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This study investigates the estimated adsorption efficiency of artificial Nickel (II) ions with perlite in an aqueous solution using artificial neural networks, based on 140 experimental data sets. Prediction using artificial neural networks is performed by enhancing the adsorption efficiency with the use of Nickel (II) ions, with the initial concentrations ranging from 0.1 mg/L to 10 mg/L, the adsorbent dosage ranging from 0.1 mg to 2 mg, and the varying time of effect ranging from 5 to 30 mins. This study presents an artificial neural network that predicts the adsorption efficiency of Nickel (II) ions with perlite. The best algorithm is determined as a quasi-Newton back-propagation algorithm. The performance of the artificial neural network is determined by coefficient determination (R2), and its architecture is 3-12-1. The prediction shows that there is an outstanding relationship between the experimental data and the predicted values.

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Sinan Mehmet Turp
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The aim of this paper is to answer the question: Are the Łódź Hills useful for electrical energy production from wind energy or not? Due to access to short-term data related to wind measurements (the period of 2008 and 2009) from a local meteorological station, the measure – correlate – predict approach have been applied. Long-term (1979‒2016) reference data were obtained from ECWMF
ERA-40 Reanalysis. Artificial neural networks were used to calculate predicted wind speed. The obtained average wind speed and wind power density was 4.21 ms⁻¹ and 70 Wm⁻¹, respectively, at 10 m above ground level (5.51 ms⁻¹, 170 Wm⁻¹ at 50 m). From the point of view of Polish wind conditions, Łódź Hills may be considered useful for wind power engineering.

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R. Korupczyński
J. Trajer
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Since a few years ago, there is an increasing interest for utilization of transfer functions (TF) as a reliable method for diagnosing of mechanical faults in transformer structure. However, this paper aims to develop the application of TF method in order to evaluate the drying quality of active part during the manufacturing process of transformer. To reach this goal, the required measurements are carried out on 50 MVA 132 KV/33 KV power transformer when active part is placed in the drying chamber. Two different features extracted from the measured TFs are then used as the inputs to artificial neural network (ANN) to give an estimate for required time in drying process. Results show that this new represented method could well forecast the required time. The results obtained from this method are valid for all the transformers which have the same design.

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Hormatollah Firoozi
Mehdi Bigdeli
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Prior any satellite technology developments, the geodetic networks of a country were realized from a topocentric datum, and hence the respective cartography was performed. With availability of Global Navigation Satellite Systems-GNSS, cartography needs to be updated and referenced to a geocentric datum to be compatible with this technology. Cartography in Ecuador has been performed using the PSAD56 (Provisional South American Datum 1956) systems, nevertheless it’s necessary to have inside the system SIRGAS (SIstema de Referencia Geocéntrico para las AmericaS). This transformation between PSAD56 to SIRGAS use seven transformation parameters calculated with the method Helmert. These parameters, in case of Ecuador are compatible for scales of 1:25 000 or less, that does not satisfy the requirements on applications for major scales. In this study, the technique of neural networks is demonstrated as an alternative for improving the processing of UTM planes coordinates E, N (East, North) from PSAD56 to SIRGAS. Therefore, from the coordinates E, N, of the two systems, four transformation parameters were calculated (two of translation, one of rotation, and one scale difference) using the technique bidimensional transformation. Additionally, the same coordinates were used to training Multilayer Artificial Neural Network -MANN, in which the inputs are the coordinates E, N in PSAD56 and output are the coordinates E, N in SIRGAS. Both the two-dimensional transformation and ANN were used as control points to determine the differences between the mentioned methods. The results imply that, the coordinates transformation obtained with the artificial neural network multilayer trained have been improving the results that the bidimensional transformation, and compatible to scales 1:5000.
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Alfonso Tierra
Ricardo Romero
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Effects of infrared power output and sample mass on drying behaviour, colour parameters, ascorbic acid degradation, rehydration characteristics and some sensory scores of spinach leaves were investigated. Within both of the range of the infrared power outputs, 300–500 W, and sample amounts, 15–60 g, moisture content of the leaves was reduced from 6.0 to 0.1±(0.01) kg water/kg dry base value. It was recorded that drying times of the spinach leaves varied between 3.5–10 min for constant sample amount, and 4–16.5 min for constant power output. Experimental drying data obtained were successfully investigated by using artificial neural network methodology. Some changes were recorded in the quality parameters of the dried leaves, and acceptable sensory scores for the dried leaves were observed in all of the experimental conditions.

