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This paper presents the results of research concerning the evaluation of tribological properties of graphite materials used, among others, for crystallisers for continuous casting of non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Graphite materials differing not only in their physical properties but also in the technology of their production were selected from a wide range of commercially available products. Wear resistance investigations of the tested graphite materials were carried out on a pin-on-disc tribometer under technically dry friction conditions on a sliding distance of 1000 m. A constant load but variable speed was used in the tests. The mean value of the coefficient of friction and the wear of the material were determined based on the tribological tests carried out. It was observed that as the speed increases, the average value of the coefficient of friction decreases, while the wear increases. A microstructural analysis of the wear track showed that the friction mechanism depends mainly on the graphite formation technology, which is related to the microstructure of the tested materials, and to a lesser extent to their physical and mechanical properties. Varying the speed values made it possible to trace changes in the wear mechanism, on the basis of which it is possible to predict the durability and reliability of graphite crystalliser operation.
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[1] Kwaśniewski, P., Strzępek, P., Kiesiewicz, G., Kordaszewski, Sz., Franczak, K., Sadzikowski, M., Ściężor, W., Brudny, A., Kulasa, J., Juszczyk, B., Wycisk, R. & Śliwka, M. (2021). External surface quality of the graphite crystallizer as a factor influencing the temperature of the continuous casting process of ETP grade copper. Materials. 14(21), 6309, 1-14. DOI: 10.3390/ma14216309.
[2] Brudny, A., Kulasa, J., Cwolek, B., Malec, W. & Juszczyk, B. (2022). Influence of the continuous casting process of tin-zinc-lead bronze on the wear of the graphitecrystallizer. Metalurgija. 61(3-4), 785-788. ISSN 0543-5846.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Brudny
J. Kulasa
B. Juszczyk
J. Myalski
S. Roskosz
R. Wycisk
P. Kwaśniewski
P. Strzępek
M. Poręba

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering, Poland
  3. Carbo-Graf Sp. z o.o., Poland
  4. AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Non-Ferrous Metals, Poland
  5. Rzeszów University of Technology, The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Poland
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The paper presents a methodology of modeling relationships between chemical composition and hardenability of structural alloy steels using computational intelligence methods, that are artificial neural network and multiple regression models. Particularly, the researchers used unidirectional multilayer teaching method based on the error backpropagation algorithm and a quasi-newton methods. Based on previously known methodologies, it was found that there is no universal method of modeling hardenability, and it was also noted that there are errors related to the calculation of the curve. The study was performed on large set of experimental data containing required information on about the chemical compositions and corresponding Jominy hardenability curves for over 400 data steel heats with variety of chemical compositions. It is demonstrated that the full practical usefulness of the developed models in the selection of materials for particular applications with intended performance in the area of application.
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Authors and Affiliations

W. Sitek
J. Trzaska
W.F. Gemechu

  1. Department of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
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One of the main problems of machining of moulds is the need for an effective monitoring system of wear of cutting tools. This paper presents the results of coordinate measurements of a cutting tool which were obtained by using the non-contact measuring system based on the ACCURA II coordinate measuring machine equipped with the LineScan laser measuring probe and the Calypso metrology software. Inves-tigations were carried out for several measurement strategies including different measurement resolutions and scanning speeds. The results of the coordinate measurements obtained by using the above-mentioned coordinate measuring system were compared to the reference data measured by means of the InfiniteFocus microscope. The measurement results were analysed by means of two software packages: Focus Inspection and Zeiss Reverse Engineering. The point clouds measured by using the LineScan probe were characterized by the selected deviation statistics equal to 4-6 μm when a good match between measurement points and the reference data was obtained. Moreover, these statistics mainly depend on the measurement resolution. The results of the performed experimental research allowed for drawing conclusions concerning the significance of the effect of the adopted measurement strategies on the results of the non-contact coordinate measurements of the selected cutting tool. The application of the non-contact coordinate measurements to the above-mentioned measurement task may contribute to the development of regeneration methods for cutting tools applied for mould manufacturing.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Bazan
M. Magdziak
B. Jamuła

