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The emergence of life on Earth and its almost infinite diversity, reflected by a myriad of living organisms, are among the dilemmas that have forever fascinated scientists and philosophers. Today, we are still not able to determine what exactly initiated the chain of events leading to the rise of life – the mechanism of replication of initial structures or perhaps the occurrence of first metabolic reactions. Further approximations of these issues shall probably constitute an overwhelming driving force for future development of life sciences.

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Andrzej B. Legocki
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The article is a contribution to the methodology of reading and interpreting Dostoevsky’s famous novels. It owes its genesis to the refl ection upon the evolution of literary theory discourse in XX century and upon transformations in global (mainly Russian and Western) reception and modes of interpreting the oeuvre of the great Russian artist. The aim of the text is to prepare ground for reorienting Polish “dostoevskology” from the dominant reconstructive course onto the more creative, interpretative one. The order of my inquiries presents itself as follows. In the fi rst part of the article I focus on the questions of ideas, the protagonist and narrative techniques in Dostoevsky so that to highlight the specifi city of the writer’s approach to these issues. It will allow me to speak up for the minimum of methodological awareness which implies acknowledgment of the paradigm of polyphony, polysemy and complexity of Dostoevsky’s text. Perhaps it will also become possible to reveal some gaps in the hitherto existing state of research, debunk several stereotypes still functioning in Polish “dostoevskology”, and draw attention to still unrecognized interpretative clues in context of those crucial aspects of Dostoevsky’s work. In the second part I will reconstruct several most popular approaches to Dostoevsky’s text which differ in terms of understanding of what the relation between the reader and the text should comprise of. I will try to determine the benefi ts they can bring but also to sensitize to pitfalls they may entail. In the fi nal, third part of the study I will propose a project of a new interpretative approach which would rise to the challenge of Dostoevsky’s “spirit” as well as the spirit of his text the way it is construed by the most advanced contemporary critical studies and as I have learnt to perceive it.

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Michał Kruszelnicki
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The author presents the output of Eduard Makarian, a Russian cultural anthropologist, featuring his contribution to the problem of origin of culture. The development of Makarian’s scientific research has been presented from the understanding of systemic character of culture to the research on the origin of culture; from reflecting upon the first principles of culture development to the concept of system evolution as anthropogenesis, social evolution and cultural evolution, to the understanding of the origin of culture as a creative core of culture (cultural heritage, dynamics of cultural traditions, “tradition”–“change” dichotomy, hypothesis of “cultural genes”, etc.). The scientist moved from the issue of the origin of culture in the prehistoric times through the issues of permanent creation and dialectic self-revival of culture to the problems of culture in contemporary world. His research was of key importance for the establishment of philosophical and cultural approach in the research of the origin of culture in Russia.

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Aleksiej Bondariew
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The need for innovative approaches to the training of future teachers is determined by the renewal and creation of the content of the educational process in higher education institutions, taking into account the creative development of the individual. Unfortunately, the traditional methods and forms of teaching used in higher education do not provide full and continuous effectiveness of professional training of future teachers. While the specialists of the new formation are required to acquire thorough professional knowledge and skills, a high level of intellectual development and civic position, the ability to constant personal and professional self-improvement. The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence of the creative potential of future teachers as a mental basis for professional self-improvement of high school teachers and experimental analysis of the components of the creative potential of future teachers, the study of teachers’ attitudes to professional development. Based on the results of the research, the criteria and indicators of the formation of the creative potential of future teachers were determined; developed diagnostic and methodological tools for certain criteria and indicators. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics were carried out to differentiate the levels of formation of the creative potential of students of pedagogical specialties.
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Sofiia O. Dovbnia
Nataliia I. Melnyk
Raisa A. Shulyhina
Nataliia V. Andrushchenko
Yuliia M. Kosenko

