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This Guest Editorial introduces a special issue entitled Brexit and Beyond: Transforming Mobility and Immobility. The unfolding story of Brexit provided the backdrop to a series of events, organised in 2018 and 2019, which were the result of a collaboration between migration researchers in Warsaw and the UK, funded by the Noble Foundation’s Programme on Modern Poland. The largest event – held in association with IMISCOE – was an international conference, arising from which we invited authors to contribute papers to this special issue on the implications of Brexit for the mobility and immobility of EU citizens, particularly – but not exclusively – from Central and Eastern Europe, living in the UK. As we outline in this Editorial, collectively, the papers comprising the special issue address three key themes: everyday implications and ‘living with Brexit’; renegotiating the ‘intentional unpredictability’ status and settling down; and planning the future and the return to countries of origin. In addition, we include an interview with Professor Nira Yuval-Davis, based on the substance of her closing plenary at the conference – racialisation and bordering. Her insightful analysis remains salient to the current situation – in June 2020, as the UK enters the final months of the Brexit transition period – in the unexpected midst of a global pandemic and an imminent recession.

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Majella Kilkey
Aneta Piekut
Louise Ryan
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While the number of forced migrants moving out of conflict-ridden or otherwise troubled regions into rela-tively stable and safe parts of the world is higher than ever, the countries of destination are increasingly trying to prevent migrants from reaching their territories. Given the scale of forced displacement and current trends of tightening immigration policies, it should be expected that tragedies at the borders, similar to that recently witnessed in Europe, will become the norm rather than the exception and that new discourses and practices will continue to emerge, transforming territorial borders in various parts of the world into highly conflictual and politicised ‘borderspaces’. This article is a contribution to the understanding of borders through a case study of the recent policy of ‘closed doors’ that Poland has adopted towards Russia’s North Caucasus asylum seekers at the country’s eastern border with Belarus, preventing them from entering the territory and claiming protection. It demonstrates that, through the process of ‘bordering’, power is no longer exercised only by the border guards at the crossing point in Terespol from where asylum seekers are being returned and that it is increasingly to be found in social practices that occur on both sides of the border, away from the clearance points. The article examines the various practices of resistance undertaken by the asylum seekers and other actors on several different levels in response to the changed reality at the border. It also analyses the meanings and discourses developed by Polish state actors in order to legitimise restrictive migration policies.

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Marta Szczepanik
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Compared to the new state borders of the Danube basin after World War One, the drawing of the Austro-Hungarian border was not only different but required the longest time (1918-1924). It was not a territorial dispute between a victorious and a losing state, but one between the two losers of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Austria and Hungary. During the Hungarian Soviet Republic (March to August, 1919), only the Austrian delegation was invited to the peace conference. This delegation successfully argued, through peaceful diplomatic channels, to make Western Hungary part of the new Austrian Republic. Under the Austrian peace treaty of Saint-Germainen- Laye (September 10, 1919) and the Hungarian one of Trianon (June 4, 1920), Austria received the area as well. However, the Hungarian side, using the means of political violence namely the paramilitary activity, enforced a referendum on Sopron/Ödenburg, the natural capital of the territory, which was previously judged to Austria (December 12, 1920). The participants of the referendum and the entire frontier population decided about their homelands not on ethnic grounds but on purely economic interests.

