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In the early 21st century, the USD 64,000 Question has been whether China is actually integrating into the liberal world order. In this paper I concentrate on one segment of that order: the oil market order. I question the argument that in the present century the oil market order has moved away from being “liberal capitalist” towards becoming “state-capitalist” as a consequence of the rise of China and Chinese preferences. I argue that China has neither changed nor has had the power to change the international oil market order. To demonstrate this, I evaluate China’s behavior towards the three pillars of the liberal oil market order. The first pillar is the United States’ role as the underwriter of the global oil supply. The US guarantees oil security mainly through its military presence in the Persian Gulf, the most important region for oil exports. The US also guarantees the security of sea lines of communication. The second pillar is the ownership structure of the oil industry, where state-owned and privately-owned companies coexist. The third pillar is the currency of the oil trade (the US dollar) and its market-driven pricing system. It replaced the system of OPEC-administered prices that existed between 1973 and 1988. Pricing power moved away from OPEC to the so-called “market”. In the period 2000–2020, China did not challenge any of those three pillars. China may be a mercantilist power, but in the first two decades of the 21st century it remained within the liberal oil market order.
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Rafał Ulatowski

  1. Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
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The concepts of full-order and reduced-order observers are extended to the fractional linear continuous-time systems. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the observers for fractional linear systems are established. Procedures for designing of the observers are given and illustrated by examples.
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Tadeusz Kaczorek

  1. Białystok University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wiejska 45D, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
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The statistical-thermodynamic theory of ordering and electronic theory of ordering in the pseudo-potential approximation was used to study the influence of ternary addition of some transition metals on the atomic ordering behavior of Co0.5(Ti1–xMx)0.5 alloys with M = Fe, Pt, Re, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Ag, Hf or Au up to a concentration of 1 at.%. The partial ordering energies, order-disorder phase transformation temperatures and partial short range order parameters have been calculated for these alloys. The analysis shows that the impurity elements in Co0.5(Ti1–xMx)0.5 alloys can be divided into two main groups on the basis of lattice site occupancy i.e. M = V, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Zr, Ag, Hf and Au mainly substitute for Co sublattice sites whereas M = Fe, Ni, Pt or Re mainly substitute for Ti sublattice sites. Further, the order-disorder transformation temperatures were found to either increase or remain nearly unchanged by the addition of ternary impurities in the CoTi alloy depending on the absolute value of the partial ordering energies. Alloys of Ti with V, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Zr, Ag, Hf or Au in place of Co and alloys of Co with Fe, Ni, Pt or Re in place of Ti can be predicted for future. The results of the present analysis are in good agreement with the available experimental data on these alloys.
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Abid Hussain
Amer Bashir Ziya
Shabbar Atiq
Muhammad Saleem
Mahtab Ullah
Sajjad Ahmad
Naseeb Ahmad

  1. Khwaja Fareed University of Eng. & IT, Department of Physics, Rahimyar Khan-64200, Pakistan
  2. Bahauddin Zakariya University, Department of Physics, Multan -60800, Pakistan
  3. Bahauddin Zakariya University, Institute of Advanced Materials, Multan -60800, Pakistan
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Acoustic signal is more and more frequently used to diagnose machines operated in industrial conditions where installation of sensors is hindered. Impact of background noise seems to be the major problem as part of analysis of such signal. In most cases of industrial environments, background level is high; thus, it prevents against concluding as per standard methods that have been used in diagnostic testing. This study specifies the problem related to diagnosing machines operated under variable loads. Synchronous methods are used for diagnosing these types of machines, those include synchronisation of diagnostic signal with revolutions of the diagnosed machine. For the purpose of this study an acoustic signal was used as the diagnostic signal. Application of the synchronous method (order analysis) enables eliminating an impact of background noise derived from other sources. This study specifies application of acoustic signal to diagnose planetary gear in laboratory testing rig in order to discover damages at early stage of degradation. This method was compared with the method basing on measurement of vibrations.

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Paweł Pawlik
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The use of fractional-order calculus for system modeling is a good alternative to well-known classic integer-order methods, primarily due to the precision with which the modeled object may be mapped. In this study, we created integer and fractional discrete models of a real object – a highspeed brushless micro-motor. The accuracy of the models was verified and compared.

