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The research issues discussed in the paper concentrate on the participation of the municipal services sector in shaping local development in the commune. The aim of the study is to verify the actual level of involvement of this sector in the development process of the commune, and the thesis is: “The activities of the municipal services sector are one of the factors shaping local development in the commune.” The basic research method is a critical review of domestic and foreign literature and participant observation.

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Beata Sadowska


Komposty uzyskiwane z odpadów komunalnych mogą znaleźć szerokie zastosowanie w gospodarce człowieka m.in. do rekultywacji gruntów bezglebowych, czy też przekształconych geomcchanicznic. Ze względu jednak na swoje pochodzenie należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na ich skład tak, aby nic narażać środowiska na emisję szkodliwych substancji, które mogą znajdować się w kompostach. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują zanieczyszczenia organiczne, które znajdując się w kompostach mogą być wymywane, a przez to stwarzać zagrożenie dla wód gruntowych i roślin. W pracy wykonano testy wymywalności służące określeniu możliwości rozpuszczania się wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych w wodzie. Testy wykazały niską wymywalność WWA zarówno w teście lizymctrycznym (maksymalnie 10,4%) jak i wjednostopniowym teście wymywalności (3,9%).
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Tomasz Ciesielczuk


In this article the author attempts to define the specificity of the tools for development planning at the local level in the context of: institutional resources of community (gmina) (and means of strengthening them), models of public management as well as the specifics of the Polish public administration system and its ensuing dysfunctions. These dysfunctions rely mainly on a limited awareness of the need to create mechanisms of coordination for: socio-economics, spatial and financial planning. These factors contribute to a decrease in the effectiveness of measures for the development of communities. Socio-economic planning answers the question: WHAT we want to do in the community; spatial planning: WHERE we would like to carry out certain activities, and financial planning: HOW MUCH it will cost and where the financial sources are. We can see the theoretical causal links between the areas of development planning, therefore, the main purpose of this article is to offer conceptual framework and a relevant case study of Kraków serving as its validation attempt.

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Michał Kudłacz


There is a very high interest in international literature about the governance of common goods related to a redefinition of representative democracy. Scholars like Sheila Foster and Christian Iaione have proposed new models of governance enhancing the preservation and management of the commons in order to overcome problems and contradictions of complex contemporary cities, such as social exclusion and land privatisation. The aim of this paper is to verify, through a recognition of administrative documents, if in the example of Rome, the political actors, the municipal government, and the civil society, could be able to take part in a collaborative governance inspired reform. To answer this question, the relationship between the policy making process, the economic production model and the normative claims arising from social groups will be investigated. What is emerging is a difficulty of the administration in implementing collaborative principles. This is reflected in the issuance of discordant administrative measures, stemming from problems in relaying to civil society and active citizens the role that these principles assign. The reasons for this mismatching might be identified in the distinctive urban regime of Rome and the political and economic set that fosters social exclusion and does not consider the positive effects and the value of collaborative-oriented policy, enhancing sharing economy and social cohesion. The constant recall in the political discourse of concepts such as common goods, citizen’s participation and collaboration values takes the characteristics of a discursive resource, a ‘common washing’, which institutions and politics seem to re-propose and consolidate the traditional mode of public action, though apparently declaring its inadequacy and ineffectiveness.