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Ayse Sarimeseli
Mehmet Yuceer
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In this paper, the application of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm has been used for testing selected specification parameters of voltage-controlled oscillator. Today, mixed electronic circuits specification time is an issue. An analog part of Phase Locked Loopis a voltage-controlled oscillator, which is very sensitive to variation of the technology process. Fault model for the integrated circuit voltage control oscillator (VCO) in ring topology is introduced and the before test stage classificatory is designed. In order to reduce testing time and keep the specification accuracy (approximation) on the high level, an artificial neural network has been applied. The features selection process and output coding for specification parameters are described. A number of different ANN have been designed and then compared with real specification of the VCO. The results obtained gives response in short time with high enough accuracy.
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Damian Grzechca
Sebastian Temich
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The void fraction is one of the most important parameters characterizing a multiphase flow. The prediction of the performance of any system operating with more than single phase relies on our knowledge and ability to measure the void fraction. In this work, a validated simulation study was performed in order to predict the void fraction independent of the flow pattern in gas-liquid two-phase flows using a gamma ray 60Co source and just one scintillation detector with the help of an artificial neural network (ANN) model of radial basis function (RBF). Three used inputs of ANN include a registered count under Compton continuum and counts under full energy peaks of 1173 and 1333 keV. The output is a void fraction percentage. Applying this methodology, the percentage of void fraction independent of the flow pattern of a gas-liquid two-phase flow was estimated with a mean relative error less than 1.17%. Although the error obtained in this study is almost close to those obtained in other similar works, only one detector was used, while in the previous studies at least two detectors were employed. Advantages of using fewer detectors are: cost reduction and system simplification.
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Roshani Gholam H.
Nazemi Ehsan
Shama Farzin
Imani Mohammad A.
Mohammadi Salar
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The artificial neural network method (ANN) is widely used in both modeling and optimization of manufacturing processes. Determination of optimum processing parameters plays a key role as far as both cost and time are concerned within the manufacturing sector. The burnishing process is simple, easy and cost-effective, and thus it is more common to replace other surface finishing processes in the manufacturing sector. This study investigates the effect of burnishing parameters such as the number of passes, burnishing force, burnishing speed and feed rate on the surface roughness and microhardness of an AZ91D magnesium alloy using different artificial neural network models (i.e. the function fitting neural network (FITNET), generalized regression neural network (GRNN), cascade-forward neural network (CFNN) and feed-forward neural network (FFNN). A total of 1440 different estimates were made by means of ANN methods using different parameters. The best average performance results for surface roughness and microhardness are obtained by the FITNET model (i.e. mean square error (MSE): 0.00060608, mean absolute error (MAE): 0.01556013, multiple correlation coefficient (R): 0.99944545), using the Bayesian regularization process (trainbr)). The FITNET model is followed by the FFNN (i.e. MAE: 0.01707086, MSE: 0.00072907, R: 0.99932069) and CFNN (i.e. MAE: 0.01759166, MSE: 0.00080154, R: 0.99924845) models with very small differences, respectively. The GRNN model has noted worse estimation results
(i.e. MSE: 0.00198232, MAE: 0.02973829, R: 0.99900783) as compared with the other models. As a result, MSE, MAE and R values show that it is possible to predict the surface roughness and microhardness results of the burnishing process with high accuracy using ANN models.

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S.C. Cagan
M. Aci
B.B. Buldum
C. Aci
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The purpose of this paper is to compare two approaches applied in property valuation: artificial neural networks and spatial regression. Despite the fact that artificial neural networks are often the first choice for modeling in the big data era, spatial econometrics methods offer incorporation of information on dependences between multiple objects in the studied space. Although this dependency structure can be incorporated into artificial neural network via feature engineering, this study is focused on abilities of reproducing it with machine learning method from crude coordinate data. The research is based on the database of 18,166 property sale transactions in Warsaw, Poland. According to this study, such volume of data does not allow artificial neural networks to compete in reflecting spatial dependence structure with spatial regression models.
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Damian Przekop

