water samples, are also provided. It was found that nitrates and sulphates show considerable variations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Macherzyński
Witold Reczyński
J. Sanecki
Jerzy Górecki
Janusz Gołaś
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The article discusses the architectural expression of houses built on water, based on the design process of the floating house in the Czerniakowski Port in Warsaw, designed by Mai Bui Ngoc and Rafał Mazur. The question of the form of the floating house was the starting point of the work on this project. Usually buildings are designed in a specific location, which gives architects an inspiration for the design of the new form. In the case of the floating houses the goal was to make a universal artefact as a car or a phone. This artefact should be more connected to the owner than to the landscape. This artefact should be also neutral to the landscape and it should not be destructive for the surroundings. The answer lays between two archetypes; a typical house and a boat. Analysis of the existing floating houses gave the conclusion that authors of these houses were usually very close to one of these two archetypes. It is a need to put a lot of effort to design an object which does not remind a real house and a yacht design.

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Rafał Mazur
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Plant secondary metabolites have a variety of functions, including mediating relationships between organisms, responding to environmental challenges, and protecting plants against infections, pests, and herbivores. In a similar way, through controlling plant metabolism, plant microbiomes take part in many of the aforementioned processes indirectly or directly. Researchers have discovered that plants may affect their microbiome by secreting a variety of metabolites, and that the microbiome could likewise affect the metabolome of the host plant. Pesticides are agrochemicals that are employed to safeguard humans and plants from numerous illnesses in urban green zones, public health initiatives, and agricultural fields. The careless use of chemical pesticides is destroying our ecology. As a result, it is necessary to investigate environmentally benign alternatives to pathogen management, such as plant-based metabolites. According to literature, plant metabolites have been shown to have the ability to battle plant pathogens. Phenolics, flavonoids, and alkaloids are a few of the secondary metabolites of plants that have been covered in this study.
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Authors and Affiliations

Herlina Jusuf
Marischa Elveny
Feruza Azizova
Rustem A. Shichiyakh
Dmitriy Kulikov
Muataz M. Al-Taee
Karrar K. Atiyah
Abduladheem T. Jalil
Surendar Aravindhan

  1. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Faculty of Sports and Health, Department of Public Health, Jln. Jenderal Sudirman 6, Gorontalo, 96128, Indonesia
  2. Universitas Sumatera Utara, DS & CI Research Group, Medan, Indonesia
  3. Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  4. Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Department of Management, Kuban, Russia
  5. Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University), Department of Digital Nutrition, Hotel and Restaurant Services, Moscow, Russia
  6. AL-Nisour University College, Department of Medical Laboratories Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
  7. College of Dentistry, Al-Ayen University, Thi-Qar, Iraq
  8. Al-Mustaqbal University College, Medical Laboratories Techniques Department, Babylon, Hilla, Iraq
  9. Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, India
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This paper presents a study conducted using the Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) to explore surface irrigation potential zones in the Didesa sub-basin of the Abay basin in Ethiopia. Physical land features, such as land use / land cover (LULC), slope, soil depth, drainage, and road proximity, along with climate factors like rainfall and evapotranspiration, and population density, were identified as criteria for the exploration. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a powerful structured decision-making technique commonly used for complex multi-criteria analysis problems where multiple criteria need to be considered. The importance of the criteria was prioritised and ranked in the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Five qualitative-quantitative based surface irrigation potential zones were identified, namely highly suitable (48.40%), moderately suitable (27.26%), marginally suitable (13.27%), not suitable (4.91%), and irrigation constraints (6.16%). The consistency of the AHP technique in the exploration of surface irrigation potential zones is evaluated by the consistency index at CI = 0.011 and confirmed the correctness of weights assigned for the individual key factor in the AHP. The accuracy of the potential zones generated in the AHP was evaluated with ground-truth points and a supervised LULC classification map. Moreover, a good agreement was made among the classes with the kappa index ( KI = 0.93). Therefore, the application of the MCA for the exploration of surface irrigation potential zones was successful, and the results of the study will be useful to strengthen the irrigation in the explored potential zones.
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Authors and Affiliations

