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This article examines two forms of 19th-century animal magnetism. The fi rst had its roots in early 19th-century Romanticism, the other fl ourished on the fringe of orthodox science and medicine in the last decades of the century. Common to both is a confl ation of scientifi c experimentation, hermetic thought and popular culture. Mesmerism represented a peculiar, excitingly unorthodox face of 19th-century modernity. Now largely discredited and forgotten, it fed on the contemporary enthusiasm for scientifi c discoveries and confi dence in the human ability to do virtually anything. What distinguished mesmerism from other vitalist theories was its claim to shift the boundary between physics and metaphysics.
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Michał Kuziak
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This article deals with Fryderyk Chopin's juvenilia and the occasional verse dedicated to him by his his relatives and friends. Extraordinarily diverse in tone and nature (versified happy birthday and nameday messages, friendship book entries, humorous and partying verse), they offer unexpected insights into various aspects of the composer's biography and his participation in the literary culture of his epoch, especially the more private occasions and celebrations.
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● [Chopin L., Chopin I.], Ludwik i Emilka, powieść moralna dla dzieci z pism Salzmana wytłumaczona i do polskich obyczajów zastosowana, Warszawa 1828.
● Clavier A., Dans l’entourage de Chopin, Lens 1984.
● Clavier A., Emilia Chopin, Lens, 1975.
● Hoesick F., Fryderyk Chopin w przededniu sławy europejskiej, „Bluszcz”, 18 sierpnia 1902.
● Jachowicz S., Nowe śpiewy dla dzieci czyli oddział drugi wydanych w roku 1855 z dodaniem śpiewów różnych autorów, śpiewów Betlejemskich i sceny lirycznej pod tytułem Jasełka, Warszawa 1856.
● Jędrzejewczowa L., Barcińska I., Pan Wojciech, czyli wzór pracy i oszczędności, Warszawa 1836.
● Korespondencja Fryderyka Chopina, tom 1: 1816-1831, oprac. Z. Helman, Z. Skowron, H. Wróblewska-Straus, Warszawa 2009.
● Korespondencja Fryderyka Chopina, tom 2, cz. I: 1831-1838, oprac. Z. Helman, Z. Skowron, H. Wróblewska-Straus, Warszawa 2017, s. 665.
● Korespondencja Fryderyka Chopina, tom 2, cz. II: 1838-1839, oprac. Z. Helman, Z. Skowron, H. Wróblewska-Straus, Warszawa 2017, s. 823-826.
● Maślanka J., Twórczość ludowa w polskiej krytyce literackiej w latach 1831-1854, „Pamiętnik Literacki”, nr 56/2, 1965.
● Niecks F., Fryderyk Chopin jako człowiek i muzyk, tłum. A. Buchner, Warszawa 2011.
● Skarbek F., Emilia Chopin, „Rozrywki dla Dzieci” 1 maja 1827, s. 236-240.
● Słowacki J., Dzieła wybrane, t. 6: Listy do matki, Wrocław 1990.
● Tomaszewski M., Chopin. Człowiek, dzieło, rezonans, Poznań 2005.
● Tomaszewski M., cykl: Fryderyka Chopina Dzieła Wszystkie (Polskie Radio II); tekst dostępny na stronie: (dostęp: 12.09.2021).
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Iwona Puchalska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwerystetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
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Joris-Karl Huysmans, one of the most prominent French writers of the turn of the twentieth century, began his literary career as a naturalist, a promising disciple of Emile Zola. He departed from these ideals in his best-known novel A rebours (1884), considered the “bible of decadence”. Its protagonist, the eccentric misanthrope des Esseintes, withdraws from society to indulge in contemplation in solitude, studying rare prints and seeking beauty in the singular. He appreciates the scandalising works of writers such as Barbey d,Aurevilly and Baudelaire. These authors have been accused of promoting satanism. Durtal, the protagonist of the novel Lă-bas, goes even further, in which we find contemporary echoes of satanism, attempts to revive the ritual of the black mass or a fascination with cruelty. Ultimately, however – and this is best evidenced in subsequent works ( En route, La Cathédrale, L,Oblat) satanism brings disillusionment. A return to the Christian religion, which Huysmans nevertheless interprets in an original way, becomes inevitable.
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Jan Tomkowski

