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Plasma sprayed ceramic coatings serve as protective layers and are frequently exposed to aggressive wear, corrosion, or high-temperature environment. Currently, alumina and alumina-titania are some of the most popular protective ceramic composite coatings used in the industry. The present work deals with the investigation of the influence of TiO₂ content in the feedstock powder on the resulting microstructure and properties of Al₂O₃, Al₂O₃ + 3 wt% TiO₂, Al₂O₃ + 13 wt% TiO₂ and Al₂O₃ + 40 wt% TiO₂ coatings developed via atmospheric plasma spraying (APS). Specifically, the phase composition, morphology, and microstructure, as well as the mechanical and tribological performance of the coatings were examined. Results revealed that higher content of TiO₂ induced the transformation of phases, leading to the formation of intermediary Al₂TiO₅ and Al₂- xTi₁- xO₅ phases. Also, the dominant α–Al₂O₃ to γ–Al₂O₃ transformation confirmed the formulation of well-melted lamellas within the coating structure. It was also shown that the increase in TiO₂ content decreased the micro-hardness of the coatings due to the formation of the intermediary phases as mentioned above and thus, affected their tribological performance. The lowest volumetric wear, equal to 7.2×10⁻⁵ mm³/(N m), was reported for Al₂O₃ + 13 wt% TiO₂ coating.
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  1.  A. Richter, L.-M. Berger, S. Conze, Y.J. Sohn, and R. Vassen, “Emergence and impact of Al2TiO5 in Al2O3–TiO2 APS coatings”, IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Eng. 480, 012007 (2019).
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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Michalak
Leszek Łatka
Paweł Sokołowski
Rolando T. Candidato Jr.
Andrzej Ambroziak

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
  2. Physics Department, College of Science and Mathematics, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, A. Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, 9200, Iligan, City, Philippines
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Magnesium alloys have recently become increasingly popular in many sectors of the industry due to their unique properties, such as low density, high specific strength, vibration damping ability along with their recyclability and excellent machinability. Nowadays, thin films have been attracting more attention in applications that improve mechanical and corrosion properties. The following alloys were used for the coated Mg-Al-RE and the ultra-light magnesium-lithium alloy of the Mg-Li-Al-RE type. A single layer of TiO2 was deposited using the atomic layer deposition ALD method. Multiple layers of the Ti/TiO₂ and Ti/TiO₂/Ti/TiO₂ type were obtained by the MS-PVD magnetron sputtering technique. Samples were investigated by scanning and a transmission electron microscope (SEM, TEM) and their morphology was studied by an atomic forces microscope (AFM). Further examinations, including electrochemical corrosion, roughness and tribology, were also carried out. As a result of the research, it was found that the best electrochemical properties are exhibited by single TiO2 layers obtained by the ALD method. Moreover, it was found that the Ti/TiO₂/Ti/TiO₂ double film has better properties than the Ti/TiO₂ film.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Staszuk
Łukasz Reimann
Aleksandra Ściślak
Justyna Jaworska
Mirosława Pawlyta
Tomasz Mikuszewski
Dariusz Kuc
Tomasz Tański
Antonín Kříž

