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The article connects two issues: the city as text and neoclassical trends in urban design in the second half of the 20th century. These issues are presented on the examples of ideal cities: Washington 2000 – a design of Leon Krier, Nowa Huta and the residential complex of Ricardo Bofill in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. As a continuation of the ideal European city Shanghainese Lingang is presented designed by GMP.

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Ernestyna Szpakowska-Loranc
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I investigate the idea of science elaborated by Edmund Husserl in his later works, first of all, in Cartesian Meditations and the Crisis of European Sciences. The first part of this investigation has been published in the paper: Edmunda Husserla idea nauki i projekt fenomenologii jako nauki ścisłej [Edmund Husserl’s Idea of Science and the Project of Phenomenology as a Strict Science], Filozofia i nauka. Studia filozoficzne i interdyscyplinarne, 2019, 7 (2), pp. 247–264. Husserl claims that the transformation of philosophy into a strict science, which is the basic aim of his intellectual enterprise, is connected with a reform of all the positive sciences. Positive science is closely related to philosophy—both they have a common grounding and ideal. The paper also compares Husserl’s project of philosophy as a fundamental science with the today trends in philosophy and the plurality of its schools, attitudes, fields of problems and methods.

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Małgorzata Czarnocka
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The struggle undertaken by Galileo Galilei against Aristotelian physics—and his subsequent defense of Nicolaus Copernicus’s theories—led the Pisan scientist to bring about the so-called modern scientific revolution and to lay the foundations of the experimental method, the fundamental result of which was to deprive the natural world of subjective qualities and to reconfigure it in purely quantitative terms. On the purely historical level, agreement among historians of science and philosophy is almost unanimous, while the same cannot be said for questions concerning interpretations of Galilei’s modus operandi and the basic philosophical options adopted by Galilei during his demolition of the entire Aristotelian-scholastic framework. Not all experts in the Galilean thought or of science, in fact, agree in tracing the Galilean reflection within the Platonic tradition, but one authoritative voice that has instead argued for its deep intertwining between Plato and Galilei is the German philosopher Ernst Cassirer. In this contribution I will attempt to demonstrate, partly considering two unpublished manuscripts of Cassirer, the plausibility of the Cassirerian thesis about Galilei’s physical Platonism.
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Giacomo Borbone

  1. Catania University,Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione
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It is shown that a number of equivalent choices for the calculation of the spectrum of a sampled signal are possible. Two such choices are presented in this paper. It is illustrated that the proposed calculations are more physically relevant than the definition currently in use.
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Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
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The problem of an inconsistent description of an “interface” between the A/D converter and the digital signal processor that implements, for example, a digital filtering (described by a difference equation) – when a sequence of some hypothetical weighted Dirac deltas occurs at its input, instead of a sequence of numbers – is addressed in this paper. Digital signal processors work on numbers, and there is no “interface” element that converts Dirac deltas into numbers. The output of the A/D converter is directly connected to the input of the signal processor. Hence, a clear conclusion must follow that sampling devices do not generate Dirac deltas. Not the other way around. Furthermore, this fact has far-reaching implications in the spectral analysis of discrete signals, as discussed in other works referred to in this paper.
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Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering Faculty, Gdynia Maritime University, ul. Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
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The article argues that, paradoxically, Roman Ingarden is unable to demonstrate that the world „exists” in any essential sense of the word „existence”, since he assumes (in line with Edmund Husserl) an ego-centered, living-through model of pure consciousness, and thus, again following Husserl, he postulates as the starting point of his considerations the existence of two separate realms of individual objects: the realm of pure consciousness (understood in a Husserlian manner as a stream of experiences) and the realm of objective world. Consciousness is grasped as a set of acts, not contents. However, consciousness (as pointed out in neo-Kantianism by Paul Natorp and in phenomenology by Jean-Paul Sartre) is something primary, in which only later on the world and the real existing subject can be constituted as such; hence consciousness cannot be equated with any subject whatsoever. Consciousness does not constitute anything but is a position from which we can see the constitution itself. Thus conceptualized consciousness does not contain the lived experience of the world but stands closely to the being itself. The fact that we have the living-through experience of the world is only secondarily conjectured by the subject already constituted in the primary consciousness. The failure of Ingarden’s project is caused by his Cartesian assumption regarding the primacy of the empirical conscious subject (a view shared with Husserl), his co-opting of the British- -empiricist model of epistemology, namely the distinction between the ‘sense data’ and ‘intentional grasping of the sensuous data’, in conjunction with something what Hermann Schmitz has called ‘metaphysics of the solid object’. In the aftermath of these considerations those aspects in Ingarden’s philosophy which truly lead toward realism are revealed.
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Andrzej Lisak

