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The chosen, typical causes of quality defects of cast-iron „alphin” rings embedded in aluminum cast are being presented in this paper.

Diffusive joint of those inserts with the pistons casts is being used, due to extreme work conditions of destructive influence of the fuel mix

and variable thermo-mechanical loads, which reign in the combustion motor working chamber.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
P. Kamiński
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The paper presents results of calorimetric studies of foundry nickel superalloys: IN100, IN713C, Mar - M247 and ŻS6 U. Particular attention was paid to determination of phase transiti ons temperatures during heating and cooling. The samples were heated to a temperature of 1500°C with a rate of 10°C ⋅ min – 1 and then held at this temperature for 5 min. After a complete melting, the samples were cooled with the same rat e. Argon with a purity of 99.99% constituted the protective atmosphere. The sample was placed in an alundum crucible with a capacity of 0.45 cm 3 . Temperature and heat calibration was carried out based on the mel ting point of high- purity Ni. The tests were carried out by the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) using a Multi HTC high -temperature calorimeter from Setaram. Based on the DSC curves, the following temperatures were determined: solidus and liquidus, dissolution and precipitation of the γ ’ phase, MC carbides and melting of the γ ’ /γ eutectic. In the temperature range of 100 -1100°C, specific heat capacity of the investigated superalloys was determined. It was found that the IN713C and IN100 alloys exhibit a higher specific heat while compared to the Mar - M247 and ŻS6 U alloys.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Przeliorz
J. Piątkowski
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Emergence of new designs for internal combustion engines resulted in a necessity to search for new materials which will rise to excessive technological requirements under operating conditions of modern internal combustion engines of up to 150 kW. Focusing only on material properties, theoretically existing alloys should meet presents requirements. More importantly, existing materials are well fitted to the entire crank-piston system. Thus, there is a need for a more thorough examination of these materials. The paper presents studies on determination of coefficient of friction μ and wear for the A390.0 alloy modified with AlTi5B master alloy combined with EN GJL-350 cast iron. The characteristics of a T-11 tribological tester (pin on disc) used for the tests, as well as the methodology of the tribological tests, were described. Also, the analysis of the surface distribution of elements for the pin and the disc was presented. The studies were realized in order to find whether the analyzed alloy meets the excessive requirements for the materials intended for pistons of modern internal combustion engines. The results show that the A390.0 alloy can only be applied to a load of 1.4 MPa. Above this value was observed destructive wear, which results in the inability to use it in modern internal combustion engines.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Wieszała
J. Piątkowski
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In the dissertation the data modeling has been shown for the data that regards the damages, which value is above zero. With the use of

Weibull distribution, with prior regression and correlation analysis chosen parameters that defines the life time and failure level of two

populations of AlSi17Cu5 were defined. The calculation sheet of reliability allows to create so called survival diagram, and on the basis of

durability data the average warrantee can be determined, on the pre-exploitation period.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
A. Mesjasz
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In the dissertation it has been shown, that so called „time-thermal treatment” (TTT) of the alloy in liquid state, as overheating the metal

with around 250o

C above the Tliq. and detaining it in this temperature for around 30 minutes, improves the mechanical properties (HB, Rm,

R0,2). It was ascertained, that overheating the AlSi17Cu5Mg alloy aids the modification, resulting with microcrystalline structure. Uniform

arrangement of the Si primeval crystals in the warp, and α(Al) solution type, supersaturated with alloying elements present in the base

content (Cu, Mg) assures not only increased durability in the ambient temperature, but also at elevated temperature (250o

C), what is an

advantage, especially due to the use in car industry.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
P. Kamiński
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In the dissertation it has been shown, that so called “time-thermal treatment” (TTT) of the alloy in liquid state as overheating the metal

with around 250o

C above Tliq. and detailing it in temperature for 30 to 40 minutes has the influence on changing the crystallization

parameters (Tliq., TEmin.

