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The study shows that the content of this dark poem by Osip Mandelstam, written shortly before his arrest and tragic death, is complicated due to intertextual, motivational and circumstantial contextual factors. The intertextual complexity of a number of phrases of this poem is clarified when compared with the version of the myth of the competition of Marsyas and Apollo, presented in the treatise of the Alexandrian grammarian Dionysius Scytobrachion (III century BC) and known to the Russian reader only from the drama of Innokentij Annensky «Famira‑kifared» (1906). The motivational complexity of the phrases (including the phrase theta and iota, the meaning of which is a traditional subject of discussion) is eliminated as a result of deciphering a number of intricate semantic transfers, important as far as context circumstanstances are concerned (being a result of reference to the facts related to the biographies of O. Mandelstam and the flutist Carl Schwab, who served as the prototype for the lyrical hero of this poem). The above mentioned factors of obscuration of the text implement the “focus on the mystery” (Omry Ronen) so characteristic of Mandelstam’s late poetics. The article presents arguments in favor of the fact that such a focus is not only Aesopian language, but also, in accordance with the style tactics noted by ancient philologists, the desire to elevate the style, to give the text a prophetic shade.
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Василий Москвин

  1. Волгоградский государственный социально‑педагогический университет
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The paper focuses on Osip Mandelstam's Tristia cycle of poems, who proceeded to express the condition of a wronged person in the form of a lament, regret. The key principle of a poetic lament consisted in a contrast, which is why the authors of elegies opted for adopting a linear order, placing the consolatio as the final sequence. Mandelstam puts this linearity into question as an advocate of Bergson's notion of discontinuity of time, allowing to perceive a diversity of phenomena in their systemic manifestations as totally discrete, and yet – also in their wholeness. The linkage between the poet’s output and the philosophy of death, as revealed in Tristia, does not eliminate the notion of consolation, which reflects well Mandelstam's project of creating the language of joy, his vision of the world as a cultural whole, or his pet project of “universal domestication”. This is meant to shift attention to the so-called “things”, that may offer comfort derived from within the very act of experiencing beauty in its sensual dimension. The notion of gentleness is also essential, as it may well offer consolation as an indispensable component of being.

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Barbara Stawarz
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The paper demonstrates that, along with its standard function of linking the relevant utterance to the context, information structure (whose main parameters are assumed to be the theme-rheme division, given-new division, and direct VS inverted word order contrasts) may also fulfil a more intricate role within lyrical texts. The function of information structure may be extended to mark the inner discourse hierarchization of a poem, i.e. its division into the backgrounded part, where some experience open to the lyrical hero is presented, and the foregrounded, ‘wisdom’ part, where the discovery of some important, mostly general truth is made. This is shown with reference to a famous poem by O. Mandelstam. The final conclusion is that in general the true functions of information structure stretch far beyond what is claimed in standard, ‘non-poetically-oriented’ literature on information structure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gennadii Zeldowicz

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The paper is concerned with one of the internal forces driving the progress of lyrical discourse. Its nature consists in that initially, some linguistic and/or cognitive deviation appears in the poem, and next the author undertakes a series of attempts at its adjustment or mitigation. More often than not these attempts are increasingly successful, but at some later point they, for various reasons, stop to be rewarding. This tends to happen either at the end of the text, where the most important truth is prototypically discovered, or immediately before the final fragment. In both cases, the completion of the relevant ‘adjustment’ theme plays a significant compositional role. Discussed at some length are the implications of our analysis for the theory of discourse relations. The bulk of the instances under examination are drawn from O. Mandelstam’s verse.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gennadij Zeldowicz

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski

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