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This paper presents a non-invasive measurement method for simultaneous characterization of diameter and refractive index of transparent fibres. The method is based on scattering of a polychromatic beam of light by a side-illuminated fibre under study. Both quantities of interest are inversely calculated from the scattering far-field region in the vicinity of the primary rainbow. The results of practical measurements are examined with the use of a novel optical system for laboratory-level tests. An analysis of prediction errors for 20– 120 μm thick fibres having various refractive indices helps to assess the outcome of the measurement data. The results show a clear route to improve the measurement process in on-line industrial process control.

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Grzegorz Świrniak
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We introduce numerical methods and algorithms to estimate the main parameters of fractal-like particle aggregates from their optical structure factor (i.e. light scattering diagrams). The first algorithm is based on a direct and simple method, but its applicability is limited to aggregates with large size parameter and intermediate fractal dimension. The second algorithm requires to build calibration curves based on accurate particle agglomeration and particle light scattering models. It allows analyzing the optical structure factor of much smaller aggregates, regardless of their fractal dimension and the size of the single particles. Therefore, this algorithm as well as the introduction of a criterial curve to detect the different scattering regimes, are thought to be powerful tools to perform reliable and reproducible analysis.

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Janusz Mroczka
Mariusz Woźniak
Fabrice R.A. Onofri
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Sound diffusers, in particular those based on changes in the phase of the reflected wave (Schroeder diffusers), have recently gained greatly in popularity in acoustics as an effective means to eliminate defects and improve the acoustic performance of interiors. This paper draws attention to a possibility of shaping acoustic parameters of sound diffusers and fundamental errors made in applying diffusers. Also, an often neglected issue of sound absorption by diffusers has been tackled. The presented results of laboratory measurements indicate a great significance of the diffusers' rigidity and geometry on their absorption coefficient at low frequencies. The effect of arrangement of elements on the diffusion coefficient was analysed for two types of elements based on the prime number N = 7.

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Adam Pilch
Tadeusz Kamisiński
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The paper considers the application of statistical properties of backscattered ultrasonic signal for assessment of the trabecular bone status.

Computer simulations were conducted to investigate the properties of the ultrasound pulse-echo signal, as it is received on the transducer surface after scattering in trabecular bone. The micro-architecture of trabecular bone was modeled by a random distribution of long and thin cylindrical scatterers of randomly varying diameters and mechanical properties, oriented perpendicular to the ultrasound beam axis. The received echo signal was calculated as a superposition of echoes from all the scatterers present in the scattering volume.

The simulated signal envelope was used for statistical processing to compute various parameters like the mean amplitude, the amplitude MSR defined as the ratio of the mean to the standard deviation and the amplitude histogram.

Results indicated that while for the well-defined trabeculae properties within the simulated bone structure the signal envelope values are Rayleigh distributed the significant departures from Rayleigh statistics may be expected as the thickness of trabeculae become random. The influence of the variation of mechanical properties of the bone tissue building the trabeculae on the bone backscattered signal parameters was not observed.

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Jerzy Litniewski
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The paper presents the verification of a solution to the narrow sound frequency range problem of flat reflective panels. The analytical, numerical and experimental studies concerned flat panels, panels with curved edges and also semicircular elements. There were compared the characteristics of sound reflected from the studied elements in order to verify which panel will provide effective sound reflection and also scattering in the required band of higher frequencies, i.e. above the upper limit frequency. Based on the conducted analyzes, it was found that among some presented solutions to narrow sound frequency range problem, the array composed of panels with curved edges is the most preferred one. Nevertheless, its reflection characteristic does not meet all of the requirements, therefore, it is necessary to search for another solution of canopy which is effective over a wide frequency range.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agata Szeląg
Tadeusz Kamisiński
Mirosława Lewińska
Jarosław Rubacha
Adam Pilch
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Fabric covering is often used by designers, as it can easily mask acoustic structures that do not match an interior. However, in the case of sound diffusers based on change in the phase of the reflected wave, the use of fabric covering is not without its effect on acoustics. It reduces the effectiveness of these structures and raises acoustic absorption. In the paper, the authors analyzed the acoustical properties of a selected fabric used to cover sound diffusers. Sound absorption and scattering coefficients for a system composed of sound diffusers and a fabric situated at different distances d were measured. The results were compared to the sound absorption predicted on the basis of Kuttruff’s and Mechel’s theoretical models. Analysis of the results indicates that the fabric has a significant influence on the system’s acoustic parameters. It is also observed, that fabric applied directly on a phase grating diffuser, produces higher absorption than when it is at some distance from it.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Kamisiński
Krzysztof Brawata
Adam Pilch
Jarosław Rubacha
Marcin Zastawnik
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The paper focuses on the problem of test signal selection in determining the sound scattering coefficient in accordance with ISO 17497-1. Research shows that the use of MLS signal is preferred in this procedure. The sine sweep signal, despite its advantages, presents certain limitations if the sample is moving during measurement. An attempt has been made to develop a method that allows for minimization of error, demonstrating the dependence of the obtained values of the sound scattering coefficient on the rotational speed of the turntable and type of test signal. Conditions for the application of the sine sweep signals in continuous and discrete measurements were defined.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Kamisiński
Krzysztof Brawata
Adam Pilch
Jarosław Rubacha
Marcin Zastawnik
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We propose a numerical surface integral method to study complex acoustic systems, for interior and exterior problems. The method is based on a parametric representation in terms of the arc’s lengths in curvilinear orthogonal coordinates. With this method, any geometry that involves quadric or higher order surfaces, irregular objects or even randomly rough surfaces can be considered. In order to validate the method, the modes in cubic, spherical and cylindrical cavities are calculated and compared to analytical results, which produced very good agreement. In addition, as examples, we calculated the scattering in the far field and the near field by an acoustic sphere and a cylindrical structure with a rough cross-section.