, TEmax., TE(Me), TSol.). It was ascertained, that overheating the AlSi17Cu5Mg alloy substantially above Tliq. results

with microcrystalline structure. Evenly distributed in the eutectic warp primeval silicon crystals and supersaturated with alloying additives

of base content (Cu, Mg, Fe) of α(Al) solution, ensures not only increase durability in ambient temperature, but also at elevated

temperature (250o

C), what due to it’s use in car industry is an advantage.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
P. Kamiński
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The paper presents the influence of modification with phosphorus (CuP10) on the tribological properties of the alloy AlSi17Cu5Mg coupled

abrasively with cast-iron EN GJL-350. Tests of coefficient of friction and wear of mass were conducted on tribological tester T-01. An

important aspect in the assessment of the tribological properties is the analysis of initial material microstructure in reference to silumin which

underwent modification with phosphorus. It was found that the difference in structure of tested materials, mainly sizes of primary silicon

crystals significantly influences the tribological properties whereas the speed change of the friction knot does not have such big influence.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
R. Wieszała
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The FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) method consists in analysis of failure modes and evaluation of their effects based on

determination of cause-effect relationships for formation of possible product or process defects. Identified irregularities which occur

during the production process of piston castings for internal combustion engines were ordered according to their failure rates, and using

Pareto-Lorenz analysis, their per cent and cumulated shares were determined. The assessments of risk of defects occurrence and their

causes were carried out in ten-point scale of integers, while taking three following criteria into account: significance of effects of the defect

occurrence (LPZ), defect occurrence probability (LPW) and detectability of the defect found (LPO). A product of these quantities

constituted the risk score index connected with a failure occurrence (a so-called “priority number,” LPR). Based on the observations of the

piston casting process and on the knowledge of production supervisors, a set of corrective actions was developed and the FMEA was

carried out again. It was shown that the proposed improvements reduce the risk of occurrence of process failures significantly, translating

into a decrease in defects and irregularities during the production of piston castings for internal combustion engines.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
P. Kamiński
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The paper presents the results of studies on the effect of the AlSi17Cu5 alloy overheating to atemperature of 920°C and modification with phosphorus (CuP10) on the resultingmechanical (HB, Rm, R0.2) and plastic (A5 and Z) properties. It has been shown that, so-called, "timethermal treatment" (TTT) of an alloy in the liquid state, consisting inoverheating the metal to about 250°C above Tliq,holding at this temperature by 30 minutes improvesthe mechanical properties. It has also been found that overheating of alloy above Tliq.enhances the process of modification, resulting in the formation of fine-grain structure. The primary silicon crystals uniformly distributed in the eutectic and characteristics ofthe α(Al) solution supersaturated with alloying elements present in the starting alloy composition (Cu, Fe) provide not only an increase of strength at ambient temperature but also at elevated temperature (250°C).
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
M. Jabłońska
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In the paper the reasons for steam pipeline’s elbow material rupture, made of steel 13CrMo4-5 (15HM) that is being used in the energetics.

Based on the mechanical properties in the ambient temperature (Rm, Rp0,2 and elongation A5) and in the increased temperature (Rp0,2t

) it

was found, that the pipeline elbow’s material sampled from the ruptured area has lower Rp0,2 i Rp0,2t by around 2% than it is a requirement

for 13CrMo4-5 steel in it’s base state. The damage appeared as a result of complex stress state, that substantially exceeded the admissible

tensions, what was the consequence of considerable structure degradation level. As a result of the microstructure tests on HITACHI S4200

microscope, the considerable development of the creeping process associates were found. Also the advances progress of the microstructure

degradation was observed, which is substantial decomposition of bainite and multiple, with varied secretion size, and in most cases

forming the micro cracks chains. With the use of lateral micro sections the creeping voids were observed, that creates at some places the

shrinkage porosities clusters and micro pores.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Mesjasz
J. Piątkowski
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In spite of the fact that in most applications, magnesium alloys are intended for operation in environments with room temperature, these

alloys are subject to elevated temperature and oxidizing atmosphere in various stages of preparation (casting, welding, thermal treatment).

