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Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) is a visual specification language without well-defined concepts for equivalences. This necessitates the establishment of fundamental notions that underpin the equivalences of BPMN processes. The main body of the paper is centered around the principle of substitutibility in which different types of equivalences of BPMN processes are formally described. Additionally, these results provide a basis for defining the behavioural equivalence of BPMN models. Our research investigation contributes to the field of business process management by developing a tight con-nection between BPMN and its associated equivalence notions.

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Vitus S.W. Lam
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This paper applies a DSGE model to find whether the way of financing QE2 matters for the reaction of the economy. The model includes a segmented bond market structure, thus the large-scale asset purchases may successfully influence the economy. It is shown that the effects on macroeconomic variables are very similar regardless of whether the government finances the purchases by lump-sum taxes or by short-term debt which signifies that the quantitative deviation from Ricardian equivalence introduced by bond market segmentation is insignificant. The redistribution effects caused by financing are noticeable.

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Anna Duszak
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We propose a class of m-crane control systems, that generalizes two- and three-dimensional crane systems. We prove that each representant of the described class is feedback equivalent to the second order chained form with drift. In consequence, we prove that it is differentially flat. Then we investigate its control properties and derive a control law for tracking control problem.

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M. Nowicki
W. Respondek
J. Piasek
K. Kozłowski
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The present paper aims at conducting a short French-Polish contrastive investigation of the verbs prefixed by entre-. At the beginning, the author proposes to perceive prefixation as a purely semantic phenomenon and advances a hypothesis that different meanings (i.e. semantic values) of the preverb in the source language should manifest in the translation of the prefixed verbs into the target language. The second part focuses on the results of the postulated semantic-translation analysis of 62 French verbs found in two dictionaries: Great French-Polish Dictionary and Lexicon 5. The verbs are divided into 4 categories depending on their translation into Polish (verbs expressing reciprocity, spatial verbs, low intensity verbs, and lexicalized verbs) which, in accordance with the adopted hypothesis, allows to distinguish 3 different semantic values of entre-: reciprocity, spatiality and low intensity. Furthermore, the results of the analysis are compared with the those obtained by other linguists. Due to the fact that the conclusions of the investigation conducted in this paper and in similar studies do not differ significantly and considering the added contrastive value of semantic-translation analysis, the author suggests extending the research in this stream to other preverbs in order to reach the complete description of the French prefixation seen “through” the Polish language.
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Michał Hrabia

  1. Université de Silésie
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The main aim of the below presented work was to investigate the possibility of using impedance spectroscopy in the unpasteurized beer microbial contamination degree assessment. Advantages of the impedance spectroscopy method, a negligible number of similar published results as well as their practical aspect make the research important. Four different types of beerswere investigated whichwere unfit for consumption due to improper storage and were heavily microbiologically contaminated. Their impedance was measured in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz before and after centrifugation. Based on the measured values, an innovative electrical equivalent circuit was proposed and the parameters of the circuit elements were fitted. The obtained results show significant differences (23 up to 35%) in the values of resistance modelling the diffusion phenomenon. Such large changes, resulting from the removal of biomass from the samples, prove the validity of impedance spectroscopy in the study of the properties of unpasteurized beer. According to the authors, it would be possible to use the proposed methodology during the production of beer.With some limitations, it should aid in the early detection of microbial contamination.
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Łukasz Macioszek
Sylwia Andrzejczak-Grzadko
Olga Konkol
Ryszard Rybski

  1. University of Zielona Góra, Institute of Metrology, Electronics and Computer Science, ul. prof. Z. Szafrana 2, 65-246 Zielona Góra, Poland
  2. University of Zielona Góra, Institute of Biological Sciences, ul. prof. Z. Szafrana 1, 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland
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In recent years, assessing supply system impedance has become crucial due to the concerns on power quality and the proliferation of distributed generators. In this paper, a novel method is shown for passive measurement of system impedances using the gapless waveform data collected by a portable power quality monitoring device. This method improves the overall measurement accuracy through data regrouping. Compared with the traditional methods that use the consecutive measurement data directly, the proposed method regroups the data to find better candidates with less flotation on the system side. Simulation studies and extensive field tests have been conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results indicate that the proposed method can serve as a useful tool for impedance measurement tasks performed by utility companies.
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Shuangting Xu
Xianyong Xiao
Yang Wang
Jun Wu