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa
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This paper discusses selected types of native, appellative-form surnames of the inhabitants of 19th-century Cieszyn Silesia and its surrounding areas. Such appellative-form surnames (without derivative indicators) reflect the regional culture and values characteristic to, and cultivated by, the inhabitants of the region. An overview of them confirms that Cieszyn Silesia, as an ethnic-cultural borderland, stands out with its sub-regional distinctness in onymic stock. The described surnames not only reflect the values acknowledged by the inhabitants of 19th-century Cieszyn Silesia, showing the immanence of this set in the regional context, but they also depict the material and spiritual culture of the inhabitants of this region. The researcher used the semantic field method to analyse the anthroponymic material, and the sociolinguistic aspect of naming was considered when describing the collected set of appellative-based surnames, with references made to statistical research.
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Izabela Łuc
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The author analyses the history of scientific and public discourses growing around the phenom-enon of Głuchoniemcy (Deaf‑Germans) in Poland. In the literature, this term refers to the des-cendants of the German‑speaking colonists who settled in the Polish‑Ruthenian border in the mid‑fourteenth century. The history of interest in this phenomenon from the eighteenth to the twentieth century reflects the cultural changes and social tensions over time. These descendants of the German‑speaking colonists living in the Carpathian Foothills were mentioned for the first time in the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century as a regional phenomenon of cultural diversity. In the era of Romanticism, when the importance of national identity in Europe grew, so‑called Deaf Germans were portrayed as fully assimilated Polish settlers with only relics refer-ring to German culture. At the end of the nineteenth century, after the publication of Józef Szujski, they became the subject of a political debate and were placed in the context of peasant history. Finally, the socio‑political situation of the interwar period led to the term “Głuchoniemcy” being removed from scientific and public discourses for many decades. After World War II, the absence of the topic became permanent, still directly related to the Polish‑German antagonism that set the directions of scientific interests of ethnographers and historians in Poland. The article tries to answer the question about the course of these changes in the perception of Deaf Germans by looking for external causes as well as those resulting from the nature of the subject of interest.
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Marta Raczyńska-Kruk

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Polish musical criticism of 19th century is a fascinating research field for musicologists, music theorists, as well as literary scholars. They can find there a wealth of texts whose expressive style tries to emulate the homage paid to the great virtuosos of the time in poetry. While Frederick Chopin and the violinist Karol Lipiński held sway over captive audiences, there was yet another musician whose name featured prominently in reviews and poems. It was Stanisław Szczepanowski, the great guitarist, whose concerts gave rise to numerous reviews representing the romantic school of musical criticism. This paper examines some of those reviews as well as two poems dedicated to Szczepanowski, one by Teofil Lenartowicz and the other by Władysław Syrokomla.
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Magdalena Bartnikowska-Biernat

  1. dr, doktorat obroniony na Wydziale Polonistyki UJ
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Twentieth-century historians of Polish literature (e.g. Henryk Markiewicz and Grażyna Borkowska) unanimously agree that Waleria Marrené-Morzkowska was at best a second-rank writer. It seems that such negative opinions are founded, fi rst of all, on the critics’ low view of her favourite genre, the popular romance; and secondly on a critical survey of her work written in 1966 by Irena Wyczańska for a multivolume Guide to Polish Literature of the 19th and 20th Century (Obraz literatury polskiej XIX i XX wieku). This article attempts to revise the established view of her fiction by analyzing some of works, i.e. two novels, Leonora’s Husband (Mąż Leonory, 1883) and The Little Blue Book (Błękitna książeczka, 1876), and the short story A Duplex Woman (Dwoista, 1889). This reappraisal draws on the favourable assessments of her work of the first generation of her readers, among them writer Teodor Jeske-Choiński, literary historian Henryk Galle and Piotr Chmielowski, a leading literary scholar of the late 19th century. In their view her work rose above the level of run-of-the-mill romances and didactic fi ction thanks to her skill in combining the conventions of the realist novel with plots of popular romance.

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Aleksandra E. Banot
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This article examines the editorial work of Ignacy Szydłowski, who was in charge of Wizerunki i Roztrząsania Naukowe [ Scholarly Profiles and Research], a highbrow literary and historical magazine published between 1834 and 1843 by Zawadzki Brothers, Wilno's leading publisher and bookseller company. The periodical holds an important place in the history of Polish Lithuanian learned journals in the 19th century and provides the focus of the final phase of Ignacy Szydłowski's intellectual biography. The article detects a notable parallel between the evolution of Szydłowski's aesthetic views and changes in the character of the magazine he edited.
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Paulina Podolska

  1. Instytut Polonistyki i Dziennikarstwa, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, al. Rejtana 16c, PL 35-59 Rzeszów
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This article outlines the rise and development of popular science periodicals in Poland from the 18th century until 1939. Their history begins in 1758 with the publication of Nowe Wiadomości Ekonomiczne i Uczone [Latest Economic and Learned News]. Our corpus includes 128 periodicals representing a great diversity of formats and content.

