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New research reveals how the human body copes with outdoor conditions.
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Krzysztof Błażejczyk
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Methane explosions are among the greatest hazards in the Polish coal mining industry and unfortunately continue to cause many catastrophes. The constant growth of the depth of coal exploitation in the conditions of the high concentration of mining causes the increase of absolute methane content and methane seam pressure from the mined seams. This situation directly affects the increase in the level of methane hazard in the underground work environment. It is therefore obvious to undertake intensive research that will allow for the development of appropriate solutions that help to exclude the risk of mining catastrophes resulting from the ignition and/or methane explosion. In addition to the development of methane hazard prevention methods, an indispensable element of this approach is a very accurate identification of the mechanisms of the combustion and explosion of this gas. The article presents the method of investigation and examples of results of methane explosions carried out in the 400 m experimental gallery of the Experimental Mine “Barbara” of the Central Mining Institute – the only large scale underground experimental facility in Europe. A n analysis has been performed of the influence of the methane release into mining workings on the distribution of the gas concentration and on the course of its explosion or combustion. The data collected characterizes thermodynamic phenomena that form the basis for determining the level of the explosion hazard. Large scale studies have also allowed to assess the risk of conditions that are sufficient for the development of a coal dust explosion initiated by methane explosions. The large scale of the experiments and the system of continuous recording of the course of the experiments allowed the specific characteristics of the methane explosion and burning in underground mining workings to be identified and isolated. For the first time, the course of experiments was recorded via a camera system deployed along the gallery.

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Krzysztof Cybulski
Zdzisław Dyduch
Robert Hildebrandt
Henryk Koptoń
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The article refers to the urban sprawl in Poland. Its objectives are: (1) analysis of relations between negative eff ects, (2) presentation negative effects on transport and energy consumption and on spatial order, (3) analysis of ways of counteracting negative processes including conditions (especially restrictions) on the use of this ways and their effectiveness. The methods used were: observation, literature analysis and logical analysis. Driving forces are heading towards further suburbanization, stopping of which is considered impossible. Orientation of the processes more closely to spatial order is very difficult. There are proper and legal solutions for this, but there are barriers to their use, such as: the lack of awareness and motivation of local authorities and the political conditions that discourage more restrictive regulation.

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Jacek Sołtys
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This article reviews the literature on the relationship between the region’s innovation and its development. Various concepts are discussed in the scheme of the four forces of regional and local competitiveness. The main determinants of the region’s innovation and competitiveness can be viewed in a four-force system: domination forces when the region exploits its advantage over others, network power – when the development potential is strengthened by cooperation, external demand and internal resources. In this framework of literature analysis, the article points to both entities and processes that represent the possibilities of the „innovation being” region.

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Wojciech Dziemianowicz
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Revitalization programme and spatial and strategic management, Revitalization programme is the set of integrated activities in favour of a local community, space and economy, which are territorially concentrated and performed by revitalization stakeholdres. These activities should be based on revitalizing strategic and spatial management strongly oriented to improvement of life and living conditions of a local community. The aim of the article is to explain the essence of revitalization programme as a scenario of spatial and strategic activities of the borough authorities. The authors proves that spatial management and strategic management are the tools that enable them to conduct the revitalization process. In the study there is a passage devoted to theoretical and operational meaning of the subject issue. Also the example collected from The Local Revitalization Programme of Krobia Borough, which was elaborated in 2017, has been presented.

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Sylwia Staszewska
Olga Dajek
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The purpose of the article was to characterize the international steam coal market based on the latest available data. The information goes back to the first half of 2018. The article focuses on the description of the three largest exporters and importers of steam coal. Representatives in these categories were selected using the latest global statistics on 2017. In 2017, global production of steam coal amounted to 5.68 billion tons and exceeded production in 2016 by 4%. For several years, invariably the world’s leading exporters of steam coal are: Indonesia, Australia and Russia. In total, these three countries in 2017 supplied 73% of steam coal to the international market. However, for the 46% of global steam coal imports (data for 2017), three Asian countries are responsible: China, India and Japan. For each of the six listed countries (i.e. for: three major global exporters and three major global importers), the paper presents volumes related to coal production, export or import. The directions of deliveries or major coal exporters to a given country were also included. At the end of the article, the price situation was presented, as it appeared in the first half of 2018 on the European and Asian markets.

