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Messina in the stories of Polish travelers over the course of centuries: the double face of the city – The article presents Messina’s ‘verbal postcards’ left by Polish participants in the Grand Tour and travelers who visited Sicily in later times. Travelers whose accounts are widely known, such as Anonymous (1595), Michał Borch, Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, Chrystian Kamsetzer (XVIII c.), Zygmunt Krasiński (nineteenth century), but also less well-known ones such as writer Zofia Sokołowska, arriving in Sicily in the tragic year of the earthquake (1908), left descriptions from their stays in Messina about the emotional charge they felt, one closely related to the historical moment in which they arrived on the island. This will therefore be a thorough analysis of a fragment of the Sicilian journey concerning Messina left by some Polish travelers, taking into account their professions, areas of interest and the period in which they were in Sicily.

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Anna Tylusińska-Kowalska


Artykuł podejmuje analizę opisów uczestników podróży oświeceniowych w ramach Grand Tour tragicznego w skutkach trzęsienia ziemi, jakie miało miejsce na Sycylii I w Kalabrii w roku 1783. Każdy z podróżników polskich, którzy bezpośrednio lub też w odległości kilku lat po tej katastrofie znaleźli się w jej obszarze na swój sposób przedstawia zgliszcza, ruiny i dewastacje zarówno świątyń, jak i zabudowań mieszkalnych. Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie różnych punktów widzenia, zestawienie i skomentowanie emocjonalnych, lecz także niekiedy niesłychanie praktycznych obserwacji zastanej sytuacji zarówno w Messynie, jak i/lub w Reggio di Calabria, czasem ubarwionej przekazem literackim ujętych w formę listów lub pamiętników z podróży, cennych w aspekcie zarówno ‘ludzkim’, jak i poznawczym.

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Anna Tylusińska-Kowalska


The article is an attempt to reflect upon the way in which some terms coming from modern anthropology (local knowledge, thick description) can be used in studies regarding proper names in the cultural and social perspective. This anthropological way of thinking has been presented in Artur Rejter’s new book “Proper Names in (Con)texts of Culture”. The author of the article shows that studying culture through proper names must entail the widening of the variety of scientific methods and strategies and adding those used in social studies and humanities.

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Katarzyna Skowronek


We wstępie do książki Indywidua. Próba metafizyki opisowej Peter Strawson dokonuje rozróżnienia na dwa typy metafizyki: rewizjonistyczną i opisową. Metafizyka opisowa jest tu zdefiniowana jako ten rodzaj refleksji filozoficznej, który „opisuje faktyczną strukturę naszego myślenia o świecie”. Inna formuła, którą posługuje się Strawson, głosi, że metafizyka opisowa „ujawnia najbardziej ogólne cechy naszego systemu pojęciowego”. Jako jednego z najważniejszych przedstawicieli metafizyki opisowej Strawson wymienia Arystotelesa. Powstaje jednak pytanie, czy formuły stosowane przez Strawsona dobrze określają faktyczną praktykę badawczą Stagiryty. Wszak celem badań Arystotelesa jest ujawnienie struktury realnie istniejących bytów oraz znalezienie przyczyn faktycznie działających w rzeczywistości, nie zaś badanie tylko naszych pojęć, za pomocą których opisujemy świat. W swoim artykule pokazuję kilka różnych sposobów rozumienia metafizyki u Arystotelesa oraz staram się ustalić, pod jakim względem jego projekt może być uznany za metafizykę opisową w sensie Strawsona, pod jakim zaś wykracza poza zaproponowaną przez niego formułę. W szczególności interesuje mnie pytanie, na ile Arystoteles wykorzystuje w metafizyce metody znane z jego teorii dyskusji dialektycznej, której celem było badanie potocznie przyjmowanych pojęć i przekonań (endoxa).

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Tomasz Tiuryn


In this paper, we show why the descriptions of the sampled signal used in calculation of its spectrum, that are used in the literature, are not correct. And this finding applies to both kinds of descriptions: the ones which follow from an idealized way of modelling of the signal sampling operation as well as those which take into account its non-idealities. The correct signal description, that results directly from the way A/D converters work (regardless of their architecture), is presented and dis-cussed here in detail. Many figures included in the text help in its understanding.
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Andrzej Borys

  1. Department of Marine Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland


In a few short paragraphs of The Problems of Philosophy Bertrand Russell presents his theory of introspective knowledge based on the concept of knowledge by acquaintance. In this article, I critically analyze these comments by Russell and their proposed application by contemporary authors, including Brie Gertler (2001; 2011) and Laurence BonJour (2003). I show how these theories differ from the competing ‘inner‑sense theories’ and try to show that they are inconsistent with Gareth Evans’s ‘transparency’ observation. Then I compare acquaintance theories with Alex Byrne’s (2005; 2012) ‘transparency’ theory and show that Byrne’s theory offers a simpler account of mechanisms governing introspection and attribution of mental states to other agents than the observer.
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Maciej Tarnowski

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa;


The article analyzes Bertrand Russell’s distinction between knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description contained in his writings from 1910 to 1912. I point to some problems that arise from Russell’s concept of direct knowledge if they are observed in the light of modern psychological and neuroscientific research. In some cases knowledge by acquaintance may be mediated by certain unconscious operations and by mental representations of conceptual nature. I point out however that some of the examples given in The Problems of Philosophy can be characterized by a different degree of indirectness. Consequently, I propose to view Russell’s distinction as a typology. Because Russell narrows knowledge by description to specific descriptions, Russell’s division is not exhaustive and therefore is not a logical one. The article also shows that there are reasons for both narrowing his category of direct knowledge (e.g. by excluding universals) and for expanding it (e.g. by unconscious experiences).
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Andrzej Stępnik

  1. Wydział Filozofii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieś-cie 3, 00-047 Warszawa


Learning resources are massive, heterogeneous, and constantly changing. How to find the required resources quickly and accurately has become a very challenging work in the management and sharing of learning resources. According to the characteristics of learning resources, this paper proposes a progressive learning resource description model, which can describe dynamic heterogeneous resource information on a fine-grained level by using information extraction technology, then a semantic annotation algorithm is defined to calculate the semantic of learning resource and add these semantic to the description model. Moreover, a semantic search method is proposed to find the required resources, which calculate the content with the highest similarity to the user query, and then return the results in descending order of similarity. The simulation results show that the method is feasible and effective.
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Xiaocong Lai
Ying Pan
Xueling Jiang

  1. Guangxi Key Lab of Human-machine Interaction and Intelligent Decision, Nanning Normal University, Nanning 530001, People’s Republic of China


Portulaca oleracea L. (Portulacaceae) is used as functional food and its nutritional and therapeutic properties are related to the high levels of organic and fatty acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides and cyclo-dopa amides. This study presents a strategy based on liquid chromatography – high resolution accurate mass spectrometry method (LC – HRAMS) and bioinformatic methods to analyze 33 purslane accessions originating from 11 floristic regions in Bulgaria together with 5 accessions of Greek provenance. Extracts were obtained by microwave extraction. Based on the LC-MS metabolic “fingerprints” of assayed samples, a purslane metabolic database was developed. LC-MS data were proceeded with Software application Compound Discover 2.0 (Thermo Fischer Sci., USA). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) combined with both descriptive and differential analyses were used to find marker metabolites to distinguish different geographical regions. The differential analysis of the Bulgarian and Greek samples allowed the identification of 50 marker metabolites. Based on accurate masses, retention times, fragmentation patterns in MS/MS, comparison with commercial standards and literature data, these secondary metabolites were identified after detailed analysis of Volcano-plots. For the first time, 29 compounds are reported. The identified compounds were used to perform a study of the biosynthetic pathways of purslane secondary metabolites using Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) software platform. The statistical treatments identified marker compounds that can be used to distinguish the origin of accession set. Combining LC-MS data with multivariate statistical analysis was shown to be effective in studying the purslane metabolites, allowing for integration of chemistry with geographic origin.

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Vessela Balabanova
Iassen Hristov
Dimitrina Zheleva-Dimitrova
Paulina Sugareva
Valentin Lozanov
Reneta Gevrenova


This paper gives a description of the head shield of Alona protzi, a rare species of Cladocera (water fleas) whose separated head shield has not yet been described in detail. Subfossil head shields of A. protzi were found in sediment cores taken from lakes in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Poland. Despite the rarity of the species this suggests a wide distribution of A. protzi in northern Europe. The ecology of A. protzi is poorly known. The environmental spectrum of the finding sites was wide and ranged from relatively nutrient poor clear water lakes to eutrophic turbid water lakes, indicating that A. protzi is not narrowly restricted. Most of the lakes were, however, meso-eutrophic with neutral to high pH, and with a relatively low abundance of submerged macrophytes. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that A. protzi mainly lives in groundwater and is only occasionally transported into lakes.

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Rikke Bjerring
Mirva Nykänen
Kaarina Sarmaja-Korjonen
Artem Sinev
Karina Jensen
Liisa Nevalainen
Krystyna Szeroczyńska
Edyta Zawisza


According to the usual, simplified picture of the Meinong‑Russell controversy, Meinong’s semantics is structurally amazingly simple but ontologically very expensive, while Russell’s theory contains some counter‑intuitive syntactic complica-tions, but to make up for this expense it releases us from almost all ontological troubles. Now the reality is much more complex. On the one hand it appears that the alleged ontological innocence of Russell’s solution has been highly exaggerated. In particular it assumes a Platonic ontology of universal properties. At the same time, if we look a bit closer, also Meinong’s theory turns out to be much more complicated than it looks at the first sight. It involves a hierarchy of objects exhibiting different degrees of completeness and in the later period of Meinong’s thought the structure of intentional reference takes a form very similar to that which has been proposed by Russell in his On Denoting.
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Arkadiusz Chrudzimski

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Grodzka 52, 31-044 Kraków


W artykule przedstawia się spór o charakter deskrypcji określonych, który miał miejsce na łamach czasopisma „Mind” między Peterem Strawsonem a Bertrandem Russellem. Spór ten wykracza poza próbę uzasadnienia odmiennych rozstrzygnięć pewnych problemów związanym z użyciem deskrypcji, gdyż odwołuje się do dwóch odmiennych tradycji w ramach filozofii analitycznej, które można nazwać filozofią języka naturalnego oraz filozofią języka idealnego. Celem artykułu jest zarysowanie głównych cech owych tradycji oraz wskazanie, w jaki sposób rzutowały one na ową polemikę. W pierwszym paragrafie omawiam teorię deskrypcji Russella na tle przemian jego poglądów filozoficznych, które następowały od końca XIX wieku do opublikowania w roku 1905 słynnego artykułu On Denoting. Drugi paragraf poświęcam krótkiemu omówieniu wspomnianych tradycji oraz roli Strawsona w filozofii języka naturalnego. W kolejnym paragrafie analizuję zarzuty Strawsona wobec teorii deskrypcji, skupiając się niekiedy na detalach, które są zazwyczaj pomijane w standardowych prezentacjach. Ostatni paragraf poświęcony jest odpowiedzi Russella na zarzuty Strawsona. Kontrargumenty Russella omawiam w kontekście reprezentowanej przez niego filozofii języka idealnego i sugeruję, w jaki sposób można niekiedy pogodzić oba podejścia.

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Janusz Maciaszek


Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie teorii znaczenia sformułowanej przez Romana Ingardena w Sporze o istnienie świata oraz w pracach O dziele literackim i O poznawaniu dzieła literackiego, a następnie przetestowanie tej teorii na wybranych problemach współczesnej filozofii języka. Do problemów tych należą: semantyka nazw pustych, spór między millianizmem a deskryptywizmem o naturę nazw własnych, problem zastępowalności w kontekstach intensjonalnych, holizm znaczeniowy, problem składalności oraz granica między semantyką a pragmatyką. Analiza tych problemów na gruncie teorii Ingardena wraz z przedstawieniem ich rozwiązania w teorii G. Fregego, K. Ajdukiewicza, W.V. Quine’a i D. Davidsona rzuca ciekawe światło na tę niezwykle złożoną, „drobnoziarnistą” teorię, opartą na oryginalnej ontologii. Wprawdzie teoria Ingardena nie zawiera się w dominującym nurcie filozofii języka, ale rozwiązuje problem nazw pustych, stosunek nazw własnych do deskrypcji określonych i nie jest holistyczna. Nie zaciera także różnicy między semantyką a pragmatyką. Teoria Ingardena nie jest składalna i reifikuje znaczenia, co może stanowić poważny zarzut pod jej adresem. Dlatego też ocena tej teorii nie może być jednoznaczna.
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Janusz Maciaszek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź


W artykule badam wpływy i reinterpretacje filozofii Romana Ingardena u Leopolda Blausteina. Ten ostatni studiował we Lwowie u autora O dziele literackim, a później nawiązał z nim wieloletni dialog filozoficzny. W literaturze przedmiotu można spotkać się z opinią, że Blaustein pozostawał pod wpływem Ingardena przede wszystkim na gruncie estetyki. Bronię jednak tezy, że wpływy te były znacznie szersze i dotyczyły także metodologii i teorii świadomości. Artykuł jest podzielony na trzy zasadnicze części. W pierwszej rekonstruuje się krytykę Blausteina metod ejdetycznych w fenomenologii. W tym kontekście twierdzi się, że argumenty te są skierowane raczej ku koncepcji Ingardena niż Husserla. I chociaż Blaustein proponuje rozumieć fenomenologię jako psychologię opisową, zaś Ingarden jako analizę ejdetyczną, obaj zgadzają się, że fenomenologia polega na rygorystycznym opisie sposobów dania przedmiotów w doświadczeniu. W drugiej części zostają omówione argumenty Blausteina przeciwko Husserlowskiej teorii świadomości. Argumenty te opierają się na Ingardenowskim odróżnieniu „przeżywania” i „doznawania” dat wrażeniowych. W ostatniej części wskazuję elementy, które zarówno łączą, jak i dzielą obie teorie estetyczne.
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Witold Płotka

  1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01-938 Warszawa


Z historycznego punktu widzenia prace Petera F. Strawsona wpisują się w początek współczesnych interdycyplinarnych badań nad problemem umysł-ciało. Tematem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja i analiza Strawsona programu metafizyki opisowej i związanego z nim pojęcia osoby. W drugiej części przedstawiam nieredukcyjny naturalizm Strawsona, skupiając się przy tym na dwóch zagadnieniach należących do zakresu umysł-ciało: pytaniu o istnienie innych umysłów oraz pytaniu o nomologiczną redukcję stanów mentalnych osoby do stanów fizycznych jej ciała (tzw. teoria identyczności umysł-ciało). Następnie wskazuję na kilka możliwości użycia Strawsonowskiej koncepcji osoby w perspektywie innych pytań z zakresu problemu umysł-ciało (tożsamość osób z rozdwojonym mózgiem, fazy rozwoju osoby).

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Józef Bremer


The aim of the paper is to provide an answer to the following question: How to interpret the principle of acquaintance and what role does it play in Bertrand Russell’s epistemology? It seems that the principle itself should be so adjusted as to take into account two concepts: (1) an act of judgment as a multiple relation and (2) the division of reality into what is directly given (sense‑data) and physical objects. I show, contrary to Russell’s assurances, that the content and the role of the principle is not clear, and its acceptance leads to a paradox. Having discovered that consequence, Russell abandoned the dualistic division of reality and with the help of the method of logical constructions, sought a position that embraced phenomena
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Wiesław Heflik

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, ul Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków
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The article deals with a current state-of-art of fluid solid interaction (FSI) – the new branch of continuum physics. Fluid-solid interaction is a new quality of modeling physical processes of continuum mechanics, it can be described as the interaction of various (so far treated separately from the point of view of mathematical modeling) physical phenomena occurring in continuous media systems. The most correct is the simultaneous application of the laws of the given physical disciplines, which implies that fluid solid interaction is a subset of multi-physical applications where the interactions between these subsets are exchanged on the surface in interconnected systems. Our purpose is to extend the fluid solid interaction aplications into new phenomena what follow from the industrial needs and inovative thechnologies. Selecting the various approaches, we prefer the arbitraty lagrangean-eulerian description within the bulk of fluid/solid domain and a new sort of advanced boundary condition on a surface of common contact.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Ochrymiuk
Mariusz Banaszkiewicz
1 2
Marcin Lemański
1 3
Tomasz Kowalczyk
Paweł Ziółkowski
1 4
Piotr J. Ziółkowski
Rafał Hyrzyński
1 5
Michał Stajnke
Mateusz Bryk
Bartosz Kraszewski
Sylwia Kruk-Gotzman
1 6
Marcin Froissart
Janusz Badur

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Science, Fiszera 14, 80-331 Gdansk, Poland
  2. General Electric Power, Stoczniowa 2, 82-300 Elblag, Poland
  3. Anwil Grupa Orlen, Torunska 222, 87-800 Włocławek, Poland
  4. Gdansk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
  5. Energa S.A. Grunwaldzka 472, 80-309 Gdansk, Poland
  6. Agencja Rynku Energii, Bobrowiecka 3, 00-728 Warszawa, Poland


A methodology is proposed for modifying computer ontologies (CO) for electronic courses (EC) in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) for universities, schools, extracurricular institutions, as well as for the professional retraining of specialists. The methodology includes the modification of CO by representing the formal ontograph of CO in the form of a graph and using techniques for working with the graph to find optimal paths on the graph using applied software (SW). A genetic algorithm (GA) is involved in the search for the optimal CO. This will lead to the division of the ontograph into branches and the ability to calculate the best trajectory in a certain sense through the EC educational material, taking into account the syllabus. An example is considered for the ICT course syllabus in terms of a specific topic covering the design and use of databases. It is concluded that for the full implementation of this methodology, a tool is needed that automates this procedure for developing EC and/or electronic textbooks. An algorithm and a prototype of software tools are also proposed, integrating machine methods of working with CO and graphs.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nazym Sabitova
Yuriy Tikhonov
Valerii Lakhno
Makulov Kariyrbek
Olena Kryvoruchko
Vitalyi Chubaievskyi
Alona Desiatko
Mereke Zhumadilova

  1. Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan
  2. Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Poltava, Ukraine
  3. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  4. Yessenov University, Aktau, Kazakhstan
  5. State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine


Business Process mapping (BP mapping) is important for a company to identify their activities. Previous research suggests several approaches for process identification and BP mapping, which would be easier if the company had already implemented a computer-based information system. The research presented in this paper has the purpose of providing an alternative method for BP mapping especially for the company that does not implement the computer-based information system. A proposed method is using job description documents that the company had to identify elements needed to perform BP mapping which are actor, process, document, and flow of documents. A Natural Language Process (NLP) which is text mining method is used for mining job documents to identify those elements that exist in each job position. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed method, samples of job descriptions of 15 companies are taken. It shows that the proposed method can be applied.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ririn Diar ASTANTI
Adelia Veneska SWITASARRA


This article provides a lexical and morphemic analysis of a folktale in the so far undocumented South Bashkardi dialect of Garu village, Hormozgān province, Iran. The text, which belongs to ATU 315A tale type about the so-called ‘Cannibal sister’, is presented with a tentative phonological transcription, an English translation, and a detailed glossary
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Gerardo Barbera


The jubilee volume “Slavica Wratislaviensia”, CLIX: Wyraz i zdanie w językach słowiańskich (8), is a collection of contributions by pupils, collegues, and friends, dedicated to Professor Jan Sokołowski slavist of Wroclaw University, on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The publication topics covered subjects connected with researches on word and sentence in Slavic languages, their description, comparative and contrastive studies, and translation. They take up important current topics, reliably and comprehensively analyze problems that have not been noticed before or have not been solved yet. Due to the selection of topics and high scientific level (most authors are renowned linguists) the volume should be considered as representative for contemporary Slavic linguistics.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zofia Rudnik-Karwatowa


In the Hajnówka district, over 450 surnames with the suffix (derivational morp heme) -uk are recorded which were mostly formed from patronymics based on given names of Greek origin, less frequently of Hebrew, Latin and Slavic. The goal of the present article is to discuss patronymic surnames with the suffix -uk found exclusively in Poland or in largest numbers in the Hajnówka district in the Białystok region, which is overwhelmingly inhabited by the Orthodox population, who usually speak Belarusian, Ukrainian or sometimes mixed dialects. The material basis of the present study is therefore the surnames with the suffix -uk most characteristic of the area investigated and strictly associated with this territory from the time of its settlement.

The author set himself the following specific objectives: a) establish the number of people with a particular surname in Poland; b) establish the number of people with a particular surname in the Hajnówka district; c) establish the surnames with the suffix -uk found exclusively in Poland or in largest numbers in the Hajnówka district; d) establish the origin of the surname investigated. The article may prove useful not only in establishing the origin of the surnames studied but also in determining the place where they arose and the directions of migration of the population within Poland.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Sajewicz


This work present an efficient hardware architecture of Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the classification of Hyperspectral remotely sensed data using High Level Synthesis (HLS) method. The high classification time and power consumption in traditional classification of remotely sensed data is the main motivation for this work. Therefore presented work helps to classify the remotely sensed data in real-time and to take immediate action during the natural disaster. An embedded based SVM is designed and implemented on Zynq SoC for classification of hyperspectral images. The data set of remotely sensed data are tested on different platforms and the performance is compared with existing works. Novelty in our proposed work is extend the HLS based FPGA implantation to the onboard classification system in remote sensing. The experimental results for selected data set from different class shows that our architecture on Zynq 7000 implementation generates a delay of 11.26 μs and power consumption of 1.7 Watts, which is extremely better as compared to other Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation using Hardware description Language (HDL) and Central Processing Unit (CPU) implementation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

H.N. Mahendra
S. Mallikarjunaswamy

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education Bengaluru and Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, India


The study was conducted to assess and substantiate the key systemic problems of the national engineering of different countries in the context of economic globalization. To achieve this goal, the study used the author’s method to assess the dependence of mechanical engineering in Ukraine, Poland and Germany on imports of intermediate goods. According to the results, it was determined that in the periods of increasing economic globalization of mechanical engineering in Ukraine, Poland and Germany has undergone systemic destructive changes and is in a threatening state, from the standpoint of economic security. In particular, in Ukrainian and Polish mechanical engineering, the dependence on imports of high-tech intermediate goods is excessively high. In contrast, German engineering, unlike Ukraine’s and Poland’s, is less dependent on imports of high-tech products, but requires much more resource-intensive intermediate goods. It is analytically substantiated that the identified problems with the import dependence of mechanical engineering in Ukraine, Poland and Germany are the result of irrational, one-sided perception of economic globalization by the main economic entities of these countries.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Svitlana Ishchuk
Lyubomyr Sozanskyy

  1. Department of Problems of the Real Sector of the Regional Economy, Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine

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