  1. Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
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This research determines an identification system for the types of Beiguan music – a historical, nonclassical music genre – by combining artificial neural network (ANN), social tagging, and music information retrieval (MIR). Based on the strategy of social tagging, the procedure of this research includes: evaluating the qualifying features of 48 Beiguan music recordings, quantifying 11 music indexes representing tempo and instrumental features, feeding these sets of quantized data into a three-layered ANN, and executing three rounds of testing, with each round containing 30 times of identification. The result of ANN testing reaches a satisfying correctness (97% overall) on classifying three types of Beiguan music. The purpose of this research is to provide a general attesting method, which can identify diversities within the selected non-classical music genre, Beiguan. The research also quantifies significant musical indexes, which can be effectively identified. The advantages of this method include improving data processing efficiency, fast MIR, and evoking possible musical connections from the high-relation result of statistical analyses.
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3. Lamere P. (2008), Social tagging and music information retrieval, Journal of New Music Research, 37(2): 101–114, doi: 10.1080/09298210802479284.
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5. Pan J.-T. (2019), The transmission of Beiguan in higher education in Taiwan: A case study of the teaching of Beiguan in the department of traditional music of Taipei National University of the Arts [in Chinese], Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore, 2019.3(203): 111–162.
6. Rosner A., Schuller B., Kostek B. (2014), Classification of music genres based on music separation into harmonic and drum components, Archives of Acoustics, 39(4): 629–638, doi: 10.2478/aoa-2014-0068.
7. Tzanetakis G., Kapur A., Scholoss W.A., Wright M. (2007), Computational ethnomusicology, Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies, 1(2): 1–24.
8. Wiering F., de Nooijer J., Volk A., Tabachneck- Schijf H.J.M. (2009), Cognition-based segmentation for music information retrieval systems, Journal of New Music Research, 38(2): 139–154, doi: 10.1080/09298210903171145.
9. Yao S.-N., Collins T., Liang C. (2017), Head-related transfer function selection using neural networks, Archives of Acoustics, 42(3): 365–373, doi: 10.1515/aoa-2017-0038.
10. Yeh N. (1988), Nanguan music repertoire: categories, notation, and performance practice, Asian Music, 19(2): 31–70, doi: 10.2307/833866.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yu-Hsin Chang
Shu-Nung Yao

  1. Department of Music, Tainan National University of the Arts, No. 66, Daqi, Guantian Dist., Tainan City 72045, Taiwan
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University, No. 151, University Rd., Sanxia District, New Taipei City 237303, Taiwan
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This research highlights the vibration analysis on worm gears at various conditions of oil using the experimental set up. An experimental rig was developed to facilitate the collection of the vibration signals which consisted of a worm gear box coupled to an AC motor. The four faults were induced in the gear box and the vibration data were collected under full, half and quarter oil conditions. An accelerometer was used to collect the signals and for further analysis of the vibration signals, MATLAB software was used to process the data. Symlet wavelet transform was applied to the raw FFT to compare the features of the data. ANN was implemented to classify various faults and the accuracy is 93.3%.

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Narendiranath Babu Thamba
Kiran Kamesh Thatikonda Venkata
Sathvik Nutakki
Rama Prabha Duraiswamy
Noor Mohammed
Razia Sultana Wahab
Ramalinga Viswanathan Mangalaraja
Ajay Vannan Manivannan
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In this study, the thermal conductivity ratio model for metallic oxide based nano-fluids is proposed. The model was developed by considering the thermal conductivity as a function of particle concentration (percentage volume), temperature, particle size and thermal conductivity of the base fluid and nano-particles. The experimental results for Al2O3, CuO, ZnO, and TiO2 particles dispersed in ethylene glycol, water and a combination of both were adopted from the literature. Artificial neural network (ANN) and power law models were developed and compared with the experimental data based on statistical methods. ANOVA was used to determine the relative importance of contributing factors, which revealed that the concentration of nano-particles in a fluid is the single most important contributing factor of the conductivity ratio.
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Mohammad Hanief
Qureshi Irfan
Malik Parvez