At present, the studies focus on development of alloys with magnesium matrix, intended for plastic forming. The paper presents results of

studies on oxidation rate of WE43 and ZRE1 magnesium foundry alloys in dry and humidified atmosphere of N2+1%O2. Measurements of

the oxidation rate were carried out using a Setaram thermobalance in the temperature range of 350-480°C. Corrosion products were

analyzed by SEM-SEI, BSE and EDS. It was found that the oxide layer on the WE43 alloy has a very good resistance to oxidation. The

high protective properties of the layer should be attributed to the presence of yttrium in this alloy. On the other hand, a porous, two-layer

scale with a low adhesion to the substrate forms on the ZRE1 alloy. The increase in the sample mass in dry gas is lower than that in

humidified gas.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Przeliorz
J. Piątkowski
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Paper present a thermal analysis of laser heating and remelting of EN AC-48000 (EN AC-AlSi12CuNiMg) cast alloy used mainly for

casting pistons of internal combustion engines. Laser optics were arranged such that the impingement spot size on the material was a

circular with beam radius rb changes from 7 to 1500 m. The laser surface remelting was performed under argon flow. The resulting

temperature distribution, cooling rate distribution, temperature gradients and the depth of remelting are related to the laser power density

and scanning velocity. The formation of microstructure during solidification after laser surface remelting of tested alloy was explained.

Laser treatment of alloy tests were perform by changing the three parameters: the power of the laser beam, radius and crystallization rate.

The laser surface remelting needs the selection such selection of the parameters, which leads to a significant disintegration of the structure.

This method is able to increase surface hardness, for example in layered castings used for pistons in automotive engines.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
A. Grabowski
M. Czerepak
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With the use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the characteristic temperatures and enthalpy of phase transformations were

defined for commercial AlSi9Cu3 cast alloy (EN AC-46000) that is being used for example for pressurized castings for automotive

industry. During the heating with the speed of 10oCmin-1

two endothermic effects has been observed. The first appears at the temperature

between 495 oC and 534 oC, and the other between 555 oC and 631 oC. With these reactions the phase transformation enthalpy comes up as

+6 J g-1

and +327 J g-1

. During the cooling with the same speed, three endothermic reactions were observed at the temperatures between

584 oC and 471 oC. The total enthalpy of the transitions is – 348 J g-1


Complimentary to the calorimetric research, the structural tests (SEM and EDX) were conducted on light microscope Reichert and on

scanning microscope Hitachi S-4200. As it comes out of that, there are dendrites in the structure of α(Al) solution, as well as the eutectic

(β) silicon crystals, and two types of eutectic mixture: double eutectic α(Al)+β(Si) and compound eutectic α+Al2Cu+β.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
R. Przeliorz
A. Gontarczyk
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The paper presents tribological properties of A390.0 (AlSi17Cu5Mg) alloy coupled in abrasive action with EN-GJL-350 grey cast-iron.

The silumin was prepared with the use of two different technologies which differed in terms of cooling speed. In the first case the alloy

was modified with foundry alloy CuP10 and cast to a standard tester ATD and in case of second option the modified alloy was cast into

steel casting die. Due to different speed of heat removal the silumins varied in structure, particularly with size of primary crystals of silicon