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ul. Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, ul. Krasińskiego 8, Katowice, Poland
  3. University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univerzitni 22 St., 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic
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The photocatalytic, sonolytic and sonophotocatalytic degradation of 4-chloro-2-nitrophenol (4C2NP) using heterogeneous (TiO2) was investigated in this study. Experiments were performed in slurry mode with artificial UV 125 watt medium pressure mercury lamp coupled with ultrasound (100 W, 33+3 KHz) for sonication of the slurry. The degradation of compound was studied in terms of first order kinetics. The catalyst concentration was optimized at 1.5 gL-1, pH at 7 and oxidant concentration at 1.5 gL-1. The results obtained were quite appreciable as 80% degradation was obtained for photocatalytic treatment in 120 minutes whereas, ultrasound imparting synergistic effect as degradation achieved 96% increase in 90 minutes during sonophotocatalysis. The degradation follows the trend sonophotocatalysis > photocatalysis > sonocatalytic > sonolysis. The results of sonophotocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutical compound showed that it could be used as efficient and environmentally friendly technique for the complete degradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants which will increase the chances for the reuse of wastewater.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anoop Verma
Harmanpreet Kaur
Divya Dixit
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In this work, three ceramic composite coatings Al2O3-3TiO2 C, Al2O3-13TiO2 C, and Al2O3-13TiO2 N were plasma sprayed on steel substrates. They were deposited with two conventional powders differing the volume fraction of TiO2 and nanostructured powder. The mechanical and tribological properties of the coatings were investigated and compared. The increase in TiO2 content from 3 wt.% to 13 wt.% in the conventional feedstock improved the mechanical properties and abrasion resistance of coatings. However, the size of the used powder grains had a much stronger influence on the properties of deposited coatings than the content of the titania phase. The Al2O3-13TiO2 coating obtained from nanostructured powder revealed significantly better properties than that plasma sprayed using conventional powder, i.e. 22% higher microhardness, 19% lower friction coefficient, and over twice as good abrasive wear resistance. In turn, the Al2O3-13TiO2 conventional coating showed an increase in microhardness and abrasive wear resistance, 36% and 43%, respectively, and 6% higher coefficient of friction compared to the Al2O3-3TiO2 conventional coating.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Góral
W. Żórawski
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In this paper, explain the preparation of CaTiO3 ceramics synthesized by the solid-state reaction method. Calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide were high energy mixed in stoichiometric amounts, and the obtained mixture was calcined at different temperatures (800, 900, 1000 and 1300ºC) for 2 h. The obtained samples were characterized by measurement of particle size, Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) Analysis; differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and SEM images. XRD patterns indicated that CaTiO3 ceramics with the structure of perovskite is obtained from calcined powders at 1,300°C for 2 h. SEM images show the formation of a very fine and homogeneous morphology. The measured values of electrical resistivity were within the typical range of insulating materials and approach values corresponding to insulating ceramics.

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Authors and Affiliations

E. Rocha-Rangel
J. López-Hernández
J.A. Castillo-Martínez
J.J. Osorio-Ramos
C.A. Calles-Arriaga
I. Estrada-Guel
R. Martínez-Sánchez
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In this work, a design equation was presented for a batch-recirculated photoreactor composed of a packed bed reactor (PBR) with immobilised TiO2-P25 nanoparticle thin films on glass beads, and a continuous-flow stirred tank (CFST). The photoreactor was studied in order to remove C.I. Acid Orange 7 (AO7), a monoazo anionic dye from textile industry, by means of UV/TiO2 process. The effect of different operational parameters such as the initial concentration of contaminant, the volume of solution in CFST, the volumetric flow rate of liquid, and the power of light source in the removal efficiency were examined. A rate equation for the removal of AO7 is obtained by mathematical kinetic modelling. The results of reaction kinetic analysis indicate the conformity of removal kinetics with Langmuir-Hinshelwood model (kL-H = 0.74 mg L-1 min-1, Kads = 0.081 mg-1 L). The represented design equation obtained from mathematical kinetic modelling can properly predict the removal rate constant of the contaminant under different operational conditions (R2 = 0.963). Thus the calculated and experimental results are in good agreement with each other.

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Authors and Affiliations

Behnaz Sheidaei
Mohammad A. Behnajady
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In this paper an analysis of the surface properties of (Ti,Pd,Eu)Ox thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering has been described. In particular, the results of composition and structure investigations were studied in relation to the surface state and optical properties. It was found that (Ti,Pd,Eu)Ox film was nanocrystalline and had a rutile structure. The average crystallites size was equal to 7.8 nm. Films were homogeneous and had densely packed grains. Investigation of the surface properties by XPS showed that titanium was present at 4+ state (in the TiO2form), palladium occurred as PdO2(also at 4+ state), while europium was in Eu2O3form (at 3+ state). In comparison with the unmodiffied TiO2, the coating with Pd and Eu additives had a rather high transparency (approx. 47%) in the visible light range, its optical absorption edge was shifted towards into the longer wavelengths (from 345 nm to 452 nm), and the width of optical energy gap Egopt was nearly twice lower (1.82 eV). Besides, the resistivity of (Ti,Pd,Eu)Ox at room temperature was 1×103 Wcm. In the case of the film as-deposited on Si substrate (p-type) the generation of photocurrent as a response to light beam excitation (λexc = 527 nm) was observed.

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Authors and Affiliations

D. Wojcieszak
D. Kaczmarek
J. Domaradzki
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There is a high impact of the solar cells on energy manufacturing. For several years the energy efficiency was limited due to base-materials' structural and technological limits. High increase of energy harvesting of solar cells has been observed since the first solar cell based on dye-sensitized colloidal TiO2 films occurred. One of the most promising solutions are used quantum dots (QD) for light energy conversion. In this paper, we described the use of selected characterization techniques for sandwich-type TiO2/QD composites for a low-cost quantum dots' solar cell in the point of view of mass manufacturer of solar cells and research and development laboratory. Moreover, the increasing role of Raman spectroscopy and mapping for the TiO2/QD was presented and compared with other necessity techniques for solar cell investigations such as ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS).

