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A trellis coded 4-ary Pulse Amplitude Modulation (4-PAM) is presented, where the encoding algorithm is derived from Distance Preserving Mapping (DPM) algorithm. In this work, we modify the DPM algorithm for 4-PAM and obtain a new construction for mapping binary sequences to permutation sequences, where the permutation sequences are obtained by permuting symbols of a 4-PAM constellation. The resulting codebook of permutation sequences formed this way are termed mappings. We also present several metrics for assessing the performance of the mappings from our construction, and we show that a metric called the Sum of Product of Distances (SOPD) is the best metric to use when judging the performance of the mappings. Finally, performance results are presented, where the mappings from our construction are compared against each other and also against the conventional mappings in the literature.

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Thokozani Shongwe
Słowa kluczowe power power distance Hofstede
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Power distance is one of the most researched dimensions of culture in Geert Hofstede’s framework. The vast majority of scholars refer to power distance as though it were something self-evident. Despite the hundreds of studies conducted on the basis of power distance, to date no one has seriously tried to propose a reconceptualization of power distance. Against that background, this paper aims to redefine Hofstede’s concept of power distance. It focuses on formulating a sketch of the three-level concept of power distance that essentially refers to Hofstedian tradition, but is at the same time entangled in different ontological and epistemological assumptions on the social world. The proposed way of understanding power distance creates space for, among other things, a more interactionfocused study on power dynamics in various settings. It also provides the possibility of formulating completely new hypotheses concerning psychological and sociological dimensions of exercising power.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mateusz Stępień
Michał Dudek

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Słowa kluczowe cosmic distances Universe


Measuring cosmic distances is one of the most important, fascinating and difficult challenges facing astronomers today. The objective is not just to identify the distances between objects in space – such distances are also key to finding out how our Universe is structured and how it evolves. They also evidence the amount of energy emitted by objects and makes it possible to determine their nature.

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Grzegorz Pietrzyński


The paper demonstrates that blind people localize sounds more accurately than sighted people by using monaural and/or binaural cues. In the experiment, blind people participated in two tests; the first one took place in the laboratory and the second one in the real environment under different noise conditions. A simple click sound was employed and processed with non-individual head related transfer functions. The sounds were delivered by a system with a maximum azimuth of 32° to the left side and 32° to the right side of the participant’s head at a distance ranging from 0.3 m up to 5 m. The present paper describes the experimental methods and results of virtual sound localization by blind people through the use of a simple electronic travel aid based on an infrared laser pulse and the time of flight distance measurement principle. The lack of vision is often compensated by other perceptual abilities, such as the tactile or hearing ability. The results show that blind people easily perceive and localize binaural sounds and assimilate them with sounds from the environment.
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Larisa Dunai
Ismael Lengua
Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés
Fernando Brusola


Stealth is a frequent requirement in military applications and involves the use of devices whose signals are difficult to intercept or identify by the enemy. The silent sonar concept was studied and developed at the Department of Marine Electronic Systems of the Gdansk University of Technology. The work included a detailed theoretical analysis, computer simulations and some experimental research. The results of the theoretical analysis and computer simulation suggested that target detection and positioning accuracy deteriorate as the speed of the target increases, a consequence of the Doppler effect. As a result, more research and measurements had to be conducted to verify the initial findings. To ensure that the results can be compared with those from the experimental silent sonar model, the target's actual position and speed had to be precisely controlled. The article presents the measurement results of a silent sonar model looking at its detection, range resolution and problems of incorrect positioning of moving targets as a consequence of the Doppler effect. The results were compared with those from the theoretical studies and computer simulations.

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Jacek Marszal


Directional solidification of ledeburite was realised out using a Bridgman’s device. The growth rate for movement sample v=83.3 μm/s

was used. In one sample the solidification front was freezing. The value of temperature gradient in liquid at the solidification front was

determined. Interfacial distance λ on the samples was measured with NIS-Elements application for image analysis.

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M. Trepczyńska-Łent


A novel laser diode based length measuring interferometer for scientific and industrial metrology is presented. Wavelength the stabilization system applied in the interferometer is based on the optical wedge interferometer. Main components of the interferometer such as: laser diode stabilization assembly, photodetection system, measuring software, air parameters compensator and base optical assemblies are described. Metrological properties of the device such as resolution, measuring range, repeatability and accuracy are characterized.

