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The reduction of structural vibrations on the example of two pedestrian bridges (in Poznań and Wrocław) with using of tuned mass dampers (TMD) has been presented in the paper. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of pedestrian bridge vibrations has been described and discussed. Basing on the results of calculations and measurements, tuned mass dampers (TMD) has been designed and mounted in the structure of the bridges. The measurements after the assembly of TMD show a high efficiency of vibration damping.

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Wiesław Fiebig
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The objective of the study was to create a printable 3D model of the sellar region of the sphenoid bone for demonstrating anatomical variant of the osseous bridging between anterior and posterior clinoid processes. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the middle cranial fossa along with 3D printed model, allow for accurate depicting position of the interclinoid bridge with reference to other basicranial structures.

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Janusz Skrzat
Anna Bonczar
Tomasz Kasprzycki
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Arch bridges are built since two thousand years at least. Structural materials changed during this time. The design methods were changed also. The biggest impact was noted with development of Finite Element Method and graphical methods of preparation of technical drawings which is strictly combined with development of computers. These processes appeared also in Polish construction industry, especially from the beginning of 90-ties XX century.

But in this paper we do not consider mentioned above problems. We would like to present development of arch bridges from construction technology point of view. This aspect of creation of bridge structures is not very often the subject-matter of analysis. For many investors, design engineers and contractors optimization of structures is most important issue. For most of them the reduction of volume (weight) of structural material is only solution. But sometimes it is not true – the construction technology gives much more efficient results.

We present below examples of realization in Poland medium and large span arch bridges – steel, concrete and hybrid structures.

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Tomasz Siwowski
Henryk Zobel
Thakaa Al-Khafaji
Wojciech Karwowski
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Bridges are particularly vulnerable elements of transport infrastructures. In many cases, bridge structures may be subject to higher volumes of traffic and higher loads as well as more severe environmental conditions than it was designed. Sound procedures to ensure monitoring, quality control, and preventive maintenance systems are therefore vital. The paper presents main challenges and arriving possibilities in management of bridge structures, including: relationships between environment and bridge infrastructure, improvement of diagnostic technologies, advanced modelling of bridges in computer-based management systems, development of knowledge-based expert systems with application of artificial intelligence, applications of technology of Bridge Information Modelling (BrIM) with augmented and virtual reality techniques. Presented activities are focused on monitoring the safety of bridges for lowering the risk of an unexpected collapse significantly as well as on efficient maintenance of bridges as components of transport infrastructure – by means of integrated management systems. The proposed classification of Bridge Management Systems shows the history of creating such systems and indicates the expected directions of their development, taking into account changing challenges and integrating new developing technologies, including automation of decision-making processes.
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Jan Bień
Marek Salamak

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering,Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The paper describes a bridge over the Vistula River with two spans of 180 English feet (54.86 metres) in length, constructed in the middle of the 17th century in the city of Torun on the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. A study on numismatic and iconographic sources as well as city plans and written sources is carried out in the article. The study shows that the Torun Bridge superstructure was made of wood and was based on a cantilever truss (Gerber carrier) solution which had never been applied in Europe before. The two large spans of Torun Bridge were in service between 1632 and 1657. Accord- ing to the author’s research on well-known bridge structures from Europe from the middle of the 17th century, the span of the Torun bridge appears to have been the larger than the other.
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Marek Mistewicz
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Early detection of potential defects and identification of their location are necessary to ensure safe, reliable and long-term use of engineering structures. Non-destructive diagnostic tests based on guided wave propagation are becoming more popular because of the possibility to inspect large areas during a single measurement with a small number of sensors. The aim of this study is the application of guided wave propagation in non-destructive diagnostics of steel bridges. The paper contains results of numerical analyses for a typical railway bridge. The ability of damage detection using guided Lamb waves was demonstrated on the example of a part of a plate girder as well as a bolted connection. In addition, laboratory tests were performed to investigate the practical application of wave propagation for a steel plate and a prestressed bolted joint.

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M. Rucka
B. Zima
R. Kędra
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The analysis was focused on three post-tensioned slab bridges, constructed in 1950s. Two of them function normally and will probably achieve the life span of 100 years required by the relevant regulations. The third one will likely be demolished soon and replaced with a new reinforced concrete frame bridge. To its degradation contributed the faulty diagnosis of its technical condition during its periodic technical inspections. The introduction briefly characterises the development of the prestressed structure theories reviewing papers on concrete rheology and monographs looking into prestressing. The paper is based on the existing fragments of the technical design documents concerning the bridges in question. The bridges were designed by Polish civil engineers.

