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Changing a problem’s representation is a crucial process when solving insight problems. Recently, Laukkonen and Tangen (2017) found that observing ambiguous figures such as a Necker Cube before solving problems can increase insight frequency. In our research, we extended their procedure by including measures of feelings of insight (e.g., confidence and pleasure). This approach allowed us to test the replicability of relationships between perceptual switching and insight frequency in terms of both accuracy of problem solutions and insight phenomenology. The research took the form of two studies using two different samples (NA = 68 and NB = 198) using online platforms. Our results consistently showed no effect of prior Necker cube perception on accuracy. However, we found a significant difference in self- reported insight (1 - non-aha! experience to 5 – a very strong aha! experience) in our Sample B study. The results suggest the possibility that viewing ambiguous figures may not have a triggering effect on insight problem-solving performance but that it may trigger stronger insight experiences when solving insight problems.
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Botvinick, M. M., S, B. T., Barch, D. M., Carter, C. S., & Cohen, J. D. (2001). Conflict Monitoring and Cognitive Control. Psychological Review, 103(3), 624–652.
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Danek, A. H. (2018). Magic tricks, sudden restructuring, and the Aha! experience: A new model of nonmonotonic problem solving. In F. Valee-Tourangeau (Ed.), Insight (pp. 51-78). Routledge.
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Authors and Affiliations

Angelika Olszewska
Agata Sobkow

  1. SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Wroclaw, Poland
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The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between explicitation and directionality in simultaneous interpreting. Given that explicitation in this mode of interpretation is often triggered by the constraints inherent in the process of interpreting, it has been hypothesized that explicitating shifts might be more frequent in retour, which is considered to be more demanding. The study is both product- and process-oriented, relying on recordings and transcripts of interpreting outputs as well as retrospective protocols. The participants in the study were 36 advanced interpreting students. The analysed forms of explicitation range from cohesive explicitation (e.g. adding connectives, reiteration, etc.), through substituting nominalisations with verb phrases and disambiguating lexical metaphors, to inserting explanatory remarks. The present paper is aimed to be a pilot study for a larger project in progress.

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Ewa Gumul
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The aim of the study study was to model, with the use of a neural network algorithm, the significance of a variety of factors influencing the development of hearing loss among industry workers. The workers were categorized into three groups, according to the A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level of noise exposure: Group 1 (LAeq < 70 dB), Group 2 (LAeq 70–80 dB), and Group 3 (LAeq > 85 dB). The results obtained for Group 1 indicate that the hearing thresholds at the frequencies of 8 kHz and 1 kHz had the maximum effect on the development of hearing loss. In Group 2, the factors with maximum weight were the hearing threshold at 4 kHz and the worker’s age. In Group 3, maximum weight was found for the factors of hearing threshold at a frequency of 4 kHz and duration of work experience. The article also reports the results of hearing loss modeling on combined data from the three groups. The study shows that neural data mining classification algorithms can be an effective tool for the identification of hearing hazards and greatly help in designing and conducting hearing conservation programs in the industry.

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Sajad Zare
Mohammad Reza Ghotbiravandi
Hossein Elahishirvan
Mostafa Ghazizadeh Ahsaeed
Mina Rostami
Reza Esmaeili
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The impact of the noise radiated from merchant ships on marine life has become an active area of research. In this paper, a methodology integrating observation at a single location and modelling the whole noise field in shallow waters is presented. Specifically, underwater radiated noise data of opportunistic merchant ships in the waters of Zhoushan Archipelago were collected at least one day in each month from January 2015 to November 2016. The noise data were analyzed and a modified empirical spectral source level (SSL) model of merchant ships was proposed inspired by the RANDI-3 model (Research Ambient Noise Directionality) methodology. Then combining the modified model with the realistic geoacoustic parameters and AIS data of observed merchant ships, the noise mappings in this area were performed with N×2D of Normal Mode calculations, in which the SSL of each ship was estimated using the modified model. The sound propagation at different receiving positions is different due to the shielding effect of islands and bottom topography. The methodology proposed in this paper may provide a reference for modelling shipping noise in shallow waters with islands and reefs.
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Zilong Peng
Fulin Zhou
Jun Fan
Bin Wang
Huabing Wen