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Giulia Pietroletti


The EU member states have implemented excise duties on fuel and electricity according to the EU Energy Tax Directive. The purpose of these measures is to motivate a reduction in energy consumption by internalizing external costs of energy. The taxes on energy have success in inciting energy savings. Simultaneously, the price levels of energy in the EU member states have increased to levels significantly higher compared to other countries in the region and the world. The price increase is the result of a cumulative effect of excise duties and other taxes and mechanisms including feed-in tariffs and quota policies. While the Energy Tax Directive gives the member states a level of freedom in setting the exact duty rates, the minimal rates enforced on all member states are relatively high. The policy intends to limit competition between the states on low energy prices and arbitrage trading between countries. We examine the purchasing power for energy products relative to the per capita GDP for a wide set of countries countries within the EU and in the rest of the world. We can identify several groups or clusters of countries based on their GDP per capita and energy prices. The new member states of the EU face a unique combination of low or moderate GDP per capita and very high energy prices. Their relative purchasing power for energy is degraded to levels comparable or lower than the purchasing power in developing countries with significantly lower GDP per capita and underdeveloped energy infrastructure. The calibration of energy taxation in the EU at high price levels suitable for Western European economies with high per capita GDP is leading to strong negative social effects and increasing poverty in Eastern European member states. The current implementation of these policies does not recognize to a sufficient extent income levels, regional social inequalities, and the low price elasticity of demand for energy.

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Yavor Kolarov


Niniejsza publikacja przedstawia ocenę efektywności ekonomicznej hipotetycznej instalacji zgazowania odpadów komunalnych i przemysłowych do produkcji gazu procesowego wykorzystywanego w dalszej kolejności do produkcji energii bądź produktów chemicznych. W pierwszej części pracy przedstawiono przykładowy układ technologiczny energochemicznego przetwarzania mułu węglowego i odpadów komunalnych, bazujący na procesie zgazowania z wykorzystaniem reaktora fluidalnego. Hipotetyczna instalacja składa się z dwóch głównych bloków: przygotowania paliwa oraz zgazowania. W bloku przygotowania paliwa realizowane są operacje przyjęcia surowców, ich magazynowania (składowania), a następnie podjęcia, mielenia, mieszania, suszenia oraz transportu paliwa do bloku zgazowania. W bloku zgazowania realizowane są operacje zgazowania paliwa, produkcji tlenu, chłodzenia i oczyszczania surowego gazu procesowego oraz obróbki popiołu. W dalszej części szczegółowo opisano kluczowe założenia dotyczące prowadzonego procesu zgazowania, a także oszacowano nakłady inwestycyjne oraz koszty operacyjne związane z prowadzeniem procesu. W konsekwencji bazując na metodzie zdyskontowanych przepływów pieniężnych, wyznaczono jednostkowy koszt wytworzenia energii zawartej w gazie syntezowym (cost of energy, COE) oraz dokonano interpretacji wyników. Celem uzyskania akceptowalnej efektywności procesu zgazowania paliw odpadowych do produkcji alternatywnego paliwa, gazu procesowego, konieczne jest uzupełnienie mieszanki miał-muł domieszką RDF. W takim przypadku jednostkowy koszt paliwa mierzony wskaźnikiem zł/GJ jest niższy niż w przypadku węgla kamiennego a porównywalny z węglem brunatnym. Wykorzystanie mułów węglowych do produkcji gazu procesowego w sposób efektywny ekonomicznie jest możliwe jedynie w przypadku zmian w systemie regulacji prawnych umożliwiających pobieranie opłat za utylizacje odpadów przemysłowych – mułów węglowych.

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Krzysztof Kwaśniewski
Paweł Grzesiak
Radosław Kapłan