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Juan Antonio Guel-Tapia
Francisco Villa-Villa
Alberto Mendoza-Suarez
Hector Pérez-Aguilar
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In the paper a new method, called the Noise Scattering Pattern (NSP) method, for RTS noise identification in a noise signal is presented. Examples of patterns of the NSP method are included.

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A. Konczakowska
J. Cichosz
A. Szewczyk
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The scattering of plane steady-state sound waves from a viscous fluid-filled thin cylindrical shell weak- ened by a long linear slit and submerged in an ideal fluid is studied. For the description of vibrations of elastic objects the Kirchhoff-Love shell-theory approximation is used. An exact solution of this problem is obtained in the form of series with cylindrical harmonics. The numerical analysis is carried out for a steel shell filled with oil and immersed in seawater. The modules and phases of the scattering amplitudes versus the dimensionless wavenumber of the incident sound wave as well as directivity patterns of the scattered field are investigated taking into consideration the orientation of the slit on the elastic shell surface. The plots obtained show a considerable influence of the slit and viscous fluid filler on the diffraction process.
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Olexa Piddubniak
Nadia Piddubniak
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In recent years, scattered light measurement technology has developed into a common method for measuring roughness, form and waviness on precision machined surfaces. Meanwhile, the application for the material structure evaluation of electrolytically anodized surfaces has also been considered. In this context,we present a novel approach to layer thickness measurement of naturally anodised aluminium surfaces. Our approach is based on the reflection intensity of the light beam, which penetrates the oxide layer and is reflected back from the surface as well as from the layer base. In the approach, a model for estimating reflection intensity I from the absorption coefficient is employed. The methodology is tested by comparing results to a layer thickness evaluation using metallographic preparation. Based on the proposed approach, we are able to measure intervals of layer thicknesses on naturally anodized aluminium surfaces without contact.
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Tobias Geisler
Martin Manns

  1. Universität Siegen, Fakultät IV, Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Montage, PROTECH-Institut für Produktionstechnik, Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11, 57076 Siegen, Germany
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This paper investigates whether a quantum computer can efficiently simulate the non-elastic scattering of the Schrödinger particle on a stationary excitable shield. The return of the shield to the ground state is caused by photon emission. An algorithm is presented for simulating the time evolution of such a process, implemented on standard two-input gates. The algorithm is used for the computation of elastic and non-elastic scattering probabilities. The results obtained by our algorithm are compared with those obtained using the standard Cayley’s method.

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M. Ostrowski
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We present the met determinate hodological features and new subsystem for receiving, digitizing and processing signals at the intermediate frequency of the incoherent scatter (IS) radar. The implemented method, subsystem and flexible software made it possible to avoid the influence of a number of instrumental factors on the accuracy of determining the quadrature components of the IS signal correlation function used to determine the ionospheric parameters, to adapt the digital filtering parameters, the value of the correlation delay step and the number of ordinates of the measured correlation function to IS signals from different altitudes and under different space weather conditions, to effectively test radar systems for the subsequent taking into account hardware factors and, thus, to improve the accuracy of the measured ionospheric parameters. The experimental results are presented.
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Leonid Emelyanov
Artem Miroshnikov