  1. Department of Manufacturing Techniques and Automation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Rzeszów University of Technology, al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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This article presents the results of a research on the behavior of NiCrAlY coating obtained by the LENS method on austenitic stainless steel type 316L under long-term annealing conditions at 1000°C for 25, 100 and 250 hours. The morphology of the NiCrAlY layer as a function of annealing time and temperature was characterized. The chemical composition and distribution of alloying elements were eval-uated using scanning microscopy and micro-area chemical composition analysis. It was revealed that NiCrAlY coatings deposited by LENS method are characterized by good metallurgical quality. The long-term annealing of the NiCrAlY coating led to microstructural changes in the form of the disappearance of the original dendritic structure and the formation of a solid solution of nickel with chromium and a small amount of aluminum, as well as chromium α-Cr precipitates and Ni-Y-type phases. The effect of increasing iron concentration in the coating due to diffusion-to-core processes was also found
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[1] Zhu, C., Javed, A., Li, P., Liang, Y. & Xiao, P. (2013). Study of the effect of laser treatment on the initial oxidation behaviour of Al-coated NiCrAlY bond-coat. Surfaces and Interface Analysis. 45(11-12), 1680-1689. DOI: 10.1002/sia.5307.
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Authors and Affiliations

K.K. Szymański

  1. Silesian Technical University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Metallurgy and Recycling, ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
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Quantitative evaluation of the microstructure obtained in a product is nowadays commonly required both in R&D activities and during routine quality control of materials and components.
This paper presents an assessment of the quality of ductile cast iron, based on investigations of the effect of chemical composition on the distribution of ductile graphite precipitates in low-alloy cast iron EN-GJS-500-7. The size of graphite precipitates was expressed in terms of equivalent cross-sectional diameter, which made it possible to describe the distribution of graphite precipitates with a function simulating the log-normal distribution of graphite. The resulting U, W and Z parameters were statistically analysed, including the effect of chemical composition on graphite distribution. In the studied cast iron, the components that increase the U parameter are silicon, manganese and phosphorus, thus favourably affecting the total graphite number. In contrast, the constituents that decrease the U parameter are carbon, chromium and aluminium.
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Authors and Affiliations

H. Pacha-Gołębiowska

  1. Akademia Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Amosa Komeńskiego w Lesznie, ul. Mickiewicza 5, 64-100 Leszno, Poland
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The paper presents the application of the casting method for the production of porous composites, called syntactic foams, of the casting alloy - solid particles type. This method was used to produce composites based on Al alloys reinforced with particles of clinoptilolite, a natural mineral from the zeolite group. Before the casting process, tests were carried out on the morphology, physicochemical properties and chemical composition of the zeolite, which was obtained from a rock called zeolite tuff, mined in a quarry in Kucin, (VSK PRO-ZEO s.r.o., Slovakia). Observations of the microstructure of the produced composites were also carried out using a scanning electron microscope. Diffractometric tests of zeolite rock as delivered for research and of the produced samples reinforced with zeolite particles were also carried out. Initial studies of the density and porosity of the produced composites were performed. The usefulness of the presented method of composite production was assessed on the basis of the conducted structural tests, with particular emphasis on the particle distribution in the alloy matrix.
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Authors and Affiliations