  1. Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii, ul. G. Narutowicza11–12, 80-233 Gdańsk
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The author tries to explain what consequences for social morality ensue from the assumption that moral attitudes are expressed not only in words but also in reactive attitudes. P.F. Strawson assumes that acts of resentment can alter attitudes of those who have triggered them by their behavior. On the other hand, we are ready to control our outbursts of short temper and anger to a certain degree if we take into account agents’ motives and their limited ability to exercise self-control. Moreover, it seems that reactive attitudes – though less precise than verbal rebuke – are more frank and straightforward. Nevertheless, why must I, when I hear a mediocre academic researcher brag over and over again about his apparently essential contribution to philosophy, curb my moral assessment of his self-importance to the level of my irritation? Why should I feel constrained to keep my moral disgust in tune with my impatience mixed with amusement? Why shouldn’t I continue to believe that I can be an amiable character and a rigorous moral person at the same time?

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Jacek Hołówka
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The paper considers the idea of history as a science of Józef Kazimierz Plebański (1831–1897), the Warsaw historian and Polish student of Leopold von Ranke. In my article, I analyse assignments that Plebański set as history, the place of history in science in general, the problem of objectivity in history, and other major issues related to the study of the past in the thought of Plebański.

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Rafał Swakoń
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The symbolistic poetry of Alexander Blok is connected with the thinking of both philosophers and psychoanalysts about the world and the man inscribed in it by the phenomenon of “I”. When coming into contact with transcendence, the poet crosses the demarcation line dividing the rational and irrational world, consciousness and unconsciousness. In the first period of creativity, the Russian symbolist nourishes his imagination, infl uenced by the philosophy of Vladimir Soloviev, with longing for the ideal of femininity. The driving force of the Blok’s imagination becomes, understood after Freud, the desire to meet the ideal residing in the oneiric space, and then to unite with it at the dual level (physical and spiritual). From the psychoanalytic perspective, the cycle Verses about the Beautiful Lady is both an attempt to go beyond awareness and search for the sense of a poetic image, its original source in the unconscious, as well as entering into the mirror phase described by J. Lacan. Beautiful Lady plays a role of what the French psychiatrist appoints as an objet petit a: this object is essentially unreachable and that is why it raises a great desire in the lyrical subject. The mechanism of the transition from chaos to unity, though only apparent in Blok’s works, is identical to the psycho-physical experience of the child, observing himself in the mirror.

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Izabella Malej
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This paper proposes a generalized fractional controller for integer order systems with time delay. The fractional controller structure is so adopted to have a combined effect of fractional filter and Smith predictor. Interestingly, the resulting novel controller can be decomposed into fractional filter cascaded with an integer order PID controller. The method is applied to two practical examples i.e. liquid level system and Shell control fractionator system. The closed- loop responses resulting from the proposed method are compared with that of the available methods in the literature. For quantitative evaluations of the proposed method, Integral Absolute Error (IAE) and Integral Square Control Input (ISCI) performance criteria are employed. The proposed method effectively enhances the closed-loop response by improving the IAE values, reducing the control effort inputs to achieve the desired output. The disturbance rejection and robustness tests are also carried out. The robustness test reveals a significant improvement in the maximum absolute sensitivity measure. That is displayed in numerical simulations of the paper.