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S. Karaś
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The effects of friction were observed in electric guitar strings passing over an electric guitar saddle. The effects of changing the ratio of the diameter of the winding to the diameter of the core of the string, the angle through which the string is bent, and the length on either side of the saddle were measured. Relative tensions were deduced by plucking and measuring the frequencies of vibration of the two portions of string. Coefficients of friction consistent with the capstan equation were calculated and were found to be lower than 0.26 for wound strings (nickel plated steel windings on steel cores) and lower than 0.17 for unwound (tin plated steel) strings. The largest values of friction were associated with strings of narrower windings and wider cores and this may be due to the uneven nature of the contact between the string and saddle for wound strings or due the surface of the windings deforming more, encouraging fresh (and therefore higher friction) metal to metal contact. It is advised to apply lubrication under the saddle to string contact point after first bringing the string up to pitch rather than before in order to prevent this fresh metal to metal contact.

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Tom Groves
Jonathan A. Kemp
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The main issue of this article are eco-bridges, pedestrian-friendly imaginary sites (enclave) of greenery in urban tissues. Discussed cases include the implementations of projects such as: the High Line in New York and the Garden Bridge in London. The main theme of the article is to compare the green bridges in the urban tissue embedded with “living root bridges”. The author of the article highlights the potential limits for “living root bridges” in the urban tissue, resulting from the climate, time of their creation and limits of urban space. She also notes the strong tendency to create green areas in the “concrete” urban structure, but also the use of artificial materials in tissue of “living root bridges”.

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Aneta Sarga
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Bridge crane is exposed to dynamic loads during its non-stationary operations (acceleration and braking). Analyzing these operations, one can determine unknown impacts on the dynamic behavior of bridge crane. These impacts are taken into consideration using selected coefficients inside the dynamic model. Dynamic modelling of a bridge crane in vertical plane is performed in the operation of the hoist mechanism. The dynamic model is obtained using data from a real bridge crane system. Two cases have been analyzed: acceleration of a load freely suspended on the rope when it is lifted and acceleration of a load during the lowering process. Physical quantities that are most important for this research are the values of stress and deformation of main girders. Size of deformation at the middle point of the main crane girder is monitored and analyzed for the above-mentioned two cases. Using the values of maximum deformation, one also obtains maximum stress values in the supporting construction of the crane.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mirsad Čolić
Nedim Pervan
Muamer Delić
Adis J. Muminović
Senad Odžak
Vahidin Hadžiabdić

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  2. Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Prof. Przemysław Perlikowski, a mechanical engineer, and his wife Asst. Prof. Renata Perlikowska, who studies opioid peptides used in medicine, discuss the challenges of research work and life.

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Przemysław Perlikowski
Renata Perlikowska
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The aim of the study was to indicate the procedure of using laboratory physical model tests of scour around bridge piers for the purposes of determining the potential scour of a riverbed on field bridge crossings. The determination of the uniform modeling scale coefficient according to the criterion of reliable sediment diameter limits the application of the results of tests on physical models to selected types of sediment. The projected depths of scouring of the riverbed at the pier in nature were determined for an object reproduced in the scale of 1:15 determined from the relationship of flow resistance, expressed by hydraulic losses described by the Chézy velocity coefficient, the value of which, in the model and in nature, should be the same. Expressing the value of the Chézy velocity coefficient with the Manning roughness coefficient and introducing the Strickler parameter, it was shown that the coarse sand used in the laboratory bed models the flow resistance corresponding to the resistance generated by gravel in nature. The verification of the calculated size of scouring was based on popular formulas from Russian literature by Begam and Volčenkov [16], Laursen and Toch’s [20] from the English, and use in Poland according to the Regulation ... (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 63, item 735) [32].
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Authors and Affiliations