Rozwój elektromobilności stanowi wyzwanie dla krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego zarówno pod względem technicznym, jak i ekonomiczno-rynkowym. Aktualnie istnieje niewiele analiz dotyczących określenia mocy niezbędnej do zasilenia planowanej infrastruktury oraz oszacowania zachęt i korzyści ekonomicznych wynikających z modyfikacji systemu rozliczeniowego. Dokumentem determinującym regulacje prawne oraz obowiązek budowy stacji ładowania pojazdów dla określonych gmin jest Ustawa o elektromobilności i paliwach alternatywnych (Dz.U. 2018 poz. 317). Akt ten określa, że rozwój elektromobilności ze względu na powstawanie punktów ładowania z powodu specyfiki obejmującej nie tylko pojazdy indywidualne będzie odbywał się obszarowo. Miejscami, które w pierwszym etapie będą dedykowane dla wdrożenia koncepcji elektromobilności, będą gminy obejmujące duże aglomeracje. Dodatkowo, z uwagi na aspekt lokalny, rozwój elektromobilności może mieć miejsce na obszarach inicjatyw klastrów energii, które to przy wykorzystaniu polityki zwiększania świadomości energetycznej zmierzają w kierunku produkcji energii z lokalnych zasobów odnawialnych źródeł energii. Planowany rozwój elektromobilności zakłada systematyczny wzrost liczby samochodów elektrycznych spowodowany wprowadzanymi systemami wsparcia. Dynamizacja tego sektora może powodować zwiększanie się popytu na energię elektryczną. Ze względów systemu elektroenergetycznego ważnym czynnikiem determinującym poziom poboru energii w zależności od pory dnia może okazać się odpowiednie ukształtowanie cenników opłat za usługę ładowania. Odpowiednia stymulacja cennikowa może wpłynąć na zachowania odbiorców powodujące ładowanie samochodów w dolinie zapotrzebowania na energię. Celem artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie skali zjawiska elektromobilności w kontekście powstawania infrastruktury punktów ładowania wraz z możliwością stymulacji cennikowej wpływającej na profil zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną. Istotne jest też uwzględnienie wyzwań i obowiązków gmin oraz klastrów energii z perspektywy wprowadzania elektromobilności.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Kinga Bojda
Maciej Sołtysik


Gospodarka odpadami komunalnymi jest od wielu lat obszarem szczególnego zainteresowania Komisji Europejskiej (KE). W 2018 r. KE wskazała zagadnienia związane z gospodarką odpadami komunalnymi jako ważny element ram monitorowania procesu transformacji w kierunku gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym (GOZ), stanowiącej obecnie priorytet polityki gospodarczej Unii Europejskiej (UE). W przedstawionych ramach monitorowania określono 10 wskaźników GOZ wśród których kwestie związane odpadami komunalnymi pojawiają się bezpośrednio w dwóch obszarach GOZ – w obszarze produkcji oraz w obszarze gospodarki odpadami, oraz pośrednio – w obszarach surowców wtórnych oraz konkurencyjnościi innowacji. W pracy przedstawiono zmiany w zakresie zarządzania gospodarką odpadami komunalnymi w Polsce w kontekście wdrażania założeń GOZ, omówiono wyniki osiągniętych wskaźników GOZ w dwóch wybranych obszarach ram monitorowania GOZ w Polsce (produkcja i gospodarka odpadami), oraz porównano osiągnięte wyniki na tle innych krajów europejskich.