Habtamu Tamiru
Megersa O. Dinka

  1. Wollega University, Department of Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering, PO box 395, Nekemte, Ethiopia
  2. University of Johannesburg, Department of Civil Engineering Science, Johannesburg, South Africa
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In this work, a real-time label-free microwave sensing mechanism for glucose concentration monitoring using a planar biosensor configured with an inset fed microstrip patch antenna has been demonstrated. A microstrip patch antenna with the resonating frequency of 1.45 GHz has been designed and is fabricated on the Flame Retardant (FR-4) substrate. Due to the intense electromagnetic field at the edges of the patch antenna, edge length has been used as the detecting area where the sample under test (SUT) interacts with the electromagnetic field. The Poly-Dimethyl-Siloxane (PDMS) with the trench in the centre has been employed as the sample holder. Here, the SUT is the glucose dissolved in DI (de-ionized) water with the concentration range of 0.2 to 0.6 g/mL. The dielectric constant dependency on the glucose concentration has been used as the distinguishing factor which results in a shift in the S-parameter. The experimentally measured RF parameters were observed closely which showed the shift in S11 magnitude from –40 to –15 dB and resonant frequency from 1.27 to 1.3 GHz w.r.t the SUT solution of 0.2 to 0.6 g/mL with linear regression coefficient of 0.881, and 0.983 respectively.
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Authors and Affiliations

Priya Rai
Poonam Agarwal

  1. Institute of Science and Technology, Chandrakona Town, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal-721301, India
  2. Microsystems Lab, School of Computer and Systems Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India
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Cultivation-based assays represent the gold standard for the assessment of virus infectivity; however, they are time-consuming and not suitable for every virus type. Pre-treatment with platinum (Pt) compounds followed by real-time PCR has been shown to discriminate between infectious and non-infectious RNA viruses. This study examined the effect of Pt and palladium (Pd) compounds on enveloped DNA viruses, paying attention to two significant pathogens of livestock – bovine herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1) and African swine fever virus (ASFV). Native or heat-treated BoHV-1 suspension was incubated with the spectrum of Pt/Pd compounds. Bis(benzonitrile)palladium(II) dichloride (BB-PdCl 2) and dichloro(1,5-cyclooctadiene) palladium(II) (PdCl 2-COD) produced the highest differences found between native and heat- -treated viruses. Optimized pre-treatment conditions (1 mM of Pd compound, 15 min, 4°C) were applied on both virus genera and the heat inactivation profiles were assessed. A significant decrease in the detected quantity of BoHV-1 DNA and ASFV DNA after heat-treatment (60°C and 95°C) and consequent incubation with Pd compounds was observed. BB-PdCl 2 and PdCl 2-COD could help to distinguish between infectious and non-infectious enveloped DNA viruses such as BoHV-1 or ASFV.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Krzyzankova
M. Krasna
J. Prodelalova
P. Vasickova

  1. Food and Environmental Virology, Department of Microbiology and Antimicrobial Resistance, Veterinary Research Institute, Hudcova 70, 621 00 Brno, Czech Republic
  2. Molecular Epidemiology of Viral Infections, Department of Infectious Diseases and Preventive Medicine, Veterinary Research Institute, Hudcova 70, 621 00 Brno, Czech Republic
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the intestinal and cardiac biomarkers in the determination of intestinal and cardiac damage in dogs with parvoviral enteritis. The material of this study consisted of 10 healthy dogs (control group) and 30 dogs with parvoviral enteritis (experimental group) admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Selcuk University.

Serum samples were extracted from the collected blood samples taken from vena cephalica venipuncture for analysis of blood gases, haemogram and to measure the levels of intestinal-fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP), trefoil factor 3 (TFF-3), claudin-3 (CLDN-3), heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP), cardiac troponin I (cTnI), and creatine kinase-myocardial band (CK-MB) by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test kits.

Statistically significant decreases in the blood gas hydrogen ion concentration (pH), partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), sodium (Na), bicarbonate (HCO3), and oxygen saturation (SatO2) levels and significant increase in the levels of I-FABP, TFF-3, CK-MB, cTnI and also in the haemogram, a decrease in leukocyte (WBC) level and an increase in platelet (THR) level were detected in parvoviral dogs compared to the control group (p<0.05). Also ROC analysis revealed on 0th hour for the utility of I-FABP and on 48th hour for TFF-3 in differentiating in the experimental group between the survivor and non-survivor dogs. Other intestinal-related biomarker (CLDN-3) and none of the cardiac-related biomarkers (H-FABP, CK-MB and cTnI) are not high enough for prediction of mortality.