  1. National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine
  2. National Aviation University, Ukraine
  3. South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine
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Per- and polyfl uoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are human-invented chemicals that were created in the middle of the 20th century. They were synthesized for the fi rst time in 1949, and because of their exceptional surfactant properties, they have been widely used in many industrial applications and daily life products. The common use of PFASs resulted in their worldwide dissemination in natural environment. PFASs are reported to be ubiquitous in surface and drinking waters, but also may be present in soils, animals, milk and milk-products, plants, food. Contaminated drinking water and food are the most signifi cant exposure sources to these chemicals. Ingested PFASs are bio-accumulative and have adverse eff ect on health of humans as well as animal organisms. This paper reviews the most signifi cant information on the origin, properties, distribution, environmental fate, human exposure, health eff ects, and the environmental regulations on PFASs and summarizes the latest advances in the development of novel methods for the eff ective removal of these chemicals from the aqueous environment. Recognized (reverse osmosis, adsorption on activated carbon) and most promising developing removal methods such as adsorption on biomaterials (plant proteins, chitosan beds), mineral adsorbents (LDHs, hydrotalcite), ionexchange resins, and photocatalytic degradation have been emphasized.

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Mariusz Grabda
Sylwia Oleszek
Michiaki Matsumoto

  1. General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces, Wroclaw, Poland
  2. Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
  3. Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
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The article discusses Rawls’s idea of the original position. I present two arguments in support of the claim that it is impossible to meet the necessary conditions (proposed by Rawls) for recreating the reasoning that presumably is performed in the original position. I claim therefore that the idea of the original position cannot fulfil its function of justifying the principles of justice. As the solution to the problem I propose a modified version of the original position argument, which can be labeled ‘a slightly lifted veil of ignorance’.
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Bostrom N. (2003), Are you living in a computer simulation?, „Philosophical Quarterly” 53, s. 243–255.
Chyrowicz B. (2021), Widok stąd. Dlaczego działamy tak, a nie inaczej?, Kraków: Znak.
Dworkin R. (1977), Justice as Rights, w: tenże, Taking Rights Seriously, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, s. 150–183.
Freeman S. (2007), Rawls, London – New York: Routledge.
Graham P. (2007), Rawls, Oxford: Oneworld.
Hare R.M. (1973), Rawls’s Theory of Justice II, „The Philosophical Quarterly” 23, s. 241–252.
Hinton T. (2015), Introduction, w: tenże (red.), The Original Position, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 1–17.
Kukathas Ch., Pettit P. (1990), Rawls:„A Theory of Justice” and its Critics, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Levin M. (1978), The Problem of Knowledge in the Original Position, „Auslegung: A Journal of Philosophy” 5 (3), s. 147–159.
Mulhall A., Swift A. (1996), Liberals and Communitarians, wyd. II, Oxford – Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers.
Rawls J. (1999), Theory of Justice. Revised Edition, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Rawls J. (2001a), Outline of a Decision Procedure for Ethics, w: tenże, Collected Papers, red. S. Freeman, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, s. 1–19.
Rawls J. (2001b), The Independence of Moral Theory, w: tenże, Collected Papers, red. S. Freeman, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, s. 286–302.
Rawls J. (2001c), Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical, w: tenże, Collected Papers, red. S. Freeman, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, s. 388–414.
Rawls J. (2005), Political Liberalism. Expanded Edition, New York: Columbia University Press.
Sandel M. (2004), Republika proceduralna i nieuwarunkowana jaźń, przeł. P. Rymarczyk, w: P. Śpiewak (red.), Komunitarianie. Wybór tekstów, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia, s. 71–90.
Sandel M. (2009), Liberalizm a granice sprawiedliwości, przeł. A. Grobler, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne.
Singer P., de Lazari‑Radek K. (2013), Konsekwencjalizm a tajemnica: obrona ezoterycznej moralności, „Analiza i Egzystencja” 22, s. 5–32.
Szutta A. (2010), Cnota rozsądności, w: N. Szutta (red.), Współczesna etyka cnót: możliwości i ograniczenia, Warszawa: Semper, s. 195–204.
Szutta A. (2013), Metoda refleksyjnej równowagi. Część I: prezentacja metody, „Diametros” 37, s. 129–149.
Szutta A. (2015), W poszukiwaniu zasad sprawiedliwości, „Filozofuj!” 5, s. 29–30.
Szutta A. (2018), Intuicje moralne. O poznaniu dobra i zła, Lublin: Academicon.
Śpiewak P. (red.) (2004), Komunitarianie. Wybór tekstów, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
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Artur Szutta