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Kwaśnicki
M. Jarzębski
P. Kardasz
M. Inglot
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In the present work TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) have been dispersed into three different nematic liquid crystals (2020, 1823A and 1550C) in different concentration. The value of the birefringence (Δn) has been calculated by the transmitted intensity method at a 632.8 nm wavelength. NLC 2020 used in the present study is a high birefringent material (Δn = 0.44), NLC 1550C is a low birefringent material (Δn = 0.067) and NLC 1823A is a mid birefringent material (Δn = 0.14). An increased value of birefringence has been found after dispersion of TiO2 NPs in all three NLCs but this increment depends upon the concentration of the dopant material, temperature range and chemical character of the mixtures. It is suggested that this LC materials can be applicable in making of phase shifters, compensators and many more photonic devices.

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Authors and Affiliations

G. Pathak
R. Katiyar
K. Agrahari
A. Srivastava
R. Dabrowski
K. Garbat
R. Manohar
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A SrTiO3 electroceramic with perovskite structure was produced by the calcination of a mixture of SrCO3 and TiO2 intensively grounded by high energy milling. For this purpose, raw materials were mixed in stoichiometric amounts in a planetary type mill; the obtained powder mixture was calcined for 2 h at temperatures between 800 and 1300°C. Samples resulting from the calcination were characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM analysis and electrical measurements. From XRD, it was determined that the SrTiO3 formed presents the cubic structure of perovskite. The complete reaction for SrTiO3 compound formation occurs at 1200°C. Micrograph observations indicate the presence of a homogeneous microstructure with tiny grain size. The measured values of electrical resistivity were within the typical range of insulating materials.

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Authors and Affiliations

Enrique Rocha-Rangel
Wilian J. Pech-Rodríguez
Juan López-Hernández
Carlos A. Calles-Arriaga
Eddie N. Armendáriz-Mireles
José A. Castillo-Robles
José A. Rodríguez-García
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The present work concerns analysis of the possibilities of synthesis of Ni-TiO2 composite coatings from electrolytes containing formate nickel complexes. A magnetic field was applied as an additional factor enabling modification of properties of the synthesized coatings through its influence on electrode processes. The presented data describes the effect of electrode potential, TiO2 concentration in the electrolyte as well as the value of the magnetic field induction vector on the deposition rate, composition, current efficiency, structure, surface states and morphology of synthesized coatings. The studies were preceded by thermodynamic analysis of the electrolyte. The obtained results indicated possibilities of synthesis of composites containing up to 0.97 wt. % of TiO2. Depending on applied electrolysis conditions current efficiency amounted to from 61.2 to 75.1%.

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K. Mech
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Microstructures are an important link between materials processing and performance, and microstructure control is essential for any materials processing route where the microstructure plays a major role in determining the properties. In this work, silver-doped titanium dioxide (Ag/TiO2) thin film was prepared by the sol-gel method through the hydrolysis of titanium tetra-isopropoxide and silver nitrate solution. The sol was spin coated on ITO glass substrate to get uniform film followed by annealing process for 2 hours. The obtained films were annealed at different annealing temperatures in the range of 300°C-600°C in order to observe the effect on crystalline state, microstructures and optical properties of Ag/TiO2 thin film. The thin films were characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. It is clearly seen, when the annealing temperature increases to 500°C, a peak at 2θ = 25.30° can be seen which refers to the structure of TiO2 tetragonal anatase. The structure of Ag/TiO2 thin film become denser, linked together, porous and uniformly distributed on the surface and displays the highest cut-off wavelength value which is 396 nm with the lowest band gap value, which is 3.10 eV.
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Authors and Affiliations

A.R. Kamrosni
C.H. Dewi Suryani
A. Azliza
A.B.A. Mohd. Mustafa
M.S. Mohd. Arif Anuar
M. Norsuria
V. Chobpattana
L. Kaczmarek
B. Jeż
M. Nabiałek