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Shaival Hemant Nagarsheth
Shambhu Nath Sharma
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Objective: The current study aims to investigate, which of the factors are directly and indirectly associated with disordered eating in a non-clinical population of university students in Slovakia. Methods: 302 university students (52.3% female, M age=21) filled in a questionnaire assessing the perceived pressure to be thin, the internalization of appearance ideals, disordered eating, satisfaction of basic psychological needs and the regulation of exercise. The hypothesized model was tested with a parallel multiple mediation analysis using PROCESS macro.
Results: The pressure to be thin from partner, the internalization of appearance ideals and the controlled regulation of exercise were directly associated with disordered eating. The pressure to be thin from media was indirectly associated with disordered eating through the internalization of appearance ideals. The pressure to be thin from partner and from family as well as satisfaction of the need for competence were indirectly associated with disordered eating through the controlled regulation of exercise.
Conclusions: The results of the current study support the focus of the existing eating disorder interventions at decreasing the internalization of sociocultural appearance ideals. The results suggest the usefulness of incorporating the promotion of autonomous regulation of behaviour, especially with regard to exercising, within the prevention and intervention field.
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Eva Paulisova
Olga Orosova
Lucia Barbierik

  1. Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, Kosice
  2. Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Arts, Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health, Kosice
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In this paper, it has been shown that the spectrum aliasing and folding effects occur only in the case of non-ideal signal sampling. When the duration of the signal sampling is equal to zero, these effects do not occur at all. In other words, the absolutely necessary condition for their occurrence is just a nonzero value of this time. Periodicity of the sampling process plays a secondary role.
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Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
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In this paper, a new proof of ambiguity of the formula describing the aliasing and folding effects in spectra of sampled signals is presented. It uses the model of non-ideal sampling operation published by Vetterli et al. Here, their model is modified and its black-box equivalent form is achieved. It is shown that this modified model delivers the same output sequences but of different spectral properties. Finally, a remark on two possible understandings of the operation of non-ideal sampling is enclosed as well as fundamental errors that are made in perception and description of sampled signals are considered.
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Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
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In the paper I present the famous argument between Peter F. Strawson and Bertrand Russell on definite descriptions. I do not go into details of the two rival solutions to the problem of definite descriptions. Instead I present the controversy against the background of two traditions within analytic philosophy, i.e. the philosophy of natural language (Strawson) and the philosophy of ideal language (Russell). In consequence, the aim of this paper is to sketch the principal features of the two traditions and to indicate their influence on the argument. In the first paragraph I discuss Russell’s theory of descriptions and present it as a result of dramatic changes that he had made in his philosophy before he finally presented them in On Denoting in 1905. The second paragraph deals with the two traditions within analytic philosophy after the linguistic turn and underlines the role of Strawson in the philosophy of natural language. In the third paragraph I analyze in detail Strawson’s arguments against the theory of descriptions and I focus on some details that are usually omitted in standard presentations. The fourth paragraph discusses Russell’s response to Strawson’s objections, i.e. the counter-arguments formulated from the standpoint of philosophy of ideal language. I end with some suggestions about how to reconcile both approaches.

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Janusz Maciaszek
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Each work of literature creates its own world of fiction and presents a series of events that bring that world to life. Such a world is initially evoked by its author, but subsequently continues to exist supported by collective memory and imagination of the readers and critics. Altogether Roman Ingarden admits four metaphysical categories: the real, the ideal, the mental and the intentional world. A puzzling question arises if we inquire how various objects are included into any of these categories. Is it necessary that they meet some qualitative criteria, or is it possible that they are placed in a suitable category by being freely ascribed to it? The author chooses the second option and argues that this is compatible with the eminent role that Ingarden assigned to works of literature.
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Jacek Hołówka

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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The subject of the article is the assessment of the way of presentation of the issue of realism and idealism in the Controversy over the Existence of the World by R. Ingarden. First, the author of this paper offers his own systematization of the issue of ‘realism – idealism’, then he goes on to show Ingarden’s position. The modern opposition ‘realism – idealism’ can be divided into three main areas: (1) the problem of the existence of the so‑called ‘constitutive a priori’, (2) the problem of the argumentative transgression of the immanence of consciousness (the so‑called ‘bridge problem’), (3) the problem of the causal genesis of the image of the world at the disposal of human cognitive subjects (skeptical hypotheses). The author undertakes to show that the Controversy over the Existence of the World takes as a starting point only a specific interpretation of the issue of realism and idealism: the interpretation contained in the writings of E. Husserl, while omitting the fundamental issue of the nature of time and space, and is limited thereby to the interpretation of realism and idealism from the point of view of the question of the existence qualified as constitutive a priori.
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Stanisław Judycki