  1. Sichuan University, The College of Electrical and Engineering, Chengdu 610065, China
  2. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 310014, China
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Luminescence dating is based mainly on the dosimetric properties of quartz and feldspar. These minerals are among the most popular found on Earth, resulting in the possibility of using luminescence methods in practically any environment. Currently, quartz remains the best recognized mineral in terms of dosimetric properties, particularly with regards to results obtained for quartz grains, which are regarded as being the most reliable in luminescence dating. Supporters of luminescence methods are constantly growing, however, these groups do not always have sufficient knowledge to avoid even the most basic of issues that may be encountered overall – from the process of sampling through to the awareness of what a single luminescence result represents. The present paper provides an overview of several practical aspects of luminescence dating such as correct sampling procedures and all necessary information regarding the calculation of the dose rate and equivalent dose with particular reference to potential problems that occur when the age of the sample is being determined. All these aspects are crucial for obtaining a reliable dating result, on the other hand, they remain a potential source of uncertainty.

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Piotr Moska
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This paper describes the long-term noise monitoring data for ten consecutive years (2011–2020) acquired from the diversified National Ambient Noise Monitoring Network (NANMN) set up across 7 major cities of India and consisting of 70 stations for continuous noise monitoring throughout the year. The annual average ambient noise levels observed throughout these ten years in 70 locations under study, including 25 locations in commercial zones, 12 in industrial, 16 in residential, and 17 in silence zones, are described. The noise scenario in these ten years is compared and analyzed. It is observed that no site in residential or silence zones meets the ambient noise limits for the past ten years. The study suggests guidelines for a policy framework for environmental noise management and control to regulate noise pollution in Indian cities.
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Naveen Garg
1 2
Saurabh Kumar
1 2
Chitra Gautam
1 2
Vishal Gandhi
Nalin Kumar Gupta

  1. CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi 110 012, India
  2. Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad 201 002, India
  3. Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, Delhi, India
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In the paper, forty-five Polish and British incongruent labour law terms are analysed. Polish terms under the analysis appear in the Polish labour code. The research aims to verify whether the published typology of translation methods used in the Polish-English translation of civil law terms (Kizińska 2018: 247–251) encompasses translation methods applied when translating Polish and British incongruent labour law terms. The definitions of the source terms and the equivalents in question are analysed to identify the translation methods applied while producing equivalents.
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Anna Kizińska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Out of concern for language ‘purity’ ‘Polonizing’ dictionaries/dictionaries of Polish equivalents were published in Poland, whose authors (language purists) aimed to replace words/expressions of foreign origin with native-language equivalents (or with assimilated loanwords). Besides Latinisms or Gallicisms under criticism were also German loanwords. The main focus of the paper is on the pre-sentation of the dictionary by E.S. Kortowicz (1891), in which the author seeks to eliminate Germanisms from the Polish language.

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Katarzyna Sztandarska
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The article offers a discourse-analytic examination of original (English) and interpreted (Polish) versions of several extracts from plenary speeches by three Members of the European Parliament (Janusz Korwin-Mikke, Nigel Farage and Guy Verhofstadt). Controversial statements that have met with adverse reactions of the audience and/or the media are selected for analysis. The author endeavours to assess the degree to which pragmatic equivalence has been achieved by Polish interpreters. Another pertinent question is whether the identifi ed shifts are due to some systemic differences between the pragmatics of the source and target languages or to other factors, such as the constraints typical for simultaneous interpreting or specific, local problems.

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Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk
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Based on the electromechanical equivalent circuit theory, equations related to the resonance frequency and the magnifying coefficient of a quarter-wave vibrator and a quarter-wave taper transition horn were deduced, respectively. A series of 3D models of ultrasonic composite transducers with various conical section length was also established. To reveal the influences of the conical section length and the prestressed bolt on the dynamic characteristics (resonance frequency, amplitude, displacement node, and the maximum equivalent stress) of the models and the design accuracy, finite element (FE) analyses were carried out. The results show that the addition of prestressed bolt increases the resonance frequency and causes the displacement node on the center axis to move towards the small cylindrical section. As the conical section length rises, the increment of resonance frequency reduces and tends to a stable value of 360 Hz while the displacement of the node on the center axis becomes lager and gradually approaches 1.5 mm. Furthermore, the amplitude of the output terminal is stable at 16.18 μm under 220 V peak-topeak (77.8 VRMS) sinusoidal potential excitation. After that, a prototype was fabricated and validated experiments were conducted. The experimental results are consistent with that of theory and simulations. It provides theoretical basis for the design and optimization of small-size, large-amplitude, and high-power composite transducers.

