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The emergence and development of large cities in antiquity was not necessarily associated with the concentration of wealth and resources in privileged social groups. Often, urban centers turn out to have been created by egalitarian societies.
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Arkadiusz Marciniak

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
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Numerical codes play a very important role in astrophysics. They make it possible to describe physical theories using mathematical equations. If the results of numerical simulations match observational data, it means that the physical theory provides a good description of reality.
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Arkadiusz Hypki
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They are linked to many issues in the economic, political, and social sciences. Their role in the changing world cannot be overestimated. Their significance, though unlikely to wane, will nonetheless be changing. What are “public goods” and what is their future?

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Jerzy Kleer
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For every highest spiritual matter, there is a corresponding key on the keyboard of the body.

Zofia Nałkowska,

“Count Emil”

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Grażyna Borkowska
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Prof. Katarzyna Biernacka from the Warsaw Institute of Cardiology explains sudden cardiac arrest and how to protect against it.

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Katarzyna Biernacka
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Many studies show that environmental noise is harmful to humans and animals. Also, excess artificial light has a destructive effect on ecosystems.
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Marek Kucharczyk
Marcin Polak

  1. Institute of Biology Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
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Professor Krystyna Chojnicka from the Department of History of Political and Legal Doctrines, Jagiellonian University, talks about respect for female lawyers, the true role of a Byzantine princess, and how a theatrical performance sparked her interest in Russian legal doctrine.

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Krystyna Chojnicka
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Its history began more than 10 million years ago, back in the Tertiary period. Its geographic position and structure already attracted settlers back in the middle Paleolithic. What is so special about the Odra (Oder), Poland's number-two river? How turbulent is its story?
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Jurand Wojewoda
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If we throw something into a river, how long will it take to reach a certain location downstream? We talk to Prof. Ian Guymer from the University of Sheffield about our increasingly complex models of this deceptively simple problem.

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Ian Guymer
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What impact did crusading medieval armies, waging a ruthless holy war against tribal groups in the eastern Baltic region, end up having on the local environment? An interdisciplinary team of international experts is working hard to connect the dots.
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Aleksander Pluskowski
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In our digitally driven era, safeguarding information has become paramount. Encrypting data is essential for keeping it safe and secure.
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Bartosz Naskręcki

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznańPAS Institute of Mathematics in Warsaw
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We all face a wide array of different choices every day of our lives. Asst. Prof. Miłosz Kadziński explains how artificial intelligence could be used to help us make decisions.

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Miłosz Kadziński
Keywords cancer human health
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We talk to Prof. Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek from the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology about treating cancer, obvious and impossible discoveries, and academic courage and strength.

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Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek
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One of the most significant challenges facing forestry in Poland involves devising new silvicultural strategies in the face of ever-faster climate change.

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Andrzej Lewandowski
Daniel J. Chmura
Błażej Wójkiewicz
Weronika B. Żukowska
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We discuss what role national academies have to play in today’s world, and what challenges they have to face, with Prof. Antonio Loprieno, President of ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities
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Antonio Loprieno

  1. President of ALLEA
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Prof. Bogdan Wojciszke, a top Polish social psychologist, tells us about whether Poles admire success and what factors affect how they perceive successful people.
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Bogdan Wojciszke
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The process of star formation produces some simply mesmerizing spectacles. Studying it can also teach us about our own origins.
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Łukasz Tychoniec

  1. Leiden Observatory Leiden University in the Netherlands
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Ile czasu potrzebuje przedmiot wrzucony do rzeki, by płynąc z prądem, dotrzeć do określonego miejsca? O coraz bardziej złożonych modelach tego pozornie prostego zagadnienia rozmawiamy z prof. Ianem Guymerem z Uniwersytetu w Sheffield

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Ian Guymer
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Susły perełkowane, stając ,,słupka", wypatrują drapieżników. Jednak to nie listy, psy i koty stanowią główne zagrożenie dla gryzoni, których ostatnie w populacje Unii Europejskiej zamieszkują łąki wschodniej Polski.
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Aleksandra Gondek
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Proces powstawania gwiazd to spektakl, od którego trudno oderwać wzrok. Śledząc ten proces, dowiadujemy się także o naszych własnych początkach.
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Łukasz Tychoniec

  1. Leiden Observatory Leiden University w Holandii
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Jej historia rozpoczęła się ponad 10 mln lat temu w trzeciorzędzie. Położenie geograficzne oraz struktura przyciągały osadników już od środkowego paleolitu. Czym wyróżnia się Odra - druga co do wielkości rzeka w Polsce? Jak burzliwe są jej dzieje?
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Jurand Wojewoda

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