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The influence of a shape of graphite precipitates in cast iron on the thermal shock resistance of the alloy was initially determined. Investigations included the nodular cast iron and the vermicular one, as well as the cast iron containing flake graphite. The thermal shock resistance was examined at a special laboratory stand which allowed for multiple heating and cooling of specimens within the presumed temperature range. The specimens were inductively heated and then cooled in water of constant temperature of about 30°C. There were used flat specimens 70 mm long, 5 mm thick in the middle part, and tapering like a wedge over a distance of 15 mm towards both ends. The total length of cracks generated on the test surfaces of the wedge-shaped parts of specimens was measured as a characteristic value inversely proportional to the thermal shock resistance of a material. The specimens heated up to 500°C were subjected to 2000 test cycles of alternate heating and cooling, while the specimens heated up to 600°C underwent 1000 such cycles. It was found that as the heating temperature rose within the 500-600°C range, the thermal shock resistance decreased for all examined types of cast iron. The research study proved that the nodular cast iron exhibited the best thermal shock resistance, the vermicular cast iron got somewhat lower results, while the lowest thermal shock resistance was exhibited by grey cast iron containing flake graphite.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Jakubus
M.S. Soiński
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The influence of aluminium added in amounts of about 1.6%, 2.1%, or 2.8% on the effectiveness of cast iron spheroidization

with magnesium was determined. The cast iron was melted and treated with FeSiMg7 master alloy under industrial conditions.

The metallographic examinations were performed for the separately cast rods of 20 mm diameter. They included the assessment of the

shape of graphite precipitates and of the matrix structure. The results allowed to state that the despheroidizing influence of aluminium

(introduced in the above mentioned quantities) is the stronger, the higher is the aluminium content in the alloy. The results of examinations

carried out by means of a computer image analyser enabled the quantitative assessment of the considered aluminium addition influence.

It was found that the despheroidizing influence of aluminium (up to about 2.8%) yields the crystallization of either the deformed nodular

graphite precipitates or vermicular graphite precipitates. None of the examined specimens, however, contained the flake graphite

precipitates. The results of examinations confirmed the already known opinion that aluminium widens the range of ferrite crystallization.

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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
A. Jakubus
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An initial assessment of the effectiveness of cast iron inoculation, performed by the method of impulse introducing the master alloy into

cast iron, is presented. The experiment was concerned with the hypoeutectic gray cast iron inoculated with either the Alinoc or the Barinoc

master alloy by means of an experimental device for pneumatic transportation. Examinations involved pneumatic injection of the

powdered inoculant carried in a stream of gaseous medium (argon) into the metal bath held in the crucible of an induction furnace. It was

found that the examined process is characterised by both high effectiveness and stability.

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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
A. Derda-Ślęzak
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The paper presents data concerning the total production of castings over the 2000-2014 period, both on a global scale, and in Poland. The

basic types of casting alloys were taken into account. Changes in the production volume and structure over the period of the analysed 15

years were pointed out with respect to countries leading in foundry production. The topmost position in the world foundry industry is held

by China for several years (with almost 45% share in the foundry market), the second place is taken by India (with almost 9% share). A

distinct reduction in the shares of the once significant producers of castings, such as USA, Japan, Germany, Russia, Italy, or France, was

observed over the 2000-2014 period. Poland had a share of 1.16% in 2000, and of 1.02% in 2014. Comparing the detailed data concerning

the years 2000 and 2014, one can see that the fractions of castings made of ductile iron, cast steel, aluminium alloys, or magnesium alloys

increase on a global scale, while such alloys as grey cast iron or malleable are in decline.

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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
P. Kordas
K. Skurka
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The work determined the influence of aluminium in the amount from about 1% to about 7% on the graphite precipitates in cast iron with

relatively high silicon content (3.4% to 3.90%) and low manganese content (about 0.1%). The cast iron was spheroidized with cerium

mixture and graphitized with ferrosilicon. The performed treatment resulted in occurring of compact graphite precipitates, mainly nodular

and vermicular, of various size. The following parameters were determined: the area percentage occupied by graphite, perimeters of

graphite precipitates per unit area, and the number of graphite precipitates per unit area. The examinations were performed by means of

computer image analyser, taking into account four classes of shape factor. It was found that as the aluminium content in cast iron increases

from about 1.1% to about 3.4%, the number of graphite precipitates rises from about 700 to about 1000 per square mm. For higher

Al content (4.2% to 6.8%) this number falls within the range of 1300 – 1500 precipitates/mm2

. The degree of cast iron spheroidization

increases with an increase in aluminium content within the examined range, though when Al content exceeds about 2.8%, the area

occupied by graphite decreases. The average size of graphite precipitates is equal to 11-15 μm in cast iron containing aluminium in the

quantity from about 1.1% to about 3.4%, and for higher Al content it decreases to about 6 μm.

