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The article is an illustration of everyday life of marginalized children belonging to indigenous peoples. It elucidates selected aspects of everyday life of marginalized Ba’Aka children in Central Africa at the beginning of the 21 st century. The problem of Pygmy children’s everyday life is presented by means of words, and assisted with images.
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Urszula Markowska-Manista
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What is the importance of art in shaping a child’s personality and molding them for the future?
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Urszula Szuścik

  1. Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Arts and Educational Science, University of Silesia in Katowice
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The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of maternal and paternal languages on the development of a bilingual child’s language. It is assumed that a mother’s language has the greatest influence on a child’s language. In addition, maternal language is responsible for the largest part of the variety in the language children understand and use as well as the development of bilingualism. We also believe that fathers influence the language of a home and mothers influence the language of a child. In our analysis, the focus is on the quantity and quality of exposure to the given languages, the pattern of language used by parents, the language of formal instruction and the style of parentchild interaction. Over one hundred and fifty case studies were under examination depicting various language constellations, such as e.g. Polish and English, Polish and Russian, Polish and German, Polish and Ukrainian, Polish and Belarusian, Polish and Italian. Hence, with this paper we hope to be able to better understand cross-linguistic influence on bilingual speakers.

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Ilona Banasiak
Magdalena Olpińska-Szkiełko
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This paper explores the issue of the value-based life and upbringing towards the values on the grounds of legal conditions in which the Polish educational system exists. Multiple standards are imposed on educational space and law, including especially education law, has been subject to major inflation, therefore, at the moment law is becoming one of the crucial factors that determine the structure and function of all subjects and institutions of education. Law not only determines the formal context of the system wit hin which education occurs but also influences organizational aspects of ongoing educational activities as well as individual areas of experiencing and learning both the school and the law. As a consequence, the law is able to and should support the process of leading students towards the value-based life. All the subjects and institutions of education as well as authorities decisive in terms of education should put and effort in searching for a knowledge on a good law and make establishment of such law a basic concern and task. Good law can lead to a value-based life or constitute a measure of the protection of values that are promoted and implemented within the educational system. Depriving school of humanity is also reflected in the legal sphere – a chaos that occurs in the educational reality under the influence of continuous amendments to the education law. This paper is aimed at considering the state and structure of the current law on the protection of values in education.
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Małgorzata Turczyk
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This article, through the prism of immigration policy models proposed by Stephen Castles (1995), Steven Weldon (2005) and Liah Greenfeld (1998), discusses those aspects of Norwegian immigration policy that refer directly to children. Areas such as employment, education, housing and health care influence the situation of an immigrant family, which in turn affects the wellbeing of a child. However, it is the education system and the work of Child Welfare Services that most directly influence a child’s position. Analysis presented in this article is based on the White Paper to the Norwegian Parliament, and data that were obtained in expert interviews and ethnographic observation in Akershus and Buskerud area in Norway, conducted between 2012 and 2014. The article raises the question whether the tools of im-migration policy used by social workers and teachers lead to integration understood as an outcome of a pluralist or individualistic-civic model of immigration policy or are rather aimed at assimilation into Norwegian society, attempting to impose the effect of assimilation or the collectivistic-civic policy model.

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Karolina Nikielska-Sekuła
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Chylolymphatic mesenteric cysts are extremely rare among children. Herein we report a case of a 3-month old infant that was admitted to the Emergency Department due to repeated vomiting. Preoperative ultrasonography demonstrated the presence of a thin-walled multiloculated cystic lesion in the right abdomen. Patient underwent then elective surgical excision. Histopathological examination documented the diagnosis of cystic lymphangioma type III, according to Lozanoff classification.

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Ioannis Patoulias
Theodora Plikaditi
Thomas Feidantsis
Despoina Ioannidou
Dimitrios Patoulias
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Childhood is a category which came to social awareness and scientific research relatively late. The discovery of childhood can be associated with the names of different thinkers and educators. In this article, I will undertake an attempt to reconstruct selected views about the child and childhood coming from J.J. Rousseau and J. Korczak. The first figure is said to be the discoverer of childhood in modern Europe, while the second one is the discoverer of childhood in Polish education, and a progenitor of the modern meaning of childhood. The analyzes that I conduct shows the evolution of understanding of this category.

