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This article is a review of Ethan Kleinberg’s Haunting History. For a Deconstructive Approach to the Past (Stanford, 2017). I focus on three issues related to that work. These are: historians’ attitude towards the deconstruction; the idea of ontological realism and its critique; the role of young historians in modern academia. This text is based not only on the book reviewed but also on its different analyses and ways it was used in other research. In the conclusion, I present how Haunting History can be used as an emancipatory tool by scholars who are starting their academic careers now.

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Artur Kula
Keywords game theory
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In the world of Darwinian rivalry, where the fittest individuals take advantage of others, explaining acts of altruism poses one of the most fundamental problems in evolutionary biology. In a previous issue of Academia magazine (4/2015), Dr. Kinga Wysieńska-Di Carlo and Dr. Zbigniew Karpiński explored this issue from the perspective of sociologists; here it is viewed through the prism of mathematics.

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Jacek Miękisz
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The author is trying to reconstruct the causes of moral panic around the concept of gender and she is searching for reasons why this category is used in the Polish press with the term „ideology”. Justifying the relevance of gender for pedagogy, she compares the arguments of the supporters and opponents of spreading scientific reflections about gender roles in school. Seeking opportunities for dialogue between researchers and essayists, she asks about the role of educators in re-thinking the gender theory and stresses urgent need to engage in a public debate.
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Barbara Biskup
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In the article, the topic of mentalization as the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others is considered. The author concentrates on the aspect of the mental states in different approaches to mentalization. She proposes that the inclusion of various mental states is justified, although it induces some difficulties. In the conclusion, consequences of applying current conceptions and using them to elucidate the variety of mental states are presented.

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Adrianna Smurzyńska
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The article introduces disabled University Students research conducted with the use of grounded theory strategy. The author with the help of metaphors released skirmish that may occur for a young researcher who uses grounded theory. The aim of the paper is a thesis that the application of this strategy requires from the researcher not only a knowledge of procedures, discipline and extensive knowledge but also, and perhaps above all, subtle reflectivity. It was explained also the relationship between the two areas (Grounded Theory and battle metaphor). Then, the author points to the skirmishes that happened to her in the research of students with disabilities in accordance to the strategy of grounded theory. They can occur, however, in any other areas of young researcher. The final conclusion of the use of skirmish metaphors, which was used in relation to the examination procedure, may be used to descriptions of the area under consideration as well.
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Magdalena Bełza
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The aim of this paper is to study the applicability of the theory of micropolar fluids to modelling and calculating flows in microchannels depending on the geometrical dimension of the flow field. First, it will be shown that if the characteristic linear dimension of the flow becomes appropriately large, the equations describing the micropolar fluid flow can be transformed into Navier-Stokes equations. Next, Poiseuille flows in a microchannel is studied in detail. In particular, the maximal cross-sectional size of the channel for which the micropolar effects of the fluid flow become important will be established. The experimentally determined values of rheological constants of the fluid have been used in calculations.

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A. Kucaba-Piętal
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This article investigates the solution of exponentially graded (EG) thick rectangular plates resting on two-parameter elastic foundations according to a trigonometric plate theory (TPT). This theory includes the effect of both shear and normal strains thickness without needing to any shear correction factor. The displacement fields contains initial terms of a power series across plate thickness as well as additional trigonometric terms. The material properties of plate is graded such that Lamé’s coefficients convert exponentially in a given constant orientation. Equilibrium equations according to the EG plate resting on Pasternak’s foundations are derived. The solution is obtained by using Navier’s technique. Numerical results for the EG thick plate on elastic foundations are presented, and compared with those available in the literature. The influences of Winkler’s and Pasternak’s parameters, side-to-thickness ratio, inhomogeneity parameter and aspect ratio on the bending responses of EG plates are investigated.
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Ashraf M. Zenkour
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In the face of challenges faced by today’s managers, such as unreliability of processes conducted

within the company, low quality of materials, too long time of fulfilling the customer

orders and missing the deadlines of their implementation, the role of dynamic parameters of

the warehousing as the source of competitive advantage of a modern enterprise is growing.