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Ewa Wójcik
Grażyna Wrona
Renata Zając
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This paper examines the coverage of women’s health issues, preventive care and prophylaxis in 19th-century Polish popular medical periodicals, in particular Dziennik Zdrowia dla Wszystkich Stanów [ Journal of Health for all Social Classes] (1801–1802), Przyjaciel Zdrowia [ Health’s Friend] (1861–1863), Zdrowie [ Health] (1877/78–1880), and Lekarz [ The Physician] (1903/04–1904/05). The authors of this study try to find an answer to the question whether those periodicals did succeed in giving women’s health issues the rank and status warranted by their significance.

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Grażyna Wrona
Ewa Wójcik
Renata Zając
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This paper presents two photographs referred to as pannotypes (from the Latin word pannus) from an album of photographs. It discusses the history of the pannotype technique, which was popular in the 1850s and 1860s in photography ateliers all over the world (it presents a review of materials and substances used in this technique and the transferring of the negative layer onto a black, flexible substrate). Pannotype is one of the most interesting techniques used in the 19th century. The paper then discusses the Kórnik photographs, the people they show, and their dimensions and structural features. Some conservation-related remarks on the susceptibility of precious objects of this type to damage also follow.
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Tomasz Kozielec
Marta Nalaskowska

  1. Katedra Konserwacji - Restauracji Papieru i Skóry, Wydział Sztuk Pięknych UMK
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In the course of the 19th century the landscape of the village Mogiła and its environs acquired the status of a religious and cultural heritage site. An ancient mound of the legendary Princess Wanda and the associations of the Kościuszko Uprising (1794) exerted a strong appeal to the imagination of Polish writers and their readers. Moreover, as the article argues, the great reverence which was attached to Cracow, Poland’s old royal capital, rubbed off on Mogiła. Made in 1949, the decision to build Nowa Huta, a giant steelworks and a modern new town, at that very place meant the desecration of a portion of the fabric of Poland’s national heritage.
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● Duma. O mogiłach Krakusa i Wandy, „Pszczółka Krakowska” 1820, t. 1, nr 5, s. 34–38.
● Bogusławski Wojciech, Cud albo Krakowiaki i Górale, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 2005.
● Dąbrowska Maria, Dzienniki powojenne. t. 2: 1950–1954, Czytelnik, Warszawa 1997.
● Ekielski Napoleon, Okolica Mogiły, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków 2019.
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● Girtler Kazimierz, Opowiadania. Pamiętniki z lat 1832–1857, t. 2, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 1848.
● Jaszowski Stanisław, Listy do Wandy o mistycznych dziejach narodu polskiego, „Pszczółka Krakowska” 1821, t. 2, s. 56–62.
● Jan z Dąbrówki, Komentarz do „Kroniki polskiej” mistrza Wincentego zwanego Kadłubkiem, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków 2008.
● Jełowicki Aleksander, Moje wspomnienia, nakł. Jana Konstantego Żupańskiego, N. Kamieński i Spółka, Poznań 1877.
● Krokodyl w Krakowie, „Głos Narodu” 1897, nr 201, s. 4.
● Lenartowicz Teofil, Marcin Borelowski-Lelewel, [w:] tegoż, Opowiadanie mazowieckiego lirnika, Marcin Borelowski-Lelewel, Wydawca anonimowy Bendlikon 1865, s. 10–31.
● Łapsiński Józef, Mogiła Wandy, [w:] tegoż, Poezje, Drukarnia Braci Gieszkowskich, Kraków 1829, s. 27.
● Łuszczkiewicz Władysław, Wieś Mogiła przy Krakowie, jej klasztor cysterski – kościółek farny i kopiec Wandy, Towarzystwo Miłośników Historii i Zabytków Krakowa, Kraków 1899.
● Norwid Cyprian Kamil, Wanda. Rzecz w obrazach sześciu, [w:] tegoż, Krakus – Wanda. Dwa utwory dramatyczne, Biblioteka Polska, Warszawa 1923, s. 53–74.
● Polewka Adam, Tradycję trzeba przewietrzyć, „Życie Literackie” 1951, nr 1, s. 7.
● Rzesiński Jan Kanty, Groby królów i bohaterów polskich spoczywających w świątyni na Wawelu w Krakowie. Grób IIgi. Wanda, „Pszczółka Krakowska” 1821, t. 2, s. 145–160.
● Wężyk Franciszek, Okolice Krakowa, Drukarnia Mateckich, Kraków 1820.
● Wężyk Franciszek, Wanda. Tragedia w pięciu aktach, Księgarnia Ambrożego Grabowskiego, Kraków 1826.