W Polsce zadania w zakresie realizacji gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi od 1 lipca 2013 r. należą do obowiązków gminy, która jest odpowiedzialna za zapewnienie warunków funkcjonowania systemu selektywnego zbierania i odbierania odpadów komunalnych od mieszkańców oraz za budowę, utrzymanie i eksploatację regionalnych instalacji do przetwarzania odpadów komunalnych (RIPOK). Gmina jest przy tym zobowiązana do prawidłowego gospodarowania odpadami komunalnymi, w myśl europejskiej hierarchii postępowania z odpadami, której nadrzędnym celem jest zapobieganie ich powstawaniu oraz ograniczanie ilości, następnie recykling i inne formy unieszkodliwiania, spalanie i bezpieczne składowanie. W pracy analizowano zmiany wartości dwóch wybranych wskaźników GOZ, tj. (1) wskaźnika wytwarzania odpadów komunalnych, w obszarze produkcja oraz (2) wskaźnika recyklingu odpadów komunalnych w obszarze gospodarki odpadami. W tym celu wykorzystano dane statystyczne Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego (GUS) oraz Eurostat. Przedstawiono dane od roku 2014, tj. od momentu zainicjowania konieczności przechodzenia na GOZ w UE. W ostatnich latach obserwuje się wzrost ilości wywarzonych odpadów komunalnych w Polsce, jak i w UE. Zgodnie z danymi Eurostat ilość wytworzonych odpadów komunalnych w przeliczeniu na jednego mieszkańca Polski wzrosła z 272 kg w 2014 r. do 315 kg w 2017 r. Warto przy tym podkreślić iż średnia ilość wytworzonych odpadów komunalnych w Polsce w 2017 r. była jedną z najniższych w UE, przy średniej europejskiej 486 kg/osobę. Przy czym Polska osiągnęła niższe poziomy recyklingu odpadów komunalnych (33,9%) niż średnia europejska (46%). Przyczyną gorszych wyników Polski w zakresie recyklingu może być m.in. brak wystarczająco rozwiniętej infrastruktury służącej przetwarzaniu odpadów komunalnych, funkcjonującej w innych państwach takich jak Niemcy czy Dania, oraz zdecydowanie wyższej świadomości społeczeństwa dotyczącej problematyki odpadów komunalnych w krajach rozwiniętych. Gospodarka odpadami komunalnymi w Polsce stoi przed szeregiem wyzwań w aspekcie wdrażania GOZ, przede wszystkim w zakresie osiągnięcia narzuconych przez KE wartości recyklingu, do minimum 55% do 2025 r.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marzena Smol
Joanna Kulczycka
Agnieszka Czaplicka-Kotas
Dariusz Włóka


Rural areas have great potential, which properly supported can signifi cantly accelerate the socio-economic development of the country. However, the resources and values of individual areas are spatially diversifi ed, which means the diversity of development challenges and the necessity to diversify the instruments of local development policy as well as the territorialisation of development policy. The need to deal with development issues in connection with the development of urban functional areas and, more broadly, node regions, remains unchanged for all types of rural areas, which means the necessity of joint planning of spatial development, implementation of common development strategies of the entire functional area and pursuit of common socio-economic goals. The endogenous theory of local development remains valid, but it must be based on resources that go beyond the administrative boundaries of a single municipality. The need for network local development planning applies in particularly to peripheral rural areas, since rural municipalities often do not have sufficient economic potential to stay competitive even on a local scale. Only in partnership with other municipalities, within the framework of nodal regions, they can implement more eff ective competitive strategies. Another aspect of the network cooperation is the need to involve non-public entities into local economy. Establishing partnerships for the implementation of development goals may increase the chances of achieving a favourable competitive position and implementation of effective development strategies.

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Maciej Pietrzykowski


Based on laboratory tests of selected properties of secondary waste (ashes and dusts) from municipal waste incineration plants, the possibility of recovering some properties of waste in the process of filling the post-mining voids in the salt mine was assessed. The furnace bottom ash and the waste from the flue gas treatment from one of the national incineration plants were examined. The grain curves of dry waste and the density of the prepared mixtures were characterized. Twelve variants of the compositions of ash-based mixtures with varying proportions of the individual components were considered, taking into account both fresh water and brine. For each variant of the composition, the amount of redundant liquid appeared as well as the time of solidifying of the mixture to a certain strength and the compressibility values obtained. Considering the possibility of transporting mixtures in mines by means of pipelines at relatively long distances, and allowing the filling of large salt chambers to be filled and evenly filled, flow parameters were determined. In addition, the permeability of solidified waste samples was investigated, showing the potential for reducing the strength of the waste mass due to the action of water or brine. The technical feasibility of eliminating redundant liquid in the binding process has been confirmed, which is particularly important in salt mines. Preliminary values for the amount of binder (5%÷10%) to be added to the mixtures to obtain the specified strength properties of the artificially formed mass at Rc = 0.5 MPa. Attention was paid to the important practical aspect resulting from the rapid increase of this type of waste in the comming years in Poland and at the same time vast potential for their use in salt mining, where we have a huge capacity of salt chambers available.