  1. Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India
  2. Chemical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India
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Waste lubricating oil (WLO) is the most significant liquid hazardouswaste, and indiscriminate disposal of waste lubricating oil creates a high risk to the environment and ecology. Present investigation emphasizes the re-refining of used automobile engine oil using the extraction-flocculation approach to reduce environmental hazards and convert the waste to energy. The extraction-flocculation process was modeled and optimized using response surface methodology (RSM), artificial neural network (ANN), and genetic algorithm (GA). The present study assessed parametric effects of refining time, refining temperature, solvent to waste oil ratio, and flocculant dosage. Experimental findings showed that the percentage of yield of recovered oil is to the tune of 86.13%. With the Central Composite Design approach, the maximum percentage of extracted oil is 85.95%, evaluated with 80 minutes of refining time, 50.17 °C refining temperature, 7:1 solvent to waste oil ratio and flocculant dosage of 3 g/kg of solvent and 86.71% with 79.97 minutes refining time, 55.53 °C refining temperature, 4.89:1 g/g solvent to waste oil ratio, 2.99 g/kg of flocculant concentration with Artificial Neural Network. A comparison shows that the ANN gives better results than the CCD approach. Physico-chemical properties of the recovered lube oil are comparable with the properties of fresh lubricating oil.
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Sayantan Sakar
Deepshikha Datta
Somnath Chowdhury
Bimal Das

  1. National Institute of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Durgapur-713209, India
  2. Brainware University, Department of Chemistry, Barasat, Kolkata, West Bengal 700125
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An information security audit method (ISA) for a distributed computer network (DCN) of an informatization object (OBI) has been developed. Proposed method is based on the ISA procedures automation by using Bayesian networks (BN) and artificial neural networks (ANN) to assess the risks. It was shown that such a combination of BN and ANN makes it possible to quickly determine the actual risks for OBI information security (IS). At the same time, data from sensors of various hardware and software information security means (ISM) in the OBI DCS segments are used as the initial information. It was shown that the automation of ISA procedures based on the use of BN and ANN allows the DCN IS administrator to respond dynamically to threats in a real time manner, to promptly select effective countermeasures to protect the DCS.
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Berik Akhmetov
Valerii Lakhno
Vitalyi Chubaievskyi
Serhii Kaminskyi
Saltanat Adilzhanova
Moldir Ydyryshbayeva

  1. Yessenov University, Aktau, Kazakhstan
  2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  3. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
  4. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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The invasive method of medically checking hemoglobin level in human body by taking the blood sample of the patient requiring a long time and injuring the patient is seen impractical. A non-invasive method of measuring hemoglobin levels, therefore, is made by applying the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm and the Artificial Neural Network Back Propagation (ANN-BP) algorithm with the Internet of Thingsbased HTTP protocol to achieve the high accuracy and the low endto- end delay. Based on tests conducted on a Noninvasive Hemoglobin measuring device connected to Cloud Things Speak, the prediction process using algorithm by means of Python programming based on Android application could work well. The result of this study showed that the accuracy of the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm was 94.01%; higher than that of the Artificial Neural Network Back Propagation algorithm by 92.45%. Meanwhile, the end-to-end delay was at 6.09 seconds when using the KNN algorithm and at 6.84 seconds when using Artificial Neural Network Back Propagation Algorithm.
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R. Munadi
S. Sussi
N. Fitriyanti
D.N. Ramadan

  1. Department Telecomunication Engineering, School of Electric Engineering, Telkom University, Indonesia
  2. Department Physics Engineering, School of Electric Engineering, Telkom University, Indonesia
  3. School of Applied Science, Telkom University, Indonesia
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A mathematical model is proposed that makes it possible to describe in a conceptual and functional aspect the formation and application of a knowledge base (KB) for an intelligent information system (IIS). This IIS is developed to assess the financial condition (FC) of the company. Moreover, for circumstances related to the identification of individual weakly structured factors (signs). The proposed model makes it possible to increase the understanding of the analyzed economic processes related to the company's financial system. An iterative algorithm for IIS has been developed that implements a model of cognitive modeling. The scientific novelty of the proposed approach lies in the fact that, unlike existing solutions, it is possible to adjust the structure of the algorithm depending on the characteristics of a particular company, as well as form the information basis for the process of assessing the company's FC and the parameters of the cognitive model.
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Olena Kryvoruchko
Alona Desiatko
Igor Karpunin
Dmytro Hnatchenko
Myroslav Lakhno
Feruza Malikova
Ayezhan Turdaliev