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Marzenna Nowicka
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The study aimed to determine the relationship between parents’ family aspirations towards their children with disabilities and selected parental psychosocial resources, such as self-image, self-perception, perceived social support, and styles of coping with stress. The instruments included the Parental Aspirations Questionnaire by Kirenko (2012), The Tennessee Self Concept Scale by Fitts (1965), The Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire by Norbeck (1984), and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations by Endler and Parker (1999). 361 mothers and fathers bringing up children with physical, sensory, and intellectual disabilities participated in the study. The results suggest a positive role of adaptive competences, such as adaptive coping, positive properties of self-image, as well as the negative role of maladaptive competencies such as self-criticism in mothers and fathers. Neither the positive contribution of social support nor the negative role of avoidance-oriented coping in fathers has been confirmed. Parental aspirations are part of adaptation to living with a child with a disability and will be important to support parents in recognizing the child’s potential correctly and strengthening it at all stages of development until adulthood.

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Monika Parchomiuk
Janusz Kirenko
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Celem pracy było przedstawienie relacji natura-ogród-dziecko na przykładzie projektu zagospodarowania skweru znajdującego się w dzielnicy Węglin Południowy w Lublinie. Współcześnie większość terenów rekreacyjnych dla dzieci wyposażanych jest w urządzenia umożliwiające dzieciom standardowe zabawy ruchowe tj. huśtanie się, kręcenie w kółko, wspinanie. W niestandardowym podejściu do tematu – tereny zieleni miejskiej mogą należeć do nielicznych miejsc, gdzie wśród otoczenia roślin i zwierząt, dzieci mogą rozwijać swoją kreatywność, pasje, utożsamiać się z daną przestrzenią oraz nabywać nowych doświadczeń. W przedstawionej pracy ukazano również konieczność zwiększenia liczby miejsc wypoczynku dla osób w różnych przedziałach wiekowych.
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Margot Dutkiewicz
Monika Kowalczyk
Patryk Krupiński
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In the text, a polemic is undertaken against the model of the child expected in Polish institutions of early childhood education, and which appropriates the rationalities producing social practices. The source of this model is in the logic of standardization whose cognitive and effects on identity are criticized by the author. Identifying the sources of validation of the practices normalizing some children and stigmatizing others, who do not meet the requirements of the cognitively rigid and morally trivialized standards, the text points to developmental psychology as a discipline which potentially triggers this form of oppression. In conclusion, the author describes briefly a number of examples of educational solutions in which an attempt has been made to move beyond the discourse of standardized quality in child education.

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Dorota Klus-Stańska
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The article includes analysis of the constructing of the concept of the child and childhood within neoliberal culture set against the background of mechanisms for exercising power and constructing subjectivity. In particular, in conducting these areas such phenomena as: population policy, investing in childhood, management of childhood are involved. Additionally, the theoretical perspective lying at the basis of the analysis refers to the concept of “governmentality” in light of Michel Foucault and his ideas.

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Astrid Męczkowska-Christiansen
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The extremely rare localization of an intramuscular hemangioma (IMH) into the anterior scalene muscle was the motive for the present case report, aiming to highlight major, atypical characteristics. An 11-month-old boy with free medical history presented with a painless and progressively growing lesion 4.5 × 4 cm in diameter, located in the left supraclavicular region over the last 4 months. During physical examination, the presence of a painless, non-pulsating, non-adhesive to the overlying skin lesion was documented. Color Doppler flow ultrasonographic examination demonstrated the increased blood supply to the aforementioned lesion. Thus, we planned an elective surgical excision of the lesion in healthy limits. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on the second postoperative day in good general condition. Histopathologic examination revealed the presence of hemangioma surrounded by connective tissue bundles and striated muscle fibers. IMHs do not follow the general rule of regression, beyond the age of 6–12 months, with no trend to increase over time. Accurate preoperative diagnosis is challenging. Color Doppler flow ultrasonographic examination is the imaging modality of choice during the preoperative assessment. Surgical excision of the IMH in healthy limits is the most appropriate treatment option.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ioannis Patoulias
Ioanna Gkalonaki
Magdalini Mitroudi
Thomas Feidantsis
Constantine Theocharidis
Dimitrios Patoulias