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M. Matusiak
M. Bąkała
R. Wojciechowski
P. Ostalczyk
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Different social and professional groups have different perspectives on space and spatial planning, which is in turn reflected in their differing understanding of the law and differing approach to regulations that shape the spatial order.
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Maciej J. Nowak

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin
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In the paper a new, state space, fully discrete, fractional model of a heat transfer process in one dimensional body is addressed. The proposed model derives directly from fractional heat transfer equation. It employes the discrete Grünwald-Letnikov operator to express the fractional order differences along both coordinates: time and space. The practical stability and numerical complexity of the model are analysed. Theoretical results are verified using experimental data.
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Krzysztof Oprzędkiewicz

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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Given a linear discrete system with initial state x0 and output function yi , we investigate a low dimensional linear systemthat produces, with a tolerance index ǫ, the same output function when the initial state belongs to a specified set, called ǫ-admissible set, that we characterize by a finite number of inequalities. We also give an algorithm which allows us to determine an ǫ-admissible set.

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A. Abdelhak
M. Rachik
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The polycyclic musk fragrances AHTN (Tonalide) and HHCB (Galaxolide) are the most common components of cosmetics and detergents. Use of AHTN and HHCB per year (in the USA and in EU) was estimated at 1500 Mg and 3800 Mg, respectively. Because of their persistent character, musk compounds are introduced into environment mostly via urban sewage treatment plant effluents. The aim of the presented research was to assess the receptivity of AHTN and HHCB to the oxidation by means of UV-radiation and in the UV /H2O2 process. The investigations were performed in the treated wastewater and the drinking water. After 8 minutes, in all experiments performed on drinking water, the degradations of AHTN and HHCB in the range of 99% were observed. The removal of HHCB from wastewater by means of UV radiation exceeded up 93% (after 8 minutes of the process), whereas the disappearance degree of this compound in wastewater, after only 3 minutes ofUV/H2O2 process, exceeded 99%. The degradation constant rate for AHTN in drinking water using UV radiation was equal to 0.764 rnin' when the degradation rate ofHHCB was estimated at 0.634 min'. In the wastewater, the coefficient rate ofHHCB degradation by means ofUV/H2O2 was nearly 4.5 times higher (1.580 min') in comparison to the value obtained by direct photolysis of HHCB (0.354 min').
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Ewa Felis
Alfredo C. Alder
Joanna Surmacz-Górska
Korneliusz Miksch
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The global stability of positive continuous-time standard and fractional order nonlinear feedback systems is investigated. New sufficient conditions for the global stability of these classes of positive nonlinear systems are established. The effectiveness of these new stability conditions is demonstrated on simple examples of positive nonlinear systems.

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T. Kaczorek
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The article introduces a new proposal of a defuzzification method, which can be implemented in fuzzy controllers. The first chapter refers to the origin of fuzzy sets. Next, a modern development based on this theory is presented in the form of ordered fuzzy numbers (OFN). The most important characteristics of ordered fuzzy numbers are also presented. In the following chapter, details about the defuzzification process are given as part of the fuzzy controller model. Then a new method of defuzzification is presented. The method is named center of circles intersection (CCI). The authors compare this method with a similar geometric solution: triangular expanding (TE) and geometric mean (GM). Also, the results are compared with other methods such as center of gravity (COG), first of maxima (FOM) and last of maxima (LOM). The analysis shows that the proposed solution works correctly and provides results for traditional fuzzy numbers as well as directed fuzzy numbers. The last chapter contains a summary, in which more detailed conclusions are provided and further directions of research are indicated.

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H. Zarzycki
W.T. Dobrosielski
Ł. Apiecionek
T. Vince
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In this paper the controllability properties of the convex linear combination of fractional, linear, discrete-time systems are characterized and investigated. The notions of linear convex combination and controllability in the context of fractional-order systems are recalled. Then, the controllability property of such a linear combination of discrete-time, linear fractional systems is proven. Further, the reduction of an infinite problem of transition matrix derivation is reduced to a finite one, which greatly simplifies the numerical burden of the controllability issue. Examples of controllable and uncontrollable, single-input, linear systems are presented. The possibility of extension of the considerations to multi-input systems is shown.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Kaczorek
Jerzy Klamka
Andrzej Dzieliński

  1. Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ul. Wiejska 45D, Bialystok, Poland
  2. Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Bałtycka 5, Gliwice, Poland
  3. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ul. Koszykowa 75, Warsaw, Poland
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In the Polish spatial planning law one of basic principles is to preserve spatial order. However, the analysis of the law and its implementation show, that instead of spatial order, overall circumstances promote disorder. The analysis covers the law adopted in 2018, which aimed at boosting the development of housing. Findings show, that the new law may rather promote chaos in urban space. One of the drawbacks is undermining of the spatial order by creating the possibility of adopting resolutions pertaining to housing and accompanying services, that are contradictory to provisions of master plans.