  1. Institute of Noise and Vibration, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, People’s Republic of China
  2. Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration, State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, People’s Republic of China
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Luffa cylindrica M. Roem, is commonly called sponge gourd or Egyptian cucumber. In September 2018, several plants showing symptoms of powdery mildew were observed in some fields at different locations in Egypt. Identification and pathogenicity tests indicated that the causal fungus of powdery mildew disease of luffa cylindrica was Podosphaera xanthii. Results of surveyed luffa plants grown at different field localities of northern Egypt, for powdery mildew disease incidence revealed that the maximum record (57.33%) of disease occurrence was recorded in some fields belonging to Beheira governorate followed by, Alexandria and Sharqia (53.67% and 48.00%, respectively). Meanwhile, fewer occurrences were observed in Kafer El-Sheekh governorate (45.33%). We applied biocontrol agents as a foliar spray against powdery mildew in vitro and under field conditions. The effects of some essential oils, organic acid and bioproducts were also studied. All treatments significantly reduced P. xanthii compared to untreated plants. Chaetomium globosum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae alone or grown on rice straw and/or bagas showed highly reduced disease incidence compared to the other treatment. From the present study it could be suggested that the usage of biocontrol formulated on rice straw might be used as an easily applied, safe and cost effective control method against powdery mildew diseases.

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Nadia Gamil Elgamal
Mohamed Saeed Khalil
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Over the last decade, an expansion of sugar beet weevil has been observed in Poland, damaging seedlings of sugar beet plants. The distribution of damage caused by this species in Poland is presented. The expansion of the distribution of losses was illustrated on the UTM map in 2-year intervals.
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Auersch O. 1954. Über die vorbereitung, Biologie, Histologie und Epidemiologie des Rübenderbrüsslers (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ.). Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin-Luter-Universität Halle Wittenberg 3: 601–658.
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Drmić Z., Čačija M., Virić Gašparić H., Lemić D., & Bažok R. 2019. Phenology of the sugar beet weevil, Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in Croatia. Bulletin of Entomological Research 109 (4): 518–527. DOI:
Kamiński E. 1937. Szarek buraczany (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ.) na Wołyniu. [ Sugar beet weevil (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ.) in Volhynia]. Rocznik Ochrony Roślin 4 (4): 12–29. [Available on:]
Muška F., Krejcar Z. 2009: Škodlivé výskyty rýhonosce řepnéhona cukrové a krmné řepě na území České republiky. Historický přehled do roku 2005 [Damaging presence of beetroot weevil on sugar beet and fodder beet in the Czech Republic – historical summary until 2005]. Listy Cukrovarnické a Repařské 12: 348–350.
Porter J.H., Parry M.L., Carter T.R. 1991. The potential effects of climatic change on agricultural insect pests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 57 (1–3): 221–240. DOI:
Tielecke H. 1952. Biologie, epidemiologie und bekämpfung des rübenderbrüßlers. Beiträge zur Entomologie [Contributions to Entomology] 2 (2–3): 256–315.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zdzisław Klukowski
Jacek Piszczek

  1. Department of Plant Protection, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocław, Poland
  2. Regional Experimental Station, Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute (IPP – NRI), Poznań, Poland
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This paper attempts to find out what is the role of competitive environment in shaping the sensitivity of growth in banking to the business cycle. To answer this question, we apply a large set of individual bank level data including over 8000 banks operating in more than 100 countries. This study uses the growth of assets, loans, deposits and leverage as proxies of bank growth and Lerner index as a proxy for the competitive environment. The analysis shows that decreased competition is associated with increased procyclicality of bank growth. However, in a perfectly competitive environment the growth turns out to be countercyclical. This effect differs between high- and lowincome countries. A perfectly competitive environment is associated with countercyclical growth in high-income countries. The opposite result is found for low-income countries. Our results for Central Eastern European countries show that increased competition is associated with enhanced procyclicality of growth.
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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Olszak
Iwona Kowalska