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Tao Chen
Hongbo Lil
Qihan Wang
Junpeng Ye
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The article characterises the artistic language of Vasily Shukshin, laying special emphasis on the role of dialectisms in his short stories, as well as in literature in general. However, the main focus of the article is to point out and analyse the types of equivalents that were used in the Polish renditions by the following translators: I. Bajkowska, Z. Gadzinianka, J. Landesberg, K. Latoniowa, T. G. Lipszyc, E. Niepokólczycka, J. Olszowska, I. Piotrowska, B. Reszko, D. Rymsza‑Zalewska, I. Szpak, A. Wolnicka. Translators utilise various translation equivalents but they do not fully recreate the qualities of the original units. Translators predominantly tend to convey the denotative meaning. As a result translations lose the local flavour of a Siberian village.
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Filip Tołkaczewski

  1. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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The work presents monitoring of the corrosion rate for pure magnesium and the binary magnesium alloy Mg72Zn28. Alloying elements with a purity of 99.9% were used. The melting was performed under the protection of inert gas - argon in an induction furnace. The liquid alloy was poured into a copper mold. In order to make amorphous ribbons, the obtained samples in the form of rods were re-melted on a melt spinner machine. The next step was to perform corrosion tests in Ringer's solution. Corrosion tests were carried out at a temperature of 37°C and pH 7.2. The purpose of using Ringer's solution was to recreate the conditions for the body fluids of the human body. The use of the following research methods, such as: OCP (open circuit potential), LSV (linear sweep voltammetry) and EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy), was aimed at determining the corrosion resistance of the tested materials. Tests carried out in Ringer's solution showed that pure magnesium has significantly worse corrosion resistance than the binary Mg72Zn28 alloy. The conducted research also confirmed that the cathodic reaction takes place faster on the surface of amorphous ribbons. It was also confirmed that for both crystalline materials there is diffusion of chloride ions through the corrosion product layer. SEM-EDS tests were performed on the surface of an amorphous ribbon of the Mg72Zn28 alloy after corrosion in Ringer's solution.
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A. Fijołek

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Foundry Engineering Reymonta 23 Str., 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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The article examines the English version of some poems by the Russian writer Nina Iskrenko (1951– 1995), included in the collection The Right to Err (Washington 1995) and translated by the American poet John High. Considering High’s observations in the introduction of the work, I will analyze the translation process as an existential dialogue between two intersecting poetics, leading to the liberation of language from any ideological connotations.
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Roberta Sala

  1. Università degli Studi di Torino
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An efficient finite element approach was recently developed to analyse encased cold-formed steel (CFS) structures. This new technique replaced encasing material with unidirectional springs, analogous to the Winkler foundation concept, to shorten the analysis time while ensuring accuracy and reliability in predicting the structural behaviour of encased CFS components. In this paper, the validity, and limitations of the simplified spring model to represent outstanding plates were assessed. The investigation demonstrated that the simplified spring model could effectively predict the ultimate load for a wide range of ultra-lightweight concrete moduli (50-250 MPa) with an acceptable error. The analysis indicated that plate elements initially in cross-section class 4 without encasing material become at least class 3, or better as a consequence of encasing. Previously reported experiments were used to evaluate the performance of the ESM. The analysis demonstrated that the ESM can accurately predict the local failure ultimate load of encased CFS sections with an acceptable error percent and significantly less computational effort than a 3D solid model.
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Ahmed Alabedi
Péter Hegyi
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The paper analyzes the monthly day equivalent levels, Lday (06–22 h) and night equivalent levels, Lnight (22–06 h) values observed in year 2015 and 2016 for the 70 locations whereby continuous noise monitoring is conducted under the National Ambient Noise Monitoring Network (NANMN). The study exclusively analyzes the ambient noise data acquired for 25 locations in commercial zone, 12 in industrial, 16 in residential and 17 in silence zones. The analysis of (Lday–Lnight) for 70 locations under observations reveals that 10 dB night time adjustment in day-night average sound level descriptor is not appropriate in such a scenario and as such it is recommended to use day-night average sound level and day-eveningnight average sound level descriptors without any 10 dB night time adjustment or 5 dB evening time adjustments. The analysis and conclusions of the present study shall be very useful for developing single value noise descriptor correlating the noise annoyance and health effects in Indian perspectives.

