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Two vibrating circular membranes radiate acoustic waves into the region bounded by three infinite baffles arranged perpendicularly to one another. The Neumann boundary value problem has been investigated in the case when both sources are embedded in the same baffle. The analyzed processes are time harmonic. The membranes vibrate asymmetrically. External excitations of different surface distributions and different phases have been applied to the sound sources’ surfaces. The influence of the radiated acoustic waves on the membranes’ vibrations has been included. The acoustic power of the sound sources system has been calculated by using a complete eigenfunctions system.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wojciech P. Rdzanek
Krzysztof Szemela
Witold J. Rdzanek


The primary aim of this research study was to model acoustic conditions of the Courtyard of the Gdańsk University of Technology Main Building, and then to design a sound reinforcement system for this interior. First, results of measurements of the parameters of the acoustic field are presented. Then, the comparison between measured and predicted values using the ODEON program is shown. Collected data indicate a long reverberation time which results in poor speech intelligibility. Then, a thorough analysis is perform to improve the acoustic properties of the model of the interior investigated. On the basis of the improved acoustic model two options of a sound reinforcement system for this interior are proposed, and then analyzed. After applying sound absorbing material it was noted that the predicted speech intelligibility increased from bad/poor rating to good category.

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Bożena Kostek
Sebastian Laskowski
Karolina Mizgier


The aim of the paper is to present the hydrodynamic, mass transfer and illumination characteristics of a laboratory helical-tube photobioreactor Biostat PBR-2S, commercially available and used in many laboratories in Poland and worldwide. The investigated hydrodynamics parameters were: mean liquid circulation rate, liquid velocity/residence time in the tubular part of the apparatus and mixing time, measured in the wide range of rotary speed of the circulation pump. The influence of the aeration intensity on these parameters was also checked. The volumetric oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer coefficients in the liquid phase and their dependency on the liquid circulation rate and gas inflow rate were determined. The experiments were performed in tap water and then in a real three-phase cultivation broth at the end of thermophilic cyanobacteria T. synechococus growth. For the final evaluation of the tested PBR there were series of test cultivations run under different conditions of illumination. The highest final concentration of the biomass of tested cyanobacteria reached the relatively high value of 4.38 g/dm3 of the dry biomass, although the process conditions were not fully optimized. The laboratory photobioreactor PBR-2S proved to be a good tool for investigations of microalgae cultivation processes. The presented results and practical observations may help to analyze and understand the mutual influence of the specific process parameters in the described PBR, especially during autotrophic organism cultivations.

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Paweł Gluszcz
Anna Klepacz-Smółka
Stanisław Ledakowicz


The work concerns the dynamic behaviour of a porous, isothermal catalyst pellet in which a simultaneous chemical reaction, diffusion and adsorption take place. The impact of the reactant adsorption onto the pellet dynamics was evaluated. A linear isotherm and a non-linear Freundlich isotherm were considered. Responses of the pellet to sinusoidal variations of the reactant concentration in a bulk gas were examined. It was demonstrated that the dynamics of the pellet is significantly affected both by accounting for the adsorption and by the frequency of the bulk concentration variations. The sorption phenomenon causes damping of the concentration oscillations inside the pellet and damping of its effectiveness factor oscillations. Depending on the frequency of the concentration oscillations in the bulk, the remarkable oscillations can involve an entire volume of the pellet or its portion in the vicinity of the external surface.

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Katarzyna Bizon
Bolesław Tabiś


Based on the publications regarding new or recent measurement systems for the tokamak plasma experiments, it can be found that the monitoring and quality validation of input signals for the computation stage is done in different, often simple, ways. In the paper is described the unique approach to implement the novel evaluation and data quality monitoring (EDQM) model for use in various measurement systems. The adaptation of the model is made for the GEM-based soft X-ray measurement system FPGA-based. The EDQM elements has been connected to the base firmware using PCI-E DMA real-time data streaming with minimal modification. As additional storage, on-board DDR3 memory has been used. Description of implemented elements is provided, along with designed data processing tools and advanced simulation environment based on Questa software.