Sławomir Bajkowski
Marta Kiraga
Janusz Urbański

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences WULS-SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
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The state of the art in the field of composite polymer bridges in Poland is presented below. Such bridges were built from 1999. Some of them are fully composite polymer structure. Others are developed as hybrid structure. There are two kind of structures: steel girders with FRP deck and FRP girders with concrete deck. Different production methods of FRP elements were used: pultrusion and infusion. Some bridges are the result of research programs, but there are also some commercial projects. Also, the short application history of FRP bridges all over the world is presented and material properties of the construction material are given in the paper. Those materials are much more lighter than steel or concrete. Low weight of FRP materials is an advantage but also disadvantage. It is good from structural and economical point of view because the dimensions of girders, piers and foundation will be smaller. From opposite side to light structure could cause problems related to response of structure against dynamic actions. As a final result the fatigue strength and durability will be reduced. Of course, the high cost of FRP (CFRP especially) limits at the moment range of application. The presented in the paper bridge structures show that despite of mentioned above problems they are now in good conditions and their future life looks optimistic. It could be supposed that modification and/or development of FRP production technologies more better utilizing their properties will create more elegant and useful bridges.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Siwowski
Henryk Zobel
Thakaa Al-Khafaji
Wojciech Karwowski

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Architecture, ul. Powstancow Warszawy 12, 35-859 Rzeszow, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents an overview of shaping of cable-stayed bridges. Historical background, basic static sketches and overview of selected bridges are included. Selected natural solutions and interesting unrealized projects were presented. Basic ideas and most important principals are discussed. The examples and sketches were given an author’s comment. Static diagrams of two pylon structures with three variants of the arrangement of cables are presented. The details important for the structure were discussed and the consequences of choosing the variant were indicated. Mono-pylon structures in asymmetric and symmetrical arrangements are shown. the solutions are discussed and the details important for the structure are indicated. An overviewof multi-pylon structures is also presented, paying attention to important details. All the discussed static diagrams were enriched with realized examples. The advantages and disadvantages of individual structural solutions are presented. The main ideas allowing to achieve the goal in the implementation of non-standard suspended structures were also indicated.
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[1] W. Podolny and J.B. Scalzi, “Construction and design of cable-stayed bridges”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1976.
[2] M. Troitski, “Cable-stayed bridges”, BSP Professional Books, 1988.
[3] K. Roik, A. Gert, and U. Weyer, “Schrägseilbrücken”, Ernst & Sohn, Verlag für Architektur und Technische Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1986.
[4] F. Leonhardt, “Bridges”, Deutsche Verlag-Anstalt, 1984.
[5] H. Svensson, “Cable-stayed bridges”, 40 Years of Experience Wordlwide, Ernst and Sohn, 2012.
[6] J. Biliszczuk, “Cable-stayed bridges”, Design and Realization, Arkady, 2005.
[7] J. Szczygieł, “Reinforced and prestressed bridges”, WKiŁ, 1972.
[8] J. Biliszczuk, “Bridges in the history of Poland”, DWE, 2017.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Żółtowski

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
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This study investigates the problem of beam deflection in curved continuous beam bridges. Taking the D0–D6 spans of the Gongbin Road viaduct as a basis, the main factors influencing the deflection of curved beam bridges are analyzed. The Midas/Civil finite element simulation software is used to calculate and analyze the causes of transverse and longitudinal deflection in curved beam bridges. The results show that the main influencing factor for beam deflection during operation is the system temperature, which causes a displacement greater than the combined displacement caused by self-weight, construction stage, gradient load, vehicle load, and bearing settlement. Damages to expansion joints during operation change the boundary conditions of the beam, preventing longitudinal free expansion under temperature load, and increasing the transverse displacement to 2–3 times the normal working state of the expansion joint, resulting in beam deflection. In the design phase, the selection of curvature radius and fixed support displacement is also a major factor affecting deflection. The smaller the curvature radius, the greater the influence on transverse and longitudinal deflection of the beam. However, when the curvature radius R is greater than 400 m, the impact on beam deflection can be neglected. The closer the fixed support position is to the ends of the bridge, the higher the possibility of bearing detachment, ultimately leading to beam deflection.
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Authors and Affiliations