The aim of the study is to identify and analyze the factors determining the effective implementation

of the warehousing in the Distribution Center. In the research there has been

adopted the following hypothesis: with the increase in the number of customer orders, which

is characterized by an increasingly smaller number of assortment items, the importance of

managing constraints limiting the material flow within the warehousing is increasing. The

above-mentioned hypothesis is verified in accordance with the test procedure including literature

research and a case study. The research results show that the Theory of Constraints

is an excellent tool supporting the transformation of the warehouse management method.

With the help of the Theory of Constraints it is possible to determine precisely the places

in the material flow, where the adaptation actions undertaken bring down the greatest


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Anna Lewandowska-Ciszek
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In this paper I present Bertrand Russell’s contacts with Polish readers and outstanding Polish writers. In paragraphs 2 and 3 I discuss books by Russell that were published in Poland and mention his personal contacts and correspondence. Russell exchanged letters with L. Chwistek, J. Conrad‑Korzeniowski, M. Dziewicki, G. Herling-‑Grudziński, S. Leśniewski, W. Lutosławski and A. Tarski. Interesting comments on his philosophy were offered by M. Ossowska, K. Twardowski, J. Salamucha and M. Heitzman. Paragraphs 4 and 5 discuss the influence that Russell’s logical ideas have exerted on the development of logic in Poland, especially in the works of L. Chwistek and S. Leśniewski.
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Jan Woleński

  1. Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie, Katedra Nauk Spo-łecznych, ul. Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów
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This paper aims at presenting a transcendental argument, so termed and constructed by John Rawls, as a justification of his theory of ‘justice as fairness’. The crucial stage in the chain of his reasoning is to establish the necessary condition of the political arrangement of the basic structure of society. This condition turns out to be acceptability of the publicly endorsed principles in the original position. However, the procedure of exercising free choice, as described by Rawls, presupposes a philosophical view of human nature, and consequently undermines the presumably purely theoretical basis for the principles of justice. The author discusses the impact of Kantian moral philosophy on Rawls’s theory of justification. He tries to show that the rejection of moral theory in favour of political philosophy was the result of a profound change in Rawls’s attitude to the idea of transcendentalism, as it is evidenced by his later thought.
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Białek P. (2017), Pycha i skromność rozumu. Współczesny spór o argumenty transcendentalne a filozofia Kanta i Fichtego, Kraków: Universitas.
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Grygianiec M. (2019), Status argumentacji transcendentalnej, „Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria” 4 (112), s. 131–160.
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Stanisław Jędrczak

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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The subject of the work is a five-layered composite beam with clamped ends subjected to a uniformly distributed load along its length. Two analytical models of this beam are developed with consideration of the shear effect. The first model is formulated on the basis of the classical zig-zag theory. Whereas, the second model is developed using an individual nonlinear shear deformation theory with consideration of the classical shear stress formula (called Zhuravsky shear stress). The system of two differential equations of equilibrium for each beam model is obtained based on the principle of stationary total potential energy. These systems of equations are exactly analytically solved. The shear effect function and the maximum deflection are determined for each of these two beam models. Detailed calculations are carried out for exemplary beams of selected dimensionless sizes and material constants. The main goal of the research is to develop two analytical models of this beam, determine the shear effect function, the shear coefficient, and the maximum deflection in the elastic range for each model, as well as to perform a comparative analysis.
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Krzysztof Magnucki

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network, Poznan Institute of Technology, Poznan, Poland
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A general model of the equations of generalized thermo-microstretch for an infinite space weakened by a finite linear opening mode-I crack is solved. Considered material is the homogeneous isotropic elastic half space. The crack is subjected to a prescribed temperature and stress distribution. The formulation is applied to generalized thermoelasticity theories, using mathematical analysis with the purview of the Lord-Şhulman (involving one relaxation time) and Green-Lindsay (includes two relaxation times) theories with respect to the classical dynamical coupled theory (CD). The harmonic wave method has been used to obtain the exact expression for normal displacement, normal stress force, coupled stresses, microstress and temperature distribution. Variations of the considered fields with the horizontal distance are explained graphically. A comparison is also made between the three theories and for different depths for the case of copper crystal.