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● Budrewicz Tadeusz, Zapomniany poemat zapomnianego poety („Okolica Mogiły” Napoleona Ekielskiego), [w:] Ekielski Napoleon, Okolica Mogiły, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków 2019.
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● Dróżdż Mateusz, 114 lat temu grozę w Krakowie siał... krokodyl, „Gazeta Krakowska” 2011, (dostęp: 27.02.2021).
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● Grochowska Anna, Kultura w nowym mieście. O rozwoju życia kulturalnego w Nowej Hucie w latach 1949–1956, „Rocznik Biblioteki Kraków” 2019, R. III, s. 217–247.
● Grochowska Anna, Literacki przewodnik po Nowej Hucie, Ośrodek Kultury im. C.K. Norwida, Kraków 2019.
● Grochowska Anna, Święte Wzgórze? Wawel w literaturze, sztuce i kulturze w latach 1795– 1918, Wydawnictwo Libron, Kraków 2021.
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● Klich-Kluczewska Barbara, Nowa Huta – skąd przychodzimy, [w:] Moja Nowa Huta. Wystawa jubileuszowa, red. K. Jurewicz, Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Krakowa, Kraków 2009, s. 7–27.
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Anna Grochowska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
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Architektura XIX wieku była odzwierciedleniem epoki mistycyzmu, a zarazem sekularyzacji sztuki, dążenia do ideału jedności sztuk, a jednocześnie relatywizmu i indywidualizmu. Wyrosła na podłożu romantyzmu, może być ona postrzegana, jako wypadkowa postawy duchowej, światopoglądu i ruchu naukowego określanego mianem historyzmu. Rozwój historii sztuki i fascynacja przeszłością, wraz z bogactwem i różnorodnością stylów wpływały na polifonię ówczesnej architektury, w przestrzeni której istniał przede wszystkim historyzm, a także eklektyzm. Architekci historyzmu tworzyli dzieła inspirowane jednym stylem. Eklektyzm posiłkuje się stylami historycznymi w ówczesnym pojęciu romantycznymi, mieszając ich formy i motywy w jednej budowli. Wątki znaczeniowe architektury XIX wieku wiążą się z symboliką i wartościami niesionymi przez style minionych epok, reinterpretując ich formy i znaczenia.
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Monika Gała-Walczowska
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This article is historical and philosophical in nature. Its purpose is to outline the most important trends and problems in the 19th-century Spanish philosophy. This philosophy has not yet been the subject of deeper analyses, especially in Polish literature on the subject. This is a major oversight, because the nineteenth century is the time of the impressive growth of modern social, political, legal, moral and intelectual structures in Spain. An important role in their development was played by Spanish philosophers and their reception of modern European philosophy and science. The reception was accompanied by numerous disputes and discussions about the condition of the Spanish culture and its possible development directions.

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Dorota Leszczyna
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Maria Hagen-Schwerin was a 19th-century novelist and poet. She was a prolific author of popular romances with aristocratic heroes and plots that revolve around love and marriage in high society. However, what kept Mrs Hagen in the public eye was her unconventional life style, her debts and an unending string of affairs whose sensational twists eclipsed anything that could be found her polite fiction. Her feuds, especially with another controversial woman of the fin-de- siècle Cracow, the playwright and novelist Gabriela Zapolska, were the talk of the town. Maria Hagen descended, on her father's side from a long line of nobles (Łoś) and on her mother's side from one of Cracow's wealthiest merchant families (Kirchmayer). Her elder brother Wincenty Łoś was an acclaimed writer and art collector. It is no exaggeration to say that Maria Hagen was heir to a family legacy of great achievements and of great scandals, too, in politics as well as in economic and social life. Some of her ancestors also ventured into literature thus building a family tradition which continued for three centuries. Maria Hagen picked up that thread and became a successful writer in her day. Now she belongs to that large category of writers once famous, but quickly forgotten. The problem lies not in the fact that nobody reads her books, but that her work has attracted virtually no attention from students of nineteenth-century literature and culture, and, astonishingly enough, no critical study of her work has been written for over 150 years since her death.