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Krzysztof Skrzypkowski
Waldemar Korzeniowski
Katarzyna Poborska-Młynarska


The Cracow districts have the status of auxiliary self-governing units within this city and, generally should be communities of residents living in particular parts of the city, close to them, in which they implement their daily practices. In theer article, the authors, by examining the sense of belonging to the district, undertook to identify its perception by residents and relations between the residents and their auxiliary units, on the example of two such districts this of VIII Dębniki and X Swoszowice. Attitudes of their residents towards self-governing districts were identified on the basis of 1141 questionnaires, obtaining during surveys conducted in 2017. The authors have found relatively weak relations of residents with their auxiliary units, as evidenced by small involvement in initiatives taken for the benefit of this districts. The analysis, however, showed also considerable differences in the detailed assessment of the attitudes of residents at the level of their division according to their age groups, period of the residence, as well as to the type of housing a single-family, multi-family or mixed ones.

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Bogusław Luchter
Marcin Semczuk
Piotr Serafin
Piotr Węgrzynowicz
Bernadetta Zawilińska


This paper includes a description of both the mode of development and the final structure and contents of the Municipal Revitalization Program, which was developed for the City of Starogard Gdański. All key parts of this program were described as well as methods used for planning the diverse activities associated with revitalization of the municipality. These were based on both actual legislation – of both national and regional importnace – as well as on Author’s own experience in this matter. In result, the article can serve as the example of one of the possible ways of developing the complex program of urban transformation for the medium-sized municipality.

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Piotr Lorens
Sławomir Ledwoń


Art. 52 sec. 1 of the Regeneration Act of 9 October 2015 allowed municipalities which, at the time of its entry into force, did not have a valid revitalization program, to carry out revitalization activities on the basis of a revitalization program other than the municipal revitalization program. The choice of procedure was left by the legislature of the municipality, assuming that at the initial stage of the implementation of the law, only the municipality should test its instrument, referring to the nature and scale of its needs. The ROP Managing Authority in Małopolska as the only one in the country introduced the requirement of developing municipal revitalization programs for all municipalities that did not have a current revitalization program at the time of the entry into force of the Act. Therefore, these municipalities, in order to benefi t from EU funding under ROP WM 2014-2020 for revitalization activities planned in the programs, were not able to rely on the derogation contained in art. 52 sec. 1 of the Act. Regardless of the size of the municipality and the nature of revitalization needs, they were compelled to develop a document complying with the statutory procedure, the fi rst stage being the delimitation of the degraded area and the revitalization area and confi rmation by the resolution of the municipality council. As a result Małopolskie Voivodeship has become Poland’s largest laboratory of methodology of delimitation of these areas and development of revitalization programs. The aim of the article is to present the diversity of applied methodological approaches to the delimitation of revitalization areas in Małopolskie Voivodeship and to describe the most noteworthy, as well as to indicate the most common errors in the designation of these areas.

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Aleksandra Jadach-Sepioło
Katarzyna Spadło


Local development, based on the use of endogenous potentials, requires the cooperation of muni-cipalities in urban functional areas (agglomerations). However, conducting joint activities in the area of building and running local development policy is a serious challenge. On the one hand, there is a shortage of experience in this area (not counting the short period of functio-ning municipal unions in the years 1920-1939 and intentional inter-communal relations after 1990). In addition, there are still no legal solutions needed (in addition to the act passed in 2017 for the metropolis of Silesia and Zagłębie). In recent years, however, projects of integra-ted territorial investments and other project partnerships have been implemented under the European Union and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programs, which result in prac-tical conclusions and legislative recommendations. The most important of them concern the introduction of a new form of partner cooperation and the adoption of a new urban code. Their quick implementation will enable more eff ective cooperation for development.