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański, ul. J. Bażyńskiego 4, 80‑309 Gdańsk
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Martin Heidegger in The Origin of the Work of Art (Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes) developed a whole new way of thinking about art, going beyond traditionally understood aesthetics or even philosophy of art. Some of Heidegger’s thoughts, however, appear to be understated and only signal a huge complexity of both experiencing works of art and the very issue of the origin of the work of art. The analysis of the terms ‘dread’ and ‘eyeblink’ from Time and Being presented in this article complement and develop Heidegger’s ideas included in his essay. Linking art to these two crucial phenomena of fundamental ontological analysis of Dasein casts light on the status of art and its existential significance. The author aims mainly at demonstrating the aletheic connection (based on unclosedness) between the experience of ‘originary source’ of a piece of art and ‘dread’, and also, in conclusion, he points to the ‘event of Being’ as the essential, non-metaphysical origin of art.

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Andrzej Krawiec
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This is an obituary of Harold Bloom and a brief review of his two books: The Western Canon and How to Read and Why, which were recently translated into Polish. It also outlines Bloom’s unique conception of literature and his praise of solitary reading.

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Karolina Rychter
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Mixed emotions remain a fascinating, yet still understudied phenomenon. All of the previous research has focused solely on ambivalence, studying only the mix of positivity and negativity in emotions (the dimensions of valence). We sum up the already existing knowledge about the dimensional approach to ambivalence and its consequences. Based directly on this knowledge, we introduce a new theoretical model describing ambiguity in four additional dimensions (apart from valence), grouped into two bivariate spaces: origin (dimensions of automaticity and reflectiveness) and activation (arousal and subjective significance). Both of these spaces have never been studied before in the context of ambiguity and mixed feelings. Future implications of the new model are discussed, including any potential impact on the methodology of research and the possible advantages in understanding and describing emotional experiences.
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Adrianna Wielgopolan
Kamil K. Imbir

  1. University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
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The article contains basic information about the recently identified Polish-Albanian glossary, and presents its content in an accessible form.