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Naveen Garg
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The “Sulmierzyce-Odolanów” study area analyzed in the present paper constitutes an example of the presence of deep Zechstein metallic mineralization in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. Unlike the shallow deposits which are being mined nowadays, these types of areas were not previously considered in terms of their possible extraction. However, in recent years, due to the development of modern mining technologies, this situation has changed and these areas have become prospective for the future documenting of mineral deposits. The threshold parameters delimiting an ore deposit, recommended for use when preparing geological documentation and not compulsory, have been established by the regulation of the Minister of Environment. In the case of stratabound Zechstein deposits they take the equivalent percentage and productivity of only two metals, i.e. copper, as the main useful component, and silver into account. This leads to the underestimation of the resources of ore which also contains other metals, including zinc and lead, which is particularly disadvantageous in the case of deep deposits, which from an economic standpoint, it is advisable to focus on their richest parts and to document, and in the future to extract all the useful metals. Also, the regulation of the Minister of Environment does not take into account the fluctuations of the market prices of metals over time, the impact of which on the equivalent content and productivity of these elements in the deposit is considerable. This paper presents the authors’ own formulas intended to calculate polymetallic equivalent content and productivity taking the share of four elements in the ore into account: copper, silver, zinc and lead. They also enable determining these values for arbitrarily selected time intervals and tracing their changes over time. Apart from the quality parameters it is also possible to calculate the value of mineral resources in the deposit expressed in American dollars per one square meter of its area for each selected time interval. The calculations used the results of chemical analyses of historical drill cores originating from the studied area. A total of 135 historical holes located within its boundaries were analyzed. Based on the obtained figures, the time-varying resources of the polymetallic equivalent (Cu-Ag-Zn-Pb) were estimated along with their market value expressed in American dollars for each year in the time interval of 2012–2016.

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Krzysztof Zieliński
Jan Wierchowiec
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The objective of the paper is to evaluate the implications of trade liberalization under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for the Polish economy. We analyze the level of tariffs and non-tariff protection in the US and in the EU and identify products particularly “sensitive” from the point of view of TTIP liberalization. With the help of a partial equilibrium model, we simulate the trade implications of the TTIP for Poland’s trade with the US at the detailed product level. We analyze trade creation and diversion effects of tariff elimination and partial removal of non-tariff barriers. We found that the TTIP can increase Poland’s trade with the US by around 45 percent with a limited impact on its trade with the European Union (EU) members. Subsequent general equilibrium simulations show that trade diversion effects of the TTIP are substantial, while the welfare benefits of the agreement are limited.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Hagemejer
1 2
Jan Jakub Michałek
Karolina Pawlak

  1. University of Warsaw, Poland
  2. CASE Center for Economic and Social Research, Warsaw, Poland
  3. Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland
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Noise is unwanted sound judged to be unpleasant, loud or disruptive to hearing. Like air pollution, noise pollution is one of the serious matters of concern in urban areas. Noise pollution occurs when noise level exceeds certain limit and has deleterious effects on human health and wellness. The major sources of noise pollution are industries, road traffic, railways, airplane traffic and social celebrations. The traffic noise is notably high in cities due to higher density of population, frequent movement of people, good transport system coupled with increasing numbers of vehicles (on road). In this work, the assessments of traffic noise in Sambalpur city is presented. Twelve important locations were chosen for the assessment. Noise contours were drawn to visualize the spreading of traffic noise into its surroundings. At the same time, the effect of noise pollution on wellness of the exposed people was studied. The study shows that the traffic noise level and its effects, are both in an alarming stage in the city.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alekh Kumar Sahu
Satish Kumar Nayak
Chitta Ranjan Mohanty
Prasant Kumar Pradhan