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Andrzej Porawski


The circular economy (CE) has been a European Union (EU) priority since 2014, when first official document on the CE was published. Currently, the EU is on the road to the transformation from a linear economy model to the CE model. In 2019, a new strategy was announced – the European Green Deal, the main goal of which is to mobilize the industrial sector for the CE implementation. The CE assumes that the generated waste should be treated as a secondary raw material. The paper presents an analysis of the possibility of using selected groups of waste for the production of fertilizers. Moreover, an identification of strengths and weaknesses, as well as market opportunities and threats related to the use of selected groups of waste as a valuable raw material for the production of fertilizers was conducted. The scope of the work includes characteristics of municipal waste (household waste, food waste, green waste, municipal sewage sludge, digestate), industrial waste (sewage sludge, ashes from biomass combustion, digestate) and agricultural waste (animal waste, plant waste), and a SWO T (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. The fertilizer use from waste is determined by the content of nutrients (phosphorus – P, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium ) and the presence of heavy metals unfavorable for plants (zinc, lead, mercury). Due to the possibility of contamination, including heavy metals, before introducing waste into the soil, it should be subjected to a detailed chemical analysis and treatment. The use of waste for the production of fertilizers allows for the reduction of the EU’s dependence on the import of nutrients from outside Europe, and is in line with the CE.
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Marzena Smol
Dominika Szołdrowska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland


Celem pracy było określenie, czy proces kompostowania odpadów komunalnych może być niskotemperaturowym źródłem ciepła. Określono, że w trakcie wysokotemperaturowej fazy procesu powstaje średnio 930,5 kJ/kg kompostu. W zaprojektowanym i wykonanym modelu laboratoryjnym przeprowadzono trzy etapy badań, polegające na prowadzeniu procesu kompostowania z jednoczesnym odzyskiwaniem ciepła z procesu. Na podstawie badań określono parametry mające wpływ na efektywność procesu odzyskiwania ciepła; a mianowicie: optymalna początkowa temperatura wody chłodzącej powinna wynosić około 30°C, obniżanie strumienia przepływu wody chłodzącej wpływa korzystnie na wzrost efektywności procesu, natomiast bezpieczna temperatura, do której można schłodzić kompost nie powinna przekroczyć 52°C (co gwarantuje jego czystość pod względem sanitarnym). Zaobserwowano również, że wraz z wydłużaniem się wieku kompostu maleje efektywność procesu odzyskiwania ciepła.
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Ewa Klejment
Marian Rosiński
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The research covered two lakes: Karczemne and Domowe Małe, which served as receivers for rainwater and municipal or industrial sewage. The sediment cores were obtained using a Kajak tube sampler. Analyses of HM, PAH and PCB were done by the AAS, ICP-AES and GC MS methods. OM, SiO2, TH, Ca, Mg, CO2, Fe, Al, Mn, TN and TP were measured. The research showed that the sediments of Lake Karczemne, into which the untreated municipal sewage was discharged, are characterized by a high content of P. It was found that the sediments accumulate toxins, OM and pollutants characteristic for various industries. Karczemne Lake which collected municipal and industrial wastewater, contained a high content of Pb, Cu and PAH in the sediments, and Domowe Małe Lake, receiving stormwater, contained high concentrations of PAH. Research has shown that one of the most important tools for selecting an appropriate method of lake restoration is the analysis of the spatial distribution of pollutants in the bottom sediments. Thanks to such an analysis of the composition of the bottom sediments and the correlation between the components of the sediments and their sorption properties, the restoration of the Karczemne Lake using the Ripl method was planned and the possibility of restoration of the Domowe Małe Lake in this way was eliminated.
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  1. Algül, F. & Beyhan, M. (2020). Concentrations and sources of heavy metals in shallow sediments in Lake Bafa, Turkey. Scientific Reports, 10, 11728. DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-68833-2.
  2. Alves, C., Gonçalves, C., Evtyugina, M., Pio, C., Mirante, F. & Puxbaum, H. (2010). Particulate organic compounds emitted form experimental wildland fires in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Atmospheric Environment, 44, 23, pp. 2750-2759. DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.04.029.
  3. Augustyniak, R., Grochowska, J.K., Łopata, M., Parszuto, K., Tandyrak, R. & Tunowski, J. (2019). Sorption properties of the bottom sediment of a lake restored by phosphorus inactivation method15 years after the termination of the lake restoration procedures. Water, 11, 10, 1-20. DOI:10.3390/w11102175.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jolanta Katarzyna Grochowska
Renata Tandyrak
Renata Augustyniak
Michał Łopata
Dariusz Popielarczyk
Tomasz Templin

