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On the basis of a close reading of the poetry of Kazimierz Lewandowski ( Lais and the poems in Szella) this article presents a revised view of the androgyne in the perception of the Young Poland modernism. The article examines the symbolism and the spaces with which the androgyne is associated, the androgyne’s destructive influence on men and demonic, Mephistophelian personality traits.
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● Dąbrowski M., Makowiecki A., Modernistyczne źródła dwudziestowieczności, Warszawa 2003.
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● Lewandowski K., Szella, Kraków 1893.
● Łoch E., Modernizm i feminizm. Postacie kobiece w literaturze polskiej i obcej, Lublin 2002.
● Okulicz-Kozaryn M., Endymion i endymionizm, „Ruch Literacki”, z. 1 (358), Kraków 2020, s. 3–16.
● Piwińska M., Złe wychowanie. Fragmenty romantycznej biografii, Warszawa 1981.
● Podraza-Kwiatkowska M., Młodopolska femina. Garść uwag, „Teksty Drugie” 1993, nr 4/5/ 6, s. 36–53.
● Podraza-Kwiatkowska M., Symbolizm i symbolika w poezji Młodej Polski, Kraków 2001.
● Przybyszewski S., Androgyne, Kraków 1905.
● Ritz G., Nowy świat i dawny wizerunek kobiety. Polska awangarda po 1918 roku a kulturowe aspekty płci, tłum. M. Łukasiewicz, „Kresy” 1997, nr 31–32, s. 11–26.
● Ritz, G., Maria Komornicka: zagrożone autorstwo a kategoria „gender”, tłum. M. Łukasie-wicz, „Pamiętnik Literacki” 2001, z. 1, s. 33-51.
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Bartosz Ejzak

  1. Zakład Literatury Pozytywizmu i Młodej Polski, Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The experiments were carried out in Rzeszów, a region of the Arion lusitanicus mass occurrence, and also in Poznań. The studies were performed under field conditions, in isolators dug into the ground. It was found that the slug began egg laying by the end of the first decade of August. The period of egg laying, depending on meteorological conditions, lasted for 2-3.5 months. The eggs were laid in clutches, each containing from 5 to 193 eggs. Most of eggs laid in August hatched before winter. For the eggs laid in mid-August the period of hatching was shorter than those laid at the tum of August/September, and the percentage of hatched eggs was lower. Eggs deposited at later dates (in September-November) did not hatch before winter.
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Jan Kozłowski
Rafał Sionek
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This paper discusses particular traits of historical thinking, including the role of the historian’s mentality in the perception of history.

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Maciej Dymkowski
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Orientating investigations were carried out in order to test the influence of oil extracts of lycopene (20, 40 and 60 mg/kg feed) and astaxanthin (10, 20 and 30 mg/kg feed) as feed additives on the metabolic parameters (glucose, creatinine, cholesterol) and enzyme activities (alanine aminotransferase, ALT; aspartate transaminase, AST) of laying hens. Eggs from these hens were stored at refrigerator temperatures of 4°C and 12°C for up to 30 days and analyzed for vitamin A, carotenoid and yolk color. 45 laying hens (Hy-Line W36 cross, 23 weeks of age) were divided in three groups of 15 birds each (control, lycopene fed group, astaxanthin fed group). Blood samples were taken from the hens and laid eggs were collected on days 31, 61, and 91 of the study. The eggs were stored for 30 days in refrigerators. Both lycopene and astaxanthin increased the content of glucose in serum (Р<0.05). The content of creatinine and cholesterol, and the activity of ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase varied dose-dependently. With the exception of cholesterol, metabolite concentrations in the serum of laying hens fed different lycopene and astaxanthin doses did not exceed clinically accepted physiological levels. The carotenoid content and color of the egg yolks from laying hens fed astaxanthin was significantly higher (Р<0.05) compared to lycopene fed birds. Refrigerator storage of the eggs did not affect carotenoid content and egg yolk color compared to freshly laid eggs. Both feed additives showed a favorable effect on the metabolism of laying hens and the enrichment of egg yolks with carotenoids, astaxanthin significantly more (Р<0.05) than lycopene.
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Authors and Affiliations

L.V. Shevchenko
O.M. Iakubchak
V.A. Davydovych
V.V. Honchar
M. Ciorga
J. Hartung
R. Kołacz