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Khaled Lotfy
Alaa Abd El-Bary
Mohamed Allan
Marwa H. Ahmed
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This article discusses Shaftesbury’s fragmentary ‘Dictionary of art terms’, an appendix to the unfinished Plastics, and its relevance in establishing an aesthetic and moral art theory in Britain. The article argues that, although the ‘Dictionary’ is rudimentary, it already reveals enough information to assess it as an important document of English art philosophy. Given that Shaftesbury’s dictionary project was the first English attempt to produce a theoretical art dictionary, it is discussed in the light of traditions of the art dictionary in this country. The study clarifies notions of the dictionary’s art terms through comparative analyses with the use of the words in the aesthetic discourses in the Plastics. It looks at Shaftesbury’s creation of novel words based on classical literature and his use of contemporary literary sources which was partly ambivalent, for fear that only words were transferred from their original context but no ideologies that the author disapproved of. With the help of exemplary discussions of Shaftesbury’s art vocabulary, the study illustrates the shaping of an aesthetic vocabulary in England.
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Ulrike Kern

  1. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
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This article discusses recently published conference papers Memory and Politics of History. Expeciemed by Poland and her Neighbors.
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Jakub Muchowski
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In 2018 we celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Jędrzej Śniadecki’s birth. This work aims to show the importance of his thoughts for the development of natural sciences. He studied at some of the largest universities in Europe, where he met great scientists of the Enlightenment. The effects can be seen in his works. He was remembered as a founder of Polish biochemistry, anthropology and pathology, also as the author of chemical terminology and language. The essence of his thoughts is Theory of organic being, which is an attempt to answer the question: „what is life?”. Jędrzej Śniadecki introduced a new definition of life based on the term „organic power”. This work shows how import are the thoughts of Jędrzej Śniadecki in the context of the times in which he lived, as well as the following development of natural sciences, what makes him and his theories worth memory.

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Aniela Zubek
Jakub Barciszewski
Agnieszka Belter
Jan Barciszewski
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Length, width, depth… Knowing these parameters allows us to judge which table will fit into our dining room, which bed is right for our bedroom. We use three measures to describe the space around us, but we rarely ask ourselves whether reality is, in fact, three-dimensional.
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Jan Chwedeńczuk

  1. Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
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“Scientists manipulate evidence, and a small secret group of people is responsible for making all major decisions in world politics…” The latest European Social Survey sheds light on the widespread prevalence of conspiracy beliefs.
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Michał Kotnarowski

  1. PAS Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Warsaw
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It turns out that the magical world behind the looking-glass portrayed in Lewis Carroll’s novel about Alice is real – it has been discovered and described by physicists. So how do we find a way in?
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Maciej Kolanowski

  1. Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
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The paper deals with coupled flexural-torsional vibrations of straight prismatic elastic bars made of a linearly elastic isotropic and homogeneous material. One of the aims is to develop an effective method of modelling vibrations of train rails of cross-sections being mono-symmetric, taking into account warping due to torsion as well as transverse shear deformations. The Librescu-Song 1D model has been appropriately adapted to the above research aims by incorporating all the inertia terms corresponding to the kinematic hypotheses. The finite element(FE) program has been written and its correctness has been verified. The results concerning natural vibrations compare favourably with those predicted by 3D FE modelling using dense meshes. The paper proves that neglecting warping due to torsion leads to omitting several eigen-modes of vibrations, thus showing that the popular Timoshenko-like models are useless for the vibration analysis of bars of mono-symmetric cross sections.
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Sławomir Czarnecki
Tomasz Lewiński