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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
A. Jakubus
K. Skurka
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The work determined the influence of aluminium in the amount from about 0.6% to about 8% on graphitization of cast iron with

relatively high silicon content (3.4%-3.9%) and low manganese content (about 0.1%). The cast iron was spheroidized with cerium mixture

and graphitized with ferrosilicon. It was found that the degree of graphitization increases with an increase in aluminium content in cast

iron up to 2.8%, then decreases. Nodular and vermicular graphite precipitates were found after the applied treatment in cast iron containing

aluminium in the amount from about 1.9% to about 8%. The Fe3AlCx carbides, increasing brittleness and deteriorating the machinability of

cast iron, were not found in cast iron containing up to about 6.8% Al. These carbides were revealed only in cast iron containing about 8% Al.

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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
A. Jakubus
P. Kordas
K. Skurka
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The work presents results of investigations concerning the production of cast iron containing about 5-6% aluminium, with the ferritic

matrix in the as-cast state and nodular or vermicular graphite precipitates. The examined cast iron came from six melts produced under the

laboratory conditions. It contained aluminium in the amount of 5.15% to 6.02% (carbon in the amount of 2.41% to 2.87%, silicon in the

amount of 4.50% to 5.30%, and manganese in the amount of 0.12% to 0.14%). After its treatment with cerium mixture and graphitization

with ferrosilicon (75% Si), only nodular and vermicular graphite precipitates were achieved in the examined cast iron. Moreover, it is

possible to achieve the alloy of pure ferritic matrix, even after the spheroidizing treatment, when both the aluminium and the silicon occur

in cast iron in amounts of about 5.2÷5.3%.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Jakubus
P. Kordas
M.S. Soiński
K. Skurka
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The paper presents changes in the production volume of castings made of non-ferrous alloys on the background of changes in total production of casting over the 2000-2019 period, both on a global scale and in Poland. It was found that the dynamics of increase in the production volume of castings made of non-ferrous alloys was distinctly greater than the dynamics of increase in the total production volume of castings over the considered period of time. Insofar as the share of production of the non-ferrous castings in the total production of castings was less than 16% during the first two years of the considered period, it reached the level of 20% in the last four years analysed. This share, when it comes to Poland, increased even to the greater degree; it grew from about 10% of domestic production of castings to over 33% within the regarded 2000-2019 period. The greatest average annual growth rate of production, both on a global scale and in Poland, was recorded for aluminium alloys as compared with other basic non-ferrous alloys. This growth rate for all the world was 4.08%, and for Poland 10.6% over the 2000-2019 period. The value of the average annual growth rate of the production of aluminium castings in Poland was close to the results achieved by China (12%), India (10.3%) and the South Korea (15.4%) over the same period of time. In 2019, the total production of castings in the world was equal to about 109 million tonnes, including over 21 million tonnes of castings made of non-ferrous alloys. The corresponding data with respect to Poland are about 1 million tonnes and about 350 thousand tonnes, respectively. In the same year, the production of castings made of aluminium alloys was equal to about 17.2 million tonnes in the world, and about 340 thousand tonnes in Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
A. Jakubus

