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The European Union aspires to pursue an ambitious climate policy. The energy sector is a key tool to ensure success in this area. At the same time, excessively ambitious targets can be a serious problem for individual member states. The aim of the article is to analyze the possibilities available to the Polish energy sector in the context of the assumed EU climate neutrality goals by 2050.

The analyzed research problem concerns, in particular, two areas of strategic importance for Poland: the coal sector and the renewable energy sources sector. The role of the former should be significantly reduced in the coming decades, while the position of the latter should be substantially strengthened. The juxtaposition of these challenges with the Polish economic, social and techno- logical realities is the main subject of analysis in this text. The method of system analysis with elements of a decision-making approach will be used. This will allow for an effective analysis and review at the research level of the most important problems and challenges faced by Poland in light of the necessary adjustments to be made in order to achieve the priorities assumed by the European Union.

The hypothesis of the article is that Poland is able to effectively meet European climate targets, although the implementation of this challenge requires decisive action on the part of the government, as well as an adequate response from investors and society. To this end, appropriate actions must be undertaken at both a strategic and operational level.

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Krzysztof Tomaszewski
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The future and the development of power industry are the one of the major issues in the domestic and global policy. The impact of the power sector on the earth climate changes and the attention for sufficient funds of energy in the following years are the primary challenges which the power industry is facing. The article delineates the current state of the domestic sector of energy production. In the prospect of the next few years, it will draw on conventional power engineering nevertheless, with the growing involvement of renewable energy sources. However, it is important to develop the new energy strategy, which will point the direction of domestic energy production sector changes. What is more relevant, the new legal regulations connected with environmental protection will definitely restrict using fossil fuels in the power industry. In addition, the paper discusses the most important aspects involved in creating a country’s energy mix. The first aspect is the current state of the energy sector in Poland, i.e. the percentage of particular technologies in the present power and electrical energy balances, the technical state of the manufacturing sector’s infrastructure. Based on historical data of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA regarding the energy consumption and demand, a mathematical estimation for electricity demand and its consumption forecast was performed. The obtained forecasts were then used to conduct a simulation of power and energy demand fulfillment in the national power system. Finally, several possible scenarios were presented, taking different factors affecting the energy sector in Poland into consideration.

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Radosław Szczerbowski
Dominika Kornobis
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Offshore wind power is a relatively new sector of the economy with a tremendous potential for development. Its main advantage is foreseeable production and a high capacity factor, estimated at 50% (with prospects to increase to 60%), which makes it the most efficient energy source of all renewable energy technologies. In the Baltic Sea Region, Poland has the largest potential for the development of offshore wind energy. This has been reflected in plans by investors interested in offshore investments within the Polish marine areas. European energy and climate strategies, which define principles and objectives for the transformation of the European energy sector in line with the principle of sustainable development, underline the importance of offshore wind in the effort to achieve climate neutrality of the EU economy and contribute to energy security in Europe. Decision-makers in Poland endeavor to create conditions favorable to the development of the offshore wind sector. The article presents European and Polish conditions for the development of the offshore wind energy. To assess threats and opportunities for the development of the technology in Poland, the article examines whether the offshore wind potential has been included in strategic policy papers related to the development of the Polish energy sector, as well as how the state intends to support the development of the technology. A particular emphasis has been put on the latest draft of the Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 due to the crucial role of the document, since it sets directions for the development of the Polish energy sector for the next 20 years.

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Wojciech Drożdż
Oliwia Joanna Mróz-Malik
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As recent studies showed, the post-communist countries have relatively the highest level of energy poverty in Europe. The poorest of them still are not explored. So, the authors decided to study this problem for Ukraine as one of the largest and poorest post-communist countries in Europe. This Eastern European country experienced a number of challenges before the pandemic, including a war with Russia in the east of the country, high external debt, high energy intensity and low added value of the economy. The purpose of this study is to measure how deep the energy poverty problem in Ukraine is and how it changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applying selected quantitative and financial indicators, the authors showed the problem of energy poverty in Ukraine remained acute at the beginning of 2020, especially in terms of heating. Moreover, its level in Ukraine was three times higher than the average level for the all the EU countries. Furthermore, in 2020, during the pandemic, there were drastic increasing arrears of households on utility bills that meant a new leap of energy poverty in Ukraine. This study did not search for the causes of the identified leap in energy poverty, which apparently connected with the global and local economic and social consequences of the pandemic. However, it revealed the depth of this problem and the lower impact of the nature factor (air temperature) on energy poverty during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Further research is required to identify the underlying drivers and develop possible solutions to this problem in Ukraine and other European countries suffering from high energy poverty.
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Anatoliy G. Goncharuk
Kostiantyn Hromovenko
Alborz Pahlevanzade
Yurii Hrinchenko