  1. Institute of Ionosphere of NAS and MES of Ukraine
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We report on the first application of the graphics processing units (GPUs) accelerated computing technology to improve performance of numerical methods used for the optical characterization of evaporating microdroplets. Single microdroplets of various liquids with different volatility and molecular weight (glycerine, glycols, water, etc.), as well as mixtures of liquids and diverse suspensions evaporate inside the electrodynamic trap under the chosen temperature and composition of atmosphere. The series of scattering patterns recorded from the evaporating microdroplets are processed by fitting complete Mie theory predictions with gradientless lookup table method. We showed that computations on GPUs can be effectively applied to inverse scattering problems. In particular, our technique accelerated calculations of the Mie scattering theory on a single-core processor in a Matlab environment over 800 times and almost 100 times comparing to the corresponding code in C language. Additionally, we overcame problems of the time-consuming data post-processing when some of the parameters (particularly the refractive index) of an investigated liquid are uncertain. Our program allows us to track the parameters characterizing the evaporating droplet nearly simultaneously with the progress of evaporation.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Jakubczyk
S. Migacz
G. Derkachov
M. Woźniak
J. Archer
K. Kolwas
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Porous materials are used in many vibro-acoustic applications. Different models describe their perfor- mance according to material’s intrinsic characteristics. In this paper, an evaluation of the effect of the porous and geometrical parameters of a liner on the acoustic power attenuation of an axisymmetric lined duct was performed using multimodal scattering matrix. The studied liner is composed by a porous ma- terial covered by a perforated plate. Empirical and phenomenal models are used to calculate the acoustic impedance of the studied liner. The later is used as an input to evaluate the duct attenuation. By varying the values of each parameter, its influence is observed, discussed and deduced
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Authors and Affiliations

Chokri Othmani
Taissir Hentati
Mohamed Taktak
Tamer Elnady
Mohamed Haddar
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A trabecular bone consists of trabeculae whose mechanical properties differ significantly from the surrounding marrow, therefore an ultrasonic wave propagating within the bone structure is strongly scattered. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the contribution of the first, second and higher order scattering (multiple scattering) into the total scattering of ultrasound in a trabecular bone. The scattering due to the interconnections between thick trabeculae, usually neglected in trabecular bone models, has been also studied. The basic element in our model of the trabecular bone was an elastic cylinder with a various finite-length and diameter as well as orientation. The applied model was taking into account variation of both, elements size and their spatial configuration. The field scattered on the bone model was evaluated by solving numerically the integral form of the generalized Sturm-Liouville equation describing a scalar wave in inhomogeneous and lossy media. For the scattered fields calculated numerically the effective cross-sections were determined. The influence of absorption on the scattering coefficients was demonstrated. The results allowed to conclude that within the frequency range from 0.5 to 1.5 MHz contribution of the second order scattering to the effective backscattering cross-section is at least 500 times lower than that due to the first order scattering. It was noticed that for a frequency higher than 1.5 MHz fast growth of the backscattering (reflection) coefficients, calculated for the second order scattering, occurs.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Nowicki
Janusz Wójcik
Jerzy Litniewski
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An original model based on first principles is constructed for the temporal correlation of acoustic waves propagating in random scattering media. The model describes the dynamics of wave fields in a previously unexplored, moderately strong (mesoscopic) scattering regime, intermediate between those of weak scattering, on the one hand, and diffusing waves, on the other. It is shown that by considering the wave vector as a free parameter that can vary at will, one can provide an additional dimension to the data, resulting in a tomographic-type reconstruction of the full space-time dynamics of a complex structure, instead of a plain spectroscopic technique. In Fourier space, the problem is reduced to a spherical mean transform defined for a family of spheres containing the origin, and therefore is easily invertible. The results may be useful in probing the statistical structure of various random media with both spatial and temporal resolution.

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Authors and Affiliations

Gregory Samelsohn
Saad Tapuchi
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Ray tracing simulation of sound field in rooms is a common tool in room acoustic design for predicting impulse response. There are numerous commercial engineering tools utilising ray tracing simulation. A specific problem in the simulation is the modelling of diffuse reflections when contribution of individual surface is prevailing. The paper introduces modelling of scattering which is interesting when the whole impulse response of a room is not a goal but contribution of certain surface. The main goal of the project is to shape directivity characteristics of scattered reflection. Also, an innovative approach is suggested for converting the energy histogram information obtained by ray tracing into an “equivalent impulse response”. The proposed algorithm is tested by comparing the results with measurements in a real sound field, realised in a scaled model where a diffusing surface is hardware-implemented.

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Srđan Bojičić
Dragana Šumarac-Pavlović
Miomir Mijić
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The paper presents a classification of the healthy skin and the skin lesions (basal cell carcinoma) basing on a statistics of the envelope of ultrasonic echoes. The echoes envelopes distributions were modeled using Rayleigh and K-distribution. The distributions were compared with empirical data to find which of them better models the statistics of the echo-signal obtained from the human skin. The results indicated that the K-distribution provides a better fit.

Also, a characteristic parameter of the K-distribution, the effective number of scatterers (M), was investigated. The values of the M parameter, obtained for the skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma), were lower as compared to those obtained for the healthy skin. The results indicate that the statistical quantitative ultrasound parameters have a potential for extracting information useful for characterization of the skin condition.