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Andrzej Wojenski
Krzysztof T. Pozniak
Didier Mazon
Maryna Chernyshova


The paper puts forward and implements a method of designing and creating a modelling simulation environment for extensive and complete analysis of economical lighting on highways. From a general design viewpoint, the proposed solution explores the concept of a network description language (SMOL), which has been designed to describe the necessary network functions, mechanisms, and devices for the purpose of their computer simulation and verification. The presented results of the performed research confirm the usability of intelligent lighting on highways, both in the sense of the design concept and in the aspect of saving energy.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zdzisław Kowalczuk
Jakub Wszołek


W rozprawie Romana Ingardena Utwór muzyczny i sprawa jego tożsamości odnajdujemy filozoficzną teorię budowy dzieła muzycznego. Do podstawowych składników dzieła muzycznego Ingarden zaliczył melodykę, rytmikę i harmonikę, a do wtórnych składników dynamikę, agogikę i kolorystykę (sonorystykę). Wyznaczone przez partyturę składniki są schematycznym przepisem, co należy uczynić, aby powstało to właśnie, a nie inne dzieło. Schemat ten zawiera jednak wiele luk i miejsc niedookreślonych, które usuwa dopiero wykonanie dzieła, czyniąc je przez to zindywidualizowanym concretum. Zastanawiające jest, dlaczego w wykazie składników utworu muzycznego brakuje artykulacji. W niniejszym artykule stawiam tezę, że brak artykulacji w teorii budowy dzieła muzycznego świadczy o jej wszechobecności, a im szerzej rozumiemy pojęcie artykulacji, tym bardziej wtapia się ona we wszystkie pozostałe składniki dzieła, nie zatracając przy tym własnej odrębności.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Krawiec

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Grodzka 52, 33-332 Kraków


Reliable monitoring for detection of damage in epicyclic gearboxes is a serious concern for all industries

in which these gearboxes operate in a harsh environment and in variable operational conditions. In this

paper, autonomous multidimensional novelty detection algorithms are used to estimate the gearbox’ health

state based on vectors of features calculated from the vibration signal. The authors examine various feature

vectors, various sources of data and many different damage scenarios in order to compare novel detection

algorithms based on three different principles of operation: a distance in the feature space, a probability

distribution, and an ANN (artificial neural network)-based model reconstruction approach. In order to compensate

for non-deterministic results of training of neural networks, which may lead to different network

performance, the ensemble technique is used to combine responses from several networks. The methods are

tested in a series of practical experiments involving implanting a damage in industrial epicyclic gearboxes,

and acquisition of data at variable speed conditions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ziemowit Dworakowski
Kajetan Dziedziech
Adam Jabłoński


In general, currently employed vehicle classification algorithms based on the magnetic signature can distinguish among only a few vehicle classes. The work presents a new approach to this problem. A set of characteristic parameters measurable from the magnetic signature and limits of their uncertainty intervals are determined independently for each predefined class. The source of information on the vehicle parameters is its magnetic signature measured in a system that enables independent measurement of two signals, i.e. changes in the active and reactive component of the inductive loop impedance caused by a passing vehicle. These innovations result in high selective classification system, which utilizes over a dozen vehicle classes. The evaluation of the proposed approach was carried out for good vehicles consisting of 2-axle tractor and a 3-axle semi-trailer.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Janusz Gajda
Marek Stencel


Sparse fish microremains have been found in marine limestones from the Middle Devonian (Givetian) Skały

Formation (Sitka Coral-Crinoid Limestone Member and Sierżawy Member), Świętomarz–Śniadka section,

Bodzentyn Syncline, Łysogóry Region, northern Holy Cross Mountains, associated with conodonts of the

hemiansatus to ansatus zones. Thelodont scales referred here to Australolepis sp. cf. A. seddoni come from near

Śniadka village, from samples dated as hemiansatus to rhenanus/varcus zones. This increases the known range

for the genus from its original find in Western Australia. The presence of a thelodont in the late Middle Devonian

in Poland extends the known distribution of turiniids around the peri-Gondwana shorelines of Palaeotethys.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Susan Turner
Michał Ginter