  1. Department of Management, International Humanitarian University, Ukraine
  2. Department of International Law and Comparative Law, International Humanitarian University, Ukraine
  3. Department of Marketing and Business Administration, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
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This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the impact of energy-efficient development on promoting the national green brand. The primary purpose of the research is to provide an overview of the scientific background devoted to the relationship between the energy efficiency policy and the country’s green brand to identify the potential research gaps and highlight the prospects for particular research directions. The systematization of scientific publications presented in the Scopus database showed a rapid tendency for publication activity on the investigated theme from 2000 to 2020. However, there has remained a deficiency in investigating the role of energy efficiency policy in formulating the country’s green brand. Therefore, it is appropriate to screen out the relevant publications to detect the future research directions in boosting energy efficiency for strengthening Ukraine’s green brand. To obtain the objectives of this study, the paper is presented in the following logical sequence: determining the keywords to find the relevant publications; searching the publications; conducting the evaluation analysis by specific metrics; applying the bibliometric analysis for the investigation of keywords and their co-occurrence. The co-occurrence analysis was performed using the VOSviewer software tools. The study sample consists of 3090 publications indexed in the Scopus database. The study involved documents published from 2000 to 2020. The research identified the most productive authors, prestigious scientific journals, and the most contributing countries and institutions. The publications were clustered into five thematic groups, which indicate the main research directions. The authors specified the prosperous lines for future research.
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Ailawadi et al. 2001 – Ailawadi, K.L., Neslin, S.A. and Gedenk, K. 2001. Pursuing the value-conscious consumer: Store brands versus national brand promotions. Journal of Marketing 65(1), pp. 71–89. doi: 10.1509/jmkg.
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Hakobyan et al. 2019 – Hakobyan, N., Khachatryan, A., Vardanyan, N., Chortok, Y. and Starchenko, L. 2019. The Implementation of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Practices into Competitive Strategy of the Company. Marketing and Management of Innovations 2, pp. 42–51, DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2019.2-04.
Hussain et al. 2020 – Hussain, S.A., Haq, M.A.U. and Soomro, Y.A. 2020. Factors Influencing Consumers’ Green Purchase Behavior: Green Advertising as Moderator. Marketing and Management of Innovations 4, pp. 144–153, DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2020.4-11.
Kharazishvili et al. 2021 – Kharazishvili, Y., Kwilinski, A., Sukhodolia, O., Dzwigol, H., Bobro, D. and Kotowicz, J. 2021. The systemic approach for estimating and strategizing energy security: The case of Ukraine. Energies 14(8), DOI: 10.3390/en14082126.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yana Us
Tetyana Pimonenko
Oleksii Lyulyov

  1. Department of Marketing, Sumy State University, Ukraine
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The article presents the EU legislative procedure and decision-making processes with a special emphasis on decisions regarding energy policy. It has been pointed out that most of the energy related legal acts, including the renewable energy directive and those aimed at the gradual reduction of emissions of harmful substances, are adopted according to the ordinary legislative procedure. However, special legislative procedures apply in the case of international agreements between the European Union and third countries. The trilogues, i.e. meetings of the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council, aimed at reaching a common position before the first reading in the EP, are of great importance in decision making. The article also discusses the problem of energy policy and its impact on the environment, recalling the relevant articles of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union. The most important paths of influence of the Member States on new legal acts in the context of energy policy have also been shown. This is an extremely important issue from the investors’ point of view, since projects related to the energy industry have a very long payback period, so the stability and predictability of the Community’s energy policy is of paramount importance to them. The possibilities of shaping new laws related to energy at the stage of preparing a regulation are discussed later in the article. The work of parliamentary committees, especially those related to energy, i.e. the ITRE (The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy) Committee and ENVI (The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) has also been discussed. In addition, the article clearly shows different approaches of Western European countries and the Central and Eastern European countries (including Poland) towards energy issues.