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Ibolya Murber
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The reflection proposed in this article starts from the realities of the border and the sea, and from the problematic meaning they assumed in the frame of the city of Fiume (Rijeka) in the early twentieth century. The main goal is to explore how in the work of Enrico Morovich, an Italian writer coming from Fiume who had to personally and tragically experience war and exile, the border and the sea act as devices of literary creation, providing models of humorous reversal (the border) and symmetrical thinking (the sea). The analysis will focus in particular on the following works by Morovich: Cronache vicine e lontane (1981), La nostalgia del mare (1981), Un italiano di Fiume (1994).
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1. BACHTIN, M. M. (1979): “Autor i geroj v èstetičeskoj dejatel’nosti”, in ID.: Èstetika slovesnogo tvončestva, pod redaktsiyey S. G. Bočarov/S. S. Averincev, Iskusstvo, Moskva, 9–192.
2. ID. (1988): “L’autore e l’eroe nell’attività estetica”, in: ID.: L’autore e l’eroe. Teoria letteraria e scienze umane, a cura e trad. it. di C. STRADA JANOVIČ, Einaudi, Torino, 5–187.
3. BELLABARBA, M. (2014a): L’impero asburgico, Il Mulino, Bologna.
4. ID. (2014b): “Un impero multinazionale nella guerra delle nazioni. Lo strano caso dell’impero asburgico”, Studium, 110/6, 830–840.
5. BORONI, C. (2015): “Prefazione” a: MOROVICH, E.: I racconti per il “Giornale di Brescia”, a cura di C. BORONI, La Compagnia della Stampa Massetti Rodella Editori, Brescia, 13–57.
6. CIMADOR, G. (2018): “Bruno Maier: forme, categorie, aspetti del comico”, Archeografo Triestino, Serie IV, vol. LXXVIII (CXXVI della Raccolta), Trieste, 179–253.
7. D’ALESSANDRO, L. (2014): Mediterraneo crocevia di storia e culture: un caleidoscopio di immagini, Harmattan Italia, Torino.
8. MATTE BLANCO, I. (1975): The unconscious as infinite sets. An essay in bi‑logic, Duckworth, London.
9. MATVEJEVIĆ, P. (2006): Breviario del Mediterraneo, trad. it. di S. Ferrari, Garzanti, Milano.
10. MOROVICH, E. (1981a): Cronache vicine e lontane, San Marco dei Giustiniani, Genova.
11. ID. (1981b): La nostalgia del mare, Unimedia, Genova.
12. ID. (1985): Racconti di Fiume e altre cose, Compagnia dei Librai, Genova.
13. ID. (1988): Miracoli quotidiani, Sellerio, Palermo.
14. ID. (1994): Un italiano di Fiume, Rusconi, Milano.
15. ID. (2014): “Per una storia di Fiume”, Fiume. Rivista di studi adriatici, 29, 3–30.
16. MOROVICH, E./ VERDINO, S. (1990): Intervista a Enrico Morovich. Realizzata dal professor Stefano Verdino 21 novembre 1990, a cura della Provincia di Genova, Fondazione Mario Novaro, s.n., Genova, I:; II: https://www.; III: sYE7rk; IV:
17. ROMBI, B. (1997): Morovich oltre i confini, Editrice Liguria, Savona.
18. STELLI, G. (a cura di) (2006): Fiume, crocevia di popoli e culture, Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 27 ottobre 2005, Società di studi fiumani, Roma.

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Novella Di Nunzio

  1. Vilniaus Universitetas, Vilnius
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In the summer of 2021 deliberate actions by the Belarusian state authorities led to a huge increase of people irregularly crossing the border from Belarus to Poland. Instead of addressing this humanitarian crisis, the Polish government responded with actions that were in violation of its international obligations and domestic law. Among these measures was carrying out “pushbacks” and grounding them in Polish domestic law. “Pushbacks” are the practice of returning people to the border without assessing their individual situation. The formalization of those practices in 2021 was done within two legal frameworks; one interim and one permanent. They continue to function in parallel while containing different provisions. This article assesses the two frameworks’ compatibility with domestic and international law and concludes that they both violate domestic and international rules. In the context of EU law, the article demonstrates the incompatibility of the two frameworks with the so-called Asylum Procedures Directive and Return Directive. The article further argues that the pushbacks violate the European Convention of Human Rights and would not fall within the exceptions to the prohibition of collective expulsions.
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Grażyna Baranowska
1 2

  1. Assistant professor (dr.), Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
  2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Hertie School
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The present article combines some reflections on the late Prof. Janusz Symonides’ most interesting book on the concept and role of effectiveness in international law (Zasada efektywności w prawie międzynarodowym, UMK, Toruń: 1967), with reflection over the anniversaries of the most important Polish-German treaties which not only constituted the basis for bilateral relations between Poland and Germany, but were also of importance for East-West relations. The analysis that follows deals mostly with the significance of effectiveness in the context of boundaries and their recognition, as well as with nationality. The article shows that most of the concepts and ideas of Prof. Symonides still remain actual today.
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Władysław Czapliński