In conclusion, it was determined that I-FABP and TFF-3 for the intestinal injury and mortality prediction, and CK-MB and cTnI for the cardiac injury were useful and reliable biomarkers to determine the damage caused by parvovirus in dogs.

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Authors and Affiliations

E. Gulersoy
M. Ok
R. Yildiz
E. Koral
M. Ider
M. Sevinc
A. Zhunushova
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Matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 (MMP2 and MMP9) are proteolytic enzymes involved with extracellular matrix degradation. They play a role in tumor invasion and metastases. Be- cause of their ability to degrade signaling molecules presented in extracellular matrix, MMPs contribute to tumor proliferation and apoptosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate expression of MMP2 (latent and both active and latent forms) and MMP9 (active, latent, active and latent forms) in different subtypes of canine lymphomas and their relationship with proliferative (mi- totic index and percentage of Ki67-positive cells) and apoptotic (apoptotic index) markers. Ex- pression of MMPs was assessed immunohistochemically using an immunoreactive score system. Expression of both MMPs was found in all 20 examined lymphomas belonging to six subtypes. Most cases showed a moderate level of all analyzed forms of MMP2 and MMP9. High expres- sion of MMPs was found in single cases. Except for a positive correlation between the active form of MMP9 and the mitotic index for all lymphoma cases, no other correlations between any remaining forms of MMPs and neither proliferative nor apoptotic markers were found, irrespec- tive of whether the analysis encompassed all cases or the most numerous lymphoma subtypes i.e. centroblastic and Burkitt-like. Our results were not able to clearly confirm the influence of MMPs on the proliferation and apoptotic activity of canine lymphoma cells. However, further studies examining MMPs activity by zymography, expression of their inhibitors and other factors in- volved in activation of cell proliferation and apoptosis inhibition are needed to clarify the role of MMPs, especially the active form of MMP9, in the behavior of canine lymphoma cells.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Sokołowska
K. Urbańska
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Organophosphate (OP) pesticides are commonly known for their neurotoxicity. In the current experiments, two OPs used agriculturally, chlorpyrifos and dimethoate, were separately adminis- tered with centrally acting caffeine that is known to affect the pharmacological action of other substances. The aim of this study was to determine whether the combination of OP and caffeine may influence their neurotoxic potential. For this purpose, some neurobehavioral effects of this concomitant exposure were assessed in adult Swiss mice. All substances were given intra- peritoneally (i.p.) as single injections. In the passive avoidance task, chlorpyrifos (100 mg/kg) administered together with caffeine (40 mg/kg) significantly impaired acquisition. In the rota-rod test, the addition of caffeine at doses of 20 and 40 mg/kg, induced motor coordination impairment in chlorpyrifos (100 mg/kg)-treated mice. Neurobehavioral impairments were not observed for caffeine, chlorpyrifos and dimethoate (50 mg/kg) given separately as well as for the combina- tion of dimethoate and caffeine. Chlorpyrifos (100 mg/kg) alone and in combination with caffeine (40 mg/kg) significantly reduced acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. The current study shows that concomitant exposure to caffeine and chlorpyrifos can cause neurotoxic effects in mice despite the absence of these effects when caffeine and chlorpyrifos are administered alone. How- ever, the possible mechanisms involved need further investigations.
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Authors and Affiliations

K. Łukawski
1 2
G. Raszewski
K. Kruszyński
S.J. Czuczwar

  1. Department of Physiopathology, Institute of Rural Health, Jaczewskiego 2, 20-090 Lublin, Poland
  2. Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Lublin, Jaczewskiego 8, 20-090 Lublin, Poland
  3. Department of Toxicology and Food Protection, Institute of Rural Health, Jaczewskiego 2, 20-090 Lublin, Poland
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The aim of the presented paper was to verify the impact of Dynamic PUCCH Resource Allocation Algorithm of the LTE cellular system on the maximum uplink cell throughput and call setup success rate-CSSR. Paper includes the laboratorytestbeddescription and presents the results of an experiment confirming the improvement of both key performance indicatorsKPIs.Apart from the presentation of the Dynamic PUCCH Resource allocation algorithm, the paper also includes a description of legacy LTE uplink (PUCCH and PUSCH) channels dimensioning process thus filling the gap of such a tutorial in the available literature.