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Kaja Jedlińska
Tadeusz Olkuski
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Russia’s use of one of its energy resources as a tool of political pressure in 2021 destabilized the economies of many European countries. The energy crisis was exacerbated by the outbreak of Russia’s war with Ukraine in February 2022, when many countries, including those of the EU, responded by imposing sanctions on energy resources from Russia. The situation also affected Polish households. Until then, Russia had been Poland’s main supplier of coal and natural gas. It is estimated that 3.8 million households were threatened by the uncertainty of hard-coal supplies for the 2022/2023 heating season. The article presents an analysis of the supply and demand of the main fossil energy resources consumed by Polish households for heating purposes. Discussing the supply of a given raw material, both domestic production and imports are presented. The inability to increase domestic coal production for households in the short term (it is a long-term process) resulted in the introduction of intervention imports. In the case of imports, attention was paid to the need to change suppliers as well as import routes. The article also analyzes the prices of major energy carriers for domestic households from January 2018 to March 2023. Rapidly rising prices of hard coal at fuel depots in the third and fourth quarters of 2022 were higher than natural gas prices for households by PLN 13–16/GJ and amounted to PLN 81–101/GJ. By comparison, natural gas prices were then in the range of 65–88 PLN/GJ. In the first quarter of 2023, the prices of these two energy carriers had already reached a similar level (in the order of 80 PLN/GJ).
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Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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The paper concerns a numerical analysis of cooling of the hybrid photovoltaic (PV) modules dedicated to Building-Inte-grated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) systems. Attention was focused on the photovoltaic roof tiles, using a jet impinge-ment technique, in which the intensification of heat transfer is ensured by streams of air hitting the heat exchange partition. A series of numerical simulations were carried out to assess an influence of the distance of the nozzle outlet from the absorber surface on the values of selected thermal-hydraulic performance indicators and the electrical parameters of the roof tile. The results confirmed the high effectiveness of the proposed method. The best effect was obtained for the case in which the relative distance of the nozzle from the partition to the nozzle diameter was equal to 1. For the mentioned configuration, an over 4 times increase in the value of the heat transfer coefficient was obtained in relation to the reference variant of cooling roof tiles. At the same time, the relative increase in the value of the generated electrical power was from 2.9 to 7.8%, depending on the value of the Reynolds number characterising the flow.
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Jan Wajs
Jakub Lukasik

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Gdańsk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
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This paper analyses two adiaphoric variants in the handwritten tradition of a fabliaux by Jean Bodel, Le vilain de Farbu: barbeoire (ms. B) and papeoire (ms. H). Both couplets d’octosyllabes (the one containing barbeoire in B and the one containing papeoire in H) are coherently integrated into the textual structure to the point of appearing practically interchangeable. But the two variants are less interchangeable: if barbeoire could easily replace papeoire in H, since both have in common the seme of frightening, of terrifying, which is used to connote the woman’s attitude, papeoire would have little meaning in relation to arbalestiax in B, whether it is intended as ‘jester’ or purely as ‘crossbowman’. This leads us to suppose that the original lesson is papeoire, a term that, if not already used to designate the mannequin attested in later Picardy folklore, at least bears the meaning in which we recognise its etymological root, ‘devourer’, an attribute always associated with the figure of the monster. This term was certainly familiar to both the author and the copyist of H, both Picards, but probably not to the copyist of B (or to the copyist of an antigraph at the highest levels of this branch of stemma) who, not understanding it, may have considered it appropriate to intervene in the phrasal system in order to adapt it to a known noun close to the original unintelligible one.
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Sonia Maura Barillari