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis, (UniMAP), Center of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), School of Materials Engineering, 02600 JalanKangar- Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
  2. Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT), Fac ulty of Engineering, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Thailand
  3. Lodz University of Technology (TUL), Instititute of Materials Science and Engineering, 1/15 Stefanowskiego Str., 90-924 Lodz, Poland
  4. Częstochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Department of Physics, 19 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland
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Black TiO 2nanofibers have recently emerged as a promising material that has both advantages of black metal oxide and one-dimensional nanostructure. However, current reduction-based synthesis approaches are not compatible with practical applications because these processes require high process costs, complicated processes, and sophisticated control. Therefore, it is still necessary to develop a simple and facile method that can easily introduce atomic defects during the synthesis process. This work suggests an electrospinning process with an antioxidant and subsequent calcination process for the facile synthesis of black TiO 2 nanofibers. The synthesized black TiO 2 nanofiber has an average diameter of 50.3 nm and a rutile structure. Moreover, this nanofiber represented a noticeable black color and a bandgap of 2.67 eV, clearly demonstrating the bandgap narrowing by the introduced atomic defects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Myeongjun Ji
Eung Ryong Kim
Mi-Jeong Park
Hee Yeon Jeon
Jaeyun Moon
Jongmin Byun
Young-In Lee

  1. Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul, 01811, Republic of Korea
  2. University of Nevada, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland PKWY Las Vegas, NV 89154, United States
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Recently, transition metal oxides, which exhibit favorable catalytic abilities, have also been investigated as a material for the detection of hydrazine (N2H4). It has been reported that mixed metal oxides usually offer a higher electrochemical activity than binary oxides. In this work, a TiO2–Fe2O3 coupled system is presented as an enhanced material with major applications in electrochemical detectors. The electrochemical behavior of glassy carbon electrodes modified with TiO2–Fe2O3 in the absence and presence of hydrazine was evaluated via cyclic voltammetry (CV). Experimental results also suggest that the formation of the TiO2– Fe2O3 coupled system enhances electrochemical catalytic performance in N2H4 detection. The modification TiO2 + 2 mol% Fe2O3 provides good analytical performance of detection (0.13 mM) and quantification limits (0.39 mM). The presented coupled system provides the premise for a suitable material for a stable and sensitive N2H4 sensor.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Kusior
Iwona Karoń
Marta Radecka
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Alternating current a.c. measurements enable to understand the physical and chemical processes occurring in semiconductor materials. Impedance spectroscopy has been successfully applied to study the responses of gas sensors based on metal oxides, such as TiO2, SnO2 and TiO2/SnO2 nanocomposites. This work is devoted to dynamic measurements of hydrogen sensor behaviour over the temperature range of 300–450◦C. Frequency dependence of the impedance signal gives evidence that 50 mol% TiO2/50 mol% SnO2 nanocomposites should be treated as resistive-type sensors. Temporal evolution of the response to 500 ppm H2 at 320◦C indicates a very short response time and much longer recovery.

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Authors and Affiliations

Bartłomiej Szafraniak
Anna Kusior
Marta Radecka
Katarzyna Zakrzewska
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The paper addresses an important scientific topic from the utilitarian point of view concerning the surface treatment of Al-Si-Cu aluminum alloys by PVD/ALD hybrid coating deposition. The influence of the conditions of deposition of titanium oxide in CrN/TiO2 coatings on their structure and properties, in particular corrosion resistance, were investigated. The TiO2 layer was produced by the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method with a variable number of cycles. Structural investigations were performed using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and Raman spectroscopy methods. Electrochemical properties were analyzed using potentiodynamic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) methods. The CrN/TiO2 hybrid coating with titanium oxide deposited at 500 ALD cycles showed the best corrosion properties. It was also found that the prerequisite for obtaining the best electrochemical properties was the amorphous structure of titanium oxide in the tested hybrid coatings. The high tribological properties of the tested coatings were also confirmed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Staszuk

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Konarskiego 18a St., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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In the present study, peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation was proposed for efficient photocatalytic degradation of aspartame, acesulfame, saccharin, and cyclamate - artificial sweeteners frequently present in wastewaters and surface waters worldwide. TiO 2 nanosheets with exposed {0 0 1} facets were synthesised using the fluorine-free lyophilisation technique as a green concept for the synthesis and used for the photodegradation of selected sweeteners not susceptible to biodegradation. The synergetic effect of photocatalysis with the sulfate radical-based process was for the first time investigated. It was found that the studied artificial sweeteners were practically not susceptible to photolysis within 60 minutes of irradiation. In the presence of 2D titanium (IV) oxide, the artificial sweeteners were degraded entirely in less than 30 min, whereas the addition of peroxymonosulfate resulted in complete degradation after 10 – 15 minutes of the process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Smoliński
Agnieszka Fiszka Borzyszkowska
Paweł Kubica
Anna Zielińska-Jurek