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Elżbieta Czekiel-Świtalska
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The state of the built environment makes one inclined to ponder how ethics affects the space that is designed and its aesthetic quality. As a consequence, there arise questions concerning the provisions of ethical codes of professional conduct that architects must adhere to on the one hand, while on the other, the practical guidelines for architectural design and planning. In a period when matters of durability (firmitas) and utility (utilitas) have been largely dominated by other branches of design, including the matters of ecology, beauty (venustas) has come to be considered as the most essential constituent attribute of architecture. Selected interpretations of Beauty and its relationship with Good (Vitruvius, 1954; Tatarkiewicz, 1962, 1982) have been presented, including in light of the latest findings of neurobiology and neuroaesthetics (Zeki, 2011, 2019; Qiuling et al., 2018; Ishizu, Tsukiura, Cabeza, 2011). The term appropriateness (Krakowski, 1989) is herein accepted, understood as a notion of intentional, socially conditioned beauty and considered proper to describe the aesthetic standard of the built environment under design. This paper is an attempt at finding practical methods of ensuring aesthetic quality (beauty) in newly designed and redesigned spatial situations. It identifies the field of professional law (the ethical code of conduct for architects), wherein aesthetic matters are largely ignored on the one hand, while on the other it points to the necessity to teach and implement a design process that is tender (Tokarczuk, 2019) and mindful (Dominiczak, 2016) dialogue in a specific understanding of encounters with the Other (the Second), whether it’s an architect, a user or a structure. It notes the proposal of creative aesthetics (Sławińska, 1973) as a potentially possible integral branch of design. Contrary to the professional ethics of architects, which pertains to individuals who practice design and are ethically responsible for their professional conduct (design), the ethic of architecture refers to aesthetic relationships that emerge in architectural situations (Dominiczak, 2016). In this understanding, built structures are personified and seen as entities with their own identities (if the designer wills it) that engage in dialogue with Other entities (Levinas, 1998), which both create and define a given space.
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J. Krzysztof Lenartowicz

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Building and Architecture, Independent Architectural Laboratory
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The paper is concerned with the most fundamental compositional divide to be found in lyrical discourse, consisting in that the latter one is normally split into an empirical part, presenting the author’s concrete experience, and a focal part, where the author discovers some signifi cant truth or/and changes her attitude towards the world. It is claimed in the paper that, more generally, one of the specifi c linguistic properties of focal fragments is their higher and/or specially underscored informativity, and, in particular, one of the means recruited to emphasize it is inverted word order.

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Gennadij Zeldowicz
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In this paper, an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) embedded with fractional order PID (FOPID) is employed for the alternator terminal voltage control. A novel meta-heuristic technique, a modified version of grey wolf optimizer (mGWO) is proposed to design and optimize the FOPID AVR system. The parameters of FOPID, namely, proportional gain ( Κ Ρ), the integral gain ( Κ I), the derivative gain ( Κ D), λ and μ have been optimally tuned with the proposed mGWO technique using a novel fitness function. The initial values of the Κ Ρ, Κ I , and Κ D of the FOPID controller are obtained using Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) method, whereas the initial values of λ and μ have been chosen as arbitrary values. The proposed algorithm offers more benefits such as easy implementation, fast convergence characteristics, and excellent computational ability for the optimization of functions with more than three variables. Additionally, the hasty tuning of FOPID controller parameters gives a high-quality result, and the proposed controller also improves the robustness of the system during uncertainties in the parameters. The quality of the simulated result of the proposed controller has been validatedby other state-of-the-art techniques in the literature.
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Santosh Kumar Verma
Ramesh Devarapalli

  1. Department of EIE, Assam Energy Institute, Sivasagar (Centre of RGIPT, Jais), Assam–785697, India
  2. Department of EEE, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vizianagaram-535005, India
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This paper presents equivalent impedance and operator admittance systems for fractional order elements. Presented models of fractional order elements of the type: s α L α and 1/s α C α, (0 α 1) were obtained using the Laplace transform based on the expansion of the factor sign to an infinite fraction with varying degrees of accuracy – the continued fraction expansion method (CFE). Then circuit synthesis methods were applied. As a result, equivalent circuit diagrams of fractional order elements were obtained. The obtained equivalent schemes consist both of classical RLC elements, as well as active elements built based on operational amplifiers. Numerical experiments were conducted for the constructed models, presenting responses to selected input signals.
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Sebastian Różowicz
Maciej Włodarczyk
Andrzej Zawadzki