Xilong Zheng
Di Guan

  1. Harbin University, School of Civil and Architectural Engineering, No.109 Zhongxing Da Dao, Harbin,China
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One of the main causes of road pavement distress are low temperatures, and hence the need to thoroughly study the low temperature performance of all bituminous materials used in road construction. The purpose of this studywas to determine the performance of alternative and conventional bituminous mixtures in the temperature range between –25˚C and –10˚C using for this purpose the Tensile Creep Test (TCT). The low-temperature performance data were evaluated using the Burgers model, a tool that is widely used for evaluation of bituminous mixtures. This research focuses on bridge paving mixtures. These included both conventional (mastic asphalt) and alternative (SMAMA) materials. It was established, based on the test results and their analysis, that low temperature performance of a bituminous mixture is influenced, in the first place, by the characteristics of the asphalt binder it contains. Furthermore, SMA-MA mixtures showed better low temperature performance than conventional, mastic asphalt type mixtures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bartosz Budziński
Paweł Mieczkowski

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Al. Piastów17, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland
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Development of the transport infrastructure in Poland has contributed to the implementation of various technologies of construction of bridges and their components. Use of reinforced soil for construction of embankments, retaining structures (RSS walls) and abutments is one of the solutions which has been frequently used for the past twenty years. Shortly after its development, the technology proposed by Henri Vidal in 1966 also gained appreciation in Poland [4]. Reinforced soil bridge abutments started to be widely used in Poland at the turn of the 20th century. The bridge facilities at the junction of Trasa Siekierkowska route and Wał Miedzeszyński Street in Warsaw, which were built in the years 2000÷2002, are an example of structures from that period. The authors of this paper have been particularly interested in the outermost supports of the reinforced concrete flyovers which were constructed in the form of intermediate reinforced soil abutments. Offsets – the vertical displacements, in the range of 15÷25mm, emerging between the level of the road surface and the steel elements of the expansion joints which separate the flyover’s structure from the embankment – were observed in 2015, in the course of regular inspections. While accounting for the observations which have been made, the surveying measurements and the ground investigation, the paper diagnoses and describes the mechanism which led to the emergence of the offsets. Potential patterns of the occurrence of additional settlements, as the reason for emergence of the offsets, were identified and analyzed. The settlement of the outermost support (abutment), as a result of increase of relative density of alluvial sands due to the dynamic interaction of the roadways of Wał Miedzeszyński Street, was analyzed. Analytical and numeric approaches were used in the course of analysis while relying on PLAXIS and MIDAS software.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Bukowski
P. Łysiak
R. Oleszek
W. Trochymiak
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Concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge is filled with concrete inside the steel tube. The radial constraint of the steel tube limits the expansion of the compression concrete, which makes the concrete in the three-way compression state, thus significantly improving the compressive strength of the concrete. At the same time, it can simplify the construction process and shorten the construction period. Since the rapid development of concretefilled steel tubular tied arch bridge in the 1990s, a large number of such Bridges have suffered from the defects of steel concrete, loose tie rod, and hanger rod rust, etc. Therefore, the reinforcement technology for various diseases has been studied, among which the reinforcement technology for hanger rod replacement is the most complicated and more difficult. As more and more bridges of this type enter the period of reinforcement, it ismore and more urgent to study the reinforcement technology of suspenders. Taking a bridge that has been in service for 23 years as an example, this paper discusses the construction method and construction monitoring of replacing the suspender, so as to guide the construction monitoring of the bridge. Finally, the construction monitoring results of the bridge are given, which can provide reference for the replacement of the suspender of this type of bridge.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kexin X. Zhang
Tianyu Y. Qi
Xingwei W. Xue
Yanfeng F. Li
Zhimin M. Zhu

  1. PhD., Eng., Shenyang Jianzhu University, School of Traffic Engineering, No. 25 Hunnan Zhong Road, Hunnan District, 110168 Shenyang, China
  2. Master Degree Candidate, Shenyang Jianzhu University, School of Traffic Engineering, No. 25 Hunnan Zhong Road, Hunnan District, 110168 Shenyang, China
  3. Master, Liaoning Urban Construction Design Institute Co. LTD, Shenyang, No.77-1 Jinfeng Street, Shenyang, China
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Stone arch bridge is an important type in the early bridge construction process because of its beautiful shape, material saving and economic rationality. However, stone material will deteriorate after long-term operation, which results in a decrease in strength and bearing capacity of stone arch bridge. The vehicle load is increasing at the same time. Therefore, accurate evaluation of bearing capacity of stone arch bridge is essential to ensure safety. In this article, a three-span open-spandrel stone arch bridge was taken as research object. Firstly, the bridge damages were investigated and analyzed in detail, and bridge service state was evaluated. Then, based on the evaluation results of disease damages and considering stone material deterioration, a refined finite element model of stone arch bridge was established to analyze bending moment, axial force, strain and deformation. Finally, static load test was carried out to test vertical deformation and stress of arch ring, horizontal displacement of pier, settlement of foundation and development of cracks. The results show that static load test is the most accurate method for evaluating bearing capacity of stone arch bridge. The evaluation accuracy of finite element model based on material correction is in the middle, and the evaluation accuracy of disease damage assessment is the worst. In practical work, bearing capacity of stone arch bridge can be evaluated by combining the three methods with high accuracy and comprehensive results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hongshuai Gao
Hourui Duan
Yue Sun
Jiashuo Jian
Jingyuan Zhang
Hongbo Liu