  1. Professor, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
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Ensuring the security of power generation systems is a pillar of the proper functioning of each state. Energy security is fundamental to ensure both economic growth and social welfare. As energy storage has not developed in an efficient extent, covering the current and prospective power demand is a major challenge for transmission system operators. Moreover, the activities that are to be taken should be technically and economically justified and need to meet the requirements of environmental protection. Cooperation between neighboring countries in the field of electricity exchange is among the activities undertaken to ensure the safety of the power generation systems. The integration of electricity markets is one of the key challenges of the European Union’s energy policy. The European Commission issued a directive on interconnection, according to which the capacity of interconnections should total 10% of installed capacity until 2020 (and 15% until 2030) in each Member State. The main objective of this study is to assess the changes in electricity imports and exports in 2003–2018 and to investigate the current level of cross-border exchanges between Poland and the neighboring countries. This paper also answers the question of whether Poland will fulfil the obligations set by the European Commission. In addition, the paper presents the risks and the challenges related to fulfilling the mentioned commitments. The results of the study indicate that the development and modernization of network infrastructure in the field of cross-border exchange are necessary because, in the context of the forecasted increase in electricity demand, Polish generation units will not be able to meet the demand.

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Aleksandra Komorowska
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The aim of this study is to analyse the geopolitical position of independent Poland after World War I and the state of her relations with neighbour states, and the policy of building alliances with France and Romania. In view of border conflicts with Lithuania and Czechoslovakia as well as the constant German and Soviet threat, the reborn Polish state was forced to seek for allies in the West. The alliances with France and Romania could not however reduce the danger for Poland emerging from Soviet-German cooperation basing on the treaty of Rapallo from 1922. Also the treaty of Locarno from 1925 in which Polish borders were left without guarantee was seen as a failure of Polish diplomacy. The inconvenient geopolitical position of Poland, and the aggressive policy of the Third Reich and the Soviet Union resulted in the Hitler-Stalin Pact from 23rd of August 1939 and the partition of Poland.

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Jacek Tebinka
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In the last decades borderlands studies have been rapidly developing in various disciplines. Within the changing function of European borders (from separating line between two souvereign states to borderscapes of intercultural flows and fluid identity) the focus of border scholars moved towards social relations and bottom-up perspective. Thus, borderlands are perceived as laboratories of European integration and multicultural spaces. For the aim of this article, borderlands are defined as spaces located on the geographical border between different states, nations and cultures that are objects of European Union cohesion policy. By analysing the Eurobarometer survey on cross-border cooperation I try to demonstrate differences between border regions covered by the Interreg cross-border cooperation programmes in terms of cross-border practices, general trust in others and attitudes towards citizens of neighbouring countries.

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Elżbieta Opiłowska
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The paper examines the most important Italian historical novel and focuses on its principal migration routes, especially concerning main characters. It also examines a variety of representations of border and frontier (also in a metaphorical sense) in the novel.

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Fabio Danelon
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The article is devoted to the experience of war in the story Tartak by Ivan Ptashnikav. The composition resembles a road novel. Its plot is created by the stories of successive characters who recount in detail their life in the countryside, about their past and finally their death as a result of shelling during the journey. The central theme of the work – the tragedy of the inhabitants of the village of Dalva, which was burned by the occupiers – was shown by the writer from the perspective of several different characters. Ptashnikav used the point of view technique here, situating the narrator’s field of observation in various forms. the prose writer will direct his attention to showing war as an individual experience. This is evidenced by the narrator’s concentration on the mental world of the characters, on the influence of external events on the spiritual experiences of the individual.
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Dzyubayla P., U vyalikay darozye: litaraturna‑krytychnyya artykuly, Minsk 1981.
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Gnilomedov V., Tri portreta, [v:] Ivan Ptashnikov, Tartak. Povestʹ, Korotkevich Vladimir, Chazeniya. Poema, Savikiy Alesʹ, I nechego vzamen. Povestʹ, per. M. Gorbacheva, Moskva 1973.
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Beata Siwek