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Filozofii, Socjologii i Dziennikarstwa, ul. J. Bażyńskiego 4, 80-309 Gdańsk
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The problem of the existence of mathematical entities is the subject of lively discussions. Realists defend the independence and autonomy of mathematical objects, while antirealists point to their dependence and conventionality. The problem of the existence of mathematical objects is also strongly linked to the problem of mathematical cognition: do we recognize mathematical truths in special acts of intuition, as some realists claim, or do we create mathematical knowledge only by building appropriate formal systems – as some anti‑realists imagine? In this article we present the K. Gödel’s and W.V. Quine’s realistic stances and comment on them from the perspective of Roman Ingarden’s phenomenology. We point out the role that Gödel attributed to his mathematical intuition, and then we present the process of eidetic intuition in Ingarden’s perspective (indicating Gödel’s and Ingarden’s common points of view). We also argue that Ingarden’s rich ontology could contribute in a significant way to the debates currently taking place in the mainstream philosophy of mathematics.
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Bartłomiej Skowron
Krzysztof Wójtowicz

  1. Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Administracji i Nauk Społecznych, Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa
  2. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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In this paper I take up one of the fundamental themes of ontology concerning the proper understanding of such ontological objects as ideal qualities, properties (features) and tropes. These objects, i.e. properties, qualities and tropes, help us understand more fully what an object in itself (substance, being, object) happens to be. The aim of this work is to present Ingarden’s position on this subject, but also to present a certain new formal solution that uses tools of topological ontology. The background for the problems here is to be found in the works of Aristotle, Ch. Wolff and N. Hartmann.
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Janusz Kaczmarek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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The distinction between primary and secondary qualities, most famously outlined by Galileo, and subsequently supported, inter alia, by Descartes and by Locke, has widely been considered one of the crucial factors in the development of modern idealism. In its contemporary form, the distinction identifies some of the perceived properties as mental phenomena due to their content and structural dependence on the mind. However, this account of the primary/secondary distinction is largely different from its original version developed by the above-mentioned philosophers, within whose work the mental being of the perceived qualities was demonstrated objectively, from the conceptually-derived nature of matter, and not subjectively, by referring to the mind’s participation in the cognitive process. It was only at the next stage of the early modern subjectivisation of sense perception, best exemplified by such philosophers as Arnold Geulincx and Richard Burthogge, that the creative role played by the mind in sensation and, consequently, the mind-dependency of the sensible qualities was recognised – a turn influenced by the reinterpretation of Aristotelian philosophy offered by Jacopo Zabarella and the Paduan school, as well as by anti-Aristotelianism of the kind developed in Netherlands. Furthermore, the two different approaches to the primary/ secondary distinction can be linked with two main types of post-Cartesian idealism, i.e. Berkeleian and Kantian – a claim for which illustrative evidence from British philosophy, namely from Berkeley’s and Burthogge’s respective theories, can be drawn.

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Bartosz Żukowski
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The paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of the removal of an inert gas from the tank using the vapor of liquefied petroleum gas cargo (called cargo tank gassing-up operation). For this purpose a thermodynamic model was created which considers two extreme cases of this process. The first is ‘piston pushing’ of inert gas using liquefied petroleum gas vapour. The second case is the complete mixing of both gases and removal the mixture from the tank to the atmosphere until desired concentration or amount of liquefied petroleum gas cargo in the tank is reached. On the example of nitrogen as inert gas and ethylene as a cargo, by thermodynamic analysis an attempt was made to determine the technical parameters of the process, i.e., pressure in the tank, temperature, time at which the operation would be carried out in an optimal way, minimizing the loss of cargo used for gassingup. Calculations made it possible to determine the amount of ethylene used to complete the operation and its loss incurred as a result of total mixing of both gases.
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Agnieszka Wieczorek