  1. Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
  2. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology, 7 Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk
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This work summarises investigations focused on the photoanode impact on the photovoltaic response of dye-sensitized solar cells. This is a comparison of the results obtained by the authors’ research team with literature data. The studies concern the effect of the chemical structure of the applied dye, TiO2 nanostructure, co-adsorbents addition, and experimental conditions of the anode preparation. The oxide substrates were examined using a scanning electron microscope to determine the thickness and structure of the material. The TiO2 substrates with anchored dye molecules were also tested for absorption properties in the UV-Vis light range, largely translating into current density values. Photovoltaic parameters of the fabricated devices with sandwich structure were obtained from current-voltage measurements. During tests conducted with the N719 dye, it was found that devices containing an 8.4 µm thick oxide semiconductor layer had the highest efficiency (5.99%). At the same time, studies were carried out to determine the effect of the solvent and it was found that the best results were obtained using an ACN : tert-butanol mixture (5.46%). Next, phenothiazine derivatives (PTZ-1–PTZ-6) were used to prepare the devices; among the prepared solar cells, the devices containing PTZ-2 and PTZ-3 had the highest performance (6.21 and 6.22%, respectively). Two compounds designated as Th-1 and M-1 were used to prepare devices containing a dye mixture with N719.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Gnida
Aneta Slodek
Ewa Schab-Balcerzak
2 1

  1. Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences, 34 M. Curie-Sklodowska St., 41-819 Zabrze, Poland
  2. Institute of Chemistry, University of Silesia, 9 Szkolna St., 40-006 Katowice, Poland
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Thanks to dyeing of polymers, the possibilities of their use are constantly increasing. It is equally important to use additives that will have several functions. A perfect example is titanium dioxide used as an optical brightener and a flame retardant at the same time. Mostly it is used in the form of a powder. However, there are no studies where TiO2 is used as a colourbatch based on the different polymer matrix.
The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of titanium white in the form of colourbatch on the flammability and selected properties of mouldings produced in various processing conditions. Colourbatch based on PS matrix, was used in the research. The variable processing parameters were: injection temperature Tw, volume flow rate Vw, residence time and the addition of a colourbatch. On the basis of the measurements, it was found that the processing conditions and the addition of the colourbatch have low effect on the hardness of the mouldings, which was in the range from 75.59o Sh D (Shore type D) to 81.95o Sh D. It was also noted that the addition of colourbatch with TiO2 and increasing injection temperature reduces impact strength even by several dozen percent. Moreover, it was found that use of TiO2 causes a delay in the ignitability of the samples in selected cases. It is difficult to determine whether the variable processing conditions or the addition of TiO2 on the PS matrix have a greater impact on the ignitability of the moulded parts.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Trzaskalska

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Technology and Automation, 21 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-201 Czestochowa, Poland
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TiO2 is one of the most widely used metal oxide semiconductors in the field of photocatalysis for the self-cleaning purpose to withdraw pollutants. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is recommended as a stabilizer and booster during preparation of water-soluble TiO2. Preparation of SnO2/TiO2 thin film deposition on the surface of ceramic tile was carried out by the sol-gel spin coating method by adding different amount of PEG (0g, 0.2g, 0.4g, 0.6g, 0.8g) during the preparation of the sol precursor. The effects of PEG content and the annealing temperature on the phase composition, crystallite size and the hydrophilic properties of SnO2/TiO2 films were studied. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra revealed different phases existed when the films were annealed at different annealing temperatures of 350°C, 550°C and 750°C with 0.4 g of PEG addition. The crystallite sizes of the films were measured using Scherrer equation. It shows crystallite size was dependent on crystal structure existed in the films. The films with mixed phases of brookite and rutile shows the smallest crystallite size. In order to measure the hydrophilicity properties of films, the water contact angles for each film with different content of PEG were measured. It can be observed that the water contact angle decreased with the increasing of the content of PEG. It shows the superhydrophilicity properties for the films with the 0.8 g of PEG annealed at 750°C. This demonstrates that the annealed temperature and the addition of PEG affect the phase composition and the hydrophilicity properties of the films.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dewi Suriyani Che Halin
1 2
A. Azliza
1 2
Kamrosni Abdul Razak
1 2
Mohd Mustafa Albakri Abdullah
1 2
Mohd Arif Anuar Mohd Salleh
1 2
Juyana A Wahab
1 2
V. Chobpattana
L. Kaczmarek
M. Nabiałek
B. Jeż