  1. Lublin, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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The Schengen area tends to be commonly misconstrued in the public perception as being ‘border-free’, defined by the unrestrained mobility of people, goods and capital. In reality the so-called ‘internal borders’ are still marked by a fervour of activities, conducted by the various national state agencies created for the purpose of territorial protection. Identity and migration checks – which often strikingly resemble pre-Schengen border checks – special crime-prevention tasks and transnational operations of police-type forces, detention and the unrelenting transfers of asylum-seekers and forced returns of illegalised mi-grants (also of EU nationals) are only a few among the many responsibilities of the various border-guard formations. This paper, based on data from fieldwork with the street-level Polish Border Guards working in the Intra-Schengen border region on the Polish–German border, analyses the impact of different levels of institutional discretion: official, local and individual, with a particular focus on the officers’ behaviour and decision-making and on the role of discretion within the policy implementation of a specific proce-dure. Analysing the phenomenon of the forced returns (deportations) of EU nationals within the Schengen area, this paper exposes the nature of the little-known practice of cross-border transfers. It focuses on the phenomenon of a forced return of Polish citizens from Germany, specifically on the micro-level moment of transfer of custody between the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei) into the hands of the Polish Border Guards (Straż Graniczna) on the Polish–German border, looking at the procedural variations and the decision-making of the officers, especially in the context of its street-level echelon and its practical contribution to the concept of deportability.
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Maryla Klajn

  1. Leiden University, the Netherlands
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The Western boundary of Poland was established by the Potsdam Agreement of 1945 and confirmed by the Boundary Agreement between Poland and the GDR of Gőrlitz of 1950. Poland exercised administration with respect to the adjudicated territories, but she made efforts to get the boundary recognized and confirmed by the FRG. This happened on the basis of the Warsaw Treaty of 1970. Boundary treaties are usually considered as objective regimes. It is disputable whether the Warsaw Treaty of 1970 can be classified as such a regime.
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Władysław Czapliński

  1. Professor, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
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The article presents aspects of the legal characterization and regulation of the natural resource’s treatment that are under the joint tenancy of two or more states. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by that fact that shows the aspects of international interaction and the formation of the practice of legislative regulation of the use of natural resources, not only in the field of state and legal regulation but also within the context of private-public partnership. The relevance is determined by the fact that the main problem of the development of energy resources is an opportunity to determine and accordingly implement certain provisions for international business enterprises. The purpose of this article is to study the question of how representatives of international business can implement projects for the extraction of natural resources across boundary areas and under various conditions within the framework of cross-border cooperation. In the work, the methods of mathematical statistics, historical and legal methods were used. A three-level model was presented. This model determines the possibility of ensuring cooperation, then it forms its legal and regulatory framework and then determines instruments of an economic and legal nature that can be implemented in this field. The final point of the model is the finding of opportunities for investing in the development of natural energy resources on a parity basis, as well as the formation of an integrated environment that determines the possibility of integrating the subjects of international business into the economic environment of the state.
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Oksana D. Hnatkovych
Volodymyr V. Hoblyk
Olena V. Lazarieva
Vasyl V. Burba
Yevhenii Ye. Hrechin

  1. Department of Culture and Arts, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
  2. Department of Management and Economic Processes, Mukachevo State University, Ukraine
  3. Department of the Landed Resources Management, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Ukraine
  4. Department of Anti-Corruption and Combating Organized Crime, National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Ukraine
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The communication aspect of cross-border healthcare and translation and interpreting in this field are under-researched. This paper presents the results of a qualitative webpage content analysis of the multilingual websites of three Viennese abortion clinics. We investigate if and how content affected by a social and cultural taboo is (re)framed linguistically in versions addressed at patients from Poland, where abortion has been largely illegal since 1993. Our results show that awareness of the need for comprehensive target group-oriented information provision and quality translation and/or adaptation varies and that the Polish websites in our corpus tend to adopt a slightly different, more feminist and pro-choice point-of-view in comparison to the German versions.
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Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk
Sonja Pöllabauer

  1. University of Silesia
  2. University of Vienna
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This article discusses the professional careers of foreign scholars in Krakow, one of the leading academic centres in Poland and a regional ‘silicon valley’ (toutes proportions gardées). Central and Eastern Europe is understudied as an immigration region for highly skilled migrants (HSMs). To bridge this gap, we concentrate on three interrelated topics: (a) the perception of Polish science and its infrastruc-ture; (b) careers of international staff employed in Polish academia; and (c) their perception of their achievements in Poland. Foreign scholars come to Poland for various reasons. Two of the most important are the cultural proximity between Poland and their country of origin, and research interests focused directly in Poland. Our findings show that Poland attracts first and foremost scholars with average scientific achievements. We discuss major problems they encounter (e.g., shortage of funds, uncomfortable office space, restricted access to books and papers) and their expectations of life in a semi-periphery country. The paper is mainly based on in-depth interviews with 23 foreign scholars working full time at four universities in Krakow and, as a secondary source, on the analysis of websites of these universities.