and their distribution in matrix which had a significant influence of friction coefficient in conditions of dry friction.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
R. Wieszała
A. Gontarczyk
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This article discusses the possibility of using a two-track X-S control card on a Mesas device to control the production process parameters of piston castings for combustion engines. The research was carried out at the Federal-Mogul Gorzyce company. The basis for estimating the variability of the process results from the mean value (X) is the standard deviation (S). Thanks to specially designed measuring stations that use algorithms to calculate process indicators (Cp and/or Cpk) and their visualization, the cost of manufacturing products and the number of non-compliant products (scraps) are reduced. The process stability was investigated by measuring the key dimensions of the piston casting in a specific population and a given measurement cycle. Taking into account the precision of details, their technical condition, and surface quality, the production machines and cutting tools were optimally selected. It has been found that an important element of the effective use of Statistical Process Control (SPC) are trained/experienced operators who can correctly interpret the resulting control chart forms.
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[1] Czarski, A., Satora, K. (1998). Statistical process control. Teaching materials. Cracow: Stat-Q-Mat s.c.
[2] Dahlgaard, J.J., Kristensen, K., Kanji, G.K. (2002). Podstawy zarządzania jakością. Warsaw: PWN.
[3] Grant, E.L., Leavenworth, R.S. (1996). Statistical quality control. McGraw-Hill.
[4] Hamrol, A. (2005). Quality management with examples. Warsaw: PWN.
[5] Kończak, G. (2000). Application of control cards in quality control in the course of production. Katowice: Publishing House of the University of Economics in Katowice.
[6] Kończak, G. (2007). Statistical methods in controlling the quality of production. Katowice: Publishing House of the University of Economics in Katowice.
[7] Maliński, M. (2004). Computer aided verification of statistical hypotheses. Katowice: Publishing House of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.
[8] Chrapoński, J. (2010). Fundamentals of statistical processes control. Katowice: Publishing House of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.
[9] Statistical Process Control SPC Second edition. AIAG, Berlin-London, July 2005, p. 57.
[10] Polska Norma PN-ISO 8258+AC1: Karty kontrolne Shewharta. PKN, 1996.
[11] Quality Assurance for Suppliers. Quality Management in the Automotive Industry. Production process and product approval (PPA). 5th edition, Berlin 2012.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Krępa
J. Piątkowski

  1. Federal-Mogul Gorzyce Sp. z o.o., Odlewników 52, 39-432 Gorzyce, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Krasińskiego 8 Gliwice, Poland
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The paper presents an analysis of the effect of shape of primary silicon crystals on the sizes of stresses and deformations in a surface layer

of A390.0 alloy by Finite Elements Method (FEM). Analysis of stereological characteristics of the studied alloy, performed based on a

quantitative metallographic analysis in combination with a statistical analysis, was used for this purpose. The presented simulation tests

showed not only the deposition depth of maximum stresses and strains, but also allowed for determining the aforementioned values

depending on the shape of the silicon crystals. The studied material is intended for pistons of internal combustion engines, therefore the

analysis of the surface layer corresponded to conditions during friction in a piston-cylinder system of an internal combustion engine having

power of up to 100 kW. The obtained results showed important differences in the values of stresses and strains up to 15% between various

shape of the silicon crystals. Crystals with sharp edges caused higher stresses and deformation locally than those with rounded shapes.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Wieszała
J. Piątkowski
H. Bąkowski
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Tests concerning EN AC 48000 (AlSi12CuNiMg) alloy phase transition covered (ATD) thermal analysis and (DSC) differential scanning

calorimetry specifying characteristic temperatures and enthalpy of transformations. ATD thermal analysis shows that during cooling there

exist: pre-eutectic crystallization effect of Al9Fe2Si phase, double eutectic and crystallization α(Al)+β(Si) and multi-component eutectic

crystallization. During heating, DSC curve showed endothermic effect connected with melting of the eutectic α(Al)+β(Si) and phases:

Al2Cu, Al3Ni, Mg2Si and Al9Fe2Si being its components. The enthalpy of this transformation constitutes approx. +392 J g-1

. During

freezing of the alloy, DSC curve showed two exothermal reactions. One is most likely connected with crystallization of Al9Fe2Si phase

and the second one comes from freezing of the eutectic α(Al)+β(Si). The enthalpy of this transformation constitutes approx. –340 J g-1


Calorimetric test was accompanied by structural test (SEM) conducted with the use of optical microscope Reichert and scanning

microscope Hitachi S-4200. There occurred solution's dendrites α(Al), eutectic silicon crystal (β) and two types of eutectic solution: double