In the paper methods for conducting Road Safety Inspections (SIs) in Italy and Poland are described and compared. The goal of the study is to improve the quality and efficiency of the safety inspections of road network by using low cost equipment (GPS, Tablet, Camera) and specific software. Particular attention was paid to the need for proper calibration of factors, causing traffic safety hazard associated with road infrastructure. The model developed according to the Italian procedures was adapted to comply with the checklists and evaluation criteria of the Polish guidelines. Overall, a good agreement between the two approaches was identified, however some modification was required to include new safety issues, characteristic for the Polish network for safety inspection of two lane rural roads. To test the applicability about 100 km of regional two lane roads in Poland were inspected with Polish and Italian procedures.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

S. Cafiso
M. Kieć
M. Milazzo
G. Pappalardo
F. Trovato


Both a classical instantaneous power method and a method based on equations of instantaneous power orthogonal components balance have been used to analyze power processes in electric circuits with semiconductor elements. Automated method of forming instantaneous power harmonic components was used to obtain analytical expressions and numerical values of instantaneous power components of analyzed electric circuits. A coefficient for estimation of a semiconductor converter nonlinearity degree has been offered.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Zagirnyak
A. Kalinov
M. Maliakova


The ability of case-based reasoning systems to solve new problems mainly depends on their case adaptation knowledge and adaptation strategies. In order to carry out a successful case adaptation in our case-based reasoning system for a low frequency electromagnetic device design, we make use of semantic networks to organize related domain knowledge, and then construct a rule-based inference system which is based on the network. Furthermore, based on the inference system, a novel adaptation algorithm is proposed to derive a new device case from a real-world induction motor case-base with high dimensionality.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jun Ouyang
David Lowther


The first part of this article brings the author’s reply to the participants of the panel discussion of his book Culture as Verb (Anna Łebkowska, Jakub Momro, Tomasz Rakowski and Dorota Wolska). In the second part he outlines his premises and explains the analytical vocabulary that has enabled him to move from an active to a passive ‘verbal’ understanding of culture. He also draws a broad outline of prospective new research that would complement his project. Central to it is the exploration of what he believes is the dominant contemporary cultural experience, which is based on active participation. To characterize its most important features and forms we should make use of the following, newly defi ned analytical concepts – passivity, the present moment, immersion, and testimonial authority.

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Ryszard Nycz


This article analyzes the subconscious fears and anxieties connected with loneliness, low self-esteem, all kinds of frustrations, a sense of being trapped in a bizarre reality or being pushed to transgress (i.e. to cross the border between life and death, between the human and the animal, or getting exposed to new technologies or forms of religion) in Olga Tokarczuk's Opowiadania bizarne [ Bizarre Stories]. The resulting emotional volatility gives rise to questions about one own's identity and one's place in a world beyond control. At the same time the manifold fears and anxieties impose on one a Manichean, dualistic perception of an incurably weird (bizarre) reality. So in Opowiadania bizarne we are constantly reminded of man's arrogance in his relations with the earth's ecosystem, the destructive nature of his subconscious mind, the dangers of new technologies and the corrosive effects of postsecularism.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Nęcka-Czapska

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


Additive manufacturing (AM) is a process that joins similar or dissimilar materials into application-oriented objects in a wide range of sizes and shapes. This article presents an overview of two additive manufacturing techniques; namely Laser metal deposition (LMD) and Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). In LMD, metallic powders are contained in one or more chambers, which are then channelled through deposition nozzles. A laser heats the particles to produce metallic beads, which are deposited in layers with the aid of an in-built motion system. In WAAM, a high voltage electric arc functions as the heat source, which helps with ensuring deposition of materials, while materials in wire form are used for the feedstock. This article highlights some of the strengths and challenges that are offered by both processes. As part of the authors’ original research work, ­Ti-6Al-4V, Stainless steel 316L and Al-12Si were prepared using LMD, while the WAAM technique was used to prepare two Al alloys; Al-5356 and CuAl8Ni2. Microstructural analysis will focus on similarity and differences in grains that are formed in layers. This article will also offer an overall comparison on how these samples compare with other materials that have been prepared using LMD and WAAM.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Rumman
D.A. Lewis
J.Y. Hascoet
J.S. Quinton