  1. Università Di Genova
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This paper reviews latest developments of substructures for offshore wind turbines focusing on investigations and applications of hybrid foundations. Model tests and numerical analyses were used to simulate the loading of hybrid piles in sand. The results of pile-soil interaction were investigated to confirm the changes in soil stiffness around the hybrid monopile head. The mechanism and factors affecting the change in lateral stiffness of the hybrid foundation were explained by analysing p–y curves for M+H loading conditions in sand. Based on this research, a new shape of p–y curves for hybrid monopiles was established and a method for determining key parameters was proposed. The effectiveness of new p–y curves was verified by comparing back-calculated results with those from numerical simulations. The conducted tests confirmed that the hybrid monopile displacement is 30–50% smaller when compared to a standard monopile with similar dimensions. The gained experiences can be useful for designers and researchers to enhance the design of foundations for offshore wind turbines.
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Krzysztof Trojnar

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, al. Powstanców Warszawy 12, 00-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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The article presents the question of solidarity in relation to the energy policy of the European Union. This topic seems particularly important in the context of the crisis of the European integration process, which includes, in particular, economic problems, the migration crisis and the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit). The issue of solidarity was analyzed from the legal and formal, institutional, and functional and relational points of view. The aim of the article is to show to what extent the theoretical assumptions, resulting from the provisions of European law on the solidarity, correspond with the actions of the Member States in the energy sector. The practice of the integration process indicates that the particular national economic interests in the energy sector are more important for the Member States than working towards European solidarity. Meanwhile, without a sense of responsibility for the pan-European interest, it is not possible to effectively implement the EU’s energy policy. The European Commission – as the guardian of the treaties – confronts the Member States with ambitious challenges to be undertaken “in the spirit of solidarity”. In the verbal sphere, this is supported by by capitals of the individual countries, but in practice, the actions taken divide the Member States into opposing camps instead of building a sense of the European energy community. This applies in particular to such issues as: the management of the energy union, investments in the gas sector (e.g. Nord Stream I and Nord Stream II), and the position towards third countries – suppliers of energy raw materials to the EU (in particular towards the Russian Federation). Different views on the above problems make it extremely difficult for Member States to take action “in the spirit of energy solidarity”. Thus, the energy problem becomes another reason for the weakening of European unity.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Tomaszewski
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This publication presents an assessment of the economic efficiency of a hypothetical installation for the gasification of the municipal and industrial waste for the production of syngas used subsequently for the production of energy or chemical products. The first part of the work presents an example of a technological system for the energo-chemical processing of coal mud and municipal waste, based on the gasification process using a fluidized bed reactor. A hypothetical installation consists of two main blocks: a fuel preparation unit and a gasification unit. In the fuel preparation installation, reception operations take place, storage, and then grinding, mixing, drying and transporting fuel to the gasification unit. In the gasification installation, fuel gasification, oxygen production, cooling and purification of raw process gas and ash treatment are carried out. The following key assumptions regarding the gasification process, as well as the capital expenditures and operating costs related to the process, were estimated. Consequently, based on the method of discounted cash flows, the unit cost of generating energy contained in the synthesis gas (cost of energy, COE) was determined and the results were interpreted. In order to obtain an acceptable efficiency of the gasification process for waste fuels for the production of alternative fuel (process gas), it is necessary to supplement the mixture of waste coal and coal mud with the RDF. In this case, the unit cost of fuel measured by the PLN/GJ index is lower than in the case of hard coal and comparable with brown coal. The use of coal mud for the production of process gas in an economically efficient way is possible only in the case of changes in the legal system allowing for charging fees for the utilization of industrial waste – coal mud.

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Krzysztof Kwaśniewski
Paweł Grzesiak
Radosław Kapłan
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The paper looks at an analysis of the tendency of changes in the fuel structure of electricity

generation and thus resulting changes in carbon dioxide emissions. Forecasts drawn up by various

institutions and organizations were selected for the analysis. Firstly, on the basis of statistical data

contained in (IEA 2017a, IEA 2008) and with the use of Kay’s indicators, the impact of changes in

energy intensity of the national income and energy mix on changes in carbon dioxide emissions per

capita in 2006–2015 for the OECD countries and Poland were analyzed. A small effect of changes

was found in the fuel mix in this period of time on the emissions. The main impact was due to changes

in the energy intensity of the national income and changes in the national income per capita.