  1. School of Civil Engineering, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, PR China
  2. lnstitute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, Harbin 150080, China
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The paper presents an anatomical study involving rare variations in the pterygospinous bridges found in Mongolian skulls. These structures extend between the lateral pterygoid plate and the sphenoid spine. Particularly interesting is the division of these bridges into two distinct parts of the similar length. The junctions within these structures resemble morphological patterns characteristic for the plain and zigzag sutures, which articulate the cranial bones.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Skrzat
Grzegorz Goncerz

  1. Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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This study is an illustrative case of the ipsilateral ossification of the dural folds stretched between the clinoid processes found in the juvenile sphenoid bone. Thereby, occurred inconstant bony formations are termed as the interclinoid bridge and the carotico-clinoid foramen.
Both structures are of clinical meaning if surgical operations are performed in the sellar region.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Skrzat
Grzegorz Goncerz
Agnieszka Szczepanek
Magdalena Kozerska

  1. Department of Anatomy, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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The five translations of the Ivo Andrić’s short story The Bridge on the Žepa published during the period of almost seventy years will be analysed with respect to the primary time distance referring to the archaisms woven into the original text and the secondary distance referring to the time separating the original text from the translation. The aim of this paper is to understand the extent to which the lexical and functional stratification of a text distant in real and artistic time can be maintained.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ojla Perišić

  1. Università degli Studi di Torino
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The aim of this paper was to study the corrosion behavior of Nickel – Base – Dental Alloys in Ringer biological fluid. The Nickel base alloys are widely used for medical purposes, especially for prosthetic works in the field of dentistry. The applied electrochemical methods used for corrosion investigations are Open Circuit Potential, Linear Polarization during time of immersion in order to calculate the polarization resistance and corrosion rate. Potentiodynamic Polarization diagrams was performed to appreciate the passive domain. Ni-Cr Ugirex alloy show a better corrosion resistance in Ringer solution which will be reflected in a longer life of the dental structures made with this alloy as compared to the Ni-Cr Ducinox alloy, which will result in dental structures with a shorter lifespan.
The electrochemical studies has shown that the alloy have a corrosion behavior similar to a passivating alloy, displaying an extensive passivity area due to formation of an oxide film.
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Authors and Affiliations

L. Benea
L. Dragus
1 2
D. Mocanu

  1. Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Competences Centre: Interfaces-Tribocorrosion and Electrochemical Systems (CC-ITES), 47 Domneasca Street, RO-800008 Galati, Romania
  2. Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, 35 Alexandru. I. Cuza Street., RO-800010, Galati, Romania
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A pontoon bridge, also known as a floating bridge, can be used as for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The buoyancy of the floating bridge limits the maximum load it can carry. This research included experimental runs to study variations of open channel flow characteristics upstream and downstream a floating bridge. Eighty one runs have been carried out using a flume in a hydraulic laboratory. The experimental run program is classified into two main categories; the first investigates the velocity ratios (vds/vus) downstream and upstream the floating bridge. The second category is concerned with the energy head losses (hL) due to the presence of a floating bridge. The experimental runs are carried out using three pontoon lengths, three flow depths, six submerged depths, and three discharges. The results are analysed and graphically presented to help predict hydraulic parameters. The outcomes have shown that the floating bridge upstream, Froude number and submergence of the pontoon are the dominant parameters that affect the studied flow characteristics.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mohamed M. Ibrahim
Mahmoud A.R. Eltoukhy
Adnan D. Ghanim

  1. Benha University, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, PO Box 11629, Shoubra, Egypt
  2. Advisor to the President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Iraq

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