eutectic α(Al)+β(Si) and multi-component eutectic α+AlSiCuNiMg+β.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
J. Szymszal
R. Przeliorz
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The article discusses the most important changes in the construction of permanent mould casting machines, as well as the method of casting engine pistons and their construction on the example of Federal-Mogul (FM) Gorzyce. The system of automatic cooling of the presently used permanent mould casting machines coupled with robots which pour the liquid alloy ensures uniform crystallization of the pistons and optimal efficiency of the casting process. As a result of the necessity to improve the engine efficiency and thus reduce the fuel consumption and harmful substance emission, the construction of the pistons has changed as well. The piston castings, which are produced by gravity casting for metal moulds, have undergone a diametric transformation. Typical piston designs for gasoline and Diesel engines are shown together with the most important parts of the piston, the crown (combustion chamber) and the guide part (skirt). Depending on the type of engine, the present pistons characterize in differently shaped crown, a slimmed internal construction as well as component participation (cooling channels and ring inserts), and the piston skirts undergo surface treatment procedures.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Czerepak
J. Piątkowski

  1. Federal-Mogul Gorzyce sp. z o.o., Odlewników 52, 39-432 Gorzyce, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Krasińskiego 8, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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This article presents a study of the crystallization and microstructure of the AlSi9 alloy (EN AC-AlSi9) used for the alfin processing of iron ring supports in castings of silumin pistons. Alfin processing in brief is based on submerging an iron casting in an Al-Si bath, maintaining it there for a defined time period, placing it in a chill mould casting machine and immersing it in the alloy. This technology is used for iron ring supports in the pistons of internal combustion engines, among others. Thermal analysis shows that when the AlSi9 alloy contains a minimal content of iron, nucleation and increase in the triple (Al)+Fe+(Si) eutectic containing the -Al8Fe2Si phase takes place at the end of the crystallization of the double (Al)+(Si) eutectic. Due to the morphology of the ”Chinese script” the -Al8Fe2Si phase is beneficial and does not reduce the alloy’s brittleness. After approx. 5 hours of alfin processing, the -Al5FeSi phase crystallizes as a component of the +Al5FeSi+(Si) eutectic. Its disadvantageous morphology is ”platelike” with sharp corners, and in a microsection of the surface, ”needles” with pointed corners are visible, with increases the fragility of the AlSi9 alloys.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
M. Czerepak
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The article presents the most important causes of the unstable connection between cast iron ring inserts and the silumin casting of an engine piston. It is shown that manufacturing defects are mainly related to the alfin processing of inserts in Al-Si alloy (the so-called AS9 alloy). Exceeding the permissible iron content in AS9 alloy causes the crystallization of brittle -Al5FeSi phases. Their unfavorable morphology and large size are the main reasons for the weakening of the diffusion connection between the inserts and the piston, causing an unacceptable proportion of defective products. The study presented in this work was conducted under industrial conditions on a population of 10.000 pistons. Quality control data, production parameters, as well as the micro- and macro-structures of the cast iron inserts, and the interface area between the inserts and the silumin piston, were analyzed. Material and technological solutions have been proposed to reduce the occurrence of casting defects at the insert-piston joint. This includes the introduction of so-called "morphological correctors" of the -Al5FeSi phases, reducing the possibility of gaseous impurities in the AS9 alloy and optimizing the temperature of the alfin alloy.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Szucki
J. Piątkowski
M. Czerepak

  1. Foundry Institute, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Bernhard-von-Cotta-Str. 4,09599 Freiberg, Germany
  2. Department of Material Technologies, Silesian University of Technology, Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
  3. Federal-Mogul Gorzyce sp. z o.o., Odlewników 52, 39-432 Gorzyce, Poland
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The article presents the most significant material defects found in pistons for internal combustion engines, along with a graphical method of categorization using a Pareto-Lorenz chart. For the top three defects (constituting approximately 80% of all issues), a slightly different Ishikawa chart was employed to identify the causes behind their occurrence. Remedial actions were proposed, to be implemented primarily within the interoperative quality control of piston casting. It was concluded that it is crucial to prevent the excessive iron content in the alloy used for alfin inserts (AS9 alloy), particularly for cast iron ring carriers. The research was conducted in collaboration with Federal-Mogul company in Gorzyce (F-MG), one of the largest piston foundries in Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Piątkowski
M Łent-Trepczyńska
A. Krępa
M. Ferdyn

  1. Faculty of Materials Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
  2. Federal-Mogul Gorzyce, Poland
  3. Magna Casting Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland

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