  1. State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. National University of Life and EnvironmentalSciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  3. Almaty Technological University, Almaty,Kazakhstan
  4. Kazakh University of Railways andTransportation, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI), is a unique casting material characterized by its graphite form and extensive matrix contact surface. This type of cast iron has a tendency towards direct ferritization and possesses a complex set of intriguing properties. The use of data mining methods in modern foundry material development facilitates the achievement of improved product quality parameters. When designing a new product, it is always necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the influence of alloying elements on the microstructure and consequently on the properties of the analyzed material. Empirical studies allow for a qualitative assessment of the above-mentioned relationships, but it is the use of intelligent computational techniques that allows for the construction of an approximate model of the microstructure and, consequently, precise predictions. The formulated prognostic model supports technological decisions during the casting design phase and is considered as the first step in the selection of the appropriate material type.
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Sztangret
Izabela Olejarczyk-Wożeńska
Krzysztof Regulski
Grzegorz Gumienny
Barbara Mrzygłód

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
  2. Lodz University of Technology, Poland
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In this paper, neural networks are presented to solve the inverse kinematic models of continuum robots. Firstly, the forward kinematic models are calculated for variable curvature continuum robots. Then, the forward kinematic models are implemented in the neural networks which present the position of the continuum robot’s end effector. After that, the inverse kinematic models are solved through neural networks without setting up any constraints. In the same context, to validate the utility of the developed neural networks, various types of trajectories are proposed to be followed by continuum robots. It is found that the developed neural networks are powerful tool to deal with the high complexity of the non-linear equations, in particular when it comes to solving the inverse kinematics model of variable curvature continuum robots. To have a closer look at the efficiency of the developed neural network models during the follow up of the proposed trajectories, 3D simulation examples through Matlab have been carried out with different configurations. It is noteworthy to say that the developed models are a needed tool for real time application since it does not depend on the complexity of the continuum robots' inverse kinematic models.
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Authors and Affiliations

Abdelhamid Ghoul
Kamel Kara
Selman Djeffal
Mohamed Benrabah
Mohamed Laid Hadjili

  1. Université of Blida 1, Laboratoire des systèmes électriques et télécommande, Faculty of Technology, Blida, Algeria
  2. University of Larbi Ben M’hidi, Faculty of Science and Applied Sciences, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
  3. University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Laboratoire des systèmes électriques et télécommande, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Algiers, Algeria
  4. Haute Ecole Bruxelles, Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique, Brussels, Belgium
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The deformation properties of rocks play a crucial role in handling most geomechanical problems. However, the determination of these properties in laboratory is costly and necessitates special equipment. Therefore, many attempts were made to estimate these properties using different techniques. In this study, various statistical and soft computing methods were employed to predict the tangential Young Modulus (Eti, GPa) and tangential Poisson’s Ratio (vti) of coal measure sandstones located in Zonguldak Hardcoal Basin (ZHB), NW Turkey. Predictive models were established based on various regression and artificial neural network (ANN) analyses, including physicomechanical, mineralogical, and textural properties of rocks. The analysis results showed that the mineralogical features such as the contents of quartz (Q, %) and lithic fragment (LF, %) and the textural features (i.e., average grain size, d50, and sorting coefficient, Sc) have remarkable impacts on deformation properties of the investigated sandstones. By comparison with these features, the mineralogical effects seem to be more effective in predicting the Eti and vti. The performance of the established models was assessed using several statistical indicators. The predicted results from the proposed models were compared to one another. It was concluded that the empirical models based on the ANN were found to be the most convenient tools for evaluating the deformational properties of the investigated sandstones.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ekin Köken

  1. Abdullah Gul University, Nanotechnology Engineering Department, 38170, Kayseri, Turkey
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This study is aimed at evaluating the applicability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model technique for river discharge forecasting. Feed-forward multilayer perceptron neural network trained with back-propagation algorithm was employed for model development. Hydro-meteorological data for the Imo River watershed, that was collected from the Anambra-Imo River Basin Development Authority, Owerri – Imo State, South-East, Nigeria, was used to train, validate and test the model. Coefficients of determination results are 0.91, 0.91 and 0.93 for training, validation and testing periodsrespectively. River discharge forecasts were fitted against actual discharge data for one to five lead days. Model results gave R2 values of 0.95, 0.95, 0.92, 0.96 and 0.94 for first, second, third, fourth, and fifth lead days of forecasts, respectively. It was generally observed that the R2 values decreased with increase in lead days for the model. Generally, this tech-nique proved to be effective in river discharge modelling for flood forecasting for shorter lead-day times, especially in areas with limited data sets.