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Marek Dobosz


A geodesic survey of an existing route requires one to determine the approximation curve by means of optimization using the total least squares method (TLSM). The objective function of the LSM was found to be a square of the Mahalanobis distance in the adjustment field ν . In approximation tasks, the Mahalanobis distance is the distance from a survey point to the desired curve. In the case of linear regression, this distance is codirectional with a coordinate axis; in orthogonal regression, it is codirectional with the normal line to the curve. Accepting the Mahalanobis distance from the survey point as a quasi-observation allows us to conduct adjustment using a numerically exact parametric procedure. Analysis of the potential application of splines under the NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline) industrial standard with respect to route approximation has identified two issues: a lack of the value of the localizing parameter for a given survey point and the use of vector parameters that define the shape of the curve. The value of the localizing parameter was determined by projecting the survey point onto the curve. This projection, together with the aforementioned Mahalanobis distance, splits the position vector of the curve into two orthogonal constituents within the local coordinate system of the curve. A similar system corresponds to points that form the control polygonal chain and allows us to find their position with the help of a scalar variable that determines the shape of the curve by moving a knot toward the normal line.
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Edward Nowak


Video walls are useful to display large size video content. Empowered video walls combine display functionality with computing power. Such video walls can display large scientific visualizations. If they can also display high-resolution video streamed over a network, they could enable distance collaboration over scientific data. We proposed several methods of network streaming of highresolution video content to a major type of empowered video walls, which is the SAGE2 system. For all methods, we evaluated their performance and discussed their scalability and properties. The results should be applicable to other web-based empowered video walls as well.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sven Ubik
Jiri Melnikov
Zdeňek Trávníček


The history of English spelling is an eventful one, from Old English with an almost one‑to‑one sound‑to‑spelling relationship, to Modern English, notorious for its sound‑to‑spelling unpredictability. In between lies a vast period characterised by immense spelling variability, reflecting the cumulative effect of dialectal variation and lack of uniformity, additionally compounded by the mode of text transmission in the manuscript culture, whose characteristics were adopted in a wholesale fashion into the culture of early print. In effect, early printed books present a rich kaleidoscope of spelling variants, which – not infrequently – co‑occur on the same page or even in the same line of a printed text. This paper addresses the issue of this variability with a view to measuring in mathematical terms the degree of internal spelling variation within a text and showing that much of the spelling variation is associated with compositors as agents in the printing process. The analysis of internal spelling variation is based on George Joye’s 1534 English translation of the Psalms printed in Antwerp and aims at identifying parts of the text which are similar or different in terms of spellings by applying cosine similarity measurements performed on individual quires of the publication.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jerzy Wójcik

  1. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
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In the article, three types of proximity sensors that might be used in bicycle rangefinder to measure the distance between the bicycle and an overtaking car are compared. The influence of various factors on the accuracy of the distance measurements obtained using ultrasonic, infrared and laser sensors is tested, among others, light conditions, car surface type and colour, rain, pollination and vibrations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bartłomiej Zieliński

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Poland


This paper presents a 3D distance measurement accuracy improvement for stereo vision systems using optimization methods A Stereo Vision system is developed and tested to identify common uncertainty sources. As the optimization methods are used to train a neural network, the resulting equation can be implemented in real time stereo vision systems. Computational experiments and a comparative analysis are conducted to identify a training function with a minimal error performance for such method. The offered method provides a general purpose modelling technique, attending diverse problems that affect stereo vision systems. Finally, the proposed method is applied in the developed stereo vision system and a statistical analysis is performed to validate the obtained improvements.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J.C. Rodríguez-Quiñonez
O. Sergiyenko
W. Flores-Fuentes
M. Rivas-lopez
D. Hernandez-Balbuena
R. Rascón
P. Mercorelli


The aim of the study was to find out the experiences of students of The Maria Grzegorzewska University, related to crisis remote education (remote teaching and distance learning in conditions of forced social isolation caused by SARS-CoV-2 pandemic). A case study was used. The research was limited to one institution and the method of a diagnostic survey based on the questionnaire technique was used. Recommendations for further development were made, based on disclosed advantages, disadvantages, problems and opportunities connected with crisis remote education conclusions reported by students.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Miłosz Wawrzyniec Romaniuk
Joanna Łukasiewicz-Wieleba