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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Czerniecki
Jacek Wszołek
Marek Sikora
Wiesław Ludwin
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The embryonic architecture, which draws inspiration from the biological process of ontogeny, has built-in mechanisms for self-repair. The entire genome is stored in the embryonic cells, allowing the data to be replicated in healthy cells in the event of a single cell failure in the embryonic fabric. A specially designed genetic algorithm (GA) is used to evolve the configuration information for embryonic cells. Any failed embryonic cell must be indicated via the proposed Built-in Selftest (BIST) the module of the embryonic fabric. This paper recommends an effective centralized BIST design for a novel embryonic fabric. Every embryonic cell is scanned by the proposed BIST in case the self-test mode is activated. The centralized BIST design uses less hardware than if it were integrated into each embryonic cell. To reduce the size of the data, the genome or configuration data of each embryonic cell is decoded using Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP). The GA is tested for the 1-bit adder and 2-bit comparator circuits that are implemented in the embryonic cell. Fault detection is possible at every function of the cell due to the BIST module’s design. The CGP format can also offer gate-level fault detection. Customized GA and BIST are combined with the novel embryonic architecture. In the embryonic cell, self-repair is accomplished via data scrubbing for transient errors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gayatri Malhotra
1 2
Punithavathi Duraiswamy
J.K. Kishore

  1. U R Rao Satellite Centre, India
  2. M S Ramaiah University of Applied Science, India
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Perforated sheets are materials which – maintaining good mechanical properties – are characterized by reduced mass in comparison to full sheets. Their elastic properties are important features that are considered in the context of these materials’ design applications. Compared to full sheets, they are characterized by reduced mass while simultaneously preserving good strength properties. This article presents an experimental and numerical analysis of the effect of key parameters of the hole mesh (open area, hole diameter and orientation relative to the direction of greatest hole concentration) in association with the type of material and sheet thickness �� on the value of the effective Young’s modulus of perforated sheet. A significant influence of open area (the share of holes in the sheet, as a percentage) and orientation angle was determined. On the basis of experimental results and computer simulations, a mathematical dependency allowing for calculation of this parameter’s valuewas proposed. The average deviation of calculated values from experimental is less than 4%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Kuczek
Wacław Muzykiewicz
Marcin Mroczkowski

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
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In this work, the instability damage modes of yield state of a steel tube at the tension side of a rectangular steel tube-confined concrete (RCFST) column under eccentric compression were classified into two types based on the coupling effect of slenderness ratio (λ) and eccentricity ratio (γ). The two types include the unilateral compression yield failure mode with a smaller value of γ and tensile and compressive yield failure modes on both column sides with a larger value of γ. Further, the parametric analyses were performed by employing the finite element (FE) method and the analytical analysis to test 16 groups of RCFST columns by varying the γ value with different λ values. It was observed that the results of the analysis for the mechanical properties like the responses of load-strain ( P-ε) and RCFST column instability modes correlated well with the results obtained in the experiments. Furthermore, the proposed theoretical method could be used to investigate the roles of γ as a controller against the instability in RCFST columns when compared with λ.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhengran Lu
Chao Guo

  1. School of Civil Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China
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Being negatively impressed by the data published by the European Commission in CARE (Community database on Accidents on the Roads in Europe), where Poland is presented as the European Country with the highest rate of fatalities in road crashes involving cyclists during 4 years period (2009–2013), the Authors decided to analyse available data. Bikes become a more and more popular means of transport and the way of active recreation. In Warsaw, the share of bicycle trips rises 1 to 3% per year. The aforementioned, together with increasing traffic density, caused 4233 registered injuries among cyclists in 2018 in Poland. In 286 cases the accidents were direct reasons for the cyclists’ death. Considering these facts, it becomes extremely important to point the most influencing factors and conditions contributing to cyclists’ serious accidents. Onedimensional or two-dimensional statistics are not sufficient to find all important associations between the road conditions and the number of cyclists’ accidents. To overcome that the association analysis is applied. The results of the analysis can contribute to increasing the knowledge and safety of transport.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hubert Anysz
Paweł Włodarek
Piotr Olszewski
Salvatore Cafiso