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Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Piotrzkowska
Andrzej Nowicki
Jerzy Litniewski
Elżbieta Szymańska
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The paper deals with the problem of acoustic correction in historic opera theatres with the auditorium layout in the form of a horseshoe with deep underbalcony cavities limited with a semicircular wall surface. Both geometry of the cavities and excessive sound absorption determine acoustic phenomena registered in this area of the hall. The problem has been observed in the Theatre of Opera and Ballet in Lviv, Ukraine, where acoustic tests were carried out, simulation calculations performed, and finally a diffusion panel worked out designed for the rear wall of the underbalcony space. Acoustic measurements carried out after installation of the diffusers revealed favourable changes in the sound strength factor G within the range of medium and high frequencies in the underbalcony and auditorium centre area. By replacing textile tapestry with diffusion panels, a significant reduction of sound absorption was achieved for the frequency range above 1 kHz and an increase of uniformity of acoustic parameters registered in the hall. The method presented in the paper can be applied in historic halls of the similar type as well as contemporary rooms where there is a need for correction of acoustic flaws related to sound focusing or the echo effect.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Kamisiński
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Rapid development of computing and visualisation systems has resulted in an unprecedented capability to display, in real time, realistic computer-generated worlds. Advanced techniques, including three-dimensional (3D) projection, supplemented by multi-channel surround sound, create immersive environments whose applications range from entertainment to military to scientific. One of the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type systems, in which the user is surrounded by projection screens. Knowledge of the screen material scattering properties, which depend on projection geometry and wavelength, is mandatory for proper design of these systems. In this paper this problem is addressed by introducing a scattering distribution function, creating a dedicated measurement setup and investigating the properties of selected materials used for rear projection screens. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the choice of the screen material has substantial impact on the performance of the system

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Adam Mazikowski
Michał Trojanowski
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BC (Black Carbon), which can be found in the atmosphere, is characterized by a large value of the imaginary part of the complex refractive index and, therefore, might have an impact on the global warming effect. To study the interaction of BC with light often computer simulations are used. One of the methods, which are capable of performing light scattering simulations by any shape, is DDA (Discrete Dipole Approximation). In this work its accuracy was estimated in respect to BC structures using the latest stable version of the ADDA (vr. 1.2) algorithm. As the reference algorithm the GMM (Generalized Multiparticle Mie-Solution) code was used. The study shows that the number of volume elements (dipoles) is the main parameter that defines the quality of results. However, they can be improved by a proper polarizability expression. The most accurate, and least time consuming, simulations were observed for IGT_SO. When an aggregate consists of particles composed of ca. 750 volume elements (dipoles), the averaged relative extinction error should not exceed ca. 4.5%.
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Krzysztof Skorupski
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High−frequency acoustic measurements supplemented by a modern optical method, Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC), allowed us to perform a comparative analysis through the application of a mathematical model. We have studied the correspondence between measured and modelled echoes from zooplankton aggregations consisted mainly of two Calanus species. Data were collected from the upper 50 m water layer within the hydrographical frontal zone on the West Spitsbergen Shelf. The application of a “high− −pass” model of sound scattering by fluid−like particles to the distribution of zooplankton sizes measured by LOPC resulted mostly in very good agreement between the measured (420 kHz BioSonics) and modelled values, except for cases with very low zooplankton abundance or with occurrence of stronger scatterers ( e.g. macrozooplankton, fish). An acoustic model validated for the elastic parameters of zooplankton confirmed that particles smaller than 1 mm in diameter, although highly abundant, did not contribute significantly to the sound scattering process at a frequency of 420 kHz. The implementation of diverse complementary methods has great potential to obtain high spatial and temporal resolution in zooplankton distribution studies; however, their compatibility has to be tested first.
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Joanna Szczucka
Katarzyna Błachowiak-Samołyk
Emilia Trudnowska
Łukasz Hoppe
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Noise reduction inside waveguide systems has gained momentum owing to a great interest in it. To attenuate the sound in a broad frequency range, this study aims to compare the effects of two acoustic liners, a perforated plate backed by an air cavity (PP-Air cavity), or by a porous material (PP-PM), on the acoustic behaviour of lined ducts using a numerical model to compute the multimodal scattering matrix. From this matrix, the reflection and the transmission coefficients are computed and therefore the acoustic power attenuation is deduced. Moreover, the effects of geometry of ducts with and without changes in the section are investigated. The numerical results are obtained for five configurations, including cases of narrowing and widening of a duct portion with sudden or progressive discontinuities. Accordingly, numerical coefficients of reflection and transmission as well as the acoustic power attenuation show the relative influence of acoustic liners in each type of configuration.

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Authors and Affiliations

Amine Makni
Mohamed Taktak
Mabrouk Chaabane
Mohamed Haddar

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