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Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj
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There is a very high interest in international literature about the governance of common goods related to a redefinition of representative democracy. Scholars like Sheila Foster and Christian Iaione have proposed new models of governance enhancing the preservation and management of the commons in order to overcome problems and contradictions of complex contemporary cities, such as social exclusion and land privatisation. The aim of this paper is to verify, through a recognition of administrative documents, if in the example of Rome, the political actors, the municipal government, and the civil society, could be able to take part in a collaborative governance inspired reform. To answer this question, the relationship between the policy making process, the economic production model and the normative claims arising from social groups will be investigated. What is emerging is a difficulty of the administration in implementing collaborative principles. This is reflected in the issuance of discordant administrative measures, stemming from problems in relaying to civil society and active citizens the role that these principles assign. The reasons for this mismatching might be identified in the distinctive urban regime of Rome and the political and economic set that fosters social exclusion and does not consider the positive effects and the value of collaborative-oriented policy, enhancing sharing economy and social cohesion. The constant recall in the political discourse of concepts such as common goods, citizen’s participation and collaboration values takes the characteristics of a discursive resource, a ‘common washing’, which institutions and politics seem to re-propose and consolidate the traditional mode of public action, though apparently declaring its inadequacy and ineffectiveness.

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Giulia Pietroletti
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Paper presents methodology of generation of the uniform, compressive or tensile stresses in ring-shaped amorphous alloys core. In this study we use the set of special nonmagnetic, cylindrical backings. These backings enabled the core to be wound as well as create the possibility of generation of uniform compressive and tensile stresses. Using presented methodology the magnetoelastic characteristics were experimentally determined for Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 Metglas 2826 MB amorphous alloy. Knowledge about these properties is important for users of inductive components with amorphous alloys cores due to the fact, that changes of flux density due to magnetoelastic effect exceed 40%.
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Roman Szewczyk
Jacek Salach
Adam Bieńkowski
Dorota Jackiewicz
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The article regards the long controversial issue of classification institutions undertaking maritime administrative tasks. This issue has recently been regulated by both international (IMO) and European law. The author analyzes to what extent these changes are being implemented into Polish law. The consequences of European Union accession can be lethal for the Polish Ship Register. A great number of executive acts concerning "Polish classification institutions" will have to be changed quickly. Although the Polish Ship Register is not recognized by the European Commission, Poland has already applied for such recognition. However, potential recognition of this body will be effective in Poland only.
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Dorota Lost-Siemińska
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W artykule podjęto pytanie o polityczną sprawczość światopoglądu ufundowanego na stosunku do religii i Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce. Odwołując się do empirycznych badań ukazano narastające znaczenie identyfikacji religijnych w procesach kształtowania się politycznych preferencji i wyborów. Główna uwaga skupiona została na preferencjach dotyczących kształtu narodowej wspólnoty i na zmianach, jakim one ulegały w okresie ostatnich trzydziestu lat – od schyłku PRL, przez okres intensywnych zmian systemowych w latach dziewięćdziesiątych do chwili obecnej. Podstawę źródłową stanowią dane gromadzone w trwającym 45 lat badaniu podłużnym, obejmującym dwie kohorty reprezentujące odmienne społeczne pokolenia i odmienny typ religijnej socjalizacji. Uzyskane wyniki ujawniają zmniejszające się – w obu pokoleniach – poparcie dla idei wspólnoty tradycyjnej, zamkniętej na rzecz wspólnoty kulturowo otwartej i nowoczesnej, o czym w największym stopniu zadecydowały zmiany indywidualnych profili religijności.
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Krystyna Szafraniec