The aim of the study was to find out the experiences of academics working at The Maria Grzegorzewska University, related to crisis remote education (remote teaching and distance learning in conditions of forced social isolation caused by SARSCoV- 2 pandemic). A case study was used. The research was limited to one institution and the method of a diagnostic survey based on the questionnaire technique was used. Recommendations for further development were made, based on disclosed advantages, disadvantages, problems and opportunities connected with crisis remote education conclusions reported by academic teachers.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Miłosz Wawrzyniec Romaniuk
Joanna Łukasiewicz-Wieleba


This document provides a simplified solution to the problem of calculation of laser hazard distances defined in the Advisory Circular 70-1B by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration regarding atmospheric attenuation (assuming its constant value) and measurement uncertainties. The calculation approaches and examples presented in this document do not specify the procedure that should be followed in the case of atmospheric attenuation, nor do they take into account the uncertainties associated with the measured parameters. The analysis presented in the article complements to some extent AC 70-1B and can be used by those who need such a simplified solution regarding illumination of landing or taking off aircrafts. The article presents a sample analysis for a typical laser pointer, where the necessary parameters of the laser beam along with the appropriate uncertainties were determined in accordance with the methods accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation while the appropriate laser hazard distances were calculated taking into account different atmospheric attenuation coefficients.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jarosław Młyńczak

  1. Military University of Technology, Institute of Optoelectronics, Gen. S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warszawa, Poland


The article analyses the development of metrological control technologies for electronic distance measurement rangefinders to determine their main characteristic of accuracy – the root mean square error of distance measurement. It is established that the current reference linear bases are reliable and serve as the main means of transmitting a unit of length from the standards to the working means of measuring length. The article describes the existing linear reference bases and specifies their accuracy and disadvantages. It is concluded that the disadvantages of linear reference bases are deprived of the reference linear bases built in special laboratories. They use distances measured by the differential method with laser interferometers as reference distances. The application of such technology allowed to automate the processes of measurements and calculations. There is development of fibre-optic linear bases, in which optical fibres of known length are used as model lines. The article offers a new technical solution – a combination of fiber-optic and interference linear bases, which allows to qualitatively improve the system of metrological support of laser rangefinders. This is achieved by having a fiber-optic unit, which allows you to create baselines of increased length, while ensuring small dimensions of the baseline, and relative interference base, which provides high accuracy of linear measurements and does not require calibration of the base with a precision rangefinder, which eliminates several difficulties associated with changes in the refractive index, makes measurements independent of the wavelength of the radiation source and almost independent of the ambient temperature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Vsevolod Burachek
Dmytro Khomushko
Oleksiy Tereshchuk
Sergíy Kryachok
Vadim Belenok

  1. University of Emerging Tehnologies, Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. Private entrepreneur, Chernihiv, Ukraine
  3. Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv, Ukraine
  4. National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine


It is the objective of this paper to analyse selected English Renaissance translations of the Book of Psalms in the light of their reception. In particular, I intend to illustrate how a strong preference for a familiar rendition over a new one (regardless of its quality and status) showed itself in the textual composition of the most important book of the Anglican Church – the Book of Common Prayer. Discussion of the Psalm translation selected for the five successive versions of the Book of Common Prayer against the backdrop of the emergence of new renditions of the Psalms leads on to formulating a desideratum for sound methodology which would express the level of similarities between texts in mathematical terms and in this way objectivise assessments of Psalter renditions. The paper offers a preliminary attempt at such methodology by applying the cosine distance method. The obtained results need to be verified on a larger corpus of data, but they are promising enough to consider this method an important step towards assessing Psalm translations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik

  1. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


In this covid19 pandemic the number of people gathering at public places and festivals are restricted and maintaining social distancing is practiced throughout the world. Managing the crowd is always a challenging task. It requires monitoring technology. In this paper, we develop a device that detects and provide human count and detects people who are not maintaining social distancing . The work depicted above was finished using a Raspberry Pi 3 board with OpenCV-Python. This method can effectively manage crowds.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Davidson Kamala Dhas Milton
Arun Raj Velraj