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Klaudia Kardas
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This is a comparative study of three literary works of the 19th century, Eliza Orzeszkowa's novel Marta, Kate Chopin's novel The Awakening, and Henrik Ibsen's drama Nora. The common analytical frame is the metaphor of the doll's house, which seems to provide an apt description (diagnosis) of the condition of each heroine, the space they inhabit, and their attitude to the economy of their everyday lives and their husbands. It also defines the situation in which each of them decides, or is compelled by circumstances, to move out of their sheltered place. In each of the three fictional cases the attention is focused on the growing self‑awareness of women, who would not have gained a mature knowledge of the world and of themselves if they had not been forced to abandon their doll's house existence.
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Małgorzata Sokalska

  1. dr hab., Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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This article takes stock of the prose and poetry of ‘the Warsaw bohemians’ – or ‘literary gypsies’ (‘cyganeria’), as they are called by historians of Polish literature – a non-conformist literary milieu of the early 1840s. For the contemporary radical activist and literary critic Edward Dembowski they represented ‘the young generation of Warsaw writers’. That description chimed in with their own programmatic statements extolling the virtues of youth. However, as our analyses show, in the overwhelming majority of their poems youth is addressed in unmistakably elegiac tones. Its energies are spent on pursuing morally dubious projects that are impossible to accomplish. If its glories are praised to the skies, the next moment it is pushed aside or negated. The enchanted worlds cannot but give way to the real world, i.e. the realities of social and political life.
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Patrycja Wojda

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UW
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This article deals with Echo z Polski [ The Echo from Poland] (the title was subsequently altered to Echo Polskie), the first Polish-language newspaper in the United States, published in 1893–1865 in New York. While at first its pages were predominantly filled with news from Poland, it gradually broadened its coverage in an effort to become the leading paper of the Polish- American community.
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Daniel Kiper

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Al. Racławickie 14, PL 20-950 Lublin
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Polish popular-science periodicals have not yet been researched in terms of their overall graphic design and layout. Undertaking an in-depth assessment of this particular aspect was intended to follow the development of graphic design in the periodicals published on the Polish lands throughout the period spanning 1758–1939, with a view to identifying the most characteristic components that stood for overall visual appeal of specific publications, whilst pondering overall aesthetic and educational value of diverse illustrative material they offered to their readership. The article presents an outline of research into the graphic design of fifty such periodicals, highly representative of a popular-science genre. Comprehensive research results along with the accompanying factual material and tabularised data, which might well prove of some consequence in further comparative research, are available in a book format.

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Dorota Kamisińska
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The illustrated weekly Wędrowiec (The Wanderer), published in 1863–1906, certainly lived up to its programmatic title and published a great deal of material on geography, history of culture and travels abroad. This article discusses the texts that dealt with the ancient history of the Middle East.

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Leszek Zinkow
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Father Marceli Dziurzyński (1861–1945) was a noted publisher and editor of a number of magazines, mainly for the country people. The most successful of them was Nowy Dzwonek (The New Hand Bell) that appeared continually from 1892, under altered names and at various intervals, until 1932. This article surveys the first phase of its history and its thematic range (religion, Polish history, current events in Poland and abroad, stories and poems). In that period the magazine also carried a number of supplements.

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Anna Gruca
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This article examines three aborted publishing projects involving popular science magazines from the early 19th century, two of them in Cracow, one in Kalisz. Their history has been reconstructed thanks to the publishers' prospectuses found in collections of the Jagiellonian Library.

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Danuta Hombek
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Th e article presents issues related to the collection of over 200 collodion negatives made on a glass support in the so-called wet collodion process, housed in the Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kórnik. It describes the collodion process, which was invented in 1851, the characteristics of collodion negatives, and the themes presented on objects from the Kórnik collection. It subsequently discusses the characteristic damages of collodion negatives, with the most dangerous deposition of alkaline compounds on the surface of the glasses, which causes the destruction and loss of the image layer. It further presents the preservation activities carried out on the objects from the Kórnik collection including conservation treatments, photographic documentation, and photographic prints from the originals (1:1) on highly sensitive bromosilver-gelatin paper toned with selenium and Digigraphie prints. In conclusion, attention is drawn to the necessity of the continuation of research, conservation and restoration works on the collection of negatives.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Kozielec
Marta Nalaskowska

  1. Katedra Konserwacji-Restauracji Papieru i Skóry,Wydział Sztuk Pięknych UMK

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