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, Department of Financial System of Economy
  2. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, Department of Quantitative Methods
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Recently, transition metal oxides, which exhibit favorable catalytic abilities, have also been investigated as a material for the detection of hydrazine (N2H4). It has been reported that mixed metal oxides usually offer a higher electrochemical activity than binary oxides. In this work, a TiO2–Fe2O3 coupled system is presented as an enhanced material with major applications in electrochemical detectors. The electrochemical behavior of glassy carbon electrodes modified with TiO2–Fe2O3 in the absence and presence of hydrazine was evaluated via cyclic voltammetry (CV). Experimental results also suggest that the formation of the TiO2– Fe2O3 coupled system enhances electrochemical catalytic performance in N2H4 detection. The modification TiO2 + 2 mol% Fe2O3 provides good analytical performance of detection (0.13 mM) and quantification limits (0.39 mM). The presented coupled system provides the premise for a suitable material for a stable and sensitive N2H4 sensor.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Kusior
Iwona Karoń
Marta Radecka
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Desmopathy of the collateral ligaments of the equine interphalangeal joint is caused by a combination of factors, including hoof shape, excessive loading and ground surface. This complex problem poses a diagnostic challenge due to the non-specificity of perineural analgesia and the limitations associated with the most popular imaging methods such as radiography and ultrasonography. The aim of this study was to retrospectively determine the prevalence of desmopathy of the collateral ligaments of the equine distal interphalangeal joint in Poland between 2016 and 2019, and to establish the frequency and type of the associated pathologies. Desmopathy of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal joint was diagnosed in 14% of 152 horses examined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In 64% of the cases, other changes were observed in the equine digit, and in 36% of the cases, desmopathy was the only diagnosed problem. Desmopathy of the collateral ligaments is not a frequently reported pathology in the distal part of the equine limb. The diagnostic difficulties described in this article suggest that considerable caution should be exercised when formulating the final diagnosis, prognosis and treatment options.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Mieszkowska
J. Abako
M. Mieszkowski
Y. Zhalniarovich

  1. Department of Surgery and Radiology with Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury, Oczapowskiego 14, Olsztyn, 10-719, Poland
  2. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Collegium Medicum, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, al. Warszawska 30, 10-082, Olsztyn, Poland
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This is the first study to identify 23 protein spots corresponding to 13 proteins in mitochondria isolated from rabbit epididymal spermatozoa. In the group of protein spots identified in stress-induced samples, the abundance of 20 protein spots increased, whereas the abundance of three protein spots (GSTM3, CUNH9orf172, ODF1) decreased relative to the control. The results of this study provide valuable inputs for future research into the molecular mechanisms implicated in pathological processes during oxidative stress (OS).
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M. Lecewicz
W. Kordan
K. Górski
S. Kondracki

  1. Department of Animal Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Oczapowskiego 5, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland
  2. Institute of Animal Production and Fisheries, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
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Morphometric attributes of 705 stromatoporoid specimens from a number of exposures from the Silurian of Podolia (Ukraine) and the Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland), representing a wide array of shallow water carbonate sedimentary environments, have been analysed. Taken into account were such parameters as: general shape of the skeleton, shape of the final growth form (living surface profile), upper surface character, latilaminae arrangement, burial ratio and type of initial surface. A number of new ratios has been introduced, designed mainly to improve the mapping of the outlines of the stromatoporoids upper surfaces. All studied specimens were treated as belonging to one group, and relations between particular attributes were tested. The results were analysed in terms of potential environmental factors influencing stromatoporoid morphometric features. Most of the distinguished attributes are common in the studied group and occur in various combinations, with an important exception of parameters designed to reflect the shape of the skeleton’s upper surface, which are distinctly predominated by convex variants. This indicates that surface concavity was a highly undesired feature among stromatoporoids. Upper surface convexity is interpreted herein as a response to the hazard of clogging of the animals pores by tiny sediment particles suspended in the bottom turbid water layer. Common low burial ratios of final living surface profiles and the occurrence of specimens with a smooth upper surface but a non-enveloping latilaminae arrangement are other reflections of this phenomenon. Burial by sediments and redeposition were also important factors governing stromatoporoid development. No direct arguments indicating photosensitivity of stromatoporoids can be deduced from the presented results. The hitherto postulated allometric tendency among stromatoporoids of starting growth as laminar forms and later adopting consecutively higher profile shapes has not been confirmed here. On the contrary, a tendency for gradual elimination of very high profile forms with increasing stromatoporoid size has been observed. The final shape of a stromatoporoid skeleton was always an effect of a combination of various agents.