Using the tunderwater corner reflector (CR) to simulate the acoustic scattering characteristics of the military target is a new technology to counter active sonar detection. Existing underwater CRs only have the ability to interfere with the acoustic field, but have limitations in acoustic wave modulation. Therefore, acoustic metasurfaces applied on CRs to enhance the ability of acoustic wave modulation has a great application prospect. A fast prediction method based on the Kirchhoff approximation (KA) and the ray tracing theory is proposed to calculate the acoustic scattering characteristics of CR with acoustic metasurfaces in grooves array type. The accuracy of the method is verified by the finite element method (FEM) simulation. The modulation effect of CR with grooves array in different gradient combinations on the structural scattering acoustic field is analyzed. The research shows that the CR with different combinations of the acoustic metasurface has an obvious modulation effect on the amplitude of the acoustic waves and the deflection of acoustic field. In particular, the grooves array in combination with positive and negative gradients has an obvious deflection impact on the scattering acoustic field.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jiaman Du
Zilong Peng
Lili Ge
Shijin Lyu
1 2
Fulin Zhou
Yan Liu

  1. School of Energy and Power Engineering Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China
  2. National Key Laboratory on Ship Vibration and Noise, China Ship Science Research Center, Wuxi, China
  3. School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civi Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
  4. Shanghai Research Institute of Materials, Shanghai, China


Tea mosquito bugs (TMB; Helopeltis bradyi, Hemiptera, Miridae) are a main pest in tea and cacao plantations worldwide. Pheromone-mediated mating disruption (MD) is a promising strategy to manage TMB populations. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the simultaneous effect of TMB female delayed mating (1, 3 and 5 days delayed mating) and pairing duration (1 day, 5 days, and entire lifespan) on several reproductive parameters. Results showed that female delayed mating obviously affected egg number, egg viability, and offspring number, but male delayed mating did not show such effects. Shortened pairing durations had a significant effect on egg viability and offspring number but not on egg number. Increased delayed mating and pairing duration negatively affected adult longevity. In general, we noted that TMB reproductive performance is vulnerable to delayed mating and shortened pairing durations, thus providing essential guidance for the implementation of MD strategies of TMB in the field.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Indriani Feberati Putri
Suputa Suputa
Alan Soffan

  1. Department of Plant Protection, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


With the increasing uses of internet technologies in daily life, vulnerability of personal data/information is also increasing. Performing secure communication over the channel which is insecure has always been a problem because of speedy development of various technologies. Encryption scheme provides secrecy to data by enabling only authorized user to access it. In the proposed paper, we present an encryption algorithm designed for data security based on bilinear mapping and prove it secure by providing its security theoretical proof against adaptive chosen cipher-text attack. With the help of a lemma, we have shown that no polynomially bounded adversary has non-negligible advantage in the challenging game. We also give the comparative analysis of the proposed scheme in terms of security and performance with Deng et al., 2020 and Jiang et al., 2021 schemes and prove that proposed algorithm is more efficient and secure than others existing in literature against adaptive chosen cipher-text attack.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Vandani Verma
Pragya Mishra

  1. Amity Institute of Applied Sciences, Amity University, Noida-125 (Uttar Pradesh), India


This work suggests a brand-new 1*4 two-dimensional demultiplexer design based on multicore photonic crystal fiber. Numerical models show that the optical signals can be separated in a photonic crystal fiber construction using optical signals with wavelengths of 0.85, 1.1, 1.19, and 1.35 μm injected on the center core and separated into four cores. The innovative design switches different air-hole positions using pure silica layers throughout the length of the fiber to regulate the direction of light transmission between layers.
Wavelength demultiplexers are essential parts of optical systemic communications. They serve as a data distributor and can use a single input to produce multiple outputs. The background material is frequently natural silica, and air holes can be found anywhere throughout the length of the fiber as the low-index components.
The simulation results showed that after a 6 mm light propagation, the four-channel demux can start to demultiplex.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Assia Ahlem Harrat
Mohammed Debbal
Mohammed Chamse Eddine Ouadah

  1. Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Belhadj Bouchaib, Algeria
  2. Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Mouloud Mammeri, Algeria

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