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Irena Sawicka
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The article discusses the question of the Armenian origin of the Lviv chronicler Jan Tomasz Józefowicz (1662‑1728). The origin of the myth as to the Armenian ancestry of the Lviv chronicler Jan Tomasz Józefowicz dates back to the mid‑19th century. This was concocted by Aleksander Batowski and especially by Sadok Barącz. The latter presented a false Armenian genealogy not only for Józefowicz but also for the Lviv historian Bartłomej Zimorowicz, the poet Szymon Szymonowicz, and other historical figures who had no connection to Armenian families whatsoever. The myth about Józefowicz’s Armenian roots was to persist particularly strongly and even survived until the beginning of the 21st century, appearing in numerous publications. However, these imaginary Armenian origins did not align with his own oral accounts, and the information about Armenian history found in his chronicles. Recent publications and the appearance of municipal legal registers along with the testaments of Lviv citizens into scholarly circulation allow us to confidently state that Józefowicz had Polish origins with elements of German and Italian heritage.
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Akta grodzkie i ziemskie z czasów Rzeczypospolitej polskiej z Archiwum tak zwanego bernardyńskiego we Lwowie, Lwów 1884, t. 10.
Album civium Leopoliensium: rejestry przyjęć do prawa miejskiego we Lwowie 1388‑1783, wyd. A. Janeczek, Poznań – Warszawa 2005, t. 1‑2.
Aleksandrovych V., Lʹvivske seredovyshche maistriv maliarstva zakhidnoievropeisʹkoho kulʹturno‑istorychnoho rodovodu v XVII stolitti, [v:] Z istorii zakhidnoukrainsʹkykh zemelʹ, Lʹviv 2016‑2017, vyp. 12‑13.
[Anonim], Józefowicz Jan Tomasz, [w:] Encyklopedia kościelna: podług teologicznej encyklopedii Wetzera i Weltego, z licznemi jej dopełnieniami, Warszawa 1876, t. 9.
Barącz S., Żywoty sławnych Ormian w Polsce, Lwów 1856.
Batowski A., Rękopisma do dziejów polskich Józefowicza, kanonika lwowskiego, [w:] Biblioteka Narodowego Zakładu imienia Ossolińskich, Lwów 1844, t. 9.
Bazydło J., Józefowicz Jan Tomasz, [w:] Encyklopedia katolicka, Lublin 2000, t. 8.
Błach T., Jan Tomasz Józefowicz (1662‑1728) i jego antenaci, „Rocznik Lubelskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego”, Lublin 2014 (2015), t. 6.
Bohosiewicz M., Józefowicz Jan Tomasz, [w:] Polski słownik biograficzny, Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków, 1964‑1965, t. 11.
Borek P., Jan Tomasz Józefowicz i jego „Lwów utrapiony in anno 1704 albo dyjaryjusz wziętego Lwowa…”, [w:] Eiusdem, Szlakami dawnej Ukrainy, Kraków 2002.
Charewiczowa Ł., Historiografia i miłosnictwo Lwowa, Lwów 1938.
Dashkevych Ya., Postati: Narysy pro diiachiv istorii, polityky, kulʹtury, 3‑tie vyd., dopov, Lviv 2015.
Jasachy gminy Ormian lwowskich za lata 1598‑1638 w języku ormiańsko‑kipczackim, wyd. K. Stopka, Kraków 2020.
Iuzefovych J.T., Istoriia Lʹvivsʹkoho archyiepyskopstva (1614-1700), uporiad. Myron Kapralʹ, Iryna Klymenko, Lviv 2023.
Józefowicz J.T., Kronika miasta Lwowa od roku 1634 do 1690, obejmująca w ogólności dzieje dawnei Rusi Czerwonej, tłum. M. Piwocki. Lwów 1854.
Józefowicz J.T., Lwów utrapiony in anno 1704 albo dyjaryjusz wziętego Lwowa przez króla szwedzkiego Karola XII die 6 mensis Septembris anno 1704, wyd. P. Borek, Kraków 2003 (Biblioteka tradycji literackich, nr XX).
Kapralʹ M., Natsionalʹni hromady Lʹvova XVI‑XVIII st. (sotsialno‑pravovi vzaiemyny), Lviv 2003.
Kapral M., Urzędnicy miasta Lwowa w XIII‑XVIII wieku, Toruń 2008.
Keckowa A., Józefowicz Stanisław, [w:] Polski słownik biograficzny, Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków, 1964‑1965, t. 11.
Letopisʹ sobytyi v Yuzhnoi Rossii lʹvovskogo kanonika Yana Yuzefovicha 1624‑1700 gg., [v:] Sbornik letopisei, otnosiashchikhsia k istorii Yuzhnoi i Zapadnoi Rossii, [izd. V. Antonovich], Kiev 1888.
Litwin H., Józefowicz Jan Tomasz, [w:] Słownik historyków polskich, Warszawa 1994.
Łoziński W., Patrycyat i mieszczaństwo lwowskie w XVI i XVII wieku, Lwów 1902.
Metryka katedry ormiańskiej we Lwowie za lata 1635‑1732, wyd. K. Stopka, M. Majewski, Kraków 2020.
Murawiec W., Józefowicz Jan Tomasz, [w:] Słownik polskich teologów katolickich, wyd. H. Wyczawski, Warszawa 1982, t. 2.
Sobieszczański F., Józefowicz (Jan Tomasz), [w:] Encyklopedia powszechna S. Olgebranda, Warszawa 1863, t. 13.
Testamenty mieszkańców lwowskich z drugiej połowy XVI i z XVII wieku. Katalog, wyd. O. Winnyczenko, Warszawa 2017.
Tsentralʹnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Lviv (TsDIAUL), f. 52, op. 2, spr. 35, 59, 144, 227, 783.
Zaiats O., Hromadiany Lvova XIV‑XVIII st.: pravovyi status, sklad, pokhodzhennia, Kyiv – Lʹviv 2012.
Zapisy sądu duchownego Ormian miasta Lwowa za lata 1564‑1608 w języku ormiańsko‑kipczackim, wyd. E. Tryjarski, Kraków 2017.
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Myron Kapral