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Authors and Affiliations

Arinze A. Obasi
Kingsley N. Ogbu
Louis C. Orakwe
Isiguzo E. Ahaneku
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A new method of creating constitutive model of masonry is reported in this work. The model is not an explicit orthotropic elastic-plastic one, but with an artificial neural network (ANN) giving an implicit constitutive function. It relates the new state of generalised stresses Σ n+1 with the old state Σ n and with an increment of generalised strains ΔE (plane-stress conditions are assumed). The first step is to run a strain- controlled homogenisation, repeatedly, on a three-dimensional finite element model of a periodic cell, with elastic-plastic models (Drucker–Prager) of the components; thus a set of paths is created in (Σ, ΔE) space. From these paths, a set of patterns is formed to train the ANN. A description of how to prepare these data and a discussion on ANN training issues are presented. Finally, the procedure based on trained ANN is put into a finite-element code as a constitutive function. This enables the analysis of arbitrarily large masonry systems. The approach is verified by comparing the results of the developed model basing on ANN with a direct (single-scale) one, which showed acceptable accuracy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksander Urbański
Szymon Ligęza
Marcin Drabczyk

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155, Kraków, Poland
  2. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas (doctoral student), al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  3. Idealogic Ltd., ul. Kapelanka 26, 30-347 Kraków, Poland
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Artificial neural network (ANN), a Computational tool that is frequently applied in the modeling and simulation of manufacturing processes. The emerging forming technique of sheet metal which is typically called single point incremental forming (SPIF) comes into the map and the research interest towards its technological parameters. The surface quality of the end product is a major issue in SPIF, which is more critical with the hard metals. The part of the brass metal is demanded in many industrial uses because of its high load-carrying capacity and its wear resistance property. Considering the industrial interest and demand of the brass metal products, the present study is done with the SPIF experiment on calamine brass Cu67Zn33 followed by an ANN analysis for predicting the absolute surface roughness. The modeling result shows a close agreement with the measured data. The minimum and maximum errors are found in experiment 3 and experiment 7 respectively. The error of predicted roughness is found in the range of –30.87 to 20.23 and the overall coefficient of performance of ANN modeling is 0.947 which is quite acceptable.
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Authors and Affiliations

Manish Oraon
Vinay Sharma

  1. Birla Institute of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering, India
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EEG signal-based sleep stage classification facilitates an initial diagnosis of sleep disorders. The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of three methods for feature extraction: power spectral density (PSD), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) in the automatic classification of sleep stages by an artificial neural network (ANN). 13650 30-second EEG epochs from the PhysioNet database, representing five sleep stages (W, N1-N3 and REM), were transformed into feature vectors using the aforementioned methods and principal component analysis (PCA). Three feed-forward ANNs with the same optimal structure (12 input neurons, 23 + 22 neurons in two hidden layers and 5 output neurons) were trained using three sets of features, obtained with one of the compared methods each. Calculating PSD from EEG epochs in frequency sub-bands corresponding to the brain waves (81.1% accuracy for the testing set, comparing with 74.2% for DWT and 57.6% for EMD) appeared to be the most effective feature extraction method in the analysed problem.

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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Prucnal
Adam G. Polak
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In the paper the use of the artificial neural network to the control of the work of heat treating equipment for the long axisymmetric steel

elements with variable diameters is presented. It is assumed that the velocity of the heat source is modified in the process and is in real

time updated according to the current diameter. The measurement of the diameter is performed at a constant distance from the heat source

(∆z = 0). The main task of the model is control the assumed values of temperature at constant parameters of the heat source such as radius

and power. Therefore the parameter of the process controlled by the artificial neural network is the velocity of the heat source. The input

data of the network are the values of temperature and the radius of the heated element. The learning, testing and validation sets were

determined by using the equation of steady heat transfer process with a convective term. To verify the possibilities of the presented

algorithm, based on the solve of the unsteady heat conduction with finite element method, a numerical simulation is performed. The

calculations confirm the effectiveness of use of the presented solution, in order to obtain for example the constant depth of the heat

affected zone for the geometrically variable hardened axisymmetric objects.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Bokota
A. Kulawik
J. Wróbel

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