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Piotr Łuczyński
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To boost the efficacy of a refrigeration system, researchers have imported nanoparticles into refrigerants in recent years. This paper comprehensively reviewed the properties, heat transfer performance, and system performance of nano-added refriger-ants in recent years. This article likewise assists with recognizing the gap in past research works and explores the possibilities for additional work. Refrigerant R134a charged with the nanoparticles TiO2 has the highest value of coefficient of perfor-mance which is 63.5% higher than that of Al2O3 nanoparticle charged R134a. Charging of the nano-refrigerants has enhanced the heat transfer performance of vapour compression refrigeration systems, particularly in the pool and nucleate boiling heat transfer. The heat transfer coefficient of R134a-based nano-refrigerant is enhanced by 42% and 30.2% with CuO and TiO2 nanoparticles respectively. The inclusions of nanomaterials, concerning their physical phenomena, influencing the vapour compression refrigeration system are confined in this paper
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Authors and Affiliations

B.S. Bibin
Elena Ionela Chereches
Arkadiusz Mystkowski
Kamil Śmierciew
Adam Dudard
Edison Gundabattinia

  1. Department of Thermal and Energy Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore-632 014, India
  2. Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Technical University ˮGheorghe Asachi” of Iasi, Iasi, Romania
  3. Department of Automatic Control and Robotics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45D,15-351, Bialystok, Poland
  4. Department of Thermal Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45C,15-351, Bialystok, Poland
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To reduce the recoil and improve the stability of small arms, a muzzle brake compensator is attached to the muzzle of the barrel. This device uses the kinetic energy of the powder gas escaping from the bore after the bullet is fired. In this paper, the authors present the determination of the thermo-gas-dynamic model of the operation of a muzzle brake compensator and an example of calculating this type of muzzle device for the AK assault rifle using 7.62x39 mm ammunition. The results of the calculation allowed for obtaining the parameters of the powder gas flow in the process of flowing out of the muzzle device, as well as the change in the momentum of the powder gas's impact on the muzzle device. The model proposed in the article provides the basis for a quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of using the muzzle device in stabilizing infantry weapons when firing.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dung Van Nguyen
Viet Quy Bui
Dung Thai Nguyen
Quyen Si Uong
Hieu Tu Truong

  1. Faculty of Special Equipment, Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam
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This paper presents the unique value of Kengo Kuma’s idea of rooted architecture that results from an innovative approach to the environment. This idea could be the basis for a new paradigm of an architecture befitting of our times, in which the natural environment is degraded. The study was based on an analysis of texts by and on Kuma, supported by references to a selection of his projects. The features of rooted architecture in Kuma’s idea as well as the organicity of rooted architecture, its presentation in Japanese and Western tradition and its radical nature are discussed. The results of this study are: an indication of the link between rooted and organic architecture in Kuma’s original approach, the unique value of the idea of rooted architecture as a new approach to the environment, and the presentation of this idea as a design method based on an interrelation between a place and the human body.
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Barbara Stec

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Department of Architecture and Fine Arts
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The paper investigates and analysis sacred eye-catchers in Transylvanian gardens and parks. Interpretation of visual connections defined by landscape features with a sacred meaning (crypts, chapels, crosses, thumbs etc.) are the present study’s main purpose. The analysis of the visual connections on a landscape scale comprises the examination of outstanding visual elements (eye-catchers) that are decisive in the case of historic landscapes, gardens and parks, and among these in the case of castle gardens, manor houses and demesnes as well. In these cases the relationship between a manor garden and the surrounding landscape is the result of a conscious shaping of the environment. The sights which determine forcefully the historicity of the landscape are the results of enduring cultural influences over time. Although only just a very few of these former landscape connections persist, their preservation represents a public interest. The investigated eye-catchers – as outstanding landscape elements – determine in a decisive way the structure of garden landscapes in Transylvania. The sentimental, then romantic trends prevailing in the 19th century in many cases expected that outstanding buildings also become important parts of the gardens. The study proves the landscape compositional role and importance of the sacred features situated within the manor gardens, or outside the gardens, in the surrounding landscape, representing a visual entity with the castle garden ensemble.
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Albert Fekete
Martin Van Den Toorn
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We are presenting a new low-cost Single Sideband (SSB) modulated Radio-over Fiber (RoF) communication system for millimeter (mm)-wave multiband wireless communication at the frequencies of 40 GHz, 80 GHz and 120 GHz. Its principle lies in the Carrier Suppressed modulation through a nested dual electrode Mach–Zehnder Modulator (MZM) and product modulator based baseband signal decomposition. In this novel method, the optical signal is decomposed into different SSB signals using a power splitter and product modulators at the base station. This proposed method uses a different technique for a baseband signal decomposition from the existing method. The proposed signal decomposition technique has reduced the nonlinearities due to the FBGs. The proposed method is compared with the existing method in terms of BER, data rate and OSNR. The simulation results disclose that our proposed scheme outperforms the existing methods at a higher data rate of 80 Gbps with a minimum BER and privileged Q factor.