  1. Львів, Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М.С. Грушевського
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In the magazine Unser Danzig published by ex-citizens of Gdańsk in the years of 1949–2008, one must pay attention not only to politically-engaged texts, but also to obituaries which present lives of the deceased and missing their lost fatherland. The aim of these obituaries is not only to inform about someone’s death, but also to acccept the regional origin of the deceased, which is presented by linguistic and paralinguistic means.

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Dominika Janus
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The aim of the article is to present the attestations of contemporary Polish surnames of Lithuanian origin which are absent from the dictionary of Lithuanian surnames (“Lietuvių pavardžių žodynas”, LPŽ), excerpted from the anthroponymic index card files that have been stored in the Lithuanian Language Institute in Vilnius and continually enlarged for several decades now. The files contain data excerpted from historical sources of the 16th to 19th centuries and consist of about 200,000 index cards (the actual number of excerpted anthroponyms is lower since some recur in various sources). Due to space limitations, generally only directly attested names have been included in the article, to the exclusion of those whose relationship with the researched name can be inferred rather than considered proven. Each listed attestation of an anthroponym (probably not in all cases an already established hereditary surname) is accompanied by information concerning its location and year (or time bracket), wherever available in the card index file. Given names or other details (e.g. the role of the person mentioned in documents, such as godmother in the data excerpted from baptismal registers) have only been included occasionally, if there was some reason to do so.

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Justyna B. Walkowiak
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Blockchain is a technology, which could revolutionize many industries in the future. A system like that is based on a chain of blocks that is used for storing and transferring various data, forming a decentralized ledger. Although various fundamental projects based on the blockchain system in the energy industry are in their early stage of development, as well as other solutions, applications of blockchain technology in the broadly understood power engineering sector are considered to have a very large potential. This paper presents a brief description of the blockchain technology, its general operating principle and the possibilities it brings. The next section of the article contains a characterization of two exemplary and possible blockchain technology applications, which in the perspective of time may have a significant impact on the power engineering sector. The first solution is related to carrying out energy transactions, which could be conducted in an easy way directly between energy producers and consumers. Thanks to blockchain technology, this could lead to a partial decentralization in that area. The second proposed example concerns energy resources origin tracking, which would allow fixed origin attributes and parameters affecting the environment to be assigned to the generated energy. By implementing that solution, it would be possible to construct a fuel footprint of individual generating units. The article also mentions examples of other potential applications of blockchain technology in the power engineering sector.

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Daniel Mrowiec
Michał Sołtysik
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Driver assistance systems have started becoming a key differentiator in automotive space and all major automotive manufacturers have such systems with various capabilities and stages of implementation. The main building blocks of such systems are similar in nature and one of the major building blocks is road lane detection. Even though lane detection technology has been around for decades, it is still an ongoing area of research and there are still several improvements and optimizations that are possible. This paper offers an Optimized Dynamic Origin Technique (Optimized DOT) for lane detection. The proposed optimization algorithm of optimized DOT gives better results in performance and accuracy compared to other methods of lane detection. Analysis of proposed optimized DOT with various edge detection techniques, various threshold levels, various sample dataset and various lane detection methods were done and the results are discussed in this paper. The proposed optimized DOT lane detection average processing time increases by 9.21 % when compared to previous Dynamic Origin Technique (DOT) and 59.09 % compared to traditional hough transform.
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P. Maya
C. Tharini

