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In the article, I discuss Mieke Bal's concept of a preposterous interpretation of works of art, which reverses the way that the history of art perceives the reciprocal influence of images. According to Bal, an inalienable intertextual aspect of an artwork's interpretation is that earlier images can influence those that come later and, in a seemingly ahistorical order, those that come later can influence earlier images, changing their meaning. Bal sees this, standard in art history, rejection of the influence as one‑way, as an opportunity for a more historically responsible interpretation. It also gives the researcher of the past a chance to gain self‑awareness of their position in the present and factors influencing the way of seeing the past. I use Bal's preposter-ous reading to analyse three cards from official propaganda albums commissioned by the Łódź Judenrat and made by Jewish artists working in the ghetto. I show how analysis that is aware of preposterousness allows a researcher to see the influence of post‑war Holocaust representations on the interpretation of documents from the Shoah and how it enables researchers to understand the albums from the Łódź Ghetto as a prefiguration of the fate of the victims.
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Paweł Michna

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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This article deals with the problem of representation of the nuclear holocaust in literary theory (in the context of deconstruction theory) and in some literary works (usually dubbed Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic fiction), i.e. John Hersey's Hiroshima, Hara Tamiki's Summer Flowers, Ibuse Masuji's The Crazy Iris, and Stanisław Lem's novel His Master's Voice and his short story Man from Hiroshima. The problem of representing a calamitous event is discussed here in connection with recent debates on the nature and status of testimony (especially Dori Laub's witness and testimony studies).
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Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Jakub Skowroński

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk
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The Hong Kong Convention is an international attempt to regulate the scrapping of seagoing ships. It aims to ensure that ships recycled at the end of their lives do not pose unnecessary risks to health, safety and the environment. It aims to address all problems associated with ship recycling, including the fact that ships sold for scrap may contain environmentally hazardous substances such as asbestos, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, ozone-depleting substances and others. The Convention provisions also aim to improve working and environmental conditions at many ship recycling sites around the world. The second part of this article on the scrapping of seagoing ships is a translation into Polish of the English text of the Convention adopted in May 2009 by the International Conference on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.
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Ahmed I., Towards a Safe and Sustainable Industry of Ship Breaking: International Initiatives and South Asian Response, Journal of Maritime Law&Commerce, vol. 51, nNo. 3, July, 2020, s. 226; [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Contradiction in Term: European Union must align its waste ship exports with international law and green deal, September 2020, s. 3; [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Gopal M., Beached Waste and Wasted Beaches: A Critical Analysis of the New Ship Recycling Law in India; [do-stęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009. [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Mikelis N., Developments in Ship Recycling in 2019, The Maritime Executive; [dostęp 1.12.2020 r.]
Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 1257/2013 z dnia 20 listo-pada 2013 r. w sprawie recyklingu statków oraz zmieniające rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1013/2006 i dyrektywę 2009/16/WE, Dz. Urz. UE L 330 z 10.12.2013, s. 1
UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport 2020, s. 45; [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
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Cezary Łuczywek

  1. Deputy Managing Director w przedsiębiorstwie zarządzającym statkami (ship manager) Green Management Gdynia
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This paper focuses on three issues. First, it is about the context and environment of pre-Nicene theology. It is emphasized that pre-Nicene theology did not neglect ca-techetical and liturgical reflection (ad intra) while at the same time successfully ente-red into a critical and creative dialogue with both the Semitic and Greco-Roman world where first Christians lived (ad extra). For contemporary theology its means that it cannot reject historical reasoning, placed in space and time. The second part stresses that, in spite of different situations and all historical and cultural contexts, theology before Nicea was above all an understanding of Sacred Scripture to which the key is the Risen Christ as the source and definitive fulfilment of the inspired writings. Finally, the third part of the paper focuses on the existential and spiritual experience from which pre-Nicene theology originated. For this theology the Gospel of Christ is not just the rule of faith but also the rule of life. This leads to a conclusion that a contem-porary theologian is a to take up an existential-personalistic reflection on Revelation using the historical-hermeneutic method .

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Ks. Krzysztof Witko

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