  1. University Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
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The introduction highlights the technologies of converting the chemical energy of biomass and municipal waste into various forms of final energy (electricity, heat, cooling, new fuels) as important in the pursuit of a low-carbon economy, especially for energy and transport sector. The work continues to focus mainly on gasification as a process of energy valorization of the initial form of biomass or waste, which does not imply that other methods of biomass energy use are not considered or used. Furthermore, the article presents a general technological flowchart of gasification with a gas purification process developed by Investeko S.A. in the framework of Lifecogeneration.pl. In addition, selected properties of the municipal waste residual fraction are described, which are of key importance when selecting the technology for its energy recovery. Significant quality parameters were identified, which have a significant impact on the production and quality of syngas, hydrogen production and electricity generation capacity in SOFC cells. On the basis of the research on the waste stream, a preliminary qualitative assessment was made in the context of the possibility of using the waste gasification technology, syngas production with a significant share of hydrogen and in combination with the technology of energy production in oxide-ceramic SOFC cells. The article presents configurations of energy systems with a fuel cell, with particular emphasis on oxide fuel cells and their integration with waste gasification process. An important part of the content of the article is also the environmental protection requirements for the proposed solution.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Arkadiusz Primus
Tadeusz Chmielniak
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska

  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery, Poland
  3. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland


The accumulation and removal of the heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) by fibrous ion exchangers at different stages of a typical biological wastewater treatment system, have been studied. In particular, the chelating ion exchanger FIBAN X- I allows rapid and efficient sorption of the heavy metals from primary treated effluents. The degree of removal of Cu ion wa, about 17%; for both Cd and Pb the removal efficiency wa, >40%. Applied in batch process mode FIBAN X-1 should diminish the content of heavy metals in sewage and treated effluent.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Henryk Wasąg


This article examines the short- and long-run effects of water price, system input, income, temperature on domestic water demand for Amman area over the period of 1980–2012. An empirical, dynamic autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model for water demand is developed on a yearly basis. This approach is capable of testing and analysing the dynamic relationship with time series data using a single equation regressions. Results show the ability of the model to predicting future trends (short- and long-run association). The main results indicate that water demand in limited water environment is partially captured in the long-run by the amount of water reaching the customer. The short- and long-run elasticities of water price (–0.061, –0.028) and high temperature (0.023, 0.054) indicate inelastic behaviour on water demand both in short- and long-run, while the lagged water price has a significant effect on demand. Income represented by gross domestic product (GDP) slightly affects water consumption in the long-run and insignificantly in the short-run (0.24, 0.24). Water consumption is strongly linked to consumption habits measured by lagged billed amount 0.35, and is strongly linked to amount of supplied water both in short- and long-run (0.47, 0.53). These results suggest that water needs should be satisfied first to allow controlling water demand through a good pricing system.
Moreover, the association identified between demand and water system input, and the lesser elasticities of water price and other explanatory variables confirm the condition of water deficit in Amman area and Jordan. The results could be rolled out to similar cities suffering scarce water resources with arid and semi-arid weather conditions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Duaa B. Telfah
Nawal Louzi
1 2
Tala M. AlBashir

  1. Yarmouk University, Hijjawi Faculty of Engineering Technology, P.O. Box 566 ZipCode 21163, Irbid, Jordan
  2. Al-Ahliyya Amman University Al-Saro, Faculty of Engineering, Amman, Jordan