Next, selected fuel scenarios for the period up to 2050 (60) were discussed – WEC, IEA, EIA, BP,

Shell, with a focus on the WEC scenarios. These have been developed for various assumptions with

regard to the pace of economic development, population growth, and developments of the political

situation and the situation on the fuel market. For this reason, it is difficult to assess the reliability

thereof. The subject of the discussion was mainly the data on the fuel structure of electricity generation

and energy intensity of national income and changes in carbon dioxide emissions. The final

part of the paper offers a general analysis of forecasts drawn up for Poland. These are quite diverse,

with some of them being developed as part of drawing up the Energy Policy for Poland until 2050,

and some covering the period up to 2035. An observation has been made that some forecasts render

results similar to those characteristic of the WEC Hard Rock scenario.

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Tadeusz Chmielniak
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The paper presents an analysis of the sustainable development of electricity generation sources in the National Power System (NPS). The criteria to be met by sustainable power systems were determined. The paper delineates the power balance of centrally dispatched power generation units (CDPGU), which is required for the secure work of the NPS until 2035. 19 prospective electricity generation technologies were defined. They were divided into the following three groups: system power plants, large and medium combined heat and power (CHP) plants, as well as small power plants and CHP plants (distributed sources). The quantities to characterize the energy effectiveness and CO2 emission of the energy generation technologies analyzed were determined. The unit electricity generation costs, discounted for 2018, including the costs of CO2 emission allowance, were determined for the particular technologies. The roadmap of the sustainable development of the generation sources in the NPS between 2020 and 2035 was proposed. The results of the calculations and analyses were presented in tables and figure

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Bolesław Zaporowski
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Feldspar raw materials belong to such raw materials for which demand has risen in Poland in the last years to a largest extent. The reason of it is the expansion of domestic branch of ceramic tiles. Larger and larger demand of the Polish industry of ceramic tiles for feldspar raw materials is covered among others in greater and greater extent by import from Turkey. Feldspar raw materials in that country are mainly obtained from albite-rich rocks which occur in the west part of the country in Menderes Massif particularly in its south fragment (Submassif Çine). Their exploitation and proccessing are carried out by many companies from which KALTUN, ESAN ECZACIBASI, ÇINE AKMADEN, KALEMADEN and ERMAD are of the greatest importance in the Polish market. The raw material of the highest quality [...] is obtained as a result of benefication of primary rocks by flotation. The main compounds - apart from quartz - of studied samples analized by means of microscopic method are feldspars represented first of all by albite. This mineral occurs in two varieties. First of them - which strongly dominates - is so called chessboard albite. This variety is formed as a result of albitization of feldspars of various types. On the other hand, typical, multitwinned crystals of this mineral are observed significantly rarer. Albite most often contains 5-10 mol.% of anorthite molecule. Sporadically minor and/or trace minerals (e.g. titanite, rutile, micas) occur in samples studied. They are the carriers of colouring oxides (Fe2O3, TiO2) presence of which is outstandingly undesirable, especially in raw materials for the production of ceramic tiles of the highest quality such as gres porcellanato. The characteristic feature of the Turkish feldspar raw materials is occurrence of minor or trace amount of TiO2 in domination compared to Fe2O3 which mostly is more common colouring oxide in feldspar raw materials. It is connected with sporadic occurrence of such titanium minerals as titanite [...] and rutile TiO2. However, in the majority of investigated samples the presence of these carriers of colouring oxides was not stated which confirms the opinion about high quality of feldspar raw materials of Turkish production.

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Piotr Wyszomirski
Ferdynand Gacki
Tadeusz Szydłak
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Available methods for room-related sound presentation are introduced and evaluated. A focus is put on the synthesis side rather than on complete transmission systems. Different methods are compared using common, though quite general criteria. The methods selected for comparison are: Intensity Stereophony after Blumlein, vector-base amplitude panning (VBAP), 5.1-Surround and its discrete-channel derivatives, synthesis with spherical harmonics (Ambisonics, HOA), synthesis based on the boundary method, namely, wave-field synthesis (WFS), and binaural-cue selection methods (e.g., DiRAC). While VBAP, 5.1-Surround and other discrete-channel-based methods show a number of practical advantages, they do, in the end, not aim at authentic sound-field reproduction. The so-called holophonic methods that do so, particularly, HOA and WFS, have specific advantages and disadvantages which will be discussed. Yet, both methods are under continuous development, and a decision in favor of one of them should be taken from a strictly application-oriented point of view by considering relevant application-specific advantages and disadvantages in detail.