  1. PhD., Eng., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Prof., DSc., PhD., Eng., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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Roman Micnas was a distinguished Polish physicist, well known for his works in the field of condensed matter theory and statistical physics. One of his best known achievements is development of theory of superconductivity with local electron pairing. He also published a number of important contributions to the theory of magnetism, theory of phase transitions, and theory of ultracold atoms on optical lattices. His more than 140 publications were cited over 3200 times by other authors. He graduated at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in 1970, where he hold a position until his passing away on 13 January 2022. He received PhD in 1978, habilitation in 1988, and became Professor in 1990. In the Faculty of Physics of AMU he was the head of Solid State Theory Division in years 1998–2018. For his development of theory of superconductivity with local electron pairing he was awarded, together with Stanisław Robaszkiewicz, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Scientific Prize of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) in 1989. In 1994 he became Corresponding Member of PAS, and in 2016 – Ordinary Member. He served a number of important functions in PAS, among others he was a member of Committee for Physics of PAS, and since 2015 a Dean of Division III of Exact Sciences and Earth Sciences of PAS. He was a member of several scientific societies: Polish Physical Society, European Physical Society, American Physical Society and American Association for Advancement of Science. He co-organized 35 home and international conferences, among others the cycle of the European Conferences „Physics of Magnetism”, which he co-chaired since 1993.
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Tomasz Kostyrko
Marek Thomas

  1. Wydział Fizyki, Instytut Spintroniki i Informacji Kwantowej, Zakład Teorii Materii Skondensowanej, Uniwersytet im.Adama Mickiewicza
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Subsidence process in the rock mass disturbed by mining can be complicated and can be faster or slower depending on the geological structure and physical and mechanical properties of the rock mass, changes in exploitation geometry, and changes in the rate of exploitation. The most frequently, the subsidence process develops over years in a way that is difficult to observe over a short period (days). It has been proven in practice of coal mines in Poland that Knothe’s model describes subsidence process with high accuracy. It is based on treating the rock mass as a stochastic medium and describing subsidence with stochastic equations.

It can be assumed that, the complicated stress field as a result of mining activities induce a series of displacements of different sizes in rock mass. The inelastic deformation in rock mass is accompanied by a microseismicity that can be recorded and processed. We assumed that seismic noise with weak seismic events is a low-energy part of the microseismicity. We proposed an analytical solution to examine the distribution of the energy of the seismic noise during subsidence process development based on Knothe’s model. In general a qualitative method of subsidence process assessment by the registration of the seismic noise was described.

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Henryk Marcak
Zenon Pilecki
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A geodesic survey of an existing route requires one to determine the approximation curve by means of optimization using the total least squares method (TLSM). The objective function of the LSM was found to be a square of the Mahalanobis distance in the adjustment field ν . In approximation tasks, the Mahalanobis distance is the distance from a survey point to the desired curve. In the case of linear regression, this distance is codirectional with a coordinate axis; in orthogonal regression, it is codirectional with the normal line to the curve. Accepting the Mahalanobis distance from the survey point as a quasi-observation allows us to conduct adjustment using a numerically exact parametric procedure. Analysis of the potential application of splines under the NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline) industrial standard with respect to route approximation has identified two issues: a lack of the value of the localizing parameter for a given survey point and the use of vector parameters that define the shape of the curve. The value of the localizing parameter was determined by projecting the survey point onto the curve. This projection, together with the aforementioned Mahalanobis distance, splits the position vector of the curve into two orthogonal constituents within the local coordinate system of the curve. A similar system corresponds to points that form the control polygonal chain and allows us to find their position with the help of a scalar variable that determines the shape of the curve by moving a knot toward the normal line.
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Edward Nowak

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