  1. B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
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Pain in the masticatory muscles or temporomandibular joints may in some cases be a symptom of other afflictions occurring in this region. The aim of the study was to present the differential diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and other diseases in the craniofacial area, based on review of the literature. Using the key words: “differential diagnosis of TMD”, “pain of non-dental origin” and “chronic orofacial pain”, PUBMED and Scopus databases were systematically searched for articles in English from 2005 to 2020. Additionally, the PUBMED database was supplementarily reviewed using the keywords “Lyme disease orofacial symptoms” for the English-language articles published in the years 1996–2020. Out of 445 publications from PUBMED and Scopus databases as well as other sources, 57 articles describ-ing the pathogenesis and characteristic symptoms of diseases that may cause pain similar to that occurring in TMD as well as diagnostic methods used in differential diagnosis of TMD were selected for analysis. Dental and jawbones-related conditions, ear and maxillary sinus diseases, as well as ailments of neuro-pathic and vascular origin, were taken into account. Neoplastic processes taking place in this region and less often occurring diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites were also described. Conclusions. Correct diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders is based on medical history and thorough physical examination, as well as results of additional tests. Pain localized in the head and neck structures may have diverse, sometimes complex aetiology, and may require multidisciplinary treatment. Observation of the patient’s behaviour and — in selected cases — the results of additional laboratory tests, also play a sig-nificant role.
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Magdalena Krasińska-Mazur
Paulina Homel
Andrzej Gala
Justyna Stradomska
Małgorzata Pihut

  1. Department of Prosthodontics and Orthodontics, Institute of Dentistry, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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O b j e c t i v e s: To identify tooth diseases as potential causative factors in the development of maxillary sinus lesions, with the aid of clinical examination combined with Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), in the patients with persistent sinus-like ailments, unresponsive to routine treatment offered by otolaryngologists.

M a t e r i a l s a n d M e t h o d s: In 44 patients with suspected odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, a dental examination with tooth vitality test was carried out, in conjunction with CBCT. The study involved 29 women and 15 men (age range 19–69 years, mean age 43 (SD = 13.9) years).

R e s u l t s: In 15 (34.1%) patients the odontogenic lesions were encountered in maxillary sinuses. A total of 33 causative teeth were identified, of which 13 (39%) were after root canal treatment (RCT). Only one of the teeth had a properly reconstructed crown, and only one tooth had the root canals properly filled-in. Most frequently, the lesions in the sinuses were attributed to the inflammation of periapical tissues; the first molar having been established as the most common causative tooth.

C o n c l u s i o n s: A detailed dental examination, pursued in conjunction with CBCT analysis, allow to diagnose odontogenic maxillary lesions. The incidence of long-term ailments originating in the maxillary sinuses should prompt a detailed assessment of the teeth, especially those after RCT.

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Katarzyna Dobroś
Joanna Zarzecka
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This paper presents the results of a study on the level of nitrate leaching from the 0–30 cm layer of grassland (GL) soil in the Lublin Voivodship during the winters of 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. The amounts of leached nitrates were determined using the Burns model. For the calculations based on this model – directly and indirectly, the results determination of residual nitrate nitrogen, texture and organic matter in GL soils, obtained within the framework of agricultural monitoring of soils by the National Chemical and Agricultural Station (KSChR), and results of system meteorological measurements conducted by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB) were used.
The analysed soil samples were taken from 39 permanent control and measurement grassland sites. The research discovered in particular that:
– the average leaching of nitrate nitrogen from GL mineral soil in the three analysed periods was 16.2 and 5.1 kg N∙ha–1 from organic soil;
– on average, in autumn during the entire study period, 55.3% of NO3-N leached from the 0–30 cm layer of GL mineral soil, and 27.3% from organic soil;
– among different agronomic categories of mineral soil, the highest leaching of NO3-N was recorded from medium soil (17.4 kg N∙ha–1) and the lowest from heavy soil (11.5 kg N∙ha–1);
– individually determined values of NO3-N leaching from soil varied significantly from 0 to 68.5 kg N∙ha–1 for mineral soil and from 0.1 to 23.65 kg N∙ha–1 for organic soil.