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R.S. Asha
V.K. Jayasree
S. Mhatli
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Results of the studies of optical properties of anti-reflective glasses with various texturization patterns, which were used as a coating for crystalline silicon solar cells, are presented. It was found that glass samples sorted by their optical transmittance demonstrated the same order as when sorted by their solar-cell short-circuit current enhancement parameter. The value of the latter depended on the parameters of texturization, such as the surface density of inclusions and their profile, and the depth of etching pits. A 2% relative increase of the solar cell efficiency was obtained for the best glass sample for null degree angle of incidence, proving enhanced light trapping properties of the studied glass.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Pociask-Bialy
K.D. Mynbaev
M. Kaczmarzyk
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Snowmelt is a very important component of freshwater resources in the polar environment. Seasonal fluctuations in the water supply to glacial drainage systems influence glacier dynamics and indirectly affect water circulation and stratification in fjords. Here, we present spatial distribution of the meltwater production from the snow cover on Hansbreen in southern Spitsbergen. We estimated the volume of freshwater coming from snow deposited over this glacier. As a case study, we used 2014 being one of the warmest season in the 21st century. The depth of snow cover was measured using a high frequency Ground Penetrating Radar close to the maximum stage of accumulation. Simultaneously, a series of studies were conducted to analyse the structure of the snowpack and its physical properties in three snow pits in different glacier elevation zones. These data were combined to construct a snow density model for the entire glacier, which together with snow depth distribution represents essential parameters to estimate glacier winter mass balance. A temperature index model was used to calculate snow ablation, applying an average temperature lapse rate and surface elevation changes. Applying variable with altitude degree day factor, we estimated an average daily rate of ablation between 0.023 m d-1 °C-1 (for the ablation zone) and 0.027 m d-1 °C-1 (in accumulation zone). This melting rate was further validated by direct ablation data at reference sites on the glacier. An average daily water production by snowmelt in 2014 ablation season was 0.0065 m w.e. (water equivalent) and 41.52·106 m3 of freshwater in total. This ablation concerned 85.5% of the total water accumulated during winter in snow cover. Extreme daily melting exceeded 0.020 m w.e. in June and September 2014 with a maximum on 6th July 2014 (0.027 m w.e.). The snow cover has completely disappeared at the end of ablation season on 75.8% of the surface of Hansbreen.

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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksander Uszczyk
Mariusz Grabiec
Michał Laska
Michael Kuhn
Dariusz Ignatiuk
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Humic substances are ubiquitous materials found in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Humic acids, a diagenetic product can interact with various components present in aquatic sediments. The present research is on the evaluation of sedimentary humic acids from the Krossfjorden glacial fjord situated within the Svalbard archipelago. The results of this study are needed to understand the structural characteristics of humic acids isolated from the fjord. Surface sediment samples were collected from four stations throughout the fjord during a summer period in 2018. Various spectroscopic techniques such as UV-visible, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) were applied for studying the humic acids. The elemental composition as well as the presence of tannin and lignin were also analyzed. The results of this study revealed the variation in the structure of humic acids from aliphatic to aromatic from the outer to the inner region of the fjord. This change in humic acids was well supported by the FTIR and NMR results with differences in the spectrums.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aswathy Shaji
Anu Gopinath
Anoop Krishnan
Sabu Prabhakaran

  1. School of Ocean Science and Technology, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi, 682506, India
  2. Department of Aquatic Environment Management, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi, 682506, India
  3. Biogeochemistry Group, National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum, 695011, India
  4. Ocean Science Group, National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa, 403804, India
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The paper discusses an occurrence or latent reactions in the direction perpendicular to the movement of the suspension systems in vibratory machines supported by parallel leaf springs. These reactions occur despite an apparent lack of any forces acting in that direction and may - for long machine bodies - reach values comparable with the exciting force of the vibrator. Analytical relationships allowing for estimation of the value of reactions were derived. The obtained results were verified by means of the Geometric Element Method as well as by the performed experiments.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Michalczyk
Piotr Czubak

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