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
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This paper discusses the concept of the reverberation radius, also known as critical distance, in rooms with non-uniformly distributed sound absorption. The reverberation radius is the distance from a sound source at which the direct sound level equals the reflected sound level. The currently used formulas to calculate the reverberation radius have been derived by the classic theories of Sabine or Eyring. However, these theories are only valid in perfectly diffused sound fields; thus, only when the energy density is constant throughout a room. Nevertheless, the generally used formulas for the reverberation radius have been used in any circumstance. Starting from theories for determining the reverberation time in non- diffuse sound fields, this paper firstly proposes a new formula to calculate the reverberation radius in rooms with non-uniformly distributed sound absorption. Then, a comparison between the classic formulas and the new one is performed in some rectangular rooms with non-uniformly distributed sound absorption. Finally, this paper introduces a new interpretation of the reverberation radius in non-diffuse sound fields. According to this interpretation, the time corresponding to the sound to travel a reverberation radius should be assumed as the lower limit of integration of the diffuse sound energy
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Higini Arau-Puchades
Umberto Berardi
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Since fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics are extensively used both in human and veterinary medicine their accumulation in the environment is causing increasing concern. The aim of the study was to isolate a microbial consortium resistant to ofl oxacin and norfl oxacin and able to biodegrade both antibiotics. Green compost was used as a source of microorganisms. The biodegradation effi ciency was monitored by changes of antibiotics concentrations and toxicity. The microbial consortium was composed of two bacterial isolates: Klebsiella pneumoniae (K2) and Achromobacter sp. (K3) and two fungi Candida manassasensis (K1) and Trichosporon asahii (K4). All the isolates were characterized as highly resistant to both antibiotics – ofl oxacin and norfl oxacin. FQs were supplied individually into the culture medium in the presence of an easily degradable carbon source – glucose. Biodegradation of norfl oxacin was much faster than ofl oxacin biodegradation. During 20 days of the experiment, the norfl oxacin level decreased by more than 80%. Ofl oxacin was generally biodegraded thereafter at relatively slow biodegradation rate. After 28 days the ofl oxacin level decreased by 60%. Similarly, the toxicity of biodegraded antibiotics decreased 4-fold and 3.5-fold for norfl oxacin and ofl oxacin, respectively. The ability of the bacterial-fungal consortium to degrade antibiotics and reduce toxicity could help to reduce environmental pollution with these pharmaceutical.

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Łukasz Jałowiecki
Grażyna Płaza
Helene Ejhed
Monika Nawrotek
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In the areas of acoustic research or applications that deal with not-precisely-known or variable conditions, a method of adaptation to the uncertainness or changes is usually necessary. When searching for an adaptation algorithm, it is hard to overlook the least mean squares (LMS) algorithm. Its simplicity, speed of computation, and robustness has won it a wide area of applications: from telecommunication, through acoustics and vibration, to seismology. The algorithm, however, still lacks a full theoretical analysis. This is probabely the cause of its main drawback: the need of a careful choice of the step size - which is the reason why so many variable step size flavors of the LMS algorithm has been developed.

This paper contributes to both the above mentioned characteristics of the LMS algorithm. First, it shows a derivation of a new necessary condition for the LMS algorithm convergence. The condition, although weak, proved useful in developing a new variable step size LMS algorithm which appeared to be quite different from the algorithms known from the literature. Moreover, the algorithm proved to be effective in both simulations and laboratory experiments, covering two possible applications: adaptive line enhancement and active noise control.

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Dariusz Bismor
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Saprol 190 EC (triforine) and Rubigan 12 EC (fenarimol) diluted in 6 types of water were applied against rose rust Phragmidium mucronatum Cooke. No adjuvants were added to the emulsion except when the spray mix was made using water from Poznań prepared in 2 variants: with an addition of Citowett AL and without it. Independently on the plant protection product type, efficacy of fungicides diluted in well water from Szczepankowo, Kościan or Śmigiel was better than when they were diluted in water after reversed osmosis. However, no type of water exerted any significant effect on efficacy of the investigated fungicides independently on the year of studies, although, in 1999, a better biological activity was shown by Rubigan 12 EC diluted in water from Kościan and Poznań than when they were diluted in water after reversed osmosis. The fungicides were most effective after addition of Citowett AL, however, a visible effect of this adjuvant showing increased rose protection against rose rust was found only in 1998.

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Henryk Ratajkiewicz
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The incidence of winter wheat stem base diseases: Fusarium foot rot (Fusarium spp.), eyespot (Ramulispora herpotrichoides), sharp eyespot (Rhizoctonia spp.) and take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis) in the years 1999–2003 was assessed in this study. Previous crops were barley and oilseed rape. Eyespot occurred on the greatest percentage of plants throughout the whole period of the study. In 2000–2003 a deficiency of rainfall was observed, especially at the time of increased water requirements of plants.