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Stefan Pietrzak
Marek Urbaniak

  1. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Hrabska Ave., 3, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
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What shared intellectual foundations underpin collaboration between the artistic community and scientists? What benefits can artists and biologists derive from working together? Can their very different spheres of creativity support one another?
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Adam Szewczyk
Hanna Fabczak
1 2
Marek A. Olszyński

  1. Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, PAS, Warsaw
  2. Marceli Nencki Foundation for the Support of Biological Sciences, Warsaw
  3. Institute of Fine Arts, University of Rzeszów
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A transition from generating electricity from conventional sources to generating it from renewables is one of drivers leading us towards a circular economy. Electricity is a specific product and regardless of where and how it is produced, it takes the same form. A novel aspect of the research is the examination of correlations and relationships between guarantees of origin. The research objective is to analyse the market for the guarantees of origin in the volatile price environment that we had late 2021 and early 2022. Therefore, we analysed demand for the guarantees in January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022 and the correlation between the price of electricity and guarantees of origin. It was based on the secondary data analysis method and the use of Pearson’s correlation coefficient and a linear regression function. The authors of the study made a hypothesis that the trading volume would increase during the study period and that there would be a positive correlation between the price of energy and the guarantees of origin. A key finding of the study revealed a steady increase in the purchase of guarantees despite the rise in prices. The buying of the guarantees is not a top-down requirement, but rather a bottom-up action, which indicates growing social expectations towards enterprises to consume energy from renewable sources.
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Agnieszka Petryk
Piotr Adamik

  1. Krakow University of Economics, College of Public Economy and Administration, Rakowicka St 27, 31-510, Kraków, Poland
  2. PhD studies in Finance and Accounting at the Krakow University of Economics, Kraków, Poland
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This article examines the articles on human nature and mankind's physical and cultural diversity published in the Warsaw highbrow journal Biblioteka Warszawska in the first phase of its history, 1841–1864, i.e. prior to the Darwinian revolution in the natural sciences. It was a period when anthropology was trying to establish itself as a separate discipline by drawing on the dominant Romantic conceptions of natural evolution and the authors of Biblioteka Warszawska would often use them as a scientific underpinning of their articles.
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1. Hombek D., Dzieje prasy polskiej: wiek XVIII, Kielce 2016.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Nowak

  1. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Zakład Badań Narodowościowych, Pałac Działyńskich, Stary Rynek 78/79, 61-772 Poznań
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One of the most important aims of the sizing and allocation of distributed generators (DGs) in power systems is to achieve the highest feasible efficiency and performance by using the least number of DGs. Considering the use of two DGs in comparison to a single DG significantly increases the degree of freedom in designing the power system. In this paper, the optimal placement and sizing of two DGs in the standard IEEE 33-bus network have been investigated with three objective functions which are the reduction of network losses, the improvement of voltage profiles, and cost reduction. In this way, by using the backward-forward load distribution, the load distribution is performed on the 33-bus network with the power summation method to obtain the total system losses and the average bus voltage. Then, using the iterative search algorithm and considering problem constraints, placement and sizing are done for two DGs to obtain all the possible answers and next, among these answers three answers are extracted as the best answers through three methods of fuzzy logic, the weighted sum, and the shortest distance from the origin. Also, using the multi-objective non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) and setting the algorithm parameters, thirty-six Pareto fronts are obtained and from each Pareto front, with the help of three methods of fuzzy logic, weighted sum, and the shortest distance from the origin, three answers are extracted as the best answers. Finally, the answer which shows the least difference among the responses of the iterative search algorithm is selected as the best answer. The simulation results verify the performance and efficiency of the proposed method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hossein Ali Khoshayand
Naruemon Wattanapongsakorn
Mehdi Mahdavian
Ehsan Ganji

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
  2. Department of Computer Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi, 126 Prachautid Road, Bangmod, Bangkok 10140, Thailand

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