J.M. Borowiecka-Jamrozek
M. Kargul

  1. The Kielce University of Technology, Poland
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The results of investigations of humidity migration in near surface layers of sand mould during processes of penetration and drying of protective coatings are presented in the hereby paper. The process of the humidity exchanging between surroundings and moulding sands as porous materials, is widely described in the introduction. In addition, the humidity flow through porous materials, with dividing this process into stages in dependence of the humidity movement mechanism, is presented. Next the desorption process, it means the humidity removal from porous materials, was described. Elements of the drying process intensity as well as the water transport mechanisms at natural and artificial drying were explained. The innovative research stands for measuring resistance changes of porous media due to humidity migrations was applied in investigations. Aqueous zirconium coatings of two apparent viscosities 10s and 30s were used. Viscosity was determined by means of the Ford cup of a mesh clearance of 4mm. Coatings were deposited on cores made of the moulding sand containing sand matrix, of a mean grain size dL = 0.25 mm, and phenol-formaldehyde resin. Pairs of electrodes were placed in the core at depths: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12 and 16 mm. Resistance measurements were performed in a continuous way. The course of the humidity migration process in the core surface layer after covering it by protective coating was determined during investigations. Investigations were performed in the room where the air temperature was: T = 22˚C but the air humidity was not controlled, as well as in the climatic chamber where the air temperature was: T = 35˚C and humidity: H = 45%. During the research, it was shown that the process of penetration (sorption) of moisture into the moulding sand is a gradual process and that the moisture penetrates at least 16 mm into the sand. In the case of the drying (desorption) process, moisture from the near-surface layers of the moulding sand dries out much faster than moisture that has penetrated deeper into the sand. Keywords: Core, Sand mould, Porous medium, Humidity migration, Protective coatings, Resistance measurement
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Authors and Affiliations

Ł. Jamrozowicz
J. Zych

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Department of Moulding Materials, Mould Technology and Cast Non-Ferrous Metals, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The paper addresses the microsegregation of Mn, Mo, Cr, W, V, Si, Al, Cu and P in the white cast iron. Eutectic alloy with the content of 4.25% C was studied. The white cast iron was directionally solidified in the vacuum Bridgman-type furnace at a constant pulling rate v = 83 μm/s and v = 167 μm/s and at a constant temperature gradient G = 33.5 K/mm. The microstructural research was conducted using light and scanning electron microscopy. The microsegregation of elements in ledeburite was evaluated by EDS measurements. Content of elements in ledeburitic cementite and ledeburitic pearlite was determined. The tendency of elements to microsegregation was found dependent on the solidification rate. Microsegregation of elements between pearlite and cementite structural constituents has been specified. The effect of solidification rate on the type and intensity of microsegregation in directionally solidified eutectic white cast iron was observed. A different type of microsegregation was observed in the components of ledeburite in cementite and pearlite.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Trepczyńska-Łent
J. Seyda

  1. Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Poland
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The formation process of one of the most common casting defects, a shrinkage depression concerned to shrinkage cavity, was studied. The methodology, device and the experimental set up were developed to study the shrinkage cavity growth. The kinetics of vacuum formation in the cavity of the spherical casting of Al-Si-Mg alloy at its solidification in the sand-and-clay form was investigated. The data were analysed taking in mind the temperature variation in the centre of crystallizing casting. The causes of the shrinkage depression in castings were clarified. It was determined that atmospheric pressure leads to the retraction and curvature of metal layer on the surface of the casting with lower strength below which the shrinkage cavity is formed. To avoid such defects it was recommended to use the external or internal chills, feeders and other known technological methods. Deep shrinkage cavities inside the castings could be removed with an air flow through a thin tubular needle of austenitic steels for medical injections.
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Authors and Affiliations

V. Khrychikov
O. Semenov
H. Meniailo
Y. Aftandiliants
S. Gnyloskurenko
2 3

  1. Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Ukraine
  2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  3. Physical and Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
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In many application fields, thin-walled ductile iron castings can compete with castings made from aluminium alloys thanks as their show superior mechanical properties higher stiffness, vibrations damping as well as properties at higher temperatures. As problematic criterion in thin-walled cast-iron castings can be seen the graphitization ability and high sensitivity of the structure and the mechanical properties to the solidification rate.
The tests were curried on plate castings with wall thicknesses of 3, 5, and 8 mm, using inoculants based on FeSi70 with different contents of nucleation-active elements as aluminium, calcium, zirconium and magnesium. The inoculation was made by the in-mould method. In the experiments structures were achieved, differing by the graphite dispersity, structure and mechanical properties. The experiments have proved particularly a high sensitivity of the structure and the mechanical properties to the cooling rate of the sample castings. The influence of the inoculant type is less important than the influence of solidification rate.
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J. Roučka
V. Kaňa
T. Kryštůfek
A. Chýlková

  1. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Republic

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