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Ewa Żółtańska
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Drought is one of the important phenomena resulting from variability and climate change. It has negative effects on all economic, agricultural and social sectors. The objective of this study is to rapidly detect climate dryness situations on an annual scale at the Mellah catchment (Northeast Algeria) for periods ranging from 31 years through the calculation of: the standardized precipitation index (SPI), the standardized Streamflow index (SSFI), the standardized temperature index (STI). Calculations made it possible to locate periods of drought more precisely by their intensity, duration and frequency, and detect years of breaks using the tests of Pettitt, rang, Lee and Heghinian, Hubert and Buishand. The use of the statistical tests for the rainfall series analyzed show all breaks, the majority of which are in 1996/1997 and 2001/2002. For the tem-peratures the breaks are situated in 1980/1981.

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Lina Bendjema
Kamila Baba-Hamed
Abderrazak Bouanani
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The aim of the project was to collect experimental data regarding local distributions of fluid velocity and inert tracer concentration in a tank reactor with turbulent flow. The experiments were performed in a microscale in a region of tracer fluid injection. The results of experiments can be used for direct validation of currently developed CFD models, particularly for time-dependent mixing models used in LES.

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Łukasz Makowski
Wojciech Orciuch
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The paper aims at locating argumentation schemes with hidden premises derived from shared cultural knowledge ( topoi) within philosophical models of communication and discourse referring to inference and argumentation (Robert B. Brandom’s semantic argumentation and related theories, Jean‑Claude Anscombre and Oswald Ducrot’s theory of argumentation‑in‑language). These models enable comparison of argumentation and topics with other inferential mechanisms that underlie communication. A solution for the problem of mutual knowledge, relevant from the viewpoint of topics, is scrutinised from psychologically‑ and sociologically‑oriented perspectives.
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Piotr Mirocha

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, ul. R. Ingardena 3, 33‑332 Kraków
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The article is a case study of the steel milling ring casting of about 6 tonnes net weight. The casting has been cast in the steel foundry the authors have been cooperating with. The aim was to analyse the influence of the shape of the chills and the material which was used to make them on the casting crystallization process. To optimally design the chills the set of the computer simulation has been carried out with 3 chills’ shape versions and 3 material’s versions and the results have been compared with the technology being in use (no chills). The proposed chills were of different thermal conductivity from low to high. Their shapes were obviously dependant on the adjacent casting surface geometry but were the result of the attempt to optimise their effect with the minimum weight, too. The chills working efficiency was analysed jointly with the previously designed top feeders system. The following parameters have been chosen to compare their effectiveness and the crystallization process: time to complete solidification and so-called fed volume describing the casting feeding efficiency. The computer simulations have been carried out with use of MagmaSoft v. 5.2 software. Finally, the optimisation has led to 15% better steel yield thanks to 60% top feeders weight reduction and 40% shorter solidification time. The steel ring cast with use of such technology fulfil all quality criteria.

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M. Jaromin
R. Dojka
J. Jezierski
M. Dojka
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In this work, an assessment and comparison of the quality of selected bentonites and bentonite mixtures was made. The samples consisted of available foundry materials used for bonding green sands. Determining the homogeneity degree and specific surface area of the grains allowed us to compare the examined materials and determine their influence on other parameters. On the basis of a thermal analysis of the bentonites or bentonite mixtures, the changes occurring in the sample during its heating were determined. Determining the potential for ion exchange and montmorillonite content enabled us to assess the binding properties of the materials. The preparation of six green sands with different bentonites or bentonite mixtures gave us the opportunity to assess the changes in apparent density, permeability, compressive strength and friability as a function of humidity, and the impact of different materials on the mentioned parameters. Their charts were analyzed, and the molding sand with the addition of bentonite or a bentonite mixture was selected for which these parameters are favorable. On this basis, the best-presented binding material was assessed and selected.

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S. Paź
D. Drożyński
M. Górny
S. Cukrowicz
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The Kirchhoff-law-Johnson-noise (KLJN) secure key exchange scheme offers unconditional security, however it can approach the perfect security limit only in the case when the practical system’s parameters approach the ideal behavior of its core circuitry. In the case of non-ideal features, non-zero information leak is present. The study of such leaks is important for a proper design of practical KLJN systems and their privacy amplifications in order to eliminate these problems.

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Mutaz Y. Melhem
Laszlo B. Kish
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In hac dissertatiuncula opiniones, quas Plutarchus Chaeronensis nonnullis suis opusculis in collectione, cui Moralia titulus est, asservatis de amicitia exhibuit, monstrantur et cum Platonis Aristotelisque doctrinis breviter comparantur.

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Joanna Sowa

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