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In this study, the effect of electroless Pd-P plating on the bonding strength of the Bi-Te thermoelectric elements was investigated. The bonding strength was approximately doubled by electroless Pd-P plating. Brittle Sn-Te intermetallic compounds were formed on the bonding interface of the thermoelectric elements without electroless Pd-P plating, and the fracture of the bond originated from these intermetallic compounds. A Pd-Sn solder reaction layer with a thickness of approximately 20 µm was formed under the Pd-P plating layer in the case of the electroless Pd-P plating, and prevented the diffusion of Bi and Te. In addition, the fracture did not occur on the bonding interface but in the thermoelectric elements for the electroless Pd-P plating because the bonding strength of the Pd-Sn reaction layer was higher than the shear strength of the thermoelectric elements.

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Authors and Affiliations

Sung Hwa Bae
Se Hun Han
Injoon Son
Kyung Tae Kim
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The Sn-Ag-Cu-based solder paste screen-printing method has primarily been used to fabricate Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric (TE) modules, as Sn-based solder alloys have a low melting temperature (approximately 220℃) and good wettability with Cu electrodes. However, this process may result in uneven solder thickness when the printing pressure is not constant. Therefore, we suggested a novel direct-bonding method between the Bi2Te3-based TE elements and the Cu electrode by electroplating a 100 µm Sn/ 1.3 µm Pd/ 3.5 µm Ni bonding layer onto the Bi2Te3-based TE elements. It was determined that there is a problem with the amount of precipitation and composition depending on the pH change, and that the results may vary depending on the composition of Pd. Thus, double plating layers were formed, Ni/Pd, which were widely commercialized. The Sn/Pd/Ni electroplating was highly reliable, resulting in a bonding strength of 8 MPa between the thermoelectric and Cu electrode components, while the Pd and Ni electroplated layer acted as a diffusion barrier between the Sn layer and the Bi2Te3 TE. This process of electroplating Sn/Pd/Ni onto the Bi2Te3 TE elements presents a novel method for the fabrication of TE modules without using the conventional Sn-alloy-paste screen-printing method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Seok Jun Kang
Sung Hwa Bae
Injoon Son

  1. Kyungpook National University, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Daegu, Republic of Korea
  2. Kyushu University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Materials Process Engineering, Fukuoka, Japan
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To improve the mechanical performance of BiTe-based thermoelectric modules, this study applies anti-diffusion layers that inhibit the generation of metal intercompounds and an electroless nickel/electrode palladium/mission gold (ENEPIG) plating layers to ensure a stable bonding interface. If a plated layer is formed only on BiTe-based thermoelectric, the diffusion of Cu in electrode substrates produces an intermetallic compound. Therefore, the ENEPIG process was applied on the Cu electrode substrate. The bonding strength highly increased from approximately 10.4 to 16.4 MPa when ENEPIG plating was conducted to the BiTe-based thermoelectric element. When ENEPIG plating was performed to both the BiTe-based thermoelectric element and the Cu electrode substrate, the bonding strength showed the highest value of approximately 17.6 MPa, suggesting that the ENEPIG process is effective in ensuring a highly reliable bonding interface of the BiTe-based thermoelectric module.
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Authors and Affiliations

Subin Kim
Sung Hwa Bae
Injoon Son

  1. Kyungpook National University, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Daegu, Republic of Korea
  2. Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Materials Process Engineering, Fukuoka, Japan
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In this study, energetic behaviors of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-coated zirconium (Zr) powders were investigated using thermogravimetric analyzer-differential scanning calorimetry (TGA-DSC). PVDF-coated Zr powder had 1.5 times higher heat flow than ZrO2-passivated Zr powder. PVDF-coated Zr powder had a Zr-F compound formed on its surface by its strong chemical bond. This compound acted as an oxidation-protecting layer, providing an efficient combustion path to inner pure Zr particle while thermal oxidation was progressing at the same time. PVDF coating layers also made thermal reaction start at a lower temperature than ZrO2-passivated Zr powder. It was obtained that the surface PVDF coating layer evaporated at approximately 673 K, but the surface oxide layer fully reacted at approximately 923 K by DSC analysis. Hence, Zr powders showed enhanced energetic properties by the PVDF-coated process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Won Young Heo
Sung Hwa Bae
Injoon Son

  1. Kyungpook National University, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
  2. Kyushu University, Department of Materials Process Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Fukuoka, Japan
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In this study, stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 alloy powders were additively manufactured by using directed energy deposition process. And heat treatment effect on hardness and microstructures of the bonded stainless steel 316L/Inconel 625 sample was investigated. The microstructures shows there are no secondary phases and big inclusions near interfacial region between stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 except several small cracks. The results of TEM and Vickers Hardness show the interfacial area have a few tens of micrometers in thickness. Interestingly, as the heat treatment temperature increases, the cracks in the stainless steel region does not change in morphology while both hardness values of stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 decrease. These results can be used for designing pipes and valves with surface treatment of Inconel material based on stainless steel 316L material using the directed energy deposition.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yeong Seong Eom
1 2
Kyung Tae Kim
Dong Won Kim
Ji Hun Yu
Chul Yong Sim
Seung Jun An
Yong-Ha Park
Injoon Son

  1. Korea Institute of Materials Science, 797 Changwon-daero, Changwon, Republic of Korea
  2. Kyungpook National University, 80 Daehakro, Bukgu, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
  3. Insstek, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  4. Samsung Heavy Industries, Geoje-si, Republic of Korea

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