  1. Kielce Universityof Technology, Department of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control, TysiacleciaPanstwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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Improper planning of inventory will affect the factory operating costs, building costs, the cost of loss, and the cost of product defects due to being stored for too long which will eventually become a loss. This research discusses the processing industry which is experiencing lumpy demand. In carrying out the production process, the company has never made plans for future demand, resulting in a waste of message costs due to repeated orders of raw materials ordered to suppliers. This paper contributes to overcoming this issue by simulating future demand by using the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method with a probabilistic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Periodic Order Quantity (POQ) model. The demand in the coming period is determined using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) method, and an aggregate plan is carried out to determine the regular cost of raw material production and optimal subcontracting. The final analysis states that the calculation of MRP on the selected items using POQ produces the lowest cost for planning S45C-F, SGT-R, and SKD11-R, while SLD-R uses the probabilistic EOQ method.
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Filscha Nurprihatin
Glisina Dwinoor Rembulan
Yohanes Dwi Pratama

  1. Department of Industrial Engineering, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
  2. Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia
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The paper presents analysis of the positivity for a two-dimensional temperature field. The process under consideration is described by the linear, infinite-dimensional, noninteger order state equation. It is derived from a two-dimensional parabolic equation with homogenous Neumann boundary conditions along all borders and homogenous initial condition. The form of control and observation operators is determined by the construction of a real system. The internal and external positivity of the model are associated to the localization of heater and measurement. It has been proven that the internal positivity of the considered system can be achieved by the proper selection of attachment of a heater and place of a measurement as well as the dimension of the finite-dimensional approximation of the considered model. Conditions of the internal positivity associated with construction of real experimental system are proposed. The postivity is analysed separately for control and output of the system. This allows one to analyse the positivity of thermal systems without explicit control. Theoretical considerations are numerically verified with the use of experimental data. The proposed results can be applied i.e. to point suitable places for measuring of a temperature using a thermal imaging camera.
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Krzysztof Oprzędkiewicz

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The article refers to the urban sprawl in Poland. Its objectives are: (1) analysis of relations between negative eff ects, (2) presentation negative effects on transport and energy consumption and on spatial order, (3) analysis of ways of counteracting negative processes including conditions (especially restrictions) on the use of this ways and their effectiveness. The methods used were: observation, literature analysis and logical analysis. Driving forces are heading towards further suburbanization, stopping of which is considered impossible. Orientation of the processes more closely to spatial order is very difficult. There are proper and legal solutions for this, but there are barriers to their use, such as: the lack of awareness and motivation of local authorities and the political conditions that discourage more restrictive regulation.

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Jacek Sołtys
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In the presented paper we discuss pure versions of pushdown automata that have no extra non-input symbols. More specifically, we study pure multi-pushdown automata, which have several pushdown lists. We restrict these automata by the total orders defined over their pushdowns or alphabets and determine the accepting power of the automata restricted in this way. Moreover, we explain the significance of the achieved results and relate them to some other results in the automata theory.

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Alexander Meduna
Ondřej Soukup
Petr Zemek
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The paper presents findings of a research project aimed at a reconstruction of the dynamics of biographical experiences of some of those categories of the Polish society’s members whose educational and professional careers have been shaped by the systemic transformation after 1989. The text is an attempt to delineate analytical guidelines for grasping how some components of three types of social order, conceived in terms of premodernity, modernity and postmodernity, interpenetrating each other in the contemporary life of the society, impact its members’ biographical experiences on the level of work, social ties and identity.

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Kamila Biały
Marcin Gońda
Andrzej Piotrowski
Karol Haratyk
Anna Rosińska
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In the paper, problem of proper tuning of second-order Reduced Active Disturbance Rejection Controller (RADRC2) is considered in application for industrial processes with significant (but not dominant) delay time. For First-Order plus Delay Time (FOPDT) and Second-Order plus Delay Time (SOPDT) processes, tuning rules are derived to provide minimal Integral Absolute Error (IAE) assuming robustness defined by gain and phase margins. Derivation was made using optimization procedure based on D-partition method. The paper also shows results of comprehensive simulation validation based on examplary benchmark processes of more complex dynamics as well as final practical validation. Comparison with PID controller shows that RADRC2 tuned by the proposed rules can be practical alternative for industrial control applications.

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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Nowak
Jacek Czeczot
Patryk Grelewicz

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