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. University of Catania, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95131 Catania, Italy
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The article presents a constitutive model for Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) along with result of dynamic simulations of SMA model. The applications of devices incorporating SMA in civil engineering focus mostly on mitigation of the seismic hazard effects in new-build and historical buildings or improvement of fatigue resilience. The unique properties of SMA, such as shape memory effect and superelasticity give promising results for such applications. The presented model includes additional phenomenon of SMA – internal loops. The paper shows the method of formulation of physical relations of SMA based on special rheological structure, which includes modified Kepes’s model. This rheological element, introduced as dual-phase plasticity body, is given in the context of martensite phase transformation. One of the advantages of such an approach is a possibility of formulation of constitutive relationships as a set of explicit differential equations. The application of the model is demonstrated on example of dynamic simulations of three dimensional finite element subjected to dynamic excitation.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Zbiciak
K. Wasilewski
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The influence of rebar, protruding from concrete element during casting, on temperature and strength development was analyzed. Test models of size 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm were made with and without protruding rebar. The rebar protruding from the sample simulated the conditions of the hardening of elements such as bridge abutments or pylons, which require technological break. Samples were cast in insulated formworks, to create semi-adiabatic conditions for concrete curing, simulating real conditions of curing of mass structures. The research utilized selfconsolidating concrete with two different rapid hardening cements: CEM I 42.5R and CEM I 52.5R, and blastfurnace cement CEM III/A 42.5N. Continuous registration of temperatures in the samples was performed for the first 7 days. Based on the results acquired and compressive strength, the amount and kinetics of the heat given off in the concrete was determined and an evaluation of its strength in conditions simulating actual conditions was performed. The research showed that the difference in temperature between the reinforced and non-reinforced sample was approximately 14.0° C.

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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Kaszyńska
S. Skibicki
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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different dietary supplementation levels with jujube fruit powder on the performance, biochemical parameters, and egg quality characteristics of laying quails. A total of 60 quails (45 days old) were randomly assigned to treatments with different levels of jujube fruit powder: a basal diet (control) and diets supplemented with 5 g/kg (T1), 10 g/kg (T2), with five replicates per treatment (20 quails/treatment and four quails/replicate). The differences between 1-15 and 16-30 days for feed intake (p<0.05), 1-60 days for egg production (p<0.05), 16-30 days for egg weight (p<0.05), and 1-15 and 1-60 days for feed conversion ratio were statistically significant. The highest values for egg width (p<0.01) and egg length (p<0.05) were found in the control group (25.87 and 33.55 mm), while lower values were observed in the T1 and T2 groups. There was no statistical difference between the groups in egg shape index, shell weight, shell ratio, and shell thickness (p>0.05). The yolk height (p<0.05) and yolk diameter (p<0.01) were statistically significant. The differences between the groups for all serum biochemical parameters were insignificant (p>0.05). According to the results of this study, jujube fruit, a rich energy source, can be used as an alternative supplement in poultry diets with positive effects on egg production and feed conversion ratio.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Eroglu
M. Ciftci
U.G. Simsek
S. Akarsu
S. Arslan
M.A. Hames
M. Mutlu

  1. Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Siirt University, 56100, Siirt, Turkey
  2. Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Firat University, 23119, Elazig, Turkey
  3. Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Firat University, 23119, Elazig, Turkey
  4. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Elazığ Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry, 23040, Elazig, Turkey
  5. Department of Laboratory and Veterinary Medicine, Birecik Vocational School, Harran University, 63400, Birecik, Sanlıurfa, Turkey
  6. Elazıg Veterinary Control Institute, Republıc of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 23200, Elazig, Turkey
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This paper presents a comparative study between the conventional PI (Proportional Integral) and backstepping controllers applied to the DFIG (Doubly Fed Induction Generator) used in WECS (Wind Energy Conversion System). These two different control strategies proposed in this work are developed to control the active and reactive power of the DFIG on the one hand, and to maintain the DC-link voltage constant for the inverting function on the other hand. This is ensured by generating control signals for two power electronic converters, RSC (Rotor Side Converter) and GSC (Grid Side Converter). In order to optimise the power production in the WT (Wind Turbine), an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm is applied along with each control technique. To simulate the effectiveness of the proposed controllers, MATLAB/Simulink Software is used, and the obtained results are analysed and discussed to compare PI and backstepping controllers in terms of robustness against wind speed variations and tracking performance in dynamic and steady states.
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Authors and Affiliations

Youssef Moumani
Abdeslam Jabal Laafou
Abdessalam Ait Madi

  1. Advanced Systems Engineering Laboratory, National School of Applied Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco

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