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Center of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), Perlis, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Chemical Engineering Technology, Perlis Malaysia
  3. Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT), Faculty of Engineering, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Thailand
  4. Lodz University of Technology (TUL), Institute of Materials Science and Engineering,1/15, Stefanowskiego Str., 90-924 Lodz, Poland
  5. Czestochowa University of Technology, Department of Physics, 19 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland
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In the present study, the lead-free BaTi1-xZrxO3 (for x = 0, 0.05 and 0.15) ceramics were prepared by High-Energy Ball Milling and heat treatments. The performed X-ray, SEM and EDS measurements confirmed high purity, good quality and the expected quantitative composition of the obtained samples. The study of dielectric properties was performed by means of broadband dielectric spectroscopy at the frequency ranging from 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz. The obtained measurement data, analyzed in accordance with the Arrhenius formalism demonstrated the presence of relaxation type dielectric mechanisms. The impedance answer of studied ceramic materials indicated the presence of two relaxation processes: one with a dominant resistive component and the other with a small capacitive component. The observed dielectric relaxation process is temperature dependent and has a “non-Debye” character.

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Authors and Affiliations

B. Garbarz-Glos
W. Bąk
A. Budziak
P. Dulian
A. Lisińka-Czekaj
D. Czekaj
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Aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMCs) playing a prominent part in the aerospace and automotive sectors owing to their superior mechanical and tribological properties. Hence, the aim of this work is to investigate the effect of titanium dioxide (10 wt.% TiO2) particles addition on hardness and tribological behaviour of Al-0.6Fe-0.5Si alloy (AA8011) composite manufactured by stir casting method. The surface morphology of developed composite clearly shows the inclusion of TiO2 particles evenly distributed within the matrix alloy. Hardness of the composite was measured using Vickers micro hardness tester and the maximum hardness was obtained at 95.6 Hv. A pin-on-disc tribometer was used to carried the wear test under dry sliding conditions. The influence of wear control parameters such as applied load (L), sliding speed (S) and sliding distance (D) were taken as the input parameters and the output responses considered as the specific wear rate (SWR) and co-efficient of friction (COF). The experimental results were analyzed using Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Preferred Solution (TOPSIS). Based on the TOPSIS approach, the less SWR and COF achieved at the optimal parametric combination were found to be L = 30 N, S = 1 m/s and D = 2000 m. ANOVA results revealed that applied load (76.01%) has the primary significant factor on SWR and COF, followed by sliding speed (20.71%) and sliding distance (3.12%) respectively. Worn surface morphology was studied using SEM image of confirmation experiment specimen to understand the wear mechanism.
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Authors and Affiliations

S. Kailainathan
M. Ezhilan
S.V. Alagarsamy
C. Chanakyan

  1. Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kanyakumari-629 401, Tamil Nadu, India
  2. Mahath Amma Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pudukkottai-622 101, Tamil Nadu, India
  3. RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore-641 402, Tamil Nadu, India
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This work investigates the distribution and the effect of synthesized nano TiO2, micro SiC and B4C particle on the aluminium (A356) metal matrix composites (AMMC). The consequences of this reinforcement on the mechanical, tribology and corrosion behaviour of the AMMC matrix are analyzed. The nano TiO2 is synthesized by wet chemistry sol-gel process, and the reinforcements are added with A-356 by stir casting method. The ASTM standard test specimens are characterized through mechanical, tribology, and corrosion tests for identifying their properties. The metallurgical characterization has been deliberated through XRD and SEM with EDS. In the tensile test results, the percentage of elongation is dropped drastically by 73% due to the enhanced volume % of nano TiO2, micro SiC, and B4C particles. The particle addition of the wear rate and weight loss are reduced at different volume percentages of the A356 matrix. The time plays a significant role in the corrosion rate. The test results also confirm that the corrosion rate is comparatively minimum in 24 hrs (592.35 mm/yr) duration than the 48 hrs (646.368 mm/yr) in both the solutions.
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Authors and Affiliations

D. Paulraj
P.D. Jeyakumar
G. Rajamurugan
P. Krishnasamy

  1. B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai-600 048, Tamilnadu, India
  2. Vellore Institute of Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore-632014, Tamilnadu, India

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