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Janusz Mucha
Kamil Łuczaj
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This article asks the question to what extent Ryszard Nycz’s ambitious project of cultural practice outlined in his book Culture as Verb succeeds in opening up ‘a new form of knowledge’ and thus equipping the humanities with a fresh validity. Nycz takes up the poststructuralist concept of the humanities as a site of alternative or subversive knowledge, founded on the principles of interpretation and textual dispersion, and refocuses it on involvement (participation) and binary oppositions (borders), i.e. human vs. nonhuman, or nature vs. culture as a construct. The article, rather than addressing the issues of involvement and borders (liminality), concentrates instead on the contradictions that Nycz’ s theory gives rise to when applied to history, time and the emergence of subjectivity (identity). There is nothing objectionable about the proposition that temporal change is at the very core of culture, yet its locus must be sought not in the proclamations of individual agents, but in the conceptual ruptures that expose and reveal the boundaries of (collective) consciousness and unconsciousness, i.e. the operation of contingency.

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Jakub Momro
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In the article, we characterize the current and extremely serious problem of mass migration of people and indicate the necessary political actions that can alleviate it. The problem in question has increasingly dramatic consequences and has now reached proportions requiring decisive action. The basic suggestions are, on the one hand, the need to recognize the social situation in emigrants' homelands and offer these countries well-thought-out assistance, and, on the other hand, arrangements must be made on the part of the countries that are the destination of migration in order to develop a common and uniform policy, which is of special importance in countries of the European Union.
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Michał Kleiber

  1. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Warszawa
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This article focuses on mobility of companies in the European Union in the light of the Court of Justice’s judgment in the C-106/16 Polbud – Wykonawstwo sp. z o.o. case. The Court of Justice has once again interpreted the treaty provisions relating to the EU freedom of establishment in the context of cross-border conversion of companies. The in-depth analysis of the case from the substantive law perspective as well as from the conflict-of-law perspective has raised some doubts with regard to the background of the judgment. Therefore, the article assesses whether the cross-border transfer of a seat took place in the Polbud case or the cross-border conversion, or possibly a new company has come into existence. Most of the analysis is aimed at exposing the risks related to the companies’ mobility under the rules adopted in the Polbud judgment, in particular in the absence of respective European and national regulation.

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Sylwia Majkowska-Szulc
Arkadiusz Wowerka
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Recent years have witnessed the publication of a number of research papers and books seeking to assess threats of electoral victories of anti-establishment politicians and political parties, described as authoritarian populists. This essay focuses on three books directly addressing the origins and threats of authoritarian populism to democracy. It consists of six sections and the conclusion. The first section presents findings (Norris and Inglehart) based on surveys of values of voters of various age cohorts concluding that authoritarian populism is a temporary backlash provoked by the post-materialist perspective. The second section examines the contention, spelled out in Levitsky and Ziblatt, that increase in openness of American political system produced, unintentionally, a degradation of the American political system. The third section continues brief presentations focusing on to the causes and implications of “illiberal democracy,” and “undemocratic liberalism” (Mounk). The fourth section examines developments in the quality of democracy in the world showing that despite the decline in Democracy Indices, overall there was no slide towards non-democratic forms of government in 2006–2019. The next two sections deal with dimensions missing in reviewed books; the notion of nation-state, international environment, civic culture and, in particular, dangers of radical egalitarianism to democracy. The last section concludes with regrets that the authors ignored rich literature on fragility of democracy and failed to incorporate in their analyses deeper structural factors eroding democracy: by the same token, return to the pre-populist shock trajectory is unlikely to assure survival of liberal democracy.

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Antoni Z. Kamiński
Bartłomiej K. Kamiński

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