  1. First Department of Pediatric Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, General Hospital “G. Gennimatas”, Greece
  2. Department of Pathology, General Hospital “G. Gennimatas”, Thessaloniki, Greece
  3. Second Propedeutic Department of Internal Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, General Hospital “Hippokration”, Greece
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Spigelian hernia (SH) is a rare ventral interstitial hernia occurring through a defect in the transversus abdominis aponeurosis (Spigelian fascia). Spigelian fascia is found between the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle and the semilunar line, which extends from the costal cartilage to the pubic tubercle. In other words, Spigelian line is where the transversus abdominis muscle ends in an aponeurosis characterized by a congenital or acquired defect in the Spigelian aponeurosis. Pediatric cases of SH are either congenital or acquired due to trauma, previous surgery or increased intra-abdominal pressure. SH in combination with ipsilateral cryptorchidism may constitute a new syndrome, as such cases are extremely rare in the literature Th is new syndrome is characterized by the following congenital, ipsilateral disturbances: SH, absence of inguinal canal and gubernaculum and the homolateral testis found within the Spigelian hernia sac (a hernia sac containing undescended testis). Th e aim of this study is to emphasize some typical fi ndings of this specifi c entity, and, hence, the necessity for a thorough investigation of the origin of the SH.

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Ioannis Patoulias
Evangelia Rahmani
Dimitrios Patoulias
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This article explores the darkened and rarely visited zones of Maria Dąbrowska’s Noce i dnie [ Nights and Days] (1932–1934), a tetralogy of novels usually read as a realist family saga. In its broad panorama children and childhood have a very important place, yet what seems to have largely been ignored is the enigmatic nature of childhood and child's role as a locus of mystery. With the help of tropes of the folk imaginarium (primarily the iconic Grimms’ Fairy Tales), and conceptual tools borrowed from Sigmund Freud, Bruno Bettelheim, Jacques Lacan and Julia Kristeva, the article analyzes Dąbrowska’s multi‑layered and elusive characters, caught up in an endless strife trying in vain to tame the chaos within themselves and to get to grips with the threatening uncanniness of the world outside.
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Karolina Chyła

  1. doktorantka, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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Hutch Diverticulum (HD) is defined as the protrusion of the mucosal and submucosal layer through the muscle bundles of the underlying detrusor muscle. HD is located at the vesicoureteral junction with a backward direction from the homolateral ureteral orifice. As far as its etiology is con-cerned, HD is caused either by a congenital muscle wall defect at the level where the Waldeyer’s fascia occupies the clefts between the vesical part of the homolateral ureter and the detrusor, or is associated with abortive ureteral duplication or defective incorporation of mesonephric duct into the bladder at the site of ureteral hiatus or finally is associated with the development of transient urethral obstruction. HD is usually unilateral and more common in male patients. It may be associated with the Ehlers-Danlos, Williams-Elfin and Menkes syndromes. HD usually occurs in childhood and rarely during adulthood. It is found in 0.2–13% of all children presenting with urinary tract infection. Through this short review article, we attempt to present in detail the most recent bibliographic data concerning this entity, focusing on pathophysiology, diagnostic approach, and treatment strategy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ioanna Gkalonaki
Michail Anastasakis
Christina Panteli
Ioannis Patoulias

  1. First Department of Pediatric Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, General Hospital “G. Gennimatas”, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Child-authored poetry is one of the most remarkable and fascinating phenomena in the contemporary Chinese poetry world. However, for all its immense popularity among Chinese readers and attractivity for professional, adult poets, due to its unclear ontological status and lack of well-proven methodological tools that would be easily applicable to it, it has thus far remained beyond the scope of literary-critical and scholarly interests. The present paper offers a broad panoramic view of Chinese children’s poetry through six case studies of individual young authors and collective initiatives aimed at the artistic activization of certain groups of children, discussing the educational and social significance of children’s poetry writing, its complicated reception patterns, as well as its entanglement with various literary-political discourses. Subsequently, the study delves into the aesthetic, conceptual, and philosophical aspects of children’s works. The final part analyses the essential theoretical-philosophical questions that child-authored verse asks with regard to poetry at large, prompting us to rethink notions such as authorship or “poeticness” and the definition of poetry per se. The author proposes the metaphor of asymptotic freedom to illustrate how marginal phenomena of questionable status contribute to maintaining the distinctness and coherence of the field of poetry as a whole.
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Joanna Krenz