  1. The Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski, ul. Teatralna 25, 66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland
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The paper presents the initial results of investigation concerning the abrasion resistance of cast iron with nodular, vermicular, or flake graphite. The nodular and vermicular cast iron specimens were cut out of test coupons of the IIb type with the wall thickness equal to 25 mm, while the specimens made of grey cast iron containing flake graphite were cut out either of special casts with 20 mm thick walls or of the original brake disk. The abrasion tests were carried out by means of the T-01M tribological unit working in the pin-on-disk configuration. The counterface specimens (i.e. the disks) were made of the JT6500 brand name friction material. Each specimen was abraded over a distance of 4000 m. The mass losses, both of the specimens and of the counterface disks, were determined by weighting. It was found that the least wear among the examined materials was exhibited by the nodular cast iron. In turn, the smallest abrasion resistance was found in vermicular cast iron and in cast iron containing flake graphite coming from the brake disk. However, while the three types of specimens (those taken from the nodular cast iron and from grey cast iron coming either from the special casts or from the brake disk) have almost purely pearlitic matrix (P95/Fe05), the vermicular cast iron matrix was composed of pearlite and ferrite occurring in the amounts of about 50% each (P50/Fe50). Additionally, it was found that the highest temperature at the cast iron/counterface disk contact point was reached during the tests held for the nodular cast iron, while the lowest one occurred for the case of specially cast grey iron.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Jakubus
M.S. Soiński
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The purpose of the work was to determine the morphology of graphite that occurs in vermicular cast iron, both in the as-cast state and after heat treatment including austenitization (held at a temperature of 890 °C or 960 °C for 90 or 150 min) and isothermal quenching (i.e. austempering, at a temperature of 290 °C or 390 °C for 90 or 150 min). In this case, the aim here was to investigate whether the heat treatment performed, in addition to the undisputed influence of the cast iron matrix on the formation of austenite and ferrite, also affects the morphology of the vermicular graphite precipitates and to what extent. The investigations were carried out for the specimens cut from test coupons cast in the shape of an inverted U letter (type IIb according to the applicable standard); they were taken from the 25mm thick walls of their test parts. The morphology of graphite precipitates in cast iron was investigated using a Metaplan 2 metallographic microscope and a Quantimet 570 Color image analyzer. The shape factor F was calculated as the quotient of the area of given graphite precipitation and the square of its perimeter. The degree of vermicularization of graphite was determined as the ratio of the sum of the graphite surface and precipitates with F <0.05 to the total area occupied by all the precipitations of the graphite surface. The examinations performed revealed that all the heat-treated samples made of vermicular graphite exhibited the lower degree of vermicularization of the graphite compared to the corresponding samples in the as-cast state (the structure contains a greater fraction of the nodular or nearly nodular precipitates). Heat treatment also caused a reduction in the average size of graphite precipitates, which was about 225μm2 for the as-cast state, and dropped to approximately 170-200 μm2 after the austenitization and austempering processes.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
A. Jakubus
B. Borowiecki
P. Mierzwa

  1. The Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski, ul. Teatralna 25, 66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland
  2. Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
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The study presents a concept of generation of micro-cracks (or cracks) in metal specimens in order to assess their material with respect to the thermal shock resistance. Both the method of conducting the experiment and the criteria of the assessment of the material resistance to the rapid temperature changes are discussed. The schematic diagram of the research stand used for repeated heating and rapid cooling of specimens, constructed in the Foundry Institute of the Częstochowa University of Technology, is presented. The proposed solution enables to maintain constant conditions of the experiment. The tests were held for flat specimens 70 mm long, 20 mm wide, and 5 mm thick, tapered over a distance of 15 mm towards both ends. The specimens were induction heated up to the specified temperature and then, in response to the signal produced by a pyrometer, dipped in the tank containing the cooling medium. The thermal shock resistance of the material can be assessed on the basis of either the total length of the micro-cracks arisen at the tapered parts of a specimen after a specified number of heating-and-cooling cycles, or the number of such cycles prior to the total damage of a specimen, or else the number of thermal cycles prior to generation of the first crack. The study includes an exemplary view of the metal specimen after the thermal shock resistance tests, as well as the illustrative microstructure of the vermicular cast iron which reveals a crack propagating from the edge towards the core of the material.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Jakubus
M.S. Soiński
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This article presents changes of the total casting production volumes and of the production of castings made from basic casting alloys in Poland, in Europe and worldwide in years 2001–2021. Analogous casting production parameters were compared for Poland, Europe and countries being the leading European and global manufacturers in years 2001, 2011 and 2021. The leading casting manufacturers in Europe (with the manufacturing volume exceeding 1 million tons in the mentioned years) include Germany, Italy, the Ukraine, France and Spain. For years, the largest casting manufacturer worldwide has been China. In 2001–2021, global casting production increased from ca. 68 million tons to ca. 97 million tons (i.e. by ca. 42%), whereas the European one decreased from ca. 17 million tons to ca. 12 million tons (i.e. by close to 30%). In the analyzed period, the Polish production volume grew from ca. 0.75 million tons to ca. 0.88 million tons (i.e. by ca. 17%). The presented data reveal the decreasing importance of gray cast iron and cast steel and the increasing one of ductile cast iron and aluminum alloys. However, the Polish average annual growth rate for aluminum alloy casting production was 10.3%, whereas the global one was 3% and the European one 0.7%.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.S. Soiński
A. Jakubus

  1. Jakub from Paradyz Academy in Gorzow Wielkopolski, 25 Teatralna St., 66-400 Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland

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