  1. Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81–87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
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The Poznan School of Methodology is a research formation operating at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, from the mid-1960s until 1973, whose founders were J. Kmita, L. Nowak and J. Topolski. It developed an original naturalistic and anti-positivist methodological model of the humanities, which, while assuming the methodological unity of the humanities and natural sciences, at the same time defines the methodological specificity of the humanities. It results from the use of deductive scientific explanation called humanistic interpretation in the research practice of humanists. Between 1970 and 1973, Marxist methodology was practised. It was discovered that the original Marxist research method was the procedure of idealisation and concretisation. This period was followed by the disintegration of the Poznan School of Methodology as a research group with common theoretical assumptions. The originality and innovative character of its analyses and scientific findings gained it considerable fame in the world of science, but it also became the subject of lively debates, discussions, polemics and fierce disputes, of which the published reviews are a historical testimony today.
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Jerzy Grad

  1. Wydział Antropologii i Kulturoznawstwa,Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The article presents the tender procedure used to select the best – according to the investor’s requirements – variant of the offer for the General Contractor of a development investment. The subject of the contract was the comprehensive construction of a complex of single-family, semi-detached buildings with a traditional brick structure. In the opinion of the authors of the article, a well-thought-out selection of an appropriate contractor is one of the most important elements of the investment process, because it has a direct impact on the fluency of the construction stage and the future use of the investment, during the warranty period. In addition, a diligently conducted tender procedure allows to minimize the risk of selecting an unprofessional contractor and thus allows to counteract many possible problems and conflicts during the implementation of the subject of the contract. At the stage of the tender procedure, four variants of offers for the comprehensive implementation of the construction of a complex of single-family semi-detached buildings of the following criteria: price (C1), lead time (C2), form of payment (C3), liquidity (C4), experience (C5) and resources (C6). In this article, the authors presented in details the calculation procedure using the ideal point method. Conducting a multi-criteria assessment of variants, based on the selected methods, also clearly verified the strengths and weaknesses of all tenderers, enabling the selection of the best one in the light of the adopted assessment criteria.
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Mariola Książek-Nowak
Marek Ozimek

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Kiloutou Polska Sp. z. o. o., ul. Rokicinska 142 Z, 92-412 Łódz, Poland
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The fractional order proportional, integral, derivative and acceleration (PI λD µA) controller is an extension of the classical PIDA controller with real rather than integer integration action order λ and differentiation action order µ. Because the orders λ and µ are real numbers, they will provide more flexibility in the feedback control design for a large range of control systems. The Bode’s ideal transfer function is largely adopted function in fractional control systems because of its iso-damping property which is an essential robustness factor. In this paper an analytical design technique of a fractional order PI λD µA controller is presented to achieve a desired closed loop system whose transfer function is the Bode’s ideal function. In this design method, the values of the six parameters of the fractional order PI λD µA controllers are calculated using only the measured step response of the process to be controlled. Some simulation examples for different third order motor models are presented to illustrate the benefits, the effectiveness and the usefulness of the proposed fractional order PI λD µA controller tuning technique. The simulation results of the closed loop system obtained by the fractional order PI λD µA controller are compared to those obtained by the classical PIDA controller with different design methods found in the literature. The simulation results also show a significant improvement in the closed loop system performances and robustness using the proposed fractional order PI λD µA controller design.
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Khalfa Bettou
Abdelfatah Charef
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The article considers Roman Ingarden’s fundamental questions in the context of the position called philosophical fundamentalism. It turns out that the defining feature of this position, i.e. the search for answers to the question about the conditions of validity of statements in the sphere of traditional branches of philosophy: ontology, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics, finds its counterpart in Ingarden’s ontological and epistemological assumptions in phenomenology. They guarantee the legitimacy of any other claims. Ingarden’s philosophical fundamentalism, considered here in relation to the work- ‑scheme, weakened with time, which seems to be evidenced by the author’s doubts as to the legitimacy of the existence of the sphere of ideal objects determining this work. It seems highly possible that this is Ingarden’s bow to culture, and to cultural and historical relativization of the unchanging sphere of ideal objects.
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Barbara Kotowa

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Filozoficzny, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89c, 60-568 Poznań

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