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Jens Blauert
Rudolf Rabenstein
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A modified emulsion polymerisation synthesis route for preparing highly dispersed cationic polystyrene (PS) nanoparticles is reported. The combined use of 2,2′-azobis[2-(2-imidazolin- 2-yl)propane] di-hydrochloride (VA-044) as the initiator and acetone/water as the solvent medium afforded successful synthesis of cationic PS particles as small as 31 nm in diameter. A formation mechanism for the preparation of PS nanoparticles was proposed, whereby the occurrence of rapid acetone diffusion caused spontaneous rupture of emulsion droplets into smaller droplets. Additionally, acetone helped to reduce the surface tension and increase the solubility of styrene, thus inhibiting aggregation and coagulation among the particles. In contrast, VA-044 initiator could effectively regulate the stability of the PS nanoparticles including both the surface charge and size. Other reaction parameters i.e. VA-044 concentration and reaction time were examined to establish the optimum polymerisation conditions.

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Lusi Ernawati
Ratna Balgis
Takashi Ogi
Kikuo Okuyama
Tomonori Takada
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This biographical dictionary includes 226 biograms of editors in chief journalists executive editors and co-workers that were also described as editors. It is based on research data as well as records in ecclesiastical and state archives, libraries and registry offices. The individual lives are presented in accordance with the customary biogram template.

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Grażyna Gzella
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The article outlines the history of Polish automotive magazines and, additionally, the results of the author’s latest research. The accumulation of hitherto unknown facts and new findings have made it necessary to revise the received view of the subject. So, for instance, the first Polish automotive magazine to be published was Gazeta Automobilowa. It was launched in Lwów in February 1911, five months earlier than Lotnik i Automobilista, until recently believed to be the first Polish car magazine. The article contains an updated, most comprehensive list of Polish automotive periodicals that appeared in print until 1939.

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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Bańdo
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Popular science magazines published in Poland between 1758 and 1939 are an important resource for all kinds of research including interdisciplinary analysis as well testing new methodological approaches. They provide insights into the changing understanding of science and its social functions, the status of the scientist, models of popularization of science, the channels and forms of communications, techniques of construction of the popular science text enhanced with graphics and illustrations.

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Authors and Affiliations

Grażyna Wrona
Agnieszka Cieślikowa
Dorota Kamisińska
Ewa Wójcik
Renata M. Zając
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This paper presents a new modified method for the synthesis of non-uniform linear antenna arrays. Based on the recently developed invasive weeds optimization technique (IWO), the modified invasive weeds optimization method (MIWO) uses the mutation process for the calculation of standard deviation (SD). Since the good choice of SD is particularly important in such algorithm, MIWO uses new values of this parameter to optimize the spacing between the array elements, which can improve the overall efficiency of the classical IWO method in terms of side lobe level (SLL) suppression and nulls control. Numerical examples are presented and compared to the existing array designs found in the literature, such as ant colony optimization (ACO), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and comprehensive learning PSO (CLPSO). Results show that MIWO method can be a good alternative in the design of non-uniform linear antenna array.
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El Hadi Kenane
Farid Djahli
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A thermoelastic boundary value problem of a hollow circular disc made of functionally graded materials with arbitrary gradient is analysed. The steady-state temperature distribution is assumed to be the function of the radial coordinate with prescribed temperature at the inner and outer cylindrical boundary surfaces. The material properties are assumed to be arbitrary smooth functions of the radial coordinate. A coupled system of ordinary differential equations containing the radial displacement and stress function is derived and used to get the distribution of thermal stresses and radial displacements caused by axisymmetric mechanical and thermal loads. General analytical solutions of functionally graded disc with thermal loads are not available. The results obtained by the presented numerical method are verified by an analytical solution. The considered analytical solution is valid if the material properties, except the Poisson ratio, are expressed as power functions of the radial coordinate.

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Dávid Gönczi
Istvàn Ecsedi

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