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, India
  2. Department of Civil Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, India
  3. Department of Civil Engineering, Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Berhampur, India
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Effects of microstructure factors on the acoustic performance of open-cell foams can be characterized numerically by a microstructure-based approach. To this regard, the numerical homogenization approach and the equivalent-fluid theory are employed to study the acoustic behavior of random open-cell foams within their Voronoi tessellation-based Representative Volume Elements (RVE). As a validation step, the numerical predictions are compared with the reference findings to either verify the finite element procedure or demonstrate that the constructed RVE can capture both the local geometrical characteristics and the acoustic macrobehavior of cellular solid foams. It can be seen from the obtained results that the morphological characteristics of open-cell foams could be controlled to achieve the desired sound absorbing behavior. In addition, the analytical expressions, formulating the relationship between the geometry of foam absorbers and their target absorption performance, are established to design sound absorbing foam layers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Van-Hai Trinh
Thien-Van Nguyen
Thi-Hai-Nhu Nguyen
Minh-Tan Nguyen

  1. Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University, Ha Noi, Vietnam
  2. Academy of Science and Technology, Ha Noi, Vietnam
  3. Faculty of Information Technology, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Ha Noi, Vietnam
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The aim of this work is to investigate the resistance of cast duplex (austenitic-ferritic) steels to pitting corrosion with respect to the value of PREN (Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number). Pitting corrosion is one of the most common types of corrosion of stainless steels. In most cases, it is caused by the penetration of aggressive anions through the protective passive layer of the steel, and after its disruption, it leads to subsurface propagation of corrosion. The motivation for the research was a severe pitting corrosion attack on the blades of the gypsum-calcium water mixer in a thermal power plant operation.
In order to examine the corrosion resistance, 4 samples of 1.4517 steel with different concentrations of alloying elements (within the interval indicated by the steel grade) and thus with a different PREN value were cast. The corrosion resistance of the samples was evaluated by the ASTM G48 – 11 corrosion test in a 6% aqueous FeCl3 solution at room and elevated solution temperatures. To verify the possible effect of different alloying element concentrations on the mechanical properties, the research was supplemented by tensile and Charpy impact tests. Based on the results, it was found that a significant factor in the resistance of duplex steels to pitting corrosion is the temperature of the solution. For the components in operation, it is therefore necessary to take this effect into account and thoroughly control and manage the temperature of the environment in which the components operate.
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Authors and Affiliations

P. Müller
V. Pernica
V. Kaňa

  1. Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
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Results of a research on influence of chromium, molybdenum and aluminium on structure and selected mechanical properties of Ni-Mn-Cu cast iron in the as-cast and heat-treated conditions are presented. All raw castings showed austenitic matrix with relatively low hardness, making the material machinable. Additions of chromium and molybdenum resulted in higher inclination to hard spots. However, a small addition of aluminium slightly limited this tendency. Heat treatment consisting in soaking the castings at 500 °C for 4 h resulted in partial transformation of austenite to acicular, carbon-supersaturated ferrite, similar to the bainitic ferrite. A degree of this transformation depended not only on the nickel equivalent value (its lower value resulted in higher transformation degree), but also on concentrations of Cr and Mo (transformation degree increased with increasing total concentration of both elements). The castings with the highest hard spots degree showed the highest hardness, while hardness increase, caused by heat treatment, was the largest in the castings with the highest austenite transformation degree. Addition of Cr and Mo resulted in lower thermodynamic stability of austenite, so it appeared a favourable solution. For this reason, the castings containing the highest total amount of Cr and Mo with an addition of 0.4% Al (to reduce hard spots tendency) showed the highest tensile strength.

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Authors and Affiliations

Daniel Medyński
A. Janus
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We present two main ways to precisely create the equivalent transfer function of picosecond time-to-digital converters based on commonly used method with tapped time coding delay lines. The ways consist either in evaluation of the quantization steps boundaries of the delay lines or in summation of numbers of the line quantization steps. The paper contains results of comprehensive analysis of both methods. The advantage and high versatility of the addition method is demonstrated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominik Sondej
Rafał Szymanowski
Ryszard Szplet

  1. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Institute of Communication Systems, gen. S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw 46, Poland

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