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Confronted with a natural tendency of marginalization national/ethnic minorities and immigrant communities respond by adopting two diverse strategies of showing their presence in the public sphere of the host country. Depending on the level of their integration and the goals they want to achieve, they can either stress their links (affinity) with the majority culture or the differences that mark them out. However, some minority communities succeed in achieving a distinctive presence in the public sphere already at the stage of launching its own media.

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Krzysztof Wasilewski
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In our globalized society, effective intercultural communication has become a fundamental prerequisite. That's why it is important to support and develop it in schools. In this paper, we will present our experience at an Italian night school focused on tourism and business. We will propose some activities aimed at acquiring intercultural competences in the fields of civic and linguistic education and supporting related micro-languages.
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Laura Campanale

  1. I.T.T. Mazzotti Serale Treviso
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The main focus of the article is to point out and analyse translation strategies as determinants of translators’ intercultural competence in the dubbed animated films: Shrek the Third, Shrek Forever, Kung Fu Panda 1, and Kung Fu Panda 2. The research problem is an attempt to answer the questions: which components of the source culture are submitted for domestication and foreignization as well? What kind of language equivalences can we observe in the Polish and Russian dubbed animated films? Is there a parallelism between Russian and Polish strategies in translation? Are we able to observe differences between Polish and Russian translation strategies in parallel places? The research material consists of 120 pages of film dialogue transcript in Polish, written by Bartosz Wierzbięta, and in Russian, written by Pavel Silenchuk. Qualitative and quantitative research into the Polish and Russian language versions of the dubbed animated films was conducted. The analysis shows that the translators predominantly tend to use domestication in parallel places for the Polish and Russian dialogues: according to the names of people, realities, and quotes. There is one crucial difference between the approaches of the Russian and Polish translators: Pavel Silenchuk makes reference to high culture (literature, poems, and films) but Bartosz Wierzbięta makes references to low culture. What’s more, both translators tend towards a third culture that doesn’t exist in the original version. As with Pavel Silenchuk, Bartosz Wierzbięta tends to foreignization as well. The functional analogues mentioned in this research, show that creativity is a factor that determines the high intercultural competence of a translator of animated films with dubbing.
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Karolina Wakulik

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie
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The article presents methodological assumptions for textbooks aimed at Polish‑speaking students who study Ukrainian as part of a philological degree course. Particular attention has been paid to the inclusion of cultural context, the aim of which is not only to diversify strictly linguistic tasks, but above all to introduce the student to the world of a different culture.
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3. DAKOWSKA, M. (2007): Psycholingwistyczne podstawy dydaktyki języków obcych, Warszawa.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Kononenko
Irena Mytnik
Svitlana Romaniuk

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa

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