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
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In this article, I explore the content of Iran’s first women’s newspaper, Dānish (‘Knowledge’), published in Tehran in 1910–1911. Using the method of close reading, I address the question of the model of womanhood that was presented in the pages of the weekly. In this regard, I examine selected articles that appeared in the surviving issues of Dānish, distinguishing three dominant thematic areas: the education of girls and women; marital relationships; child rearing, hygiene, and health care. By putting the journal’s discourse in the context of the discussion on ‘women’s issues’ that was ongoing in the press during the Constitutional Revolution (1905–1911), I reflect on the relationship between the agenda of the early Iranian women’s movement and the discourse of constitutionalist nationalism.
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Piotr Bachtin

  1. Heidelberg University, Germany
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This article is an attempt to describe and classify an array of contemporary texts about the death of a parent. Rather than drawing on the methodology and conceptual appara-tus developed on the basis of psychoanalysis this study makes use of the anthropological approach, which, it is assumed, can do full justice to the specific nature of the texts and the motivation declared by their authors. The first part of the article contains a catalogue of selected bereavement texts published in Poland in the last twenty years, arranged in a hierarchical order indicative of their canonical significance. The justification, metho-dology and criteria of that arrangement are discussed in the following section. The third part presents a typology of the collected material. The classification takes into account the following characteristics: subject, commonplaces and recurring themes, narration, intertextual relations, and style. Generally, the classificatory scheme reveals two narra-tive matrices (as defined by Vinciane Despret). They are the ‘inbred’ (i.e. traditional, or high) matrix, and the alternative (i.e. low or eclectic matrix). A comparative analysis of the texts about loss and grief caused by the death of a parent suggests that the division and the choice of discourse is determined by the ideological and political interpretation of the child-parent relationship functioning in the culture, which, in turn, is conditioned by the social role, status and gender of the writer. The writing utensils from the title, the fountain pen and the BIC pen (ball pen) in a way emblematize the two narrative matrices and offer a clue to the writer’s gender.
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Anna Folta-Rusin

  1. Zakład Lingwistyki Komputerowej ISI UJ
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Jacek Podsiadło, an acclaimed poet and essayist, is the author of a series of weekly columns published in Tygodnik Powszechny between 2000 and 2007, and later reprinted in two books, A mój syn [And My Son] and Pippi, dziwne dziecko [Pippi, A Strange Child] (both published in 2006). This article attempts to define the genre of these texts, which, in Polish, are classified as feuilletons, i.e. short essays in which a topical event is used as trigger to present the author's personal reflections, usually written in a light, ironic tone. As it hovers between journalism and art, or fact and literary fiction, the feuilleton is notoriously difficult to define. So are Podsiadło's feuilletons, which are distinguished by their poetic quality an original style and their themes, especially when they are presented from the point of view of 'a strange child'. That child, a quixotic character in its own rights, becomes the true focus of attention in the second series of his feuilletons.
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I. Literatura podmiotu

● Podsiadło J., A mój syn…, Kraków 2006.
● Podsiadło J., Pippi, dziwne dziecko, Warszawa 2006.
● Podsiadło J., Wiersze. Wszystkie, Opole 2016.

II. Literatura przedmiotu

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● Brasse S., O kilku cechach jezyka i stylu felietonów Jacka Podsiadły, „Roczniki humanistyczne” 2008, t.56, z. 6, s. 5–19.
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● Dalasiński T., Między poezją a dziennikiem intymnym: o diarystyczności wierszy Jacka Podsiadły, „Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich” 2011, t. 54, z. 1, s. 200.
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III. Film

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IV. Źródła internetowe

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Michalina Idzik

  1. doktorantka, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław

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