Nowadays, in order to ensure high quality of municipal services, and thus a high quality of life for the local community, the authorities of both the basic local government unit and managers of municipal enterprises must strive to maintain high standards of sustainable development. The level of quality of life and services provided can be determined by various dimensions, such as: ecological environment, housing conditions, ecological production in the field of consumer goods, balance between built-up areas and green areas, care for agricultural areas, limiting the deepening social stratification, rational economy water or rational waste management. Therefore, the paper presents a theoretical analysis of the main directions of sustainable development in the activities of municipal enterprises.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Bartkowiak
Anna M. Bartkowiak

  1. Poznan University of Economics and Business, Department of Investments and Real Estate, Niepodległości Av. 10, 61-875 Poznań, Poland
  2. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Hrabska Av. 3, 05-090 Raszyn


In the article, a device for measuring the parameters of the rotational movement of the auger for dewatering solid waste is proposed based on the analysis of signal processing methods and measurement of physical quantities. It can be used in the development of high-performance special vehicles for transporting waste as the main link in the structure of machines for the collection and primary processing of solid waste. The structural scheme of the means and block diagram of the microcontroller control program algorithm for implementation of the device for measuring the parameters of the rotational motion are proposed. The main technical characteristics of the proposed means are given. The results of experimental tests for measuring the parameters of rotational motion are shown. The results of experimental studies, which are given in the work, confirmed the reliability of the measured parameters.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Waldemar Wójcik
Oleh V. Bereziuk
Mykhailo S. Lemeshev
Volodymyr V. Bohachuk
Leonid K. Polishchuk
Oksana Bezsmertna
Saule Smailova
Saule Kurmagazhanova

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Poland
  2. Vinnytsya National Technical University, Ukraine
  3. D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University
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This article describes the population of Xizang, the composition of municipal solid waste, and the distribution of municipal solid waste treatment facilities. With the development of Xizang's economy and tourism, the amount of municipal solid waste cleared and transported in Xizang has increased from 380,000 tons in 2003 to 692,200 tons in 2021, with an average annual growth rate of 4.56%. The proportions of kitchen waste, paper waste, and ash waste in the municipal solid waste components in Xizang have significantly decreased over the past 10 years. For example, the proportion of ash decreased from 22.83% in 2012 to 13.04% in 2021. Overall, recyclables such as paper, plastic rubber, textiles, glass, metal and wood and bamboo accounted for between 55.69% and 58.22% of the total municipal solid waste in Lhasa City. The disposal of municipal solid waste in Xizang was mainly through landfill. There are more than 130 landfill sites, 1 incineration plant, 5 pyrolysis pilot sites, 2 kitchen waste treatment plants, and more than 160 waste transfer stations for municipal solid waste disposal in Xizang. The designed daily disposal capacity of municipal solid waste is 3,768.4 tons per day.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wenwu Zhou
Zeng Dan

  1. School of Ecology and Environment ,Tibet University, Lhasa, China


Cities seeking their individual development path use various development models. Urban development management through large urban projects is an expression of departure from the so-called global change regulated urbanism to urbanism through projects. This approach is also used by the city of Lodz, recovering, e.g. through large revitalization projects, its industrial heritage, but processed and adapted to the needs of current residents. The Horticultural EXPO 2024 exhibition (so-called Green EXPO) planned in Lodz belongs to the highest world-class exhibitions, i.e. class A1. The topics of this type of exhibition focus on various aspects related to, among others with greenery in cities, ecology, agriculture and gardening. It is another development opportunity for Lodz in accordance with a relatively new and innovative model – urban agriculture – in urban planning. The article presents the historical context of the organization of the exhibition, the results of research on the needs and expectations of the inhabitants of Lodz related to the planned exhibition, including the spatial aspect, the importance of the exhibition for the needs of shaping a healthy living environment.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Elżbieta Strzelecka
Magdalena Woźna

  1. Politechnika Łódzka, Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska, Kolegium Gospodarki Przestrzennej, al. Politechniki 6, 90-924 Łódź

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