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The concept of `diversity' has been one of the main open issues in the field of multiple classifier systems. In this paper we address a facet of diversity related to its effectiveness for ensemble construction, namely, explicitly using diversity measures for ensemble construction techniques based on the kind of overproduce and choose strategy known as ensemble pruning. Such a strategy consists of selecting the (hopefully) more accurate subset of classifiers out of an original, larger ensemble. Whereas several existing pruning methods use some combination of individual classifiers' accuracy and diversity, it is still unclear whether such an evaluation function is better than the bare estimate of ensemble accuracy. We empirically investigate this issue by comparing two evaluation functions in the context of ensemble pruning: the estimate of ensemble accuracy, and its linear combination with several well-known diversity measures. This can also be viewed as using diversity as a regularizer, as suggested by some authors. To this aim we use a pruning method based on forward selection, since it allows a direct comparison between different evaluation functions. Experiments on thirty-seven benchmark data sets, four diversity measures and three base classifiers provide evidence that using diversity measures for ensemble pruning can be advantageous over using only ensemble accuracy, and that diversity measures can act as regularizers in this context.

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Muhammad Atta Othman Ahmed
Luca Didaci
Bahram Lavi
Giorgio Fumera
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In this paper we propose cryptosystems based on subgroup distortion in hyperbolic groups. We also include concrete examples of hyperbolic groups as possible platforms.

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Indira Chatterji
Delaram Kahrobaei
Ni Yen lu
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A class of Xorshift Random Number Generators (RNGs) are introduced by Marsaglia. We have proposed an algorithm which constructs a primitive Xorshift RNG from a given prim- itive polynomial. We also have shown a weakness present in those RNGs and suggested its solution. A separate algorithm also proposed which returns a full periodic Xorshift generator with desired number of Xorshift operations.

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Susil Kumar Bishoi
Surya Narayan Maharana
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The advent of language implementation tools such as PyPy and Truffle/Graal have reinvigorated and broadened interest in topics related to automatic compiler generation and optimization. Given this broader interest, we revisit the Futamura Projections using a novel diagram scheme. Through these diagrams we emphasize the recurring patterns in the Futamura Projections while addressing their complexity and abstract nature. We anticipate that this approach will improve the accessibility of the Futamura Projections and help foster analysis of those new tools through the lens of partial evaluation.

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Brandon P. Williams
Saverio Perugini
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Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) attempts to find cryptographic protocols resistant to attacks by means of for instance Shor's polynomial time algorithm for numerical field problems like integer factorization (IFP) or the discrete logarithm (DLP). Other aspects are the backdoors discovered in deterministic random generators or recent advances in solving some instances of DLP. The use of alternative algebraic structures like non-commutative or non-associative partial groupoids, magmas, monoids, semigroups, quasigroups or groups, are valid choices for these new kinds of protocols. In this paper, we focus in an asymmetric cipher based on a generalized ElGamal non-arbitrated protocol using a non-commutative general linear group. The developed protocol forces a hard subgroup membership search problem into a non-commutative structure. The protocol involves at first a generalized Diffie-Hellman key interchange and further on the private and public parameters are recursively updated each time a new cipher session is launched. Security is based on a hard variation of the Generalized Symmetric Decomposition Problem (GSDP). Working with GF(2518) a 64-bits security is achieved, and if GF(25116) is chosen, the security rises to 127-bits. An appealing feature is that there is no need for big number libraries as all arithmetic if performed in Z251 and therefore the new protocol is particularly useful for computational platforms with very limited capabilities like smartphones or smartcards.

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P. Hecht
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In this paper, we describe secure gateway for Internet of Things (IoT) devices with internal AAA mechanism, implemented to connect IoT sensors with Internet users. Secure gateway described in this paper allows to (1) authenticate each connected device, (2) authorise connection or reconguration performed by the device and (3) account each action. The same applies to Internet users who want to connect, download data from or upload data to an IoT device. Secure Gateway with internal AAA mechanism could be used in Smart Cities environments and in other IoT deployments where security is a critical concern. The mechanism presented in this paper is a new concept and has been practically validated in Polish national research network PL-LAB2020.

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Dominik Samociuk
Błażej Adamczyk
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In this paper we propose right-angled Artin groups as a platform for secret sharing schemes based on the efficiency (linear time) of the word problem. Inspired by previous work of Grigoriev-Shpilrain in the context of graphs, we define two new problems: Subgroup Isomorphism Problem and Group Homomorphism Problem. Based on them, we also propose two new authentication schemes. For right-angled Artin groups, the Group Homomorphism and Graph Homomorphism problems are equivalent, and the later is known to be NP-complete. In the case of the Subgroup Isomorphism problem, we bring some results due to Bridson who shows there are right-angled Artin groups in which this problem is unsolvable.

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Ramón Flores
Delaram Kahrobaei
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We demonstrate a modularity bug in the interface system of Java 8 on the practical example of a textbook design of a modular interface for vector spaces. Our example originates in our teaching of modular object-oriented design in Java 8 to undergraduate students, simply following standard programming practices and mathematical denitions. The bug shows up as a compilation error and should be xed with a language extension due to the importance of best practices (design delity).

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Simon Kramer
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SQL Injection is one of the vulnerabilities in OWASP's Top Ten List forWeb Based Application Exploitation. These type of attacks take place on Dynamic Web applications as they interact with databases for various operations. Current Content Management System like Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress have all information stored in their databases. A single intrusion into these type of websites can lead to overall control of websites by an attacker. Researchers are aware of basic SQL Injection attacks, but there are numerous SQL Injection attacks which are yet to be prevented and detected. Over here, we present the extensive review for the Advanced SQL Injection attack such as Fast Flux SQL Injection, Compounded SQL Injection and Deep Blind SQL Injection. We also analyze the detection and prevention using the classical methods as well as modern approaches. We will be discussing the Comparative Evaluation for prevention of SQL Injection.

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Jai Puneet Singh
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The paper concerns a risk assessment and management methodology in critical infrastructures. The aim of the paper is to present researches on risk management within the experimentation tool based on the OSCAD software. The researches are focused on interdependent infrastructures where the specific phenomena, like escalating and cascading effects, may occur. The objective of the researches is to acquire knowledge about risk issues within interdependent infrastructures, to assess the usefulness of the OSCAD-based risk manager in this application domain, and to identify directions for further R&D works. The paper contains a short introduction to risk management in critical infrastructures, presents the state of the art, and the context, plan and scenarios of the performed validation experiments. Next, step by step, the validation is performed. It encompasses two collaborating infrastructures (railway, energy). It is shown how a hazardous event impacts the given infrastructure (primary and secondary eects) and the neighbouring infrastructure. In the conclusions the experiments are summarized, the OSCAD software assessed and directions of the future works identified.

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Andrzej Białas
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The availability of cheap and widely applicable person identification techniques is essential due to a wide-spread usage of online services. The dynamics of typing is characteristic to particular users, and users are hardly able to mimic the dynamics of typing of others. State-of-the-art solutions for person identification from the dynamics of typing are based on machine learning. The presence of hubs, i.e., few instances that appear as nearest neighbours of surprisingly many other instances, have been observed in various domains recently and hubness-aware machine learning approaches have been shown to work well in those domains. However, hubness has not been studied in the context of person identification yet, and hubnessaware techniques have not been applied to this task. In this paper, we examine hubness in typing data and propose to use ECkNN, a recent hubness-aware regression technique together with dynamic time warping for person identification. We collected time-series data describing the dynamics of typing and used it to evaluate our approach. Experimental results show that hubness-aware techniques outperform state-of-the-art time-series classifiers.

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Krisztian Buza
Dora Neubrandt
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There is a consensus in signal processing that the Gaussian kernel and its partial derivatives enable the development of robust algorithms for feature detection. Fourier analysis and convolution theory have a central role in such development. In this paper, we collect theoretical elements to follow this avenue but using the q-Gaussian kernel that is a nonextensive generalization of the Gaussian one. Firstly, we review the one-dimensional q-Gaussian and its Fourier transform. Then, we consider the two-dimensional q-Gaussian and we highlight the issues behind its analytical Fourier transform computation. In the computational experiments, we analyze the q-Gaussian kernel in the space and Fourier domains using the concepts of space window, cut-o frequency, and the Heisenberg inequality.

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Paulo S. Rodrigues
Gilson A. Giraldi
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The article outlines how to use the convergence of collections to determine the position of a mobile device based on the WiFi radio signal strength with the use of fuzzy sets. The main aim is the development of the method for indoor position determination based on existing WiFi network infrastructure indoors. The approach is based on the WiFi radio infrastructure existing inside the buildings and requires operating mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. An SQL database engine is also necessary as a widespread data interface. The SQL approach is not limited to the determination of the position but also to the creation of maps in which the system dening the position of the mobile device will operate. In addition, implementation issues are presented along with the distribution of the burden of performing calculations and the benets of such an approach for determining the location. The authors describe how to decompose the task of determining the position in a client-server architecture.

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Michał Socha
Wojciech Górka
Iwona Kostorz
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In the presented paper we discuss pure versions of pushdown automata that have no extra non-input symbols. More specifically, we study pure multi-pushdown automata, which have several pushdown lists. We restrict these automata by the total orders defined over their pushdowns or alphabets and determine the accepting power of the automata restricted in this way. Moreover, we explain the significance of the achieved results and relate them to some other results in the automata theory.

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Alexander Meduna
Ondřej Soukup
Petr Zemek
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In this paper we present the analysis of the gas usage for different types of buildings. First, we introduce the classical theory of building heating. This allows the establishment of theoretical relations between gas consumption time series and the outside air temperature for different types of buildings, residential and industrial. These relations imply dierent auto-correlations of gas usage time series as well as different cross-correlations between gas consumption and temperature time series for different types of buildings. Therefore, the autocorrelation and the cross-correlation were used to classify the buildings into three classes: housing, housing with high thermal capacity, and industry. The Hurst exponent was calculated using the global DFA to investigate auto-correlation, while the Kendall's τ rank coeficient was calculated to investigate cross-correlation.

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Krzysztof Domino
Przemysław Głomb
Zbigniew Łaskarzewski
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We present a novel quantum algorithm for the classification of images. The algorithm is constructed using principal component analysis and von Neuman quantum measurements. In order to apply the algorithm we present a new quantum representation of grayscale images.

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Mateusz Ostaszewski
Przemysław Sadowski
Piotr Gawron
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Extensive use of computer networks is associated with the development of various effective methods that are suitable for hiding information in the contents transferred over the network. These methods are described as network steganography. Since web applications use HTTP protocol to transmit the requests to the server and send the answers to the final recipient, specifically HTTP protocol is ideal for hiding information. For example, there are several methods that can be used to transmit the additional content in the HTTP header. In this paper, we present authors’ evaluation method for network steganography using HTTP specific properties and evaluate the effectiveness of some techniques, providing experimental results.

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Paweł Buchwald
Maciej Rostański
Krystian Mączka
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The techniques of photogrammetric reconstruction were compared to the laser scanning in the article. The different conditions and constraints were introduced for reconstructed images, e.g. different materials, lighting condition, camera resolution, number of images in the sequence or using a-pripori calibration. The authors compare the results of surface reconstruction using software tools avaliable for photogrammetric reconstruction. The analysis is preformed for the selected objects with regard to laserscanned models or mathematical models.

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Krzysztof Skabek
Agnieszka Tomaka
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In this work we provide a method for approximating the separable numerical range of a matrix. We also recall the connection between restricted numerical range and entanglement of a quantum state. We show the possibility to establish state separability using computed restricted numerical range. In particular we present a method to obtain separability criteria for arbitrary system partition with use of the separable numerical range.

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Piotr Gawron
Przemysław Sadowski
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The article presents experiments in realistic modelling of facial expressions using volume morphing. The experiments use a variable number of points and face features. As the results are shown meshes deviations (between goal mesh and morphed shape). Experiments have shown that it is impossible to carry out a fully realistic morphing based on existing software. At the same time, even imperfect morphing allows you to show the expected emotional facial expression.

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Przemysław Kowalski
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The chapter deals with the issue of the risk and security management process in public administration, according to the internal audit standards and their requirements. Main legal acts and standards were specified and shortly described. Specially the risk analysis process and security measures selection were emphasized. The possibility to use the software tools for the risk analysis and security measures selection support in public administration was presented. The experiment of OSCAD usage in public administration was shortly described and its results were presented. This experiment shows that the software primarily intended for IT Security Management can be used for risk management in different area as well, for example – in public administration. Some possibilities of further development of risk management supporting tools were proposed.

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Jacek Bagiński
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This paper presents integration of ultrasonic and inertial approaches in indoor navigation system. Ultrasonic navigation systems allow to obtain good results whilst there are at least three beacon transmitters in the range of mobile receiver, but in many situations placement of large number of transmitters is not economically justified. In such situations navigation must be aided by other technique. This paper describes research on supporting ultrasonic system by inertial system based on Magnetic, Angular Rate and Gravity sensor. This can measure current orientation of the receiver and allows to estimate the length of the path by pedometer functionality.

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Krzysztof Tokarz
Piotr Czekalski
Wojciech Sieczkowski
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The article contains a survey of methods of the mobile development with the FMX Application platform, which allows to build multi-platform solutions for the efficient Human-Computer Interaction. The test projects illustrate some important conclusions regarding the design and testing of mobile applications for iOS and Android operating systems. They demonstrate navigation controls designed in the skeumorphic and flat manner with some comparisons based on interviews with users in several age ranges. Test apps provide also touch gestures, sensor integration and connections to remote internet data sources. Some additional considerations about the localization and internationalization of the mobile applications built with the FMX platform were also presented. The proposed implementation of the software engineering methods for the mobile application development provides new insights, valuable for software developers dealing with the new FMX platform on iOS and Android.

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Zdzisław Sroczyński
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The paper presents the result of an evaluation of the performance of different message broker system configurations, which lead to the construction of the specific architecture guidelines for such systems. The examples are provided for an exemplary middleware messaging server software - RabbitMQ, set in high availability - enabling and redundant configurations. Rabbit MQ is a message queuing system realizing the middleware for distributed systems that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol. The scalability and high availability design issues are discussed and the possible cluster topologies and their impact is presented. Since HA and performance scalability requirements are in conflict, scenarios for using clustered RabbitMQ nodes and mirrored queues are interesting and have to be considered with specific workloads and requirements in mind. The results of performance measurements for some topologies are also reported in this article.

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Maciej Rostański

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