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Powodzie to jeden z głównych naturalnych kataklizmów. Zdarzały się w przeszłości, nękają nas dziś, i musimy się z nimi liczyć w przyszłości.
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Wojciech Majewski
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Piękne włoskie marmury, barwne polskie piaskowce, nawet twarde skandynawskie granity nie są odporne na ,,ząb czasu". Bez względu na to, z jakiego kamienia wykonujemy posągi naszych wieszczów, czeka je ta sama, przygnębiająco szara starość. Chyba, że poznamy winowajców i podejmiemy walkę.
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Marek W. Lorenc
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Głoszone w Związku Radzieckim idee mecenatu państwa nad artystami i więzi sztuki ze społeczeństwem na początku lat 30. XX w. zyskały zwolenników wśród artystów polskich, którzy w nich widzieli remedium na kryzys sztuki.
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Dariusz Konstantynów
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Dlaczego niebycie obojętnym na ludzką krzywdę jest trudne i o roli solidaryzowania się z ofiarami przemocy opowiada prof. Joanna Mizielińska z Instytutu Psychologii PAN.

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Joanna Mizielińska
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Jak ziarenko pyłu może wpłynąć na losy Wszechświata? Dość powiedzieć, że gdyby we Wszechświecie nie było pyłu, nie byłoby w nim i nas...
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Katarzyna Małek
Agnieszka Pollo
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Zapotrzebowanie na energię na świecie wzrasta. Tymczasem nieodnawialne zasoby surowców energetycznych się wyczerpują, a ich pozyskiwanie i eksploatacja nie są obojętne dla środowiska i klimatu. Dlatego uwaga opinii publicznej i uczonych coraz bardziej skupia się na ograniczaniu zużywania paliw kopalnych na rzecz źródeł odnawialnych - na przykład biopaliw.
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Izabela Krzemińska
Jerzy Tys
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The global demand for energy continues to grow while non-renewable energy resources are rapidly running out and their exploitation is damaging the environment and Earth's climate. As such, there has been growing interest in scientific circles and among the public in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and gradually replacing them with renewable sources such as biofuels.
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Izabela Krzemińska
Jerzy Tys
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How does a grain of dust affect the fate of the Universe? For starters, had there been no dust in the Universe in the first place, humankind would not exist, either...
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Katarzyna Małek
Agnieszka Pollo
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State patronage for artists and forging bonds between art and society, concepts promoted in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s, also won supporters among Polish artists, who saw them as a remedy for the "crisis of art".
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Dariusz Konstantynów
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Neither beautiful Italian marbles nor colorful Polish sandstones, not even hard Scandinavian granites are impervious to the "tooth of time." No matter kind of stone we carve statues of our beloved poets and leaders from, they can all expect to meet the same depressing end - unless we get to know the culprits and learn to put up a fight.
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Marek W. Lorenc
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Floods play a predominant role among all disastrous natural occurrences. They have affected us in the past, they are a part of our present, and they will continue to occur in the future.
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Wojciech Majewski
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Contemporary medicine is able to keep HIV in check: patients taking a carefully selected combination of drugs are prevented from developing AIDS. And yet the number of new infections continues to grow, with up to 40 million people living with HIV around the world. New research into pronucleotides, conducted at the PAS Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, offers hope of potential new treatments.
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Joanna Romanowska
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Prof. Joanna Mizielińska from the PAS Institute of Psychology explains why we should not remain indifferent to human suffering and why it is important to show solidarity to victims of aggression and violence.
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Joanna Mizielińska
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Modernism in pre-WWII architecture ossified rather than abolished the division of the city space into a public area, as the domain of men, and a private area assigned to women. Even female architects' involvement in designing new modernistic housing estates did not change this situation, as the example of Polish design demonstrates.
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Marta Leśniakowska
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In the eastern borderlands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th century, there were certain aristocratic courts that implemented and developed modern European social thought and ideas, setting examples in the fields of economy, science, culture, and art. The Szczorse palace was one such center.
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Agata Roćko
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Change has traditionally been one of the fundamental interests of management research and management practice. The debate between proponents of "revolutionary" and "evolutionary" change remains open. Rather unexpectedly, history has offered us a unique opportunity to study management change of the post-Communist transition economies.
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Andrzej K. Koźmiński
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Attempts to increase gene activity can sometimes have the opposite result: switching off the gene in question. We are now trying to exploit this phenomenon to control plant physiology.
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Marek Figlerowicz

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