  1. Department of Veterinary Hygiene, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroiv Oborony St, 15, Kiev, Ukraine
  2. Department of Public Health Protection and Animal Welfare, Institute for Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Gagarina 7, Toruń, Poland
  3. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Bünteweg 9, Hannover, Germany
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In the climatic conditions of Lower Silesia, Poland the European corn borer lays eggs on sweet corn during 3-5 week period between the 3rd decade of June and the 2nd decade ofAugust. The eggs are laid on leaves L1 to LS ofmain and lateral stems of the plants. Caterpillars start to hatch at the beginning ofJuly, but in 1998-2000 a massive hatching was observed only in the 2nd and in the 3rd decade ofJuly, whereas in 2001 - in the 3rd decade of this month and in the l st decade of August. Larvae are capable of migrating between plant rows on the soil surface, which was observed in 1998-2000 from the end ofJuly till the end of October. Most caterpillars migrated in the 2nd and in the 3rd decade of August and in the first days of September. The cob damage by caterpillars ranged between 31 and 46%. Delayed harvest caused a substantial increase in damage.
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Janusz Mazurek
Michał Hurej
Jacek Jackowski
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Tunnel lay-by spacing is directly related to traffic safety and engineering investment. Nevertheless, its mechanism is not clear, and the rationality of the exiting norms with respect to tunnel lay-by spacing needs to demonstrate. A calculation model for tunnel lay-by spacing was derived by considering the headway and the physical kinematics of the two vehicles chasing and encountering. With it, the influence of various parameters on lay-by spacing were analysed and the rationality of the model were discussed through comparing with existing norms. Results shows longitudinal gradient rate, daily average traffic flow, rolling resistance coefficient, posted speed limit are significant to determine the lay-by spacing, and the most important parameter is longitudinal gradient rate. Existing tunnel lay-by spacing norm values are not reasonable enough, either too strict or too loose. These findings provide scientific support for how to select tunnel lay-by spacing value, which can improve tunnel traffic safety and make engineering investment reasonable.
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Bo Liang
Yao Xiao

  1. Chongqing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Xuefu Avenue 66, Nanan District, Chongqing, China
  2. Chongqing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Rail Transit (Group) Co., Ltd, Xuefu Avenue 66, Nanan District, Chongqing, China
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Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) technology is a highly complex process connected with high risk and uncertainty due the high variability underground strata, often limited access to specialised equipment, dynamic natural environment, technical disruptions, human factor and changes in economic environment that further complicate the gathering of reliable information and data. This work presents a new risk evaluation model tailored for HDD technology, in which failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) modelling were applied. This paper focuses on 15 human risk factors and 9 equipment risk factors in HDD technology. The proposed approach takes into account not only the probability of the risk factor occurrence, but also its severity and the possibility of detecting faults, which were not clearly separated and analyzed in the previous works. Application of the proposed model shows the relationship between occurrence, severity and detection for the analyzed failures. Moreover, many detection possibilities for the identified failures were presented. The calculated risk priority numbers allowed to rank HDD failures and identify the most critical risks for which one should look for risk treatment possibilities beyond risk cause reduction, such as risk effect reduction, risk transfer, risk elimination or active risk retention.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Krechowicz
Wacław Gierulski
Stephen Loneragan
Henk Kruse

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Poland
  2. HDD Engineering, Australia
  3. Deltares, the Netherlands
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Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a very complex technology. Although the installation of pipelines by means of this technology is often successful, examples of unsuccessful projects are also known. Due to the complexity of the technology, with the interaction of multiple processes, risks related to uncertainties in these processes play important role. These risks are related to the variability of underground strata, changing natural environment, changes in economic environment, as well as limitations of the equipment, technical disruptions and human factors. This paper describes the risk evaluation results of the FMEA and a Pareto– Lorenz analysis for 14 external risk factors (8 natural or environmental risk factors as well as 6 economic risk factors) in HDD technology. In the proposed approach not only the probability of the external risk factor occurrence was considered, but also its consequences and the ability to detect faults, which were not plainly separated and taken into account in the literature so far. Such an approach has shown the relationship between occurrence, severity and detection for the analysed external failures. Moreover, 40 detection possibilities for the external risks in HDD technology were identified. The calculated risk priority numbers enabled ranking HDD external failures and identified the most critical risks for which the suggested detection options were unsatisfactory and insufficient, and therefore other types of risk response actions need to be explored.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Krechowicz
Wacław Gierulski
Stephen Loneragan
Henk Kruse

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling, Poland
  2. HDD Engineering, Australia
  3. Deltares, the Netherlands

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