  1. Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India


The Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) has become a vital research area in order to enhance passenger and road safety, increasing traffic efficiency and enhanced reliable connectivity. In this regard, for monitoring and controlling the communication between IoVs, routing protocols are deployed. Frequent changes that occur in the topology often leads to major challenges in IoVs, such as dynamic topology changes, shortest routing paths and also scalability. One of the best solutions for such challenges is “clustering”. This study focuses on IoVs’ stability and to create an efficient routing protocol in dynamic environment. In this context, we proposed a novel algorithm called Cluster-based enhanced AODV for IoVs (AODV-CD) to achieve stable and efficient clustering for simplifying routing and ensuring quality of service (QoS). Our proposed protocol enhances the overall network throughput and delivery ratio, with less routing load and less delay compared to AODV. Thus, extensive simulations are carried out in SUMO and NS2 for evaluating the efficiency of the AODV-CD that is superior to the classic AODV and other recent modified AODV algorithms.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sahar Ebadinezhad

  1. Department of Computer Information System, Near East University. Nicosia TRNC, Mersin 10, Turkey


The aim of this paper is to compare the efficiency of various outlier correction methods for ECG signal processing in biometric applications. The main idea is to correct anomalies in various segments of ECG waveform rather than skipping a corrupted ECG heartbeat in order to achieve better statistics. Experiments were performed using a self-collected Lviv Biometric Dataset. This database contains over 1400 records for 95 unique persons. The baseline identification accuracy without any correction is around 86%. After applying the outlier correction the results were improved up to 98% for autoencoder based algorithms and up to 97.1% for sliding Euclidean window. Adding outlier correction stage in the biometric identification process results in increased processing time (up to 20%), however, it is not critical in the most use-cases.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Su Jun
Miroslaw Szmajda
Volodymyr Khoma
Yuriy Khoma
Dmytro Sabodashko
Orest Kochan
Jinfei Wang


Different temperature sensors show different measurement values when excited by the same dynamic temperature source. Therefore, a method is needed to determine the difference between dynamic temperature measurements. This paper proposes a novelty approach to treating dynamic temperature measurements over a period of time as a temperature time series, and derives the formula for the distance between the measurement values using uniformsampling within the time series analysis. The similarity is defined in terms of distance to measure the difference. The distance measures were studied on the analog measurement datasets. The results show that the discrete Fréchet distance has stronger robustness and higher sensitivity. The two methods have also been applied to an experimental dataset. The experimental results also confirm that the discrete Fréchet distance performs better.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zhiwen Cui
Wenjun Li
Sisi Yu
Minjun Jin

  1. College of Metrological Technology and Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China


The copy-move forgery detection (CMFD) begins with the preprocessing until the image is ready to process. Then, the image features are extracted using a feature-transform-based extraction called the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT). The last step is features matching using Generalized 2 Nearest- Neighbor (G2NN) method with threshold values variation. The problem is what is the optimal threshold value and number of keypoints so that copy-move detection has the highest accuracy. The optimal threshold value and number of keypoints had determined so that the detection has the highest accuracy. The research was carried out on images without noise and with Gaussian noise.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Rizal Isnanto
Ajub Ajulian Zahra
Imam Santoso
Muhammad Salman Lubis
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The wet flashover voltage of medium voltage insulators made of a silicone rubber is 8% lower than the wet flashover voltage of a porcelain insulator with an identical profile. These surprising results, obtained in 2012, were confirmed again in 2019. The flashover development on the composite insulator is very short (less than 30 ms). On the other hand, on the porcelain insulator, the flashover develops longer (1–3 seconds). The Koppelmann equation was modified, and the Obenaus model to calculate the flashover voltage of insulators under the artificial rain was presented. Attention was paid to the importance of insulator diameters and the phenomenon of water cascades.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krystian Leonard Chrzan
Henryk Marek Brzeziński

  1. Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Electrical Engineering, Poland
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This paper concerns analytical considerations on a complex phenomenon which is diffusive-inertial droplet separation from the twophase vapour-liquid flow which occurs in many devices in the power industry (e.g. heat pumps, steam turbines, organic Rankine cycles, etc.). The new mathematical model is mostly devoted to the analysis of the mechanisms of diffusion and inertia influencing the distance at which a droplet separates from the two-phase flow and falls on a channel wall. The analytical model was validated based on experimental data. The results obtained through the analytical computations stay in a satisfactory agreement with available literature data.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jarosław Mikielewicz
